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Zona Integritas
Monday, 13 September 2021 09:19

Diplomatic Corner

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The Indonesian Consul General in Guangzhou and the Indonesian Embassy in Beijing continue to strengthen cooperation with Fujian Province, China, within the framework of the “Belt and Road Initiative.” The cooperation is also established in other sectors, such as renewable energy, maritime, and the digital economy. Recently, the Indonesian Consulate General in Guangzhou and the Indonesian Embassy in Beijing have held a Business Forum with the theme "China (Fujian) Indonesia Green Economic Cooperation Conference". This business forum was organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Commerce of Fujian Province, the Chamber of Commerce (CCPIT) of Xiamen, and the Topwe Indonesia Investment Service Center. This business forum was attended by around 100 representatives from the ASEAN-China Center online and offline. The speakers of Indonesian companies and industrial estates were from Bintan Industrial Estate, Aviarna Industrial Estate, JIIPE-Java Integrated Industrial & Ports Estate. In addition, there was also the Fuzhou Yuanhong Investment Zone as Indonesia's partner within the framework of the Indonesia-China "Two Countries Twin Parks" cq Fujian Province.

Indonesia managed to record a potential transaction worth US$3.26 million or around Rp 46.40 billion at the Promotion Exhibition of Indonesia's Leading Products in Luxor, Egypt. The exhibition which took place on Monday 6 September was held by the Indonesian Embassy in Cairo. The Indonesian products on display included coffee, tea, spices, shaved coconut, cooking spices, food and beverage products, handicrafts, weaving fashion, and strategic industrial products. Around 48 Egyptian businesspeople from various sectors attended the exhibition of Indonesia's superior products. In addition, this exhibition was also attended business actors from West Java who oversees the Indonesian Islamic Boarding School's Association of Commerce and Business Incubation (ASDIN). These business actors carried several superior food products from micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), such as Arabica coffee, Robusta coffee, palm sugar, charcoal briquettes, medium-density fiberboard (MDF) wood, and other food and beverage products.

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