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Wednesday, 14 February 2018 04:29

Queen Maxima To Assist In Expanding Financial Inclusion In Indonesia

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Queen Maxima of the Netherlands, the United Nations Secretary General`s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development, expressed readiness to assist in the expansion of financial inclusion in Indonesia.

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) received a courtesy visit from Queen Maxima of the Netherlands at the Merdeka Palace here on Tuesday.

President Widodo and Queen Maxima discussed the expansion of financial inclusion.
"We have been discussing ways to improve the national strategy on financial inclusion, and I am happy to say that Indonesia has made many decisions," the Dutch queen stated.

She believed that the discussions had resulted in several programs to boost financial inclusion in Indonesia.

"Several Indonesians still do not have access to banks or financial services and are mostly in rural areas, especially those working in the agricultural sector," she pointed out.
Hence, the government should solve the problems.

This particularly holds significance in the era of technology where technological developments play an important role.

Queen Maxima held a discussion with President Widodo on the simplification of the system to encourage financial inclusion.

The Queen also expressed readiness to continue working with governments and the private sectors as well as banking and non-financial institutions in an attempt to advance financial inclusion across Indonesia.(antaranews)

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