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Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi. ANTARA/HO-Humas Kemenhub


 VOI News, Jakarta: Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi has said that the autonomous rail transit (ART) tram is scheduled to arrive in Indonesia's new capital, Nusantara, in East Kalimantan late this month.

As reported by Antara News Agency on Friday (12/7) during a review of ART tracks in the Nusantara area, North Penajam Paser, East Kalimantan, on Friday, he informed that the ART will start to operate in August 2024.

According to him, the autonomous tram was dispatched from China in early July. The ship carrying the autonomous tram will arrive at Balikpapan Port.

In a statement issued,the minister, further explained that upon their arrival in Nusantara, the tram's components will be assembled and tested.

Besides, joint testing will be conducted, followed by the implementation of a proof of concept (POC) in August. The showcase is planned from October to December.

"Hopefully this schedule can be realized according to plan, and the autonomous tram in Nusantara can really inspire other cities in Indonesia in terms of developing smart transportation," he conveyed.

He also pointed out  that the autonomous tram is a leap in the use of new technology in the world of transportation in Indonesia.

He explained that the autonomous tram works on batteries, and its operation is guided by reading road markings via sensors, making it an effective means to cut greenhouse gas emissions and fossil energy use.

Minister Sumadi further explained that the texture of the road that will be passed by the tram will be very smooth. This will provide comfort to passengers.

It has also been determined that the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing will build stops to support autonomous tram operations.

"The tram stops that will be built will not only be used as a place to pick up and drop off passengers but will also function as a place for charging," he said.

He added that the train set that is being brought to Indonesia consists of three trains. (Antara)



VOInews, Singapore: Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) Commander, General Agus Subiyanto, was awarded the Singapore Meritorious Service Medal by the Singapore Government during a working visit to Singapore to protect national interests through military diplomacy, at the Singapore Ministry of Defence office here on Thursday (11/07/2024).


"I am very proud and feel it is an honour for me and my family to receive this award," the TNI Commander said during a meeting with Singapore's Minister for Defence DR Ng Eng Hen.


According to, the TNI Commander was presented with Singapore's prestigious military award, the Pingat Jasa Gemilang (Tentera), by President Tharman Shanmugaratnam through Defence Minister Dr Ng Eng Hen at the Ministry of Defence office in Singapore.


"The award is in recognition of his contribution in strengthening the close defence relationship and cooperation between the TNI and the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) during his tenure as Chief of Army Staff (KASAD)," Puspen TNI wrote. 


Under the leadership of General Agus Subiyanto, the two armed forces expanded professional interactions and people-to-people relations through regular high-level visits, courses, professional exchanges and bilateral and multilateral exercises. These interactions have enhanced interoperability and mutual understanding between the personnel of the two armed forces.


Beginning with a meeting with the Chief of the Singapore Armed Forces (CDF SAF) Vice Admiral Aaron Beng to discuss future cooperation between the TNI and the SAF, the TNI Commander then held a CC with Singapore's Minister of Defence, a CC with Singapore's Prime Minister and continued with the co-chairmanship of the 25th Indonesia-Singapore High Level Committee. 





VOInews, Yogyakarta: The Deputy Minister of Communication and Information Technology (Wamenkominfo) encourages Sekolah Tinggi Multi Media (STMM) students to keep up with the development of the digital space by increasing creativity and innovation. This was conveyed in the keynote speech at the opening of the Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) 2024 at the Multi Media College (STMM), Sleman, Yogyakarta, on Thursday (11/07/2024).


"All of you here, I am sure you are familiar with the digital world, at least you use social media platforms diligently to follow developments, you can see how the dynamics of conversations on social media. Use social media for creative things. If we go to Instagram, Facebook or TikTok today, there is so much content that is made very creatively," said Deputy Minister Nezar Patria. 


In addition, the Deputy Minister encouraged the new students of STMM Yogyakarta to make use of various facilities and lecture processes, and to express their creativity as much as possible in order to develop digital skills and creativity.


"Participate in activities on campus, especially to improve your skills. Don't like to skip lectures, you will lose yourself because the tuition fees here are quite affordable. Compared to private schools where tuition fees can be very expensive for the same knowledge," he said.


Deputy Minister Nezar Patria welcomed the new generation of the digital age who have chosen to pursue higher education at the campus under the auspices of the Ministry of Communication and Information.


"I would like to welcome you and welcome you to the Yogyakarta Multi Media College. This is the school of the future, all of you will fill a very strategic space in the future, which is the space of the digital industry," he said.


According to the deputy minister, the new students have chosen STMM as the right college to master the digital technology of the future. 


"So, once again, you have been chosen to learn and master the digital technology of the future and make the most of this opportunity," he said.


A total of 465 students from six study programmes participated in the STMM 2024 PKKMB activities, which took place from 11 to 13 July 2024. The event was attended by the head of the Human Resources Research and Development Agency (BPSDM) of the Ministry of Communication and Information, Hary Budiarto, the head of STMM Noor Iza, and the senate and academic community of STMM Yogyakarta.


Source: Kominfo RI


Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves) Luhut B. Pandjaitan during the Phase 2 development visit at the Herbal and Horticulture Science and Technology Park (TSTH), Humbang Hasundutan, North Sumatra (North Sumatra), Friday (12/07/2024), (Photo : Kemenkomarves) - 



VOInews, Jakarta : Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves) Luhut B. Pandjaitan carried out a Phase 2 development visit at the Herbal and Horticulture Science and Technology Park (TSTH), Humbang Hasundutan, North Sumatra (North Sumatra), Friday (12/07/2024).

In this review, Coordinating Minister Luhut is optimistic that Indonesian agriculture will have good quality seeds because it applies genomic technology (genetic engineering).

"Frankly, I couldn't have imagined that today we would be at this point, especially regarding this genomic, indeed this genomic would later be able to represent all regions in Indonesia and this could later become our center. "Therefore, later our agriculture will have good quality seeds because of the application of genomics," said Coordinating Minister Luhut at the location.

Regarding agricultural seeds themselves, Coordinating Minister Luhut explained that he had discussed at the Limited Meeting (ratas) regarding the addition of agricultural seeds, such as the addition of cocoa seeds, of which there are currently only around 2 million seeds.

"Yesterday at the meeting in Jakarta, we were preparing to replant oil palms, and I suggested that research data should be activated. Well, the BPDPKS (Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency) has funds of around 52 T for the oil palm replanting program, and at the same time I'm including cocoa. Cocoa needs 800 million seeds, we only have 2 million seeds. "So it can be programmed genomically here," he said.

"I'm really really happy because we can start, with the time sequence being finished, maybe in January, with the landscape in February. "So maybe the President-elect can inaugurate this place in March, and there will also be genomic results that can be reported to the President-elect," he added.

According to a release received by Voice of Indonesia on Friday (12/07/24), during this meeting, a number of agreements were also implemented, namely the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) between the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) and the Del Institute regarding the use of the BMN Herbal and Horticulture Science and Technology Park, then the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between PT Mars Symbio-science Indonesia and Asia-beef Biofarm Indonesia with IT Del regarding Research, Education and Community Services, as well as an MoU between Symbioscience Indonesia and IT Del regarding Cocoa Productivity Research and Transfer of Technology.

"I am happy that in the future we hope that everyone can collaborate with various universities and I think this will create a game changer for Indonesia in the agricultural sector and other fields, for example the garlic that we have been importing all this time, now we can do genomics and make it here. "Hopefully that will happen because many Indonesian children are smart," he said.

"The construction of TSTH2 is underway and I thank the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), the Directorate General of Human Settlements, BPPW North Sumatra, PT Nindya Karya, and PT Vitrama Karya who have made great efforts to accelerate the construction of TSTH2 Phase 2. ," added Coordinating Minister Luhut.

He said he would report to President Jokowi on Monday regarding this visit, so it is hoped that in August, President Jokowi will be able to participate in the onion harvest.

“So I hope that over the next 2-3 months, everything will be settled. "So when the president comes here, it looks like it really is a classy research center," he concluded.

Adding to Coordinating Minister Luhut, Humbang Hasundutan Regent Dosmar Banjarnahor said that his party continues to support and coordinate with related parties so that the construction of TSTH2 can be completed according to the expected time limit.

"This has been a long process, we continue to support and coordinate with all parties so that development runs well. "Hopefully this event will go well until it is finished and all construction will run smoothly in accordance with our common goals," concluded Regent Dosmar//VOI

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