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Thursday (22/2), a group of community leaders from Rakhine State, Myanmar visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia and met with Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi.  The visit was part of a study tour in Indonesia from 20-27 February 2018, that will comprise visits to Jakarta and Ambon.  

The purpose of this visit is to expose the community leaders to Indonesia’s experience of inter-faith engagement, multiculturalism and reconciliation. More specifically, in dealing with ethnic and sectarian conflicts.

These experiences are aimed to provide the awareness that the relations between communities can improve again after communal violence and at the same time to provide some ideas and tools as to how to improve the situation in Rakhine State.  The participants of the study tour are 10 influential community leaders (5 from the Rakhine community and 5 from the Muslim community) from the northern Rakhine State. They are from different educational background, different group of age and different occupation.

In 2017, for the first time, Indonesia held Interfaith-Dialogue with Myanmar. The Interfaith Dialogue is also intended to exchange experiences of how in a pluralistic country like Indonesia, the harmony of society can be maintained.Sekar/Pers Release Kemlu



The Indonesian government plans to update vocational education. Head of National Development Planning Agency, Bambang Brodjonegoro told the media in  Jakarta on Wednesday (21/2) that the update will be conducted from curriculum, infrastructure, school building until other supporting instruments. The purpose of the update is to produce as many as workers who are ready and have special skills.


“…It has become direction of the president that firstly, we must upgrade our vocational education, certainly from curriculum, infrastructure, school building, instruments until system of internship. Besides, we settle its vocation; we want to produce as many as workers who are ready to work skillfully and later the skills are from middle to high,Bambang Brodjonegoro said.

Bambang Brodjonegoro added that vocational education is not enough for formal education. He views that there is a form of vocational education  whose base is not from formal education, such as  training centers and specific courses.  Competency-based certification also has an important role. With the certification,  employers can employ workers who have clear standard of skills. Bambang Brodjonegoro also said that the workers who receive certain competency certifications do not need to worry about not being absorbed by the employment.  Because they will enter the category of work that is not easily replaced by automation. (Rezha/trans-Yati)



Of the total 540 regencies and cities, 440 have been connected with bandwidth and the remaining will be followed in the end of the year. Besides bandwidth, 50 regencies and cities in Indonesia will also be connected with Palapa Ring which until now still continues to be developed.


“…From 530 or 540 regencies and cities, 440 have been connected with bandwidth. This means that they are ready to be involved in digital economy. Around 50 regencies and cities  are being connected with Palapa Ring; its target will finish in 2019. Then, 20 are built by private operator so that in 2019, practically almost all regencies and cities have been connected,” Chairman of National Development Planning Agency, Bambang Brodjonegoro to the press in Jakarta on Wednesday (February 21).

Bambang Brodjonegoro further said that the connection shows the readiness of  Indonesia in facing the rapid development of the digital world. He views that all cities which have been connected with bandwidth and Palapa Ring become big capital for Indonesia to utilize digital economy which has big potential. Palapa Ring is a national fiber optic network construction project which will reach throughout Indonesia, with sea and land wires. The Palapa Ring will support bandwidth connection throughout Indonesia. (Rezha/Trans-Yati)


Malaysian Ambassador to Indonesia, Zahrain Mohamed Hashim said that Malaysian government will monitor and guard the death case of an Indonesian migrant worker from East Nusa Tenggara, Adelina Jemira Sau. Even, the Malaysian government makes sure that the perpetrators, found guilty, will be processed legally in accordance with the local law.  Meanwhile,  the trial process of 2 suspects who were Adelina's employers, was held at Bukit Mertajam Court, Penang, Malaysia on Wednesday (21/2). When holding a press conference in Jakarta on Wednesday, Ambassador Zahrain Mohamed Hashim explained that one of Adelina’s employers is charged on immigration case because of hiring non-procedural foreign worker.


“….It is humanitarian issue, which we must fight together. The Malaysian government will not compromise with the crime. And we will make sure that the criminals, who are responsible for the death, are arrested and on trial in accordance with the law in Malaysia. And if found guilty, they will have maximum penalty of hanging to death," Zahrain Mohamed Hisham said.


Ambassador Zahrain Mohamed Hisham further stated that Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi invited Indonesian Minister of Manpower, Hanif Dhakiri  next April to hold a bilateral meeting to discuss improvement of operational standard procedures for Indonesian workers working in Malaysia. The Deputy Prime Minister added that the meeting will discuss the main focus related with employers and workers' interests, better payroll standards, and protection for Indonesian workers. (Retno M./Trans by Yati)