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Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi hopes that the Islamic education cooperation initiated by Indonesia and the Philippines is expected to show the true face of Islam, which is blessing for the whole world. In addition it is also expected that the cooperation can introduce the values ​​of tolerance and moderation to the younger generation in both countries. This was stated by Retno Marsudi when opening Workshop of Islamic Education of Indonesia-Philippines at Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta,Wednesday, February 14th.

“Let me share my hopes, first through this cooperation we must promote the true face of Islam, Islam as Rahmatan Lil Alamin, blessing for the whole universe. We must show madrasah and pesantren are the past, present, and future of Islamic civilization, as places for nurturing the values and culture of tolerance, peace and moderation. Second, our cooperation must seek to promote modern and high quality Islamic education”, Retno Marsudi said.

Retno Marsudi added through Islamic education, Indonesia and the Philippines can prevent conflict and radicalism. The Workshops held on 14 and 15 February are divided into seven sessions, namely Islamic education in Indonesia, Islamic education in the Philippines, curriculum, Islamic teacher education and clerical development, parents and social community, tolerance in Islamic life, and education cooperation map. At the end of the workshop, the two countries also formulate a map on cooperation to be done by Indonesia and the Philippines. The workshop participants represent various institutions and ministries. Participants from the Philippines are represented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Education and Culture, Zamboanga and the Institute of Islamic Studies. While Indonesia are from the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Ministry of Research and Higher Education, Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), Nahdatul Utama (NU) and Muhammadiyah Islamic organizations, and State Islamic University (UIN). (VOI/(Rezha/AHM)


The number of foreign tourists from China to Bali has started to recover. This condition occurred after Bali provincial government lifted the travel warning, following the decline of volcanic activity of Mount Agung. Head of Bali Provincial Tourism Office, Anak Agung Gede Yuniartha Putra in Kuta, Friday, February 16th admitted that tourists from China had returned to normal. The increase is expected to reach 20 percents during the Chinese Lunar New Year 2018.

“There is an increase. So more or less I have a report from my staff, for the Chinese tourists alone the number is now almost five thousand per day in average. So before the eruption the number of tourists visiting Bali was fifteen thousand per day in average. Now it has reached seventeen to eighteen thousand per day,” said Anak Agung Gede Yuniartha Putra.

Yuniartha Putra said, in addition to the quantity, the Chinese tourists also have good quality. Asked about the interest, Yuniartha Putra said Chinese tourists have an interest in natural atmosphere, especially beaches in Bali. In addition, Chinese tourists also have a high interest in shopping tourism. (KBRN/HIKMAT/Trans Reza/AHM)


Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) to Malaysia, Rusdi Kirana wants Indonesia and Malaysia to have a joint promotion. He told the media on Thursday, February 15th at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jakarta, that the joint promotion in some potential sectors was one of efforts to realize a better bilateral relationship between Indonesia and Malaysia.

“When I have a meeting with Malaysia Indonesia Business Council I have to say, one way to make a better relationship is through joint promotion. We make twin city for tourism together, we go to a third country, for example to China or Korea. We both introduce our culture. Because, claiming cultures to be its cultures is not good for both countries. Well, both countries promote their culture and also tourism. In trade, we promote our respective trade,” Rusdi Kirana said.

Rusdi Kirana added he is optimistic that there will be some potential developed from the joint promotion between Indonesia and Malaysia. To that end, the Indonesian Embassy in Malaysia continues to make efforts to realize the joint promotion between the two countries. However, on the other hand, Rusdi Kirana also wants all cases involving Indonesia and Malaysia especially related to Indonesian Migrant Workers (BMI) can be resolved soon, because it is related to the successful joint promotion between the two countries. (VOI/Rezha/AHM)


An agreement signed by Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippine has strengthened the 3 countries’ commitment to integrally control Southeast Asia region. It was stated by Head of News Division of Center for Public Communication of Indonesian Defense Ministry, Colonel CZI Heru Prayitno at Coffee Morning at the Press room of Indonesian Defense Ministry in Jakarta on Thursday (15/02). Heru Prayitno said “Our Eyes” cooperation agreement is signed to emphasize the mutual strategic information exchange in the regional security.

“Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippine have agreed to conduct Trilateral cooperation in the field of supervision in Indonesian North region, plus 3 other countries, Singapore, Thailand and  Brunei as observers. The launching of “Our Eyes Initiatives“  in  Bali means that the three observer countries have joined Our Eyes Initiatives and  the agreement has been signed while Indonesian Defense Minister visited Singapore,” Colonel CZI Heru Prayitno said.

Colonel CZI  Heru  further said there were some important points from “Our Eyes“ cooperation namely identifying arising threats and challenges such as terrorism, radicalism and extremism that can harm peace and stability in the region and addressing maritime security issues through strategic information exchange. (VOI/Ahmad Faisal/AHM)