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Indonesia is a great nation with an extraordinary cultural diversity. It has an asset in the form of creative people, more than 700 languages, and very unique ethnic and cultural diversity. An observer of Creative Economy of Gajah Mada University, Wiendu Nuryanti explained, those assets are important capital in developing the creative economy. To RRI World Service-Voice of Indonesia in Jakarta Wednesday, February 14, she explained that in the last 10 years, creative economy has highly contributed to Indonesia's gross domestic product -GDP. Besides absorbing employment, the creative economy also has a high resistance to crisis. If synergized with the tourism sector, creative economy can contribute at least 15% for GDP. According to her, there are 3 main keys to develop the creative economy as the backbone of national development in Indonesia.

“…First is Human Resources, and then second is creativity. The creativity in this case is copyright and networking protection. These three points are the main keys if we want to see our creative economy become the national backbone. It must be handled thoroughly,” Wiendu said.

Wiendu Nuryanti further explained, in the field of Human Resources, Indonesia has various advances in 14 elements of the creative economy. In terms of film quality, Indonesia has made significant leaps. She pointed out, in Fashion, Indonesia can boast in Asia. Similarly in music and animation, Indonesia has a lot of communities in the field. She viewed that the government is really serious in handling the creative economy. Thus, the banking industry needs to give ease to creative economy entrepreneurs as an effort to move the creative economy. (VOI/Sekar/AHM)


Indonesian Ambassador to Afghanistan, Arief Rachman, said after the visit of Indonesian President Joko Widodo to Afghanistan last January, Indonesian Jusuf Kalla is scheduled to visit Afghanistan on February 28.  Arief Rachman to media in Jakarta, on Wednesday (14/2) explained that the Vice President will visit Kabul as a special guest in Kabul Peace Process which is initiated by the government of Afghanistan.

Arief Rahman said, “Several days ago, there was Afghanistan’s ulema who came here to meet with Indonesian Ulema CouncilThey came to hold a meeting wih ulema of Pakistan, and they also plan to hold a bigger meeting with some countries. For the visit of Mr. Vice president, I think Mr. Vice President or Foreign Affairs Minister have conveyed that President Ashraf Ghani had invited the Vice President as a special guest to a ttend an event on February 28, namely  Peace Kabul Process. Peace Kabul Process is a peace process which is initiated by the government of Afghanistan.

In addition, figures and related communities’ groups consisting of 24 representatives of neighboring countries will also attend the event. However, Arief Rachman said that those countries will only become observers in the conference. In the meeting, the government ofAfghanistan and internal figures from various parties will have a dialog to discuss concrete steps to realize peace. Afghanistan is a country which is still hit by prolonged civil conflict. (VOI/REZHA/YATI/AHM)


Chief of Indonesian Police General Tito Karnavian, along with a number of police chiefs of ASEAN and Australia met Vice President Jusuf Kalla in Jakarta,on Wednesday (14/2). The meeting was to report Indonesian Police’s plan to give awards Bintang Bhayangkara Utama award to 5 Police Chiefs of neighboring countries, namely Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, the Philippines, Australia, and Malaysia, and also 1 former Malaysian Police Chief who was previously approved by Indonesian President Joko Widodo. Tito Karnavian said that Vice President Jusuf Kalla hoped the awards will able to strengthen international cooperation, especially in handling terrorism, human trafficking, trans-national and cyber crime.


He said, "The awards are presented based on chief of Indonesian police’s proposal to the President for their services to develop good relation with the Indonesian police. Our relation has been very good with  Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, Brunei, and also the Philippines especially in facing  trans-national cases, such as terrorism, drugs, people smuggling, commercial crime, cyber crime. We are neighbors.”


General Tito Karnavian added the awards’ recipients, namely Police Chiefs of ASEAN and Australia, are considered to have good relation with the Indonesian Police and government. General Tito also said that Vice President really appreciated the awarding and hoped relation between Indonesian Police and the Police Chiefs to be awarded will be better from time to time. (KBRN/RIZKI/trans-yati/AHM)



Indonesian Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York, Dian Triansyah Djani, said ahead of the election of non-permanent member of the UN Security Council in June, Indonesia emphasized reformation in the multilateral organization. The reformation aimed to create the more efficient UN Security Council following the development era.  Dian Triansyah Djani told the press in Jakarta, on Wednesday (14/2), there are 3 pillars of the UN Security Council which must be reformed, namely management, peacekeeping operations, and the UN development system. 


“Currently the process in the UN reformation runs with 3 pillars, namely management reformation, reformation related to peacekeeping, and reformation related to the UN Development System. Those are in negotiation process and Indonesia has several times conveyed a statement in which we wish to have a more responsive UN which can adapt to new challenges, and also able to handle issue related to development, sometimes we forget about this aspect,” Dian Triansyah Djani said.


Dian Triansyah Djani added that Indonesia also emphasized the need on direct contribution from countries deploying peace keepers in delivery management which has been under the UN Security Council. Related to the Indonesian chance to be a non-permanent member  of the UN Security Council, Dian Triansjah Djani is sure that the opportunity is widely opened. He was also sure that many countries will give their votes to Indonesia. (VOI/REZHA/trans-yati/AHM)