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Capability and expertise of the world's peacekeepers are continuously advancing and developing supported by Indonesia's own strategic industries for the sake of the world peace. It was stated by Director General  of Defense Strategy of the Indonesian Defense Ministry, Major General Hartind Asrin at a panel discussion themed "Efforts to Address the Gap of Capabilities in the United Nations Peacekeeping Mission" at the UN Headquarters, New York, USA, on February 14th. Hartind Asrin emphasized that the panel discussion aimed at analyzing and promoting the use of Indonesia’s strategic industries to support the UN Peacekeeping and to promote the strategic industries to countries contributing to the Mission. The discussion also featured the success of Indonesian contingent in performing duties mandated at the UN Peacekeeping by using national strategic industry products. The panel discussion also discussed several important issues such as synergy of the UN and inter-stakeholders in overcoming gap capability, partnership potential and cooperation for the UN members as well as the need of private sectors to handle capability’s gap. Moreover, it also discussed concrete steps to strengthen the UN Peacekeeping force including procuring alternative and innovative equipment cost. At the Panel discussion, Major General Hartind Asrin addressed the success of Indonesia in optimizing the national strategic products use by Indonesian Garuda contingent in the UN Peacekeeping operation based on the mandate of Roadmap Vision 4,000 Peacekeepers in 2015 up to 2019. (Release Kemhan/VOI/AF/AHM


A total of 4,223 of 9,825 Community Health Centers (Puskesmas) in Indonesia have been accredited. It was stated by Indonesian Minister of Health Nila Farid Moeloek after opening the National Seminar and Workshop on Accreditation of First Level Health Facility in Jakarta, Thursday (15/2). According to her, accreditation is a form of efforts to improve the quality of health care facilities to build better governance. Improving access and quality of basic health care and referral services especially in remote, underdeveloped and border areas is one of the main health development goals set out in the National Medium-Term Development Plan 2015-2019. First Level Health Facility is the spearhead of health services to be upgraded. Minister of Nila appreciated that the number of accredited health centers exceeds the target set by the Ministry of Health.

"Our previous target of 2,800 is now 4,200. So, the target exceeds because we also increase the surveyors. So it means that the evaluators are also quite a lot. And it is not easy. The area in Indonesia, you can imagine, if only in West Java, in Jakarta, the condition is good. But in Papua, in the islands, there are health centers which quality controls must be improved. And the problem is also not easy such as one of its human resources. Well he will also be able to help us to improve it again, "said Minister Nila.

Minister Nila Moeloek further explained, after 3 years, the accreditation will be done again to maintain the stability of the quality of the First Level Health Facilities. She hopes, through accreditation, there will be some improvements in management of the First Level Health Facilities, including institutional, program, service risk and quality management. First Level Health Facilities that have completed the process of accreditation and quality improvement on an ongoing basis will gain more benefits in the future. First Level Health Facilities that provide excellent services to the community will increase public trust towards health services in Indonesia. To meet the accreditation, the government has standardized the facilities and human resources at the First Level Health Facilities. (VOI / SEKAR / AHM)


The Iranian Embassy in Indonesia held the 39th anniversary of the Victory of Islamic Revolution of Iran in Jakarta, recently. Indonesian Minister of Communications and Information Technology Rudiantara, in his speech said that Indonesia and Iran have established friendship and social-cultural relations for a long time. Communities from both countries have been involved in trade and teaching of Islam activities. The kinship relationship between the two countries is getting stronger since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries in 1950. In the future, Indonesia and Iran will further explore and strengthen relations between the two countries.

Over the last few years, there have been several exchanges of visits between high-ranking officials, as well as numerous signings of documents of cooperation. The visit of President Hassan Rousani of Iran to Indonesia in 2015 and President Joko Widodos visit to Tehran, Iran, in 2016 have renewed both countries` commitment to strengthen their bilateral relations at the highest level, encouraged by the enormous potential of the two countries. This must be explored further,” Rudiantara said.

Minister Rudiantara further said that Iran and Indonesia should work together in eliminating trade barriers and bringing the business communities of the two countries closer. The implementation of Comprehensive Joint Plans allows both countries to explore cooperation in the energy sector such as oil and gas, electricity, and renewable energy products. On the same occasion, Iranian Ambassador to Indonesia Valliolah Mohammadi said the relations between Indonesia and Iran continues to move to a better direction. Both countries have established relationship for 67 years and it will increase in the future. (VOI/Sekar/AHM)


Community Health Centers (Puskesmas) has a very big role as the First Level Medical Facility. Sixty percents of the total population has been served by the Community Health Centers (Puskesmas). This was stated by the Director General of Health Services, Ministry of Health, Dr. Bambang Wibowo Sp.OG at the National Seminar and Workshop of First Level Medical Facility Accreditation in Jakarta, Thursday, February 15th. The Ministry of Health undertakes a national policy strategy through the accreditation of First Level Medical Facility (FKTP) and Puskesmas to become the first FKTP accredited. The accreditation aims to improve the quality of health services at the community health centers (Pukesmas). Currently 4223 of 9845 Puskesmas have been accredited. The government is targeting by 2019 all community health centers will have been accredited.

“Hopefully 9800 health centers targeted to be accredited. Initially we targeted by2021, then in 2020. I am optimistic we can reach the target by 2019,” Bambang Wibowo said.

Bambang Wibowo further explained that the government does not have a national quality indicator for the Community Health Center (Puskesmas). The national quality indicator is only for the hospital. However, the Ministry of Health will prepare the target of the national indicator. If the management of Puskesmas and the competence of the primary health facility are getting better, then the patients do have to be referred to the hospital. (VOI/Sekar/AHM)