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VOInews, Jakarta: The cyber attack incident on the National Data Centre 2 (PDN2) is an important lesson regarding digital security. Deputy Minister of Communication and Informatics (Wamenkominfo), Nezar Patria emphasised that it encourages Indonesian Government to increase vigilance against cyber attacks. 


Deputy Minister Nezar Patria ensured that cybersecurity is an aspect that receives attention from Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Informatics. "This awareness has existed in the ministry too when designing what is called digital transformation, it includes its security, cyber security," he explained at The One Table Forum Programme in Central Jakarta, Wednesday (26/06/2024) evening.


The Ministry of Communication realises that the design of digital transformation cannot be separated from the security or cyber security aspects in it. "This awareness already exists in Kominfo as well when designing what is called digital transformation, it includes its security, cyber security," he explained.


It is known that the Government is accelerating digital transformation. Deputy Minister of Communication and Information Nezar Patria stated that the spirit to realise digitalisation and digital transformation will not recede due to the cyber attack incident on the Temporary National Data Centre (PDNS).  


"We must not go backwards, we must move forward! Digitalisation continues and Indonesia must be able to be in front, this should not discourage us from digital transformation," he said.


Deputy Minister Nezar Patria assessed that digital transformation can increase efficiency, simplify business processes, and make it easier for people to access government services. According to him, the cyber attack incident is a valuable lesson to strengthen cybersecurity in the digital transformation process. "I think we learnt an important lesson here and it is very critical," he said.


The Deputy Minister stated that digital transformation is not only the responsibility of the Ministry of Communication and Information but must be carried out by all elements of the nation. "Digital transformation is the transformation of the nation," he said. 


On the same occasion, Deputy Minister Nezar Patria stated that on behalf of the Ministry of Communication and Information, he apologised to the public who experienced problems due to disruption of public services. 


"This attack has occurred, which means it shows weakness. Kominfo as the institution that oversees this issue has apologised, especially to the public whose services were disrupted," he said.


According to the Deputy Minister, President Joko Widodo gave a directive to restore public services as soon as possible. 


"The President's orders the system to be recovered as soon as possible, so our priority is public services, do not let the public be disrupted, and government functions that use digital platforms are disrupted," he concluded.


Source: The Ministry of Communication and Informatics



VOInews, Jakarta: Indonesia shares its experience of economic resilient growth after Covid-19 with Thailand. Indonesian Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto on Wednesday (26/6), welcomed a delegation from the Thai Parliament at the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs office, Jakarta.


According to the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs' website, Thursday (27/6/2024), the Thai delegation led by Parit Wacharasindhu, Chairman of the Thai Parliament's Commission for Political Development, Mass Communication and Public Participation, wanted to know the policy direction and potential for cooperation between Indonesia and Thailand.


"Indonesia is a country that has three time zones, so decentralisation is the key, as growth is not to be centralised. Indonesia wants each region to have the same growth so that development does not only occur in Java Island, but also around eastern and western Indonesia," Airlangga explained.


Airlangga added that one of the efforts is to develop Special Economic Zones. The Indonesian government has nearly 22 special economic zones throughout Indonesia, and one of Indonesia's policies is to develop downstream industries.


Airlangga also explained that for the manufacturing industry, Indonesia has launched Indonesia 4.0. Indonesia has also focused on critical minerals which only two years ago the United States and Europe realised the importance of critical minerals. 


Airlangga also explained that Indonesia produces 50 million tonnes of CPO and is developing biodiesel 35. According to Airlangga, Thailand's strength in producing sugar, including raw sugar, in the next phase Thailand can build ethanol which can be another opportunity for cooperation between Indonesia and Thailand. 


"We need to make investments that increase energy self-sufficiency in ASEAN countries. And I think that's important for this sector. So, I think in those two issues, regarding palm oil and natural rubber, I think we have to work together," Airlangga said.


Furthermore, regarding EV, Airlangga said that critical minerals such as nickel, copper, cobalt, and aluminium, which are raw materials for new and renewable energy, are found in Indonesia. On the occasion, Airlangga explained that there are opportunities for cooperation between Indonesia and Thailand in the electric vehicle development chain. 


In the digitalisation sector, under Indonesia's leadership in the 2023 ASEAN Chairmanship, a digital economy framework agreement (DEFA) has been launched, one of which is expected to facilitate transactions. 


"So with the spirit of ASEAN, we want to further integrate people and establish economic relations between ASEAN countries. For digitalisation itself, with the digital economy framework agreement, the ASEAN economy can increase to 2 trillion dollars (USD)," he said.


During the meeting, Airlangga also explained in more detail other matters asked by the Thai Delegation, one of which was related to policies that support MSMEs. 


Airlangga also explained about Indonesia's support for start-ups not only through funding but also training. During the meeting, Indonesia and Thailand were open to potential cooperation that could be established between the two countries. 


"In ASEAN, if Indonesia and Thailand work together, I think there are many things we can achieve for our ASEAN," Airlangga concluded.


Source: Indonesian Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs


Australian technology companies are in Jakarta this week to participate in the Australia Southeast Asia Business Exchange (A-SEABX), which launched on Thursday, June 27 at the Westin Hotel, Jakarta - 



VOInews, Jakarta : Australian technology companies are in Jakarta this week to participate in Australia Southeast Asia Business Exchange (A-SEABX), which launched on Thursday, June 27 at Westin Hotel, Jakarta.

A-SEABX aims to increase two-way trade between Australia and Southeast Asia as well as increasing awareness of business opportunities and investment possibilities among companies Australian and Indonesian companies. Australian Business Delegation, led by Professor Jennifer Westacott AO, “Business Champion"

The Australian private sector recently appointed to Indonesia, will demonstrate its capabilities they are in the fields of cybersecurity, financial technology, and agricultural technology.

"I am honored to accompany this incredible delegation of Australian technology companies this is to demonstrate their abilities and deepen their understanding of Indonesia's digitalization journey and priorities," said Professor Westacott.

Meanwhile the Australia's Special Envoy for Southeast Asia, Nicholas Moore, was with the delegation said that this business exchange will support even more Australian businesses will be launched in the Indonesian market and is in line with Southeast Asia Economic achievements Strategy to 2040.

As part of the Business Exchange, the Australian Landing Pad program in Jakarta will be launched. The Landing Pad was announced by the Australian Prime Minister at the Special ASEAN-Australia Summit in Melbourne on March 5, 2024.

"The Landing Pad program will help technology companies that are ready to market to develop effective go-to-market strategies and secure partnerships in the market Indonesia, which will contribute to the continued digital transformation of Southeast Asia," said Daniel Boyer, Deputy CEO of the Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade).

A Memorandum of Understanding will also be signed between Austrade and the Indonesian Fintech Association (AFTECH) to establish closer institutional cooperation and support the Landing group Australia's first pad to Indonesia. A-SEABX is jointly organized by Austrade,, AFTECH, and PisAgro//VOI


700 students from Indonesia to study in France hybrid departure preparation seminar on June 29 2024 (Photo : France Embassy) - 



VOInews, Jakarta : The Institut français d'Indonésie (IFI) is holding a hybrid departure preparation seminar on June 29 2024, which will be attended by the French Ambassador to Indonesia, Timor Leste and ASEAN – H.E. Fabien Penone.

This event brings together Indonesian students who will continue their studies at various French higher education institutions in the 2024 academic year which will start this September.

The aim of this event is to prepare and accompany Indonesian students as best as possible in their steps as students in France, as well as providing information about professional and academic opportunities after their studies in France.

To achieve this goal, various topics will be discussed by various speakers. Campus France Indonesia, the part of the French Embassy responsible for the promotion of French higher education in Indonesia, will convey all the necessary information to students regarding not only adjustment and life in France, but also all the administrative procedures that must be followed.

Meeting and discussion sessions with Indonesian students already in France will also be held. Thanks to IFI's collaboration with PPI (Indonesian Student Association) in France, students will have the opportunity to ask questions about their departure to France.

Alumni will also be present at this event to share experiences about studying in France and show their professional experience.

Apart from that, important agencies such as the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) in Paris will participate via video conference with the aim of welcoming students who will depart this year and explaining what services are provided by the Indonesian Embassy in Paris.

Held every year, the departure preparation seminar is an important step for every Indonesian student who wants to continue their studies in France//VOI

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