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Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman

Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman (0)

The Indonesian Embassy in Beirut has acknowledged its continued support for trade cooperation improvement between Indonesia and Lebanon. Indonesian Ambassador to Lebanon Hajriyanto Y Thohari gave the Primaduta Award to Lebanese businessman and importer, George R Fattouh. The award was given for his service in helping market Indonesian products in Paris from the Middle East. The award was given at a ceremony at the Indonesian Embassy in Beirut, Thursday (11/1)  Fatough, is the owner of George R. Fattouh S.A.L, a business that has been importing Indonesian products since the 1980s. It has a range of products, including: palm oil and its derivatives, oil and fats (including cocoa butter substitute, fat spread, hydrogenated palm kernel oil, and lauric confectionery fats), cardboard, stationary, and school equipment. Some Indonesian products are now even available at famous retail networks, such as Spinney’s and Carrefour. In 2022, the value imported by George R. Fattough S.A.L of Indonesian products, was 981.3 million USD. This was a 149.5 million USD increase when compared to 2021. Fattouh said Indonesian products are known for their quality and are in high demand in Lebanese markets. However, he said, the challenge now is increasing freight costs due to security challenges in the region. 

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Garulina (0)



Listeners, a number of delicious dishes were served to the guests of Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman Yogyakarta, at the wedding reception of the youngest son of K.G.P.A.A. Paku Alam X, namely B.P.H. Kusumo Kuntonugroho with Laily Annisa Kusumastuti which was held on January 10, 2024.Head of the Customs and Accommodation Division, Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman, KRT Radyo Wisroyo said that the menu served to guests was quite varied. These menus are typical menus prepared by Pakualaman Pura, Indonesian menus and western food menus were also available. All invited guests including VIP and VVIP guests got the same menu. The first menu served to welcome guests, namely two types of welcome drink, namely lime lemongrass and ginger drink with lime. The welcome drink was given when guests sat down and watched the Bedhaya Sidamukti and Bedhaya Kakung Indrawidagda dance performances. Next, they gotsnacks for appetizer such as croquettes and other light snacks. There is a snack that is considered quite special and rare called Garulina. Garulina was the opening snack at the Pahargyan Dhaup Ageng Pakualaman lunch on the first day. Garulina has been around since the era before Indonesian independence. Garulina is actually not a typical Central Javanese food. It looks like the Lapis Legit layered cake, but there is something different, because there is a special layer like vla which is made from fresh milk, eggs and sugar. To get this sweet snack, Pakulaman Temple has to place a special order from the third generation of makers who have been pioneering since the 1950s. In Jogja, Garulina is very difficult to find and is considered rare because it is not sold every day.

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Indonesia confirmed that ASEAN must show its key role in solving Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership negotiation because the negotiation is targeted to be solves this year. This was stated by Director General of International Trade Negotiation at the Trade Ministry,  Iman Pambagyo who is RCEP Trade Negotiating Committee (TNC) Chair after leading the 2nd meeting of Senior Economic Officials' Meeting for 49th ASEAN Economic Ministers which was held on March 21-24, 2018 in Nusa Dua, Bali. The ASEAN members discussed the results of inter-sessional meeting of the 4th  RCEP ministers and the target is expected to be able to be reached on the next round. The element of RCEP cooperation which must be pursued to be resolved  includes trade cooperation of goods, rules of origin, service trade, investment, and competition. The meeting also discussed preparedness of the 5th RCEP Inter-sessional Ministerial Meeting which will be held on July 1, 2018 in Tokyo, Japan. The 2nd day of the meeting also discussed some internal issues of ASEAN in service sector.

Indonesian entrepreneurs succeeded to record potential transaction worth $30.7 million dollars in one-on-one business matching which was held in Taiwan on Friday (23/3). The one-on-one business matching is a trade mission of Indonesian Trade Ministry to Taiwan which ended on Sunday (25/3). Employment service dominated the potential transaction. Director General of National Export Development, Arlinda explained that the biggest contribution on the potential transaction came from employment service with the value more than $15 million dollars. The second biggest one was investment worth $9.5 million dollars, followed by trade of goods worth $6.2 million dollars. The attractive products in the one-on-one business matching were like beauty care, coffee, instant food, skilled manpower service as well as investment in various sectors, namely logistic and warehousing; cosmetic industry; recycling cable industry; recycling copper industry; medical equipment industry; and coating material services industry. In the event, there is potential investment project of factory’s development on waste products of palm oil as raw materials of  fiber glass for airplane’s body by Yeu Fong International Technology Corp (Taiwan). The potential will be followed up by Association of Indonesian Plantation Entrepreneurs. Meanwhile, retail transaction in one day of the Indonesian Week 2018 exhibition on Sunday (25/3) was worth $33 thousand dollars. The products which were in demand for retail are furniture, coffee, food and beverage, silver and pearl accessories and leather product.

Indonesian Tourism Ministry prepares various strategies to develop Indonesian culinary. One of them is through culinary destination certification and co-branding ‘Wonderful Indonesia’ with restaurant overseas. Chairman of Team for the Acceleration of Culinary Tourism Development and Shoppingof Indonesian at the Tourism Ministry, Vita Datau Messakh said that her side will sign 10 restaurants in Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, the Netherlands, France and the United States of America. According to the target in 2018, there are 100 agreements with  restaurants of diaspora Indonesia in various countries.


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Governor of Bangka Belitung Islands, Erzaldi Rosman said that strategy to promote white pepper which has been applied by the regional government in the last several months has resulted. This is proven with the arrival of the potential buyers from abroad. Erzaldi said in Pangkalpinang on Saturday (24/3) that the strategy to increase trade of 'Muntok White Pepper' starts showing a good result. After participating in international spicy conference in Jaifur, India recently, foreign buyers began to come to Bangka Belitung. Currently, there are spice buyers from India and Singapore who want to see quality of the local white pepper. The arrival of the international buyers was welcomed by Head of Trade and Industry Office of Bangka Belitung province. The meeting was continued with visiting the Puding village because the buyers wanted to see directly the quality of Bangka Belitung white pepper. The international spice traders were amazed when they knew the government through cooperatives also pick up peppers from the farmers' houses.

Management of I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport, Bali changes plastic bags which were brought by passengers with cloth bags. The step is to commemorate energy and environment saving campaign or Earth Hour. Head of airport service group of PT Angkasa Pura I, Ramdan Pradarma at terminal of international departure of Ngurah Rai airport, said in Kuta, Badung regency, on Saturday (24/3), his office barters plastic bags brought by passengers in order to raise their awareness of saving environment. The Airports office spread teams at the two terminals to change plastic bags with non-plastic black bags inscribed Earth Hour. After changing plastic, the passengers who will leave Bali, were invited to sign supporting petition to save the environment and global energy.

Provincial government of West Java continues to encourage the expansion of Forest Park, Ir H Djuanda as one of solutions to minimize ecological disasters in Bandung region. According to West Java governor, Ahmad Heryawan, the provincial government of West Java began in 2010 until 2017, succeeded to release nearly 16 hectare enclave land at a grand forest park. The acquisition of more than 10 hectare land is not done yet. The governor asserted that his office will keep to conduct the acquisition of land enclave in border area which is controlled by people so that development of forest park, will increase water ivolvedt area to avoid ecological disaster in Bandung.


Mosaic of Archipelago

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After death sentence of an Indonesian worker from Madura in Saudi Arabia, the Malang administration asks for confirmation on the trial of sending Indonesian workers to Saudi Arabia in April. The Malang administration should explain this to the candidates of Indonesian labors who want to work in Saudi Arabia. This was stated by head of manpower placement section of manpower office of Malang regency, Sukardi, to RRI, on Tuesday (20/3). Sukardi said, Ministerial Decree No. 260/2015 on the cessation and prohibition of the placement of Indonesian manpower for personal employment in Middle Eastern countries has become absolute reference for the regional government of Malang. Sukardi also explained that a lot of Malang residents wanted to work in Saudi Arabia but they were rejected in the document process. Manpower office has rejected residents who wanted to go to Saudi Arabia with the reason that they received Calling Visa from their employers and wanted to join their relatives working in Saudi Arab due to the moratorium.

Bangka Belitung Waters which belong to the fishery processing region W711, must be clean from cantrang or seine nets operation. This was stated by Fishery Supervisor of the Supervisory Unit of Marine and Fishery Ministry, Kori Apriyanto, in Pangkal Balam, Pangkal Pinang, on Tuesday (20/3). According to Kori Apriyanto, cantrang or seine nets are only permitted by Marine and Fishery Ministry to operate in Central Java region or WPP 712 region. Kori added that quite a lot of mini trawls are operating in Bangka Belitung region. The Supervisory Unit of Marine and Fishery Ministry would seize those illegal fishing gears. The identity cards of fishermen using illegal fishing gear, would be recorded and reported to the central government, so that the government could change their fishing gears with the environment friendly fishing gears.

The government of Denpasar city has established cooperation with Japan in the field of education and culture. According to founder of Japanese language course, Mataken Gakko, I G.K. Pujawan, the cooperation is more solid, because various universities in Japan are ready to give free Japanese language course for Balinese people. Currently, Tottori university has sent four students to teach Japanese language at Mataken Gakko in Tohpati, Denpasar. The cooperation is fully supported by the Denpasar administration. The local government also supports the Mataken Gakko institute. This was stated by Pujawan when meeting with regional secretary of Denpasar, AAN Rai Iswara, in Denpasar, on Tuesday (20/3). Furthermore Pujawan said that in addition to teach Japanese language, they also learn Balinese culture. They had followed Nyepi procession, beginning from Melasti ceremony to the beach until pengerupukan ceremony.


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Regional government of Southeast Maluku encourages "one village one product" program to indicate commitment of the region in optimizing potential of its tourism sector. Acting Regent of Southeast Maluku, Samuel Risembessy, in press release on Saturday, mentioned that his office continues to conduct various efforts to enhance tourism potential by using 93 percent of the Sea territory, especially Kei island. Thus,  local government also makes plan of tourism program with the theme "one village, one product" which tries to create the main products either culinary, craft, or art from their villages in Southeast Maluku. The Regent also stated that Southeast Maluku improves tourism potential through "Wonderful Sail 2018" event which will be held on July 23 to 27 this year. For Wonderful Sail 2018 event, his office will focus to provide the main products from each village in Southeast Maluku regency as attraction.

Provincial government of Bangka Belitung made serious efforts to increase the number of the tourist visit with the title sport-tourism Audax Bangka 2018 among others held in Pangkalpinang and Bangka, on Saturday (17/3). The event was participated in by 220 bikers from Indonesia and abroad, namely from Singapore, Norway and Denmark. Regional secretary of Bangka Belitung, Yan Megawandi said that Audax Bangka 2018 was the first event in Bangka Belitung and the regional government support it because it has positive value. Yan Megawandi in releasing participants said in Pangkalpinang, on Saturday (17/3) that Bangka Belitung should be a tourist destination, among others for sport-tourism.

Natural Resources Conservation Office (BKSDA) of West Sumatera through Forest Ecosystem Controller of Agam Resort, Ade Putra said on Saturday (17/3/2018) that Rafflesia flower of Tuan Mudae type, currently blooms at forest conservation, Jorong Marambuang, Nagari Baringin, Palembayan district, Agam regency. The rare flower began to bloom on March 13. The flower still blooms for 10 days. The Rafflesia flower with male gender has 5 groups and diameter around 84.8 Cm. According to Ade Putra, after blooming, the flower petals will get old and black and rotten. The flower has attracted a number of parties to make research on it, including students and researchers from various universities in Sumatra.


On April 12, 1815, exactly 203 years ago, the Tambora volcano on the remote island of Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara -NTB erupted so violently. Consequently, thick ash clouds were brought around the world. As is known, if the mega-eruption of Mt. Toba is believed to have plunged the earth into volcanic winter for 6 to 10 years, and the explosion of Mt. Krakatau in 1883 produced the loudest sound ever heard in the world in modern history, Mt. Tambora volcano eruption also created a global catastrophe at that time. One year later in 1816, it erupted again. In Europe and America, it was remembered as the "Year Without Summer", which resulted in the worst season of the nineteenth century. Its mighty eruption in April 1815 left an impressive 7-kilometer area with a 6.2 km caldera containing two colored lakes with a depth of 800 meters. This caldera is also considered the largest caldera in Indonesia. Currently, scientists recognize the Tambora eruption as the most powerful in the history of volcanic eruptions. To commemorate this dramatic event as well as commemorate the anniversary of Dompu Regency, Sumbawa, Wonderful Tambora Festival 2018 –FPT 2018 will be held again on 9 - 11 April 2018. The implementation of FPT 2018 is the fourth time and this is centered in Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province -NTB. In addition to commemorating the anniversary of Dompu Regency and the eruption of Mt. Tambora, the Wonderful Tambora Festival 2018 is also aimed to introduce and promote various tourism potentials in Sumbawa Island, especially tourism in Dompu Regency. Wonderful Tambora Festival 2018 will be enlivened with attractions of paragliding, folk cultural art, and Kebo Barapan. A day later, the release of participants of Tambora Challenge 32K, Barapan Chicken, and Culinary served in West Sumbawa. Besides, there is also a choreography workshop at Asi Mbojo, Bima City. Aside from art and cultural performances, Wonderful Tambora Festival 2018 also offers adventure trail, mountain bike, fishing, para-motor and other activities. Like in the previous years, this activity also presents creative economic development, greening of Mt. Tambora forest area, exhibition of superior products such as Tambora coffee, folk market, and regional culinary feast.


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Prior to the end of his working term in November 2018, Regent of Bondowoso in East Java province, Amin Said Husni received award as the best regency in East Java in its commitment to support the program of prevention and eradication of corruption in 2017. Regent Amin Said Husni to RRI on Tuesday (13/3/2018 hopes that the award, which presented on March 7 by provincial government of East Java, becomes a heritage that must be protected and increased to create better Bondowoso. The Regent also said that a lot of things have been conducted by regional government of Bondowoso to create good government, such as synergizing with Corruption Eradication Commission, Audit Board of Indonesia and Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform in conducting bureaucratic reform. Meanwhile, to prevent corruption, the regional government of Bondowoso continues to strengthen the government's internal control system (SPIP) which is currently reaching level 3. And only 16 regencies/cities in East Java reached that prestigious level. He added that currently, the regency is preparing integrated zone to free corruption zone and clean bureaucracy and service zone. The integrated zone is manifestation of the award. There are 3 organizations of regional devices which are targeted for the integrated zone. They are Office of Integrated Services, Office of Population and Civil Registry and Regional Hospital.

Ministry of marine and fishery still prohibits trawl ship in North Sumatera Waters by referring to the regulation of marine and fishery ministry No. 2/2015. It was confirmed by Director General of Capture Fishing at the Marine and Fishery Ministry, Sjarief Widjaja after having dialogue with traditional and modern fishermen in Sibolga on Monday (12/3). However, Sjarief gives solution to modern fishermen who so far have used trawl, either through state’s budget or banking. Ships under 10 Gross Tonnage (GT) will be facilitated by the state’s budget. Meanwhile, ship above 10-30 GT will be facilitated by banking in order to have low interest, without having to burden business entrepreneurs, using friendly tool for environment. In addition, Sjarief further said that his office encourages traditional fishermen in Sibolga, to maintain coastal area which is damaged due to trawl. Thus, for citizens who rely on their life from the result of fishermen’s capture such as trade of salted fish and splitting fish, Sjarief also said that his office also encourages citizens to form fishermen cooperative. According to Sjarief, the solution will be realized soon, so that supervisory on trawl activity in North Sumatera can be strengthened to protect ecosystem of fishery at the sea.

Indonesian architecture has chance to perform in international event and equivalent with architecture of Europe, the United States of America and many others. However, it depends on attitude of every person in viewing the position of Indonesian architecture. The Indonesian architecture is not only pride of Indonesian people, but also part of world architecture. This was stated by professor of architecture faculty of Surabaya Institute of Technology Prof Dr Ir Josef Prijotomo March on the sidelines of seminar and architecture workshop with the theme "Peng-konsteks-an Arsitektur Nusantara" or in English contex of Indonesian architecture in Surabaya, on Monday (12/03/2018). Josef Prijotomo also added with the rapid progress of technology, knowledge on modern or overseas architecture so quickly present in Indonesia. Ir Budiman Hendropurnomo, one of panelists also said that modern architecture has become tradition in Indonesia. Even, the modern architecture begins to replace Indonesian original architecture. Unfortunately, all parties are fascinated with foreign architecture so that they forget the great thing belongs to Indonesia. Besides that, Gunawan Tjahjono from the university of Indonesia also explained his opinion on the Indonesian architecture. According to Gunawan, education is one of thins which has important role in changing mindset for architects or candidate of architects. The event also included a paper contest which consist of research paper, discourse, case of studies and devotion. The best paper will be presented in the seminar of Indonesian architecture. In the event, it was also conducted opened discussion related to applying Indonesian architecture in educational and professional world. Later, it ishoped that new ideas and views will contribute to the presence of Indonesian architecture that does not leave character and characteristic of Indonesia itself.


Diplomatic Corner

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ASEAN leaders will meet in the 32nd ASEAN Summit in Singapore starting from April 25-28. In the summit, the ASEAN leaders are scheduled to discuss one of the proposals to form ASEAN Smart Cities Network -ASCN. For Indonesia, the cooperation can decrease the development gap and it's in line with the national agenda to improve the quality of people’s life. Thus, Indonesia supports the idea and has nominated 3 smart cities, namely Jakarta, Banyuwangi and Makassar. The meeting will also discuss preparation of ASEAN-Australia Special Summit on March 17 - 18 in Sidney, Australia. Furthermore, the meeting will legalize revision of the meeting to confirm mandate of the meeting in supporting ASEAN Coordinating Council -ACC to handle cross-sectoral and cross-cutting issues. In addition, the meeting will also elaborate the improvement of implementation of High Level Task Force on strengthening the ASEAN Secretariat and reviewing the ASEAN Organs. Some recommendations are the efforts to streamline ASEAN meetings, utilization of video technology of conferencing facilities to conduct ASEAN meeting, and assignment of Pillar Economic official to each Permanent Representative of ASEAN Member States in Jakarta.

​More than 2000 visitors flocked New City Hall of Tagum on the peak of Tagum city anniversary and Musikahan International Festival at Tagum City, Davao Del Norte, the Philippines on March 7, 2018. Indonesian Consul General in Davao City, Berlian Napitupulu said that there were 7 countries which participated in the Festival namely: South Africa, Indonesia, Japan, Germany, South Korea, Malaysia, and China. However, 2 countries opened pavilions, namely Indonesia and Malaysia. This was the first time for the Indonesian consulate general in Davao City to hold exhibition of trade, investment and tourism at Tagum city, as the biggest agro-industrial city in South Philippines. Indonesian pavilion displayed foods and beverages; one of them was the Indonesian main coffee product which does not have agent or distributor in the Philippines. The Indonesian consulate general did not only display Indonesian manufacture products through poster but also directly carry 1 unit of hand tractor. The tractor attracted a lot of visitors; most of them are the owners of plantation and businesspeople of agro-industry at Tagum City and surrounding areas.

Eighteen students of Junior High School of Altheneum Brussels, Belgium participated in Gamelan and Kecak workshop at Indonesian embassy in Brussels on Wednesday (7/3). Indonesian Ambassador to Belgium, Yuri Octavian Thamrin accosted and joined in young people of Belgium at the workshop for 2 hours. The workshop became one of the events of the cultural introduction which was held by the Indonesian embassy in Brussels in cooperation with the local schools of Belgium to give knowledge of Indonesian culture, especially through traditional instruments performance of Indonesia. Balinese dance, such as Kecak was also introduced to children and teachers. The students were very enthusiastic with Indonesian culture. Dance and music ate media which can be used to introduce the existence of Indonesian culture to European community,


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Regional hall of Kalimantan River I will hold Dragon Boat and Sui Jawi Festival on March 17 - 18 to enliven the 26th Water Day 2018. Head of the organizing committee, Syamsur Arifin said in Pontianak on Sunday that a number of events will be shown. The center of the events is at Jawi river, Pontianak. Syamsur explained that the events will hold some competitions such as dragon boat, folk games, Kayak and Jawi River Festival. He also said that the events will also be enlivened with 40 stands. While watching the events, visitors can also taste typical foods of Pontianak. Syamsur also added that a seminar and social activities at the river area will be held at the event until the Water Day on March 22nd.

As many as 20,000 trees were planted at protected forest area of Mt.geuredong, located at New Nosar and Bener Pepanyi hamlets, on Saturday (10/3). The event was cooperation between the government of Bener Meriah regency, International Lauser Foundation (YLI) and Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF) and also local people in effort of preserve and protect of the forest at the region. Regent of Bener Meriah, Ahmadi said on Saturday (10/3/2018) that to protect the forest area, his office will form some teams to monitor and observe the protected forest in accordance with coordinate points that have been set. Previously, the protected forest area has changed its function to become people’s agricultural land. Thus, the program is considered very helpful for the government of Bener Meriah regency in returning the function of protected forest. Ahmadi also said that the existence of the protected forest at the area may create water source which is now utilized by people at a number of districts of the regency. Ahmadi expect seriousness of the people, International Lauser Foundation and Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund. This is not only a ceremonial activity. In fact, it is fully implemented.

President Joko Widodo attended National bird singing Festival and exhibition to win presidential trophy at Bogor Botanical Graden, West Java on Sunday (11/3/2018). The Festival was participated in by 3000 birds. On the occasion, President Joko Widodo said that the bird hobby in Indonesia has succeeded to raise people’s economy amounting 1.7 billion rupiah a year, namely from breeding, food, cage and medicines. President Joko Widodo also said that besides improving people's economy, birds’ breeding also gives room to the bird lovers to fulfill their hobby and also to preserve birds in Indonesia. The President further said that based on the report, there are around 1,660 species of birds in Indonesia. The lovers or Kicaumania throughout the archipelago with around 3,000 birds participated in the festival.


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Riau Provincial Government held an alert roll call for the preparation in facing the dry season and preventing the occurrence of forest and land fires. The roll call was held in the yard of Riau governor office, Pekanbaru, recently. Riau Governor Task Manager, Wan Thamrin Hasyim appreciated the active involvement of various parties in a bid to prevent and control smoke from forest and land fires, especially in Riau Province, including the active role of private sector. Wan Thamrin Hashim said that at first, it was only handled separately, but now the private and government agencies joined together to do it. According to him, with the participation of all parties, the monitoring of forest and land fire disasters can be done properly. Therefore, the prevention becomes more leverage.

Provincial Government through the Office of Culture and Tourism showcased the diversity of tourism in the region, especially adventure tourism in "Deep & Extreme Indonesia 2018" event which lasted until 11 March at the Jakarta Convention Center. Head of Marketing Department of Culture and Tourism of Aceh, Rahmadhani, in Banda Aceh on Friday (9/3) said that Deep & Extreme Indonesia 2018 is an event for Aceh to promote a variety of tourism in the western tip of Indonesia. In this event, the Department of Tourism, Youth and Sports of Southeast Aceh Regency, related institutions, and the tourism industry also took part. According to him, the participation of Aceh in various national and international exhibition events is an effort to increase the value of tourism in Aceh. Rahmadhani added, in addition to tourism promotion, the Office of Culture and Tourism of Aceh also promotes Aceh’s Calendar of Event 2018 which informs all tourism agenda held throughout 2018 in Aceh Province. Rahmadhani mentioned a number of tourism activities in the calendar of activities 2018, including Aceh International Marathon, Tour de Leuser, Surfing Championship, Rafting Championship, International Freediving, and others. He hoped the promotion of various tours, adventurous tourism, can increase both local and foreign tourist visits to the province of Aceh.

President Joko Widodo inaugurated the Java Integrated Industrial and Ports Estate
(JIIPE) located in Gresik, East Java, Friday (9/3) which is expected to be the largest in East Java. It is claimed to be the first in Indonesia, which combines harbors, industries and housing. This industrial estate also has good infrastructure facilities. It will be directly connected to toll roads and railways. President Director of PT AKR Corporindo TBK, Haryanto Adikoesoemo, as one of the developers said, with integrated deep sea ports, the area will have direct access to domestic and international markets. It is also expected to support the Indonesian economy. Haryanto who held a press conference on Friday explained, the value of investment to build facilities in an integrated industrial area has reached almost five trillion rupiahs. He estimated that the development of Java Integrated Industrial and Ports Estate will be entirely completed within 15 years. Director of Technical and Information Technology Pelindo III, Husein Latief, explained deep sea port in this area will be equipped with 4 docks capable of supporting all activities at ports and industries. He hoped
that the number of vessels to be served will increase along with the development of industry in this integrated industrial zone.


Indonesia is very rich in biodiversity. Various plants can easily live and thrive in this tropical climate. Among these plants, many also contain medicinal properties. Some of these have been used for generations by Indonesians, such as herbs or herbal medicines made from natural ingredients. However, various researches still need to be done to further maximize the potential of these biological wealth. One of the parties involved in this research is the Indonesian Institute of Sciences -LIPI. Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) has built facilities for the development of traditional medicine with the standard of Good Traditional Drafting Method or (CPOTB). The facility built in Serpong, Banten aims to accelerate the downstream results of medical research and medicine. LIPI head caretaker, Bambang Subiyanto in his written statement in Jakarta, recently said that the construction of this facility is also providing support related to research and product development to industrial partners. He said this is in line with the 11th Economic Policy Package on the development of the pharmaceutical industry and medical devices. Traditional medicine research facilities are needed to answer various health problems and support the independency of drugs raw materials nationally. LIPI pays great attention to the research and development of medicinal health with various researches related to the use of medicinal plants as well as its active ingredients for medicinal raw materials. Bambang Subiyanto said Indonesia has 1,247 industries and traditional medicine business which 10 of them including big scale traditional medicine industry companies. However, Traditional Medicines (IOT) Small Traditional Medicine (UKOT) and Traditional Medicines (UMOT) industries do not have facilities for Good Traditional Medicine (CPOTB). The existence of this facility is expected to be a pilot laboratory of CPOTB in order to facilitate small and medium industries to accelerate the development of traditional medicinal products in the country. Up to now almost 95 percent of raw materials of the pharmaceutical industry in Indonesia are still dependent on imports though Indonesia has more than thirty thousand species of medicinal plant herbs. The development of natural medicine deserves attention considering the practice of traditional drug utilization has taken root in Indonesia. In addition, the development potential is very open with the increasing demand of domestic and overseas market. Meanwhile, Head of LIPI Chemical Research Center Agus Haryono said his working unit is very focused on the development of traditional medicine. From the research conducted has found many new compounds from indigenous plant extracts of Indonesia, such as plants that are efficacious as anti-cancer, anti diabetes, anti malaria and anti oxidants. Agus added that the construction of this research facility will focus more on research and provide more adequate facilities for research related to traditional medicine. With this facility is expected the results of research can be more qualified and acceptable by the industry.