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Ani Hasanah

Ani Hasanah


Italian Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano said Italy and Indonesia had strong cooperation in interreligious dialogue. He called inter-religious dialogue between the two countries is still regularly held and make the relationship between the two countries really perfect. Angelino Alfano stated that Italy believes interfaith dialogue is one of the most effective ways to fight against radicalism and discrimination. He also added that Indonesia has the same views related to efforts to fight against radicalism and discrimination. In addition to combating radicalism and discrimination through interfaith dialogue, Indonesia and Italy have also continued to pursue peace at both regional and international levels. One of the issues of concern to both countries is the Palestinian issue. Both countries hope the existing problems in Palestine will be immediately settled with a good ending./// VOI 08.02.2018 Rezha


Vice Chairman of National Economic and Industrial Committee, Arif Budimanta appreciated the success of the government through Trade Ministry to protect inflation, especially on staple food. The success is in accordance with the hope of the House of representative –DPR which wants the number of the inflation is lower compared with other inflations. Because, the inflation of staple food directly brings about impact on people with middle to lower economic level. This was stated by Arif Budimanta at a public discussion  themed ‘Synergy of Trading Industry based on Commodity, Warehouse Receipt System, and Commodity Auction Market in the Era of Digital Trading in Encouraging National Economic Growth’   which was held in Jakarta on Wednesday (7/2).


“…We want to say and to appreciate because we at Committee of National Economy and Industry, the minister are very concerned with the inflation because the inflation does influence our community’s consumption. This influences our purchasing power. And  thanks God (Alhamdulillah), since led by Mr. Enggar, the inflation of staple food is lower compared to other inflations,.” said Arif Budimanta.


Furthermore, Arif Budimanta said that the success to protect the inflation of staple food is an extraordinary achievement and the result of the government policy’s instrument which is considered controversial in the market. The data showed that the policy instrument has succeeded in reducing the number of staple food inflation. He also reminded that in the future, there will be trend of rising food prices. The rising food prices are caused by some factors, such as rising production and global prices. On the same occasion, Minister of TradeEnggartiasto Lukita said, the success of keeping inflation in 2017, positive economic growth, and increased ease of doing business is the harmonization of various ministries. (Skr/trans-Yati/RHM)

The United Nations for Human Rights High Commissioner, Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein said that the UN through United Nations Commission for Human Rights views that the implementation of Human Rights in Indonesia has made a significant progress. The progress can be seen from the government’s efforts to implement human rights on universal health for community, including the Sustainable Development Goals in the National Human Rights Action Plan. In addition, the existence of National Commission for Human Rights and Woman which is strong and independent also becomes supporting factors of the progress of human rights implementation in Indonesia. This was stated by Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein in press conference in Jakarta on Wednesday (7/2). 
“…The government has embraced the Sustainable Development Goals, incorporating them into its National Human Rights Action Plan. Indonesia also has made considerable progress on realization of the right to health, expanding universal health coverage. And it has provided the space and resources for Komnas HAM and Komnas Perempuan to be strong, independent national human rights institutions, " Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein said. 
Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein also highlighted Indonesia’s role in human rights’ implementation in Southeast Asia region. He said that Indonesia is the most progressive country in Southeast Asia related to the implementation of human rights. It is proved with Indonesia's active involvement in the adverse conditions experienced by Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine, Myanmar, which are praiseworthy and indispensable. (Rezha/trans-Yati)
Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister, Retno Marsudi received Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Angelino Alfano at Pancasila Building in Jakarta on Wednesday (7/2). Minister Angelino Alfano visited Indonesia in a series of his visit to Southeast Asia, and Indonesia is the first country which was visited before other countries. In  a press conference after bilateral meeting, Minister Retno Marsudi explained that they discussed various efforts to improve bilateral relations between Indonesia and Italy.
"In a friendly bilateral meeting, we discussed various efforts to improve bilateral relations, such as Indonesian palm oil export to Europe, and then creative economy and interfaith dialog, " Retno said. 
Related to Indonesian palm oil export, Minister Retno Marsudi added that Italy is the most important country and third export destination country for Indonesia’s palm oil to Europe. Therefore, Indonesian palm oil also has contribution on Italian economy.  She also hopes that Italy can explain to European Union parliamentary to consider the lifting of restrictions on the use of Indonesian palm oil for biodiesel starting in 2021. The restriction will bring about serious impact on Indonesia as the biggest palm oil producer in the world, especially palm oil farmers. (Rezha/trans-Yati)