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Zona Integritas
Ani Hasanah

Ani Hasanah

President Joko Widodo instructed the Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning / Head of National Agriculture Agency (BPN) to realize the target of issuance of land certificate for the people of West Sumatra in 2023.
Up to now there have been only 700 thousand land certificates successfully issued and submitted to the people of West Sumatra. In fact, there should be 1.7 million certificates that must be published soon.
"The BPN office in West Sumatra still has obligation to to hand in one million certificates to the people. That must be resolved soon," said President to the people who attended the Dharmasraya Sports Arena (GOR), Koto Baru, Dharmasraya Regency, West Sumatra, Wednesday, February 7, 2018.
On the occasion, the Head of State also explained how important the certificate as proof of land rights owned by the community. 
Therefore, the President requested that the community to keep the certificates in a safe and not easily damaged place. 
Also present at the ceremony were the Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung, Minister of Agriculture and Spatial Planning / Head of BPN Sofyan Djalil, Social Minister Idrus Marham, Deputy Minister of EMR Arcandra Tahar, West Sumatra Governor Irwan Prayitno, Dharmasraya Regent Sutan Riska Tuanku Raja and BRI Chief Commissioner Andrinof Chaniago. (Release Protocol, Press and Media of Secretariat of the President) 

Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi held a bilateral meeting with Italian Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano on Wednesday, February 7, 2018 in Jakarta to discuss issues related to capacity building in trade, economics, politics and strengthening cooperation between the two countries.


Persahabatan Hospital as a national respiration referral hospital has a vision to become a leading Respiratory Center in Asia Pacific by 2019. Persahabatan Hospital Director Mohammad Ali Toha said that the hospital has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the International Labor Organization of the ILO or the International Labor Organization on Tuesday, February 6, 2018 in Jakarta. To RRI World Service – Voice of Indonesia on Tuesday he explained, the cooperation is done in the field of handling pneumoconiosis patient. Pneumoconiosis is a disease in the lungs caused by working in places of high pollution such as cement plants, mines and so forth. The signing of this cooperation is in the form of certificates to doctors who can handle pneumoconiosis.

"First, we must diagnose. Because in our country a lot of people with pneumoconiosis are not detected. So, we continue to educate them. Doctors are taught to diagnose pneumoconiosis. From the region all will come here to learn. After that, a study will be conducted to find out how big the case of pneumoconiosis in Indonesia is, how severe the case is, then the countermeasures, " Mohammad Ali Toha said. 

Based on the ILO data of 2013, 30% to 50% of workers in developing countries suffer from Pneumoconiosis. Indonesia is a developing country one of  which economic support is industry sector, that is mining industry. Mohammad Ali Toha further explained that Persahabatan Hospital has a vision to become the leading Respiratory Center Hospital in Asia Pacific by 2019. To be a leader in Asia Pacific. It must have a quality service and international standard. Persahabatan Hospital has already had national accreditation and this year it is targeted to get international accreditation.//// (VOI/Sekar/trs Rezha/AHM)

The progress of a country depends on the ability of its human resources. Other things  not less important are  social and political stability, government management, mastery of science and technology and creativity and innovation of its human resources. The statement was conveyed by President Joko Widodo in his  speech at the National Education and Culture Meeting 2018 held at Pusdiklat Kemendikbud, Sawangan, Depok, Tuesday, February 6, 2018.
The Ministry of Education and Culture has a great responsibility in developing human resources in Indonesia. "This huge responsibility lies  on the shoulders of you attending this meeting here," said the President.
Therefore, the President reminded the importance of education  that build Pancasila character. Through education also, honesty, togetherness, politeness, values​and character taughg to the  children. 
"This is where the importance of education, education that teaches the struggle, education that builds the character of the learner, who always learns without waiting to be patronized, who always innovate without waiting to be taught," said the Head of State.
"That is our capital as a great nation capable of solving problems everywhere, and at the same time to win global competition," he said.
The President warned that the wealth of natural resources can not guarantee the welfare and success of a nation. Many developed countries actually do not have natural resources,  but on the contrary many countries with abundant natural resources suffer from poverty, even conflict and civil war.
"Natural resources that often spoil and make us lazy, beat the fighting power, make us careless and do not encourage us all to innovate and have creativity," said the President.
On the occasion, the President reminded that the government has been trying hard to improve education services, both at central, provincial and district level through the Indonesian Smart Card program (KIP). "We want to ensure access to education for underprivileged children, "the President said.
Therefore, budget support from Central to Regional is also continuously improved and efforts to improve the quality of teachers and education infrastructure continue to run.
Therefore, the President invited all  participants not to get caught up in the routine because it has been running for many years without any renewal, without a major innovation in education and culture.
"Our courage is to make a breakthrough because the changing world is now going so fast," said the President.
Also present accompanying the President were Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Puan Maharani, Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, Minister of Education and Culture Muhadjir Effendy.(Release Protocol, Press and Media Secretariat of the President)