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Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) signed a Confidentiality Agreement (CA) memorandum with the Turkish energy company, Kipaş Holding last Saturday (3/2). Both energy companies have agreed to start cooperation in the energy sector in the geothermal sector. The signing of the agreement was carried out by Julfi Hadi as President Director of PGE and Mehmet Sisman from GM Kipaş Holding, witnessed by Indonesian Ambassador to Turkey, Achmad Rizal Purnama in Istanbul.

The Indonesian Embassy in Ankara has facilitated PGE's efforts to seek potential cooperation in geothermal exploration and operation with several energy companies in Turkey. Various meetings have been held to find the right potential partners. In the previous initial meeting, PGE and Kipaş Holding were interested in carrying out exploration cooperation in Turkey and Indonesia, and even opened up the possibility of joint investment in third countries. Apart from Kipaş Holding, Ambassador Rizal also facilitated PGE to meet with several other energy companies.

According to PGE President Director, Julfi Hadi, in Turkey PGE also met with several top energy companies. He hopes that in the near future, he can find 1 or 2 more potential partners for investment in Turkey.

The main factor that Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) is considering collaborating with Turkey is that the country has large geothermal energy potential. As the fourth country with the largest geothermal potential in the world, Turkey is also attractive to investors because it has a feed-in-tariff policy. This is in the good faith of the Turkish government to assure investors in the geothermal energy sector of long-term regulatory certainty and competitive price incentives.

Isra' Mi'raj is an important event for Muslims because it was when Prophet Muhammad received the order to perform Salat worship five times a day. Isra' Mi'raj is generally commemorated every 27 Rajab of the Hijri year. Indonesian people have various traditions to commemorate Isra' Mi'raj. There is a Ngurisan tradition carried out by the people of Lombok in West Nusa Tenggara. Ngurisan is a tradition of cutting the hair of babies under 6 months old, where the hair is cut by religious or community leaders. The tradition is carried out as an expression of gratitude and hope that these babies will be given blessings in their lives. This is usually held at the local mosque, and during this time the congregation recites the shalawat, or veneration phrase to Prophet Muhammad.
The people of Cirebon, West Java held the Rajaban Tradition to commemorate Isra' Mi'raj. Rajaban comes from the word "Rajab", which denotes the month of Rajab. The Cirebonese carry out Rajaban by making a pilgrimage to the graves of two people who propagated Islam in the area, Prince Kejaksan and Prince Panjunan in Plangon. The Rajaban tradition is also carried out by dividing the bogana rice, rice accompanied by side dishes such as potatoes, chicken eggs, tempeh, tofu, mashed potatoes, and yellow spices.
Ambengan is a tradition usually carried out by the people of Central and East Java to commemorate Isra' Mi'raj. This tradition is carried out by eating together. Ambeng in Javanese means "a large container". In the ambeng or container provided, rice and side dishes are placed, such as fried noodles, chicken, eggs, potatoes, and others. The food comes from the harvest or belongs to the community. They bring it to the mosque to eat together, after the Maghrib worship and after the kiai/elder religious teacher leads the prayer.

Until nowa civil conflictin Sudan has been going on between the Sudanese military and the Rapid Support Forces militia since April 2023. This affects the activities of various sectors in Sudan, including the activities of the Indonesian Embassy in Khartoum which has now been evacuated to the Port in Sudan.

Indonesian Ambassador to Sudan, Sunarko, said that the conflict impacts the relations between Indonesia and Sudan. In an interview with RRI Voice of Indonesia published on Tuesday (6/2), Ambassador Sunarko said that the situation in Sudan is an opportunity for Indonesia to show support for Sudan in improving relations between the two countries.

“...The armed conflict that occurred on April 15th and is currently still ongoing certainly has had a huge impact and is a challenge itself for efforts to improve relations and cooperation between Indonesia and Sudan. However, even with the current situation, this is our great opportunity, our effort to show solidarity, show support, and show concern in the context of Indonesia-Sudan relations.

Ambassador Sunarko further explained that so far, Sudan has demonstrated good relations with Indonesia. One of them is Sudan's support for Indonesia in various international forums, including Indonesia's candidacy or chairmanship in theforums.

Indonesia and Sudan have established good relations in various fields; one of which is education. Sudan has accepted around 900 Indonesian citizens to become university students in the country. Ambassador Sunarko also remarked that since the conflict broke out, majority of the students were forced to return to Indonesia and study online. He added that Indonesia views Sudan as an important partner. Therefore, in the field of education, Sudan receives quite a lot of support from Indonesia.One of them was when nine Sudanese students started studying in Indonesia last year through the Darmasiswa scholarship from the Indonesian government. Besides, there are also Sudanese students studying in Indonesia through other scholarships. Most of them take management, information technology, and architecture studies.

Ambassador Sunarko also pointed out that cooperation is also being carried out by sending Sudanese teachers to Indonesia. He said, this year, the Indonesian Embassy to Sudan is trying to get more Sudanese students to study in Indonesia.

“...This year, we are also trying to get more support, considering that the opportunity for Sudanese students to study in Indonesia is very high, especially because the conflict situation has not allowed them to continue their studies. So, this is a good momentum, the right momentum, for the Indonesian government to increase the number of Sudanese students who will get accepted for scholarships in Indonesia, both in the Darmasiswa program and in the cooperation programs of developing countries.

In the trade sector, the trade volume between Indonesia and Sudan was recorded at US$143.4 million. Ambassador Sunarko revealed that Sudanese importers had started to look at Indonesia, as evidenced by the arrival of 22 Sudanese businesspeople to see Indonesia's export potential. He said that Indonesian products that had been developed in Sudan included vehicle accessories, sanitation products, textiles, and medicines.

Furthermore, Ambassador Sunarko remarked that the Indonesian government continues to encourage the expansion of cooperation to African countries, mainly Sudan. Therefore, Indonesia is trying to get the two countries to agree on a preferential trade agreement (PTA) so that the trade volume between the two countries continues to increase. 


Bangka Belitung Province is famous for its beautiful and attractive beach destinations; one of which is Tanjung Tinggi. Tanjung Tinggi is a beach flanked by two peninsulas, namely Tanjung Kelayang and Tanjung Pendam. The name Tanjung Tinggi is taken from the words "Tanjung" which means peninsula and "Tinggi" which represents high rocks around the beach. This beach can be reached 15 minutes by motor vehicles from Tanjung Pandan City.


Tanjung Tinggi beach has an area of 80 hectares. White sand, and hundreds of large granite rocks are scattering on both peninsulas, and also in the sea in front of the beach. Granite sizes range from several cubic meters to hundreds of cubic meters larger than a house, making it a leading tourism spot on Belitung Island. The distribution of granite rocks of various sizes is a unique beauty phenomenon for visitors to this beach. There are several beautiful places to take photos around the beach.


Tanjung Tinggi is also called ‘Bilik Harbor’. Previously, this place was a fishing port for the nearby villages of Keciput or Tanjung Tinggi. There is no need to worry about shark attacks, because the attacks never happen on Belitung beaches. The only thing you have to watch out is the existence of jellyfish, especially the big ones. Other facilities at Tanjung Tinggi Beach are quite adequate. Because around the beach, there is a hotel for those of you who want to stay overnight. For meals and drinks, there are also food stalls available around the Beach.