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Indonesia participated in the Nguyen Hue Flower Street Festival which took place in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnamfrom 7 to 14 February 2024. With the theme "Beloved Spring- Tet Reunion," this festival attracted the attention of tens of thousands of Vietnamese people and tourists from various countries.

The Indonesian Consul General in Ho Chi Minh City, Agustaviano Sofjan, stated that Indonesia's participation in the Ho Chi Minh City Flower Festival was an important step to introduce Indonesia’s beautiful panorama and natural wealth. He hopes that this pavilion can become a means of expanding cultural aspects, tourism and economic cooperation between Indonesia and Vietnam.

The Indonesian pavilion at this festival carried the theme of the Angklung, a traditional musical instrument recognized by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage, and it became the main attraction. Angklung is a symbol of cooperation and mutual respect between nations. The pavilion was also decorated with various flowers which symbolize the richness of Indonesian culture.

Visitors could not only enjoy the beautiful visuals of the pavilion, but also have the opportunity to interact directly with the Angklung musical instrument. At the opening of the festival, VIP guests, including Indonesian representatives, were invited to play the Angklung, creating an unforgettable moment of togetherness.

Indonesia's presence in this festival aimnot only to promote natural beauty, but also to strengthen diplomatic relations between the two countries. Besides, it is a golden opportunity to introduce various aspects of Indonesian culture to the Vietnamese people.

In the previous year, the Indonesian Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City successfully invited the Saung Udjo arts team to perform at the Saigon Opera House, adding to the cultural diversity introduced to Vietnamese society. Initiatives like this continue to strengthen people-to-people diplomacy, and to open the door to cultural aspects, tourism and economic cooperation of both countries.


Nyamplung Beach Tourism is one of many beach attractions available in Rembang Regency. Nyamplung Beach is popular as a family tourism destination, mainly because the waves are not big; it has white sand and offers a sunset view which provides a romantic and instagrammable vibe.


The sand area of Nyamplung beach is quite long, making it possible for every visitor to enjoy various tourism activities. Small waves and white sand are always excellent  for family tourism destinations. So don't be surprised if during the holidays, the beach is crowded with a lot of tourists. 


Nyamplung Beach Tourism is also famous as a beach that can provide the best sunset in Rembang; its location is in Tri Tunggal village, Rembang sub-district, Rembang Regency, and the location is not far from the Semarang-Surabaya national road. Of course, the romantic and instagrammable nuances become a great attraction. Usually, sunset at Nyamplung Beach starts before 06.00 pm. In the afternoon, the atmosphere at Nyamplung Beach starts getting busy, especially for those who are hunting for sunset silhouette photos.


Diplomatic relations between Indonesia and Laos have been established since 1957. Both countries have good relations because of lots of similarities between them, such as their equally diverse ethnic backgrounds and historical similarities as countries that were free from Western colonialism. This was conveyed by Indonesian Ambassador to Laos, Grata Endah Werdaningtyas in an interview broadcast by RRI Voice of Indonesia on Tuesday (13/2). Ambassador Grata has pointed out that Indonesia has created a cooperation program with Laos to strengthen relations of both countries, such as a scholarship program for Laotian students. According to Ambassador Grata, with this reality, his current task at the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Vientiane is to build better and mutually more beneficial relations for both countries. One thing that will be done is to collaborate with the Laos-Indonesia Friendship Association (LIFA). This organization, which was founded in 2008, was founded by a former Laotian Ambassador to Indonesia. Ambassador Grata also explained that the Indonesian Embassy in Vientiane is currently working with LIFA to expand their joint agenda, and to encourage the promotion of Indonesia in Laos.

Moreover, the Indonesian Embassy in Vientiane also holds Indonesian Language classes for Foreign Speakers (BIPA), which started in 2009. To date, 673 students have completed the BIPA classes. In 2023, around 50 people were registered as students. One of the students even won an Indonesian language competition from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, against participants from various Indonesian BIPA classes abroad.

“....One of the students in (class) BIPA won first place for Comedy. Of course, there are  speeches, there are poetry readings, singing, and so on. But for me, comedy actually has a highly additional value, because comedy shows that children must understand the culture. Because jokes have to work,  cross-cultural, and different cultures must understand each other. The Indonesian Embassy in Vientiane also introduced Indonesian culinary delights at external events. One thing that was done was to open an instant noodle corner at a diplomatic reception last year, in which Indonesian chefs cooked instant noodles on the spot for those waiting in line.”

Meanwhile, Indonesia-Laos trade will increase three times during 2021-2022. Ambassador Grata admitted that there was a deficit from Indonesia, because Indonesia imported potassium from Laos as raw material for fertilizer to meet large demand. However, he conveyed these imports would help supply fertilizer for domestic industry. The Indonesian Embassy in Vientiane has taken several steps to facilitate the promotion of Indonesian products in Laos, for example, by increasing sales of consumer goods, pharmaceuticals and health products in supermarkets. Besides, his side facilitates Indonesian companies that want to have partnership with business players in Laos. The Indonesian Embassy in Vientiane is also collaborating with the Young Entrepreneur Association of Laos so that young entrepreneurs in Laos can work together with young Indonesian entrepreneurs.


State University of Jakarta (UNJ) received an honorary visit from Austrian Ambassador to Indonesia H.E. Dr. Thomas Loidl on Monday (12/2).The honorary visit was to explore cooperation especially in education and was attended by  Austrian Ambassador to Indonesia H.E. Dr. Thomas Loidl,  UNJ Rector Prof. Komarudin, Austrian Deputy Ambassador to Indonesia Philipp Rossl, Secretary of Austrian Ambassador to Indonesia Alicia Simanungkalit, and some other representatives of State University of Jakarta (UNJ).

UNJ Rector Prof. Komarudin wished to expand cooperation with Austria especially in education and teacher development, because the business core of UNJ is teacher education. Besides, UNJ also wanted to learn about vocational education in Austria, in hope to create skilled vocational graduates. UNJ would also be a State University with Legal Entity (PTNBH), so the cooperation could be easier and wider, especially considering UNJ has a wide undeveloped land asset in Cikarang. The cooperation with Austria was expected to also build facilities.


Meanwhile, Arpani and Uryadi from German Language Program of UNJ's Language and Literature Faculty talked about cooperation in education, such as the possibility of UNJ lecturers to sutdy in Austria with Austrian government's scholarship. Besides, the cooperation in developing the internationally licensed ÖSD German Language Test Center.Ambassador Thomas Loidl said they were very open to carry out the cooperation and collaboration with UNJ. As emphasized by the UNJ rector, namely cooperation in education, Austria and Indonesia have been carrying out education and training programs. He then thanked for the cooperation opportunity and wished the program could run well between the Austrian Ambassador and UNJ.