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Indonesian Embassy in Canberra / held the Ambassador Goes to Campus activity at Deakin and Monash Universities/ Australia. on Friday (1/3)/ to promote education in Indonesia and explore collaboration between universities in the two countries// Ambassador  Siswo Pramono/ in a press release on Friday said/ the educational cooperation between Indonesia and Australia will accelerate the fulfillment of quality human resources needed/ who are ready to make a positive contribution to the economy and progress of the two countries// Apart from that/ both countries can carry out joint research in overcoming the impacts of climate change// According to him/ this is related to fact that Indonesia currently has a demographic bonus/ which must be utilized well/ and will only happen through quality education//

Meanwhile, Education Attache of the Indonesian Embassy in Canberra/ Mukhamad Najib/ explained/ this event was held to bring together the leadership of an  Indonesian  University, the University  of Lampung, Sumatra,  with the leadership of Deakin and Monash Universities// He hoped/ the three universities could get to know each other and could continue with concrete cooperation// He also highlighted the importance of universities in Australia to recognize the potential of universities in Indonesia which are located outside Java// On this occasion/ Chancellor of the University of Lampung/ Lusmeilia Afriani/ conveyed their campus profile and agenda in terms of internationalization// Meanwhile, the President of Deakin University/ Iain Martin/ said/ he was interested in building collaboration with universities in Indonesia/ especially in the field of research// He also highlighted the importance of establishing relationships between researchers with an interest in the same field// Currently, Monash University has a branch operating in Jakarta/ while Deakin will soon have a branch in Bandung/ West Java//


Next week, 11  March, Muslims around the world will carry out fasting during Ramadan, which means that they do not  eat or drink for approximately 12 hours everyday  for 30 days. Approaching the fasting month of Ramadan, residents of Ratmakan Village, Ngupasan sub-district, Gondomanan Special Region of Yogyakarta again held an Apem festival, "Ngapem Ruwahan, on Sunday morning (25/2/ 2024). There were three large Apems or food-like mountains (gunungan) at the festival.

Before the event started, all the residents of Ratmakan village paraded three mountains which  consist of two Apem mountains, sticky rice and kolak, and one mountain which  contains vegetables from the land. These three mountains are a symbol of gratitude and forgiving one  another among humans and approach themselves  to God Almighty. When parading the three gunungan, the residents of Ratmakan village who paraded the gunungan, wore traditional Javanese clothing with Gamelan music accompaniment which made the atmosphere of this festival even more festive and solemn.

Another purpose of holding the Apem festival is to bring about harmonization of religious, artistic and cultural elements in the community. But the most important message is actually to remind ones that the Muslims will soon enter the holy month of Ramadan. T
he lesson that can be learned from holding this Apem festival tradition   is  the sincerity to forgive one another. "Afwan" an Arabic word, which means sorry, then becomes Apem. This is all mental preparation before doing fasting in the month of Ramadan.


As a series of preparations for Indonesia's participation in the 2025 world exhibition,  the Design Inauguration Ceremony and Handover of the Location for the 2025 Indonesian Pavilion Exhibition was held at the Imperial Hotel Osaka in Japan on Wednesday (28/2). The activity was attended by  Minister of National Development Planning, Head of the National Development Planning Agency, Suharso Monoarfa, Indonesian Ambassador to Japan, Heri Akhmadi, Mayor of Osaka,  Hideyuki Yokoyama, Secretary-General of World Expo 2025 Osaka,  Hiroyuki Ishige,  Consul-General of Indonesia in Osaka  and Commissioners General of exhibiting countries.

In this five-year agenda, the Indonesian Pavilion takes the theme "Thriving in Harmony: Nature, Culture,  Future with the main focus being Indonesia's commitment to sustainable development, including the implementation of the green economy and blue economy for the Sustainable Development Goals -SDGs.

Moreover, Ambassador Heri Akhmad viewed that Indonesia's commitment to participate in the World Expo 2025 Osaka is an important milestone in the comprehensive strategic partnership between Indonesia and Japan, which was agreed in 2023.  Indonesia–Japan continues to contribute positively to regional and global peace, stability and prosperity, including in efforts to achieve the SDGs.  As the National Authority responsible for Indonesia's participation in the 2025 World Expo Osaka, Minister Suharso Monoarfa has said that Indonesia has implemented various strategies to materealize the SDGs. In the previous year,  the United Nations report stated  Indonesia is one of the countries that has achieved the most progressive in the SDGs among upper middle income countries.

Meanwhile, the World Expo 2025 will be held in Osaka from 13 April until 13 October 2025.  This agenda is the main platform for Indonesia and various countries to reaffirm their commitment to achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

For you who want to travel to Malang, East Java, Indonesia, please do not forget to visit  Pujon Kidul tourism village. The tourism destination is  located in Pujon subdistrict, Malang regency, East Java province. At the area, you can play in the village, do some exciting activities and find instagrammable spots. When you visit the Pujon tourist village, come in the early morning. It can be reached by walking around 2.6 kilometers or you can drive for 7 minutes to Nirwana Hill. From the top of hill, you can enjoy the cool air of Pujan village and the beautiful sunrise.

If you miss the rural atmosphere, you must visit the Cultural Village. This place is a local settlement that has been transformed into a tourism destination with interesting activities, such as making various dairy products at Pawon Ndeso, or learning to make batik, masks, playing gamelan traditional musical instrument, and learning traditional dances at Rumah Belajar. The written batik at Rumah Belajar is also an alternative souvenir. The most popular types of motifs are dragonfly and bamboo motifs. If you are interested in buying it, the price of  written batik is around 350,000 to 800,000 rupiah or 19 to 50 US dollar. At this tourism attraction, there is also Fantasy Land 4D which is ready to pamper the eyes with a beautiful expanse of garden, complete with statues of animated characters. Of course, there are lots of instagrammable photo spots at the location. Besides, there are also facilities for watching four-dimensional films, such as in a mini cinema.


There is also the Roudh 78 in the Pujon Kidul Tourism Village. This destination offers exciting activities such as paintball, water roller games, ATVs, trail motorbikes and swimming pools. After touring the Pujon Kidul Tourism Village, you can have a rest to recharge your energy in a beautiful Sawah Cafe with a green rice fields view and a gazebo or hut as a place to eat. In Pujon Kidul Village, there is also accommodation with complete facilities.