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Wednesday, 25 April 2018 08:45

Protection for Sumatran Tigers

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The population of Sumatran tigers (Panthera tigris sumatrae) reaches 400 across Sumatran forests, according to the Environmental Affairs and Forestry Ministry. Sumatran tigers could be found in Ulu Masen National Park, Kerumutan sanctuary, Rimbang Baling, Bukit Tiga Puluh, and up to Lampung, Wiratno, director general for Natural Resources and Ecosystem Conservation Affairs of the ministry said in Pekanbaru, Riau Province, recently. 

He called for protection of the tiger habitats and food cycles in their habitats on Sumatra Island.

"There is a drastic change of forest function in Sumatra," he stated.

Panthera tigris sumatrae, one of the six remaining tiger species in the world, is currently in the brink of extinction due to conversion of Sumatran forests, he remarked.

In Riau Province, some 190 Sumatran tigers exist, or one third of the total tiger population on Sumatra Island. The tiger habitat in Riau is located in Kerumutan forest sanctuary, which was also the habitat of Bonita. ( antara ) 

Bonita, four years old tigress, which had roamed around in human settlements and plantations since January 2018, had killed one woman and one man.  On April 20, Bonita was capture alive, after being shot twice with tranquilizer, Riau Natural Resources Conservation Agency head Suharyono said in the provincial capital of Pekanbaru on Saturday. Bonita is currently being kept in an animal rehabilitation center owned by Arsari Djojohadikusumo Foundation, for observation.

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