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Sunday, 25 July 2021 06:43

PON National Games can boost Papuan economy: Indef researcher

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An official inspected Papua Bangkit Stadium in preparation of the 2021 PON National Games in Kampung Harapan, East Sentani Subdistrict, Jayapura District, Thursday (June 17, 2021). ANTARA PHOTO/Gusti Tanati/wpa/hp/aa - 


Convening of the 2021 PON National Games in Papua could drive the local economy if economic events take place in concert with the Games, Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (Indef) researcher Bhima stated.

"The continuation of construction projects (in Papua) is one example of a project that could be synchronised with the PON event," Indef researcher Bhima noted here today.

Bhima particularised that proper supporting infrastructure, encompassing athletes lodging and reliable internet connection facilities, were required to hold the Games, thereby making the local construction sector crucial. The locals will also be offered new job opportunities in the construction sector.

Moreover, the Indef researcher noted that the local food and beverage industry offered business opportunities for entrepreneurs to promote local foods. He cited an example from the 2018 Asian Games hosted in Jakarta and Palembang when demand for Palembang’s local delicacy of fried fishcake pempek had spiked significantly.

"Papua also has other unique local delicacies, such as lontar milk pie cake, bagea sago cake, Manokwari's roasted fish, and papeda sago congee. (Entrepreneurs) are required to only prepare an eye-catching packaging and engage in aggressive promotion at online marketplaces for market survival after the conclusion of the Games," Bhima explained.

Apart from construction and food industries, Bhima also suggested local car renting companies to join the economy bandwagon during the Games, consequently kickstarting the recovery of local transportation businesses.

The Papuan government also expects economic development sparked by the PON National Games, scheduled in October 2021, to continue after the conclusion of the Games, particularly in the local micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSME) sector.

Papua Province Regional Secretariat Deputy for Economy and People's Welfare Muhammad Musa'ad stated that the 2021 PON National Games should offer a momentum for entrepreneurs to develop their businesses.

"As in arranging an orchestra, we are striving to first create synergy and fusion from all business sectors (in Papua) for our economic development," Musa'ad stated in Jayapura on Tuesday (July 13)//ANT

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