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Wednesday, 02 May 2018 00:00

New Hope From Bogor For World Peace

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New Hope From Bogor For World Peace twitter sek kabinet

Bogor, again became a city that marked the beginning of important dialogue between nations. If there had been a dialogue between the disputing parties in Cambodia, it was not the opposite party that met in Bogor but the parties who wanted a relationship that brought peace among the Muslims. Various scholars from various countries gathered since yesterday in Bogor to discuss steps to realize the concepts of Islam that reconcile. The meeting was opened by President Joko Widodo at Bogor Palace on May 1, titled HIGH LEVEL CONSULTATION OF WORLD MUSLIM SCHOLARS ON WASATIYYAT ISLAM.

The high-level consultation meeting of the world's Muslim scholars on Istiyyah Islam will last for three days. The present scholars are from the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Lebanon, Syria, Algeria, Singapore, Philippines, India, Bangladesh, China, Australia, France and Canada. As well as from the United States, Brunei Darussalam, Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Uzbekistan, Britain and Russia. Then from Iran, Timor Leste, Sri Lanka, Palestine, Italy, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Jordan. Also present at a conference that runs until tomorrow are clerics from Syria, a war-torn country and cause some of its country to be devastated by bombs.

Indeed, Indonesia initiated the Wasatiyah Islamic meeting. There are at least two things to say. The first is because Indonesia has been in peace since the majority of Muslims are always trying to manifest themselves moderately and appear to overcome problems. Secondly, because the role of Indonesian Muslims in dealing with conflicts in the world is very necessary.

President Joko Widodo in the opening remarks of the Conference stated that Indonesia is a country that maintains diversity. Indonesia will continue to foster peace and unity by prioritizing deliberation, tolerance, and trust that brings social justice and lasting peace. Muslims must lead and pioneer efforts to create peace as well as the motor of world progress.

We hope, the conference in Bogor will be able to formulate the position of ulema and Muslims as middle people who are able to become a middle and middle problem. From Bogor new hope emerged about the concrete birth of Islam Wasatiyah not only from the level of concept but also how to do it, off course with aqidah based on Al Qur'an and Hadith.

Read 1748 times Last modified on Friday, 04 May 2018 10:07