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Tuesday, 25 June 2019 15:48

ASEAN Trust Fund and ASEAN Project Fund: Opportunities for Youth Contribution in ASEAN

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ASEAN Trust discussion in Yogyakarta ASEAN Trust discussion in Yogyakarta kemenlu

ASEAN Cooperation with Partners The speech continues to grow. In this regard, many fields of cooperation can be utilized specifically by youth and universities, including through the use of the ASEAN Trust Fund (ATF) and the ASEAN Project Fund (APF). "Thus the excerpt explained by Benny YP Siahaan, ASEAN External Cooperation Director, while providing socialization on "Utilization of the ASEAN Trust Fund and ASEAN Project Fund" as well as "Latest ASEAN Development" to students and academics in the International Relations Study Program, Faculty of Psychology and Socio-Cultural Sciences (FPSB), Indonesian Islamic University (UII) On Saturday (6/22).

Until January 31, 2019, there were 65 types of Trust Funds and Project Funds with a total fund of USD 207 million or around 3 trillion Rupiah. Unfortunately, Indonesia is one of the ASEAN member countries which is still not optimal in utilizing the ATF and APF. Therefore, Benny added that Indonesia as the host of ASEAN Capital must be able to utilize the ATF and APF optimally as an effort to realize ASEAN community integration and the concrete implementation of the ASEAN action plan with the Speech Partners. Furthermore, the potential contribution of Indonesian students in various ASEAN programs with their Partners also included youth exchange programs, ASEAN scholarships and prisons. "The role of youth is also very important to continue the continuity and relevance of ASEAN to the community," said Benny.

Dean of FPSB, UII Yogyakarta, DR. H. Fuad Nashori, M.Sc, in his remarks underlined the importance of HI Study Program students to find out about issues of diplomacy issues and the development of issues in the region. Furthermore, it was also conveyed that Indonesia's free and active diplomacy had made a great contribution and produced an impact and peaceful solution to various problems in the ASEAN region and the world.

This socialization activity is coupled with the activities of the Diplomatic Course of students of the HI Study Program, FPSB, UII Yogyakarta. Participating in the presentation of the event was Ambassador Foster Gultom and Head of Sub-Directorate of American, European and Other Regions, Danang Waskito, who explained the technical negotiations and procedures for ASEAN trials with Partners Speaking. Participants also received an introduction to the session through the East Asia Summit (EAS) simulation activities by discussing the issue of Combating Marine Plastic Debris.

The joint activity received a positive response from participants, both students and instructors. The students were also very enthusiastic about the role of the EAS state delegation in the trial simulation activities, with the main task of producing a draft EAS agreement to deal with the problem of plastic waste. The activity was seen as providing experience in the form of negotiation, diplomacy and public speaking practices for the participants.

FPSB UII appreciates the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and believes that after this the participants will increasingly understand the complexity of diplomacy and the process of achieving an agreement in the session.

This socialization of the use of ATF and APF is not the first time held by the Directorate General of ASEAN Cooperation c.q. Directorate of ASEAN External Cooperation. A similar activity was held in Cirebon on August 31, 2018 by involving various national Ministries / Institutions in collaboration with the ASEAN Secretariat. (kemenlu)

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