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Thursday, 27 June 2019 08:14

Ministry of Tourism Encourages Sustainable Tourism Development to be a Priority Program

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Meeting of sustainable tourism certification Meeting of sustainable tourism certification kemenpar

The Ministry of Tourism (Kemenpar) encourages sustainable tourism development programs or Sustainable Tourism Develompent becomes a priority program.

Deputy of Industry and Institutional Development Ni Wayan Giri Adnyani during the '2019 Sustainable Tourism Certification Kick Off' at the Pullman Hotel, Jakarta, Wednesday (6/26/2019) said the principle of Sustainable Tourism Certification was carried out to ensure auditing performance and conformity assessment and responsibility in the application of sustainable tourism.

"As a model and best practices, for 2019 it is still limited to five locations. For 2020 and beyond, we encourage destinations and industries that will participate in the implementation of sustainable tourism, "he said.

In its implementation, continued Giri, certification will be carried out by the IST-Council. Triningsih Herlinawati, Head of the BSN Certification Institution Accreditation Center, with standards that must be met, including ISO / IEC 17065: 2012.

"In addition, the division of roles must also be clearly described to avoid the Conflict of Interest," Giri said.

On the same occasion, there was also IST-Council Chair I Gede Ardika who explained that Indonesia is an example or benchmark at the UNWTO level in implementing standards and criteria compiled by UNWTO for realistic sustainable tourism.

"Certification of sustainable tourism is a concrete manifestation of the implementation of sustainable tourism at both national and international levels," said I Gede Ardika. (kemenpar)

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