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Indonesian Wonder

Indonesian Wonder (630)


Tourism object of Bajra Sandhi is a monument in Denpasar, Bali. The monument was built and dedicated for People’s Struggle on Bali Island. The location of the monument is in front of the Governor Office and Regional House of Representatives Building of Bali, precisely at Renon.

Bajra Sandhi monument, in addition to honor heroes on Bali Island, is also a symbol of the preservation of the souls of Balinese warriors from generation to generation and also a symbol of spirit to defend the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. The designer of the monument is  Ida Bagus Gede Yadnya, an architect who won competition of the monument architecture. The monument which has a meaning the Day of Indonesian independence on August 17, 1945, has a design of 17 entrance gateways, 8 main pillars and  45 meters high.

The name of Bajra Sandi is from Bajra and Sandhi. Bajra means Genta or big bell and Sandhi means holy. If we see the shape of the building, the monument looks like Genta which is used by priests of Hindu, when saying mantra in prayer ritual. Bajra Sandhi monument has facilities such as library, fish pond, handicraft and toilet. To enter the monument, visitors should pay entrance ticket Rp 25,000 for adult and Rp 5,000 for kid.


Bono waves

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Published in Indonesian Wonder

Bono is wave at estuary of Kampar River in Pelalawan regency, Riau province, Indonesia. Bono wave of Kampar River is a natural phenomenon due to confluence of river current to sea and sea current which enter to the river due to high tide. Usually, bono wave only happens at the edge of the beach or vast lake due to changes in water and wind flow. The wave which is quite large is usually used for surfing. Therefore, if seeing surfer who is surfing at the sea, it is something familiar, but seeing surfer who is surfing on river current is extra ordinary thing. The largest Bono usually happens when rainy season in which water discharge in  Kampar river is quite large. It is around November and December.

Scientifically, bono wave is one of natural phenomena which rarely happens. Bono wave happens due to  the collision of three currents of water which come from Melaka Strait, South China Sea and water flow of Kampar river which creates wave at estuary of Kampar river as high as 4 -5 meters. This is signed by great thunder. Bono wave usually happens every 13-18 of the middle month in Islamic calendar. The wave has white and brown colors following water of Kuala Kampar River. In addition, Bono wave also happens in the beginning and at the end of Islamic calendar.

To go to Kampar River is quite difficult because there is not a lot of public transportation to go there. So, you should rent car in Pangkalan Kerinci. To the location from Pekanbaru, it can be accessed by two ways. The first one is through  Pekanbaru - Pangkalan Kerinci  road then turn left at Bunut  junction and then enter to Jalan poros Bono to Teluk Meranti village. The second way is through water line. You should drive car from Pekanbaru to Pangkalan Kerinci. From Pangkalan Kerinci Bridge, it can be continued by speed boat to Teluk Meranti village or Pulau Muda village. So, you can choose what route you want to go.

Kampar River creates heaven not only for surfing lovers but also for lovers of photography. Here, you can take picture of Malayan typical stage house with beautiful and natural scenery as background. In addition, you can also catch fish, have a fun with local people and see fisherman’s activities in the morning. Do not forget to see art performance which is usually held at hall. Local people here are very friendly. Enjoying art and traditional instruments will become media to release your fatigue.


East Java has plenty of unique tourism destinations that you can explore on your holidays. One of which is the Cemenung Hill which is located at Tenggong Village, Rejotangan Sub-district, Tulunganggung, East Java. The hill is popular with the four iconic huge towers with chimneys on the top of them. The four iconic towers were actually part of limestone mining and factory in the past. At a glance, the towers are akin to the windmills in the Netherlands.

In the past, Tulungagung used to be the location of limestone mining. Limestone must undergo calcination namely the process of burning limestone so that it can be used for industry. The towers at the Cemenung Hill were utilized to calcine limestone. The buildings were owned by Chinese businessmen. Although the buildings have not been restored and managed, visitors are fascinated by the formidable structure of the buildings. At a glance, the buildings resemble to the windmills in the Netherlands. Therefore, the buildings are often packed by visitors which are spellbound by their uniqueness. In addition to exploring the buildings which resemble to the windmills in the Netherlands, visitors are also keen on taking photos as the place provides numerous enchanting photo spots with spectacular background.

The scenery above the Cemenung Hill is dangerously wonderful. Moreover, the temperature surrounding the hill is also quite cold. The hill is an appropriate place to soothe your mind from your routines. In addition to the unique buildings at the Cemenung Hill, the hill also has a number of supporting facilities to make your visit more convenient such as parking area, prayer room, toilet, as well as restaurant. You can use either public or private transportation to get to the hill. If you take public transportation such as bus or other modes of public transportation, you can stop at a bus terminal and continue your trip by taking motorcycle taxi or ojek to reach the hill.

Before visiting the hill, make sure to bring your camera so that you can capture your unforgettable moments at the hill.


Vredeburg fortress is a fort which is located in front of Gedung Agung and Yogyakarta sultanate, precisely on Jalan Margo Mulyo. Now, the fortress becomes a museum. In a number of buildings inside the fortress, there is diorama on Indonesian history. 

Vredeburg fortress was built by Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono I for the first time in 1760 on the Dutch request, which was at that time governor of Director of Java’s North Coast, led by Nicolaas Harting.

The fortress was built as the central government and residential defense of the Dutch at that time, by being surrounded by trenches which most of it has been reconstructed and can be seen until now. The squared-shape fortress has monitoring tower at the four corners.  

Since 1992 based on the Education and Culture Ministry’s decree, the fortress has been functional as museum. Some of the main collections of the museum are diorama of Soedirman’s inauguration as Great Commander of Indonesian Military, Surjopranoto’s typewriter, Soetomo’s document and many others.

The museum opens every Tuesday until Sunday. Visitors only pay Rp 3,000 for adult, Rp 2,000 for kid and Rp 10,000 for foreign visitors.


As dry area, actually Belu regency has amazing natural destination. It is Siata Mauhalek waterfall which is located at Fatumuti hamlet, in Raiulun village, Lasiolat district, Belu regency, East Nusa Tenggara. To go there, you must spend time for one hour because the road is winding and uphill, but along the trip, you will be presented with clusters of green hills. 

Arriving at Siata Muahalek Waterfall, you will be welcomed by gateway which is made from bamboo and 50 stairs which must be through by you. But your struggle is not useless, because rice fields and corn plantation are ready to spoil your eyes. Towering palm and coconut trees at the left and right sides of the road become unique scenery. In addition, you will hear melodious sound of water which goes down among the stones.

If you are tired before arriving at Siata Muahalek Waterfall, there are some huts to take a rest for a while. Green moss which sticks on the stone’s wall and transparent water which is illuminated by sunlight will make you forget your fatigue and directly you will enjoy the freshness of its water.  At the waterfall’s complex, there is room to change your wet clothes, so you do not have to worry, you can play water satisfyingly. 

If you want to enjoy the sensation of Siata Muahalek Waterfall, you can directly go to the rock bottom to feel the freshness of its water. If you touch the water, we are guaranteed you want to stay longer here. Thus, we suggest you to bring your own foods and beverages or you can buy young coconut, roasted banana or corns which are sold by the local people. So what are waiting for, set your time to go to Siata Mauhalek waterfall in Rai Belu, East Nusa Tenggara.


The natural charm, which is offered by beaches in Ambon is as beautiful as other beaches which have been well known in Indonesia, such as Kuta Beach in Bali. One of the amazing beaches in Ambon is Lawena Beach which has been popular since in the past.  

Lawena Beach is surrounded by beautiful white sand with green trees as its background. Meanwhile, the beach’s water is so transparent and has wealth of sea marine. Thus, it is appropriate for visitors who have hobby diving to make a visit to the beach.

Various kinds of fish and coral reefs will greet divers when they are diving at the sea. At the beach, the visitors can also enjoy coconut which grows around the beach.  

Lawena Beach is located at Hutumuri village in South Leitimur district.  Actually, distance from Ambon City to the beach is not too far. It may take one hour by motor-vehicles, because route which is accessed is mountainous and the road is neither flat nor straight. As a result, fewer tourists make a visit to this tourism object.


Holiday comes closer, do you already know interesting tourism destination where you can spend your time with your family? In Yogyakarta, there is an interesting tourism destination, called 'Pentingsari village'.

Yogyakarta is a city whose many tourism objects are beautiful and amazing. There are historical, natural, and cultural until culinary tourism destinations. In addition, Yogyakarta is developing tourism village. In today’s edition, we will take you to have a closer look at Pentingsari village which is located in Sleman regency. Pentingsari tourism village can be accessed in one hour from Yogyakarta.

Pentingsari tourism village offers the original culture, nature and social as its attraction. If we see the village on map, geographically the village has a unique shape like peninsula. At the south of the village, there are Ponteng valley and Gondoran in the West; there is steep valley, Kuning River at the East; there is Valley of Pawon River and in the North, there are residential areas and Mt. Merapi view. The village has 3 main aspects: natural scenery with beautiful field, work system and empowerment of surrounding residents, and its culture.

Pentingsari tourism village is appropriate for tourists who wants to take a rest for a while from daily activities. Here, you can do many activities which make your brain relaxed. With village atmosphere which is still fresh and thick of local wisdom, this will make your body relaxed. In addition, you can also do various activities with local residents such as  plowing field, harvest, catching fish, even taking short course of Javanese dance, Karawitan, and plaiting coconut leaves. At certain time, tourists also will be invited to attend village celebration. If you come with entourage, there is also out-bound and playing ball in mud facility.

 Pentingsari tourism village has also Joglo Herbal; it is Joglo special for consultation herbal treatment where tourists can consult about herbal plants which have special efficacy. In addition, here, you can get seeds of herbal plants and also organic vegetable. So, what are you waiting for? Set your time to come to this village on your holidays along with your family or relatives.


On October 11, former Minister of Tourism, Arief Yahya, inaugurated Puri Digital Destination in Bojongkoneng, Cimenyan, Bandung regency, West Java. According to Arief Yahya, by the existence of this tourism destination, millennials have more choices of tourism objects they like. The digital site presents rarely available contents. Its spot is also instagramable, and there are 3 beautiful views, such as bamboo forest, sunrise spot, and city light. Meanwhile, Head of Tourism Office of Bandung, Agus Firman Zaelani said that there are many fun objects which can be found by tourists at Puri Bambu, beginning from cultural performance, live music, workshop, until typical culinaries of Cimenyan.

If you are interested to come to Puri Bambu Digital Destination, do not have to worry because access road to Cimenyan is not difficult. Puri Bambu is completed with lodging and hotel. The tourism object is located on the hill so it has fresh air and beautiful scenery. From the East, you will see the beauty of mountain scenery, while from the South, you will be presented the city’s views. Sparkling light of the city at night adds more beauty of the view.

It is called the digital destination object, because all promotional events use social media platform including for transactions also uses digital money. Called Puri Bambu, in order that people keep familiar with bamboo   as one of materials produce in Indonesia. No wonder, all of the buildings in this site are dominated by bamboo. To protect and to make the bamboo buildings more interesting, those bamboos are painted. The performance of arts in this object also completed with bamboo instruments besides other musical instruments. Usually Puri Bambo presents Tarawangsa and Merak dances, Angklung Saung Mang Udjo performance to entertain the visitors. Talking about culinary, there are various typical foods provided at this tourism detination. Cimenyan itself is also known with peuyeum or fermented cassava and honey. There are also some other typical foods made from cassava, corn, rice flour and vegetable and tubers which can be brought as souvenirs. You can also find traditional beverages such as bandrek, bajigur and typical coffee of West Java in Puri Bambu digital tourism object.


Lombok has been popular with its enchanting destinations such as Gili Trawangan and Gili Nanggu. However, today, I would like to introduce you one of the tourism destinations in Lombok, that has been more popular namely Gili Kedis. Gili Kedis is located in Central Sekotong, West Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara.

Gili Kedis has pristine nature which has not been discovered by many people. Its clear waters captivate visitors to stay longer there. There are plenty of healthy and gorgeous coral reefs inhabited by fish. In addition to its tourism potential, the access to Gili Kedis is also relatively easy.

There are two routes that you can choose to get to Gili Kedis namely through Tawun Seaport in Sekotong or through Lembar Seaport in West Lombok. The Tawun Seaport is not like any other seaports. It is only a beach. At the seaport, visitors can rent small boat with a capacity of 6 people. By paying only Rp 300,000 to Rp 500,000, visitors can also explore Gili Sudak, Gili Tangkong, and Gili Nanggu which are located surrounding Gili Kedis.

Gili Kedis is a small yet beautiful island. To visit the desert island, the trip takes approximately 10 minutes. The white sand spanning across the coastline looks incredibly amazing. Since it is an uninhabited island, there is not a single facility except two gazebos that visitors can use to relax. If you want to stay over at Gili Kedis, you can camp there. The peacefulness at Gili Kedis makes you feel like at a private island. It is recommended that you visit the island in the morning. In addition, don’t forget to bring your power bank if you want to charge your phone because there is no electricity at the island. We also recommend you to bring enough foods and drinks if you want to camp there. You can buy water surrounding the Tawun Seaport.


Roti Gambang

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Published in Indonesian Wonder

October 16th, 2019, coincides with  World Bread Day, released the list of the 50 best breads in the world.  The best breads are curated by pastry chef who is also a travel and culinary writer, Jen Rose Smith. These 50 best breads were chosen because of their unique ingredients, iconic status, and simplicity in eating bread. One of chosen breads included in the list is Roti Gambang or Gambang bread. Roti Gambang is a typical snack of Betawi which is also known in Semarang, Central Java. People of Semarang  know it  as roti ganjel rel (rail block bread), because of its hard texture.  Roti Gambang has existed from the Dutch colonial era and was popular until the 1990s. At that time, Roti Gambang was liked by all people, children and the elderly.

Roti Gambang has hard and compact texture mixed with chocolate aroma and cinnamon. The color is brownish with a sprinkling of sesame on it. The bread is made of spices from Indonesia, such as cardamom, cinnamon, mixed with flour, palm sugar, and eggs. Due to its hard texture, just eating 2 pieces of bread, it can make us full. At the tradition before Ramadhan or Dugderan celebration, this bread also being scramble for people in Semarang. The local people believe that by eating Roti Gambang can give more energy to do fasting.

Besides for daily consumption, Betawinese people in Jakarta usually bring Roti Gambang when visiting sick people. It is usually sold in the morning and evening, because it is an appropriate  time to eat Roti Gambang. The bread is usually enjoyed  with a cup of coffee or warm tea. Now, it's quite difficult to find the legendary bread, because some of factories that produced Roti Gambang have gone out of business. But there are still a few vendors who sell Roti Gambang. The price of Roti Gambang is relatively cheap about Rp. 4,000 to Rp. 5000 per piece.