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Indonesian Wonder

Indonesian Wonder (630)



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Published in Indonesian Wonder

Yogyakarta is the capital city of Special Region of Yogyakarta in Indonesia. Yogyakarta city where Sultan Hamengkubuwana and Grand Duke Paku Alam live is one of the biggest cities in Indonesia. The city used to be the capital city of Indonesia in 1946. The name of Yogyakarta was taken from two words, namely Ayogya or Ayodhya which means peacefulness. The city is also known as a student city because 20% of its population is students and there are 137 colleges.

The location of Yogyakarta city is very strategic because it is located at the main ways, namely Southern Cross Road which connects Yogyakarta, Bandung, Surakarta, Surabaya, and other cities in the South of Java and also Yogyakarta – Semarang road which connects Yogyakarta, Magelang, Semarang, and other cities in middle cross road of Java Island. Thereby, the transportation in Yogyakarta is quite adequate to make mobility among the cities easier. Yogyakarta City is located at the valley of three rivers, namely Winongo river, Code River which splits the city to be two parts, and also Gajahwong river. The city is rarely hid with huge floods because it has good drainage which was built by the Dutch colonial government and also the addition of drainage which was provided by the provincial government of Yogyakarta.

One of the districts in Yogyakarta, namely Kotagede was once the center of the Sultanate of Mataram from 1575 until 1640. The palaces that still function well are Ngayogyakarta palace and Puro Paku Alaman as part of Mataram sultanate. Yogyakarta also became place of the establishment of the biggest Islamic organization, Muhammadiyah which was established by K.H. Ahmad Dahlan  at Kauman, Ngupasan, Gondomanan, Yogyakarta in 1912. Until now, Central Board of Muhammadiyah is still in Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta is a city with full of history which is still managed well. The city is still rich with Javanese culture and tradition. Therefore, many domestic and foreign tourists are interested to visit this city.


There are a lot of Indonesian traditions which are conducted after Idul Fitri. One of them is Ngubek Lewi tradition. Ngubek Leuwi is a fishing activity carried out by the community together in the Cipasarangan river, Garut Regency, West Java. The tradition is an expression of gratitude of the people of Cikelet over some goodness given by the God, particularly health after performing fasting for one month in holy Ramadan. They complete their happiness with their relatives at Lebaran day.   The tradition is also held to improve awareness toward river flow area that supports their life.

The Ngubek Leuwi tradition is usually held 2 days after Idul Fitri.  Before the tradition is held, a few weeks earlier, dozens of quintals of catfish, goldfish, tilapia and Tawes are put into the Cipasarangan river  with average weight of 4 to 6 ounces per  fish. Those fishes will be contested by the residents. When the Ngubek Leuwi tradition is held, previously, the residents hold  'kawin cai', which means   to take water from springs such as in the Dukuh villages and Ciroyom by using Lodong or bamboo about one meter long.  Then, the  water is poured together on the bridge that is deliberately built. During the Ngubek Leuwi ritual, the local people  go down directly into the Leuwi or deep river to do Ngubek or in the local language means fishing with their hands.

The tradition which has been done since 2010 is now includes in the Cipasarangan Festival agenda. This festival is an annual activity that is routinely carried out by presenting cultural arts performances as well as various local wisdoms which grow and develop in the Cikelet region. Besides  Ngubek Leuwi tradition, there are  various traditional arts such as Pencak Silat (martial arts)  and traditional music, such as festivals of terbang (rebana) gembrung or terbang sejakat.


Bagedur beach has white sand with huge waves. Various trees grow lush and shady around the beach. Its solid sand makes the beach be able to be passed by motor vehicles, so that the beach often becomes place for motorcycles’ race. If you come to the beach by motor vehicles, you can directly drive or ride your motor vehicles at the side of the beach while enjoying the waves of the South beach.

With vast expanse of sand, Bagedur beach can be used as field to play volley ball, football or other games. Visitors can swim at the beach safely because its beach is flat and without coral.  As tourism object, there are lodging facilities. In addition, around the beach, there are many food-stalls which sell various seafood dishes, such as roasted fish, roasted squid and many others.

Bagedur beach is located at Sukamanah village, Malingping district, Lebak regency, Banten. It can be accessed from Jakarta through Tangerang-Merak toll by land transportation. The distance of  Bagedur from Jakarta is around 200 kilometers by taking around 6 hours. While from Serang, the capital city of Banten is around 130 kilometers by taking 4 and half hours.


The Orchid Forest in Lembang, West Java is the largest orchid park in Indonesia. At this forest, there are around 157 varieties of orchid which are cultivated in 12-hectare land. The seeds of those orchids come from various countries, such as Venezuela, United States of America and Peru. Even, rare orchids such as black orchid or Coelogy Pandurata, Kantong Semar orchid or Paphopedilum glaucophyllum and paraphalaenopsis laycocky can be found The Orchid Forest in Lembang.

In addition to enjoying a lot of varieties of orchids, tourists can also enjoy the beauty of pine trees and fresh air. Cool air makes those orchids grow well in Lembang. Eco-tourism, which was opened several years ago, is complementary tourism packages, such as beautiful scenery with fresh air, aesthetic facilities, Instagramable spots for taking pictures and various kinds of sub-destinations. The 12-hectare orchid forest is determined as the largest orchid forest in Indonesia because it is managed well.

To go to this orchid forest, you should use private motor-vehicles. The smooth road towards the orchid forest makes motorcycles or cars pass comfortably. You can go from Lembang to Mt. Tangkuban Perahu region. During the trip, you should watch the road side until you find Orchid Forest Lembang at Cikole gate. The Orchid Forest opens every day, starting from 9 am for weekdays and 8 am for weekends until 6 pm of local time.


Forty-six kilometers from Kupang, the capital city of East Nusa Tenggara, there is a tourism object which is visited by many tourists, namely Camplong Natural Tourism Park. This 2000-hectare tourism park is a natural habitat for hundreds of endemic flora and fauna of the island of Timor.

In addition, the park also has natural resources, such as springs, basin which is formed naturally, and natural cave. This cave is usually used for cave’s searching activity. There is also an artificial cave which was made by Japan in the colonial era. 

Besides searching the cave, you can also do cross country. You do not have to be worried about getting lost when doing cross country, because there is path through the tourism forest which has been prepared to make easy the visitors doing the cross country.

The main aspect of the Camplong Natural Park is that there are various kinds of flora and fauna. Most of them are categorized as rare ones. You can also find animal of original endemic which lives wildly such as black- back pigeon. Camplong forest is also grown by sandalwood which is endemic plants of Timor Island. 

The forest area, which was the first time determined as tourism park in 1929, is located at the side of road to  Soe City, Fatuleu district in Kupang regency. The location can be accessed from Kupang to Camplong forest by public transportation to Soe or by private motor vehicles.


Haji Abdul Ghani mosque is the oldest mosque in Buru island, Karimun Regency, Riau Islands Province. It was built by king Abdul Ghani bin King Idris bin Haji Fisabililah, the first leader of Buru island,  in the mid-19th century.  Because it was built by Raja Abdul Ghani, so the mosque was also named the Abdul Ghani Hajj Mosque.  But many people called the mosque  as the Buru Mosque, because it is located in the island of Buru and close to the port of Buru Island, about 100 meters.

Haji Abdul Ghani Mosque has main room of 8 x 15 meters and a dome which is supported by four poles of 5 meter high. Perhaps,   the mosque was built by Chinese architect. Previously, the architect built a temple that is not far from the mosque. The Chinese influence can be seen from the existence of conical towers. At glance it is similar to incense combustion rooms in the Temple. The  Ventilation holes are also made of blue jade carved with the Chinese typical carving.

Buru mosque  has ever been renovated on part of the roof and terrace. Besides the originality of  the mosque is intentionally maintained. There is no significant renovation outside the two components. Including the existence of perigi or well, to take ablution of water. Perigi which has 4 stairs is still used and its original form is still maintained. The tower is still maintained its authenticity. Buru Mosque has a 21 meter tower with a diameter of 4 meters. The tower still stand  strong on the right side of the mosque. The main entrance door can be looked like an arch  of 2.3 meters high with 1.30  meters wide.


Being amid large-scale social restrictions due to covid-19 does not limit people to enjoy life, especially for coffee lovers. Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy / Tourism Creative Economy Agency cooperates with Jakarta Good Guide’s community presenting "Ngabuburit Wisata Kopi" or in English means Waiting for Iftar time of virtually coffee trip. This attracts tourists to search cluster of coffee’s places in Jakarta, complete with interesting stories behind it.

The coffee trip enables anybody to learn history of the coffee, development of the coffee from time to time, until the coffee does not only become one of favorite beverages but also it becomes people’s life style. Coffee stalls have stories which can be explored. One of the coffee stalls is the first one which still exists in Jakarta and there are many other coffee stalls. So, we can improve our knowledge while enjoying delicious coffee.

During the virtual trip for two hours, 200 participants were taken to some iconic coffee stalls in Jakarta, beginning from coffee shop of Luwak Gondangdia, Sedap Jaya Jatinegara, Warung Tinggi, and Warung Kopi Takkie. Besides, there are also Phoenam, Kwang Koan, Kong Djie and Bakoel Koffie. The virtual trip presents not only new experience and knowledge on coffee and legend places of coffee in Jakarta, but also how Covid-19 pandemic bringing us to "New Normal" condition. People are shown how digital technology and media carry us to the routine and new life.


Since 1930, Air Sanih has been well-known as tourism object by local people. The difference between Yeh Sanih pool and other pools is that Yeh Sanih has natural water that comes from original water spring which is usually called ‘Yeh Kelebutan’. Its water spring comes from underground river flowing down from Batur Lake.   

Yeh Sanih pool consists of two pools. One pool is for adult because its depth is one and a half meters and another for kids. 

Yeh Sanih bathing place is quite unique, because its water is not salty, whereas its location is very close to Lovina beach. Besides, there is a myth if there is a young couple who takes bath at Yeh Sanih pool, so their relations will be lasting. The myth is still believed until now.  

Yeh Sanih is located at Sanih village, Kubutambahan district which has a distance around 17 kilometers in the East of Singaraja City, Bali. From Denpasar to this tourism object, it takes around 3 hours by motor vehicles.


In the holy month of Ramadan, there are many types of typical culinary. One of them is Rogan Soup. The culinary is so popular in Cianjur, West Java. It is also known as Sup Roti Dawegan. In the local traditional language “Dawegan” means young coconut. Young coconut and fresh bread have become main culinary while breaking fasting in Cianjur.

Besides white bread and young coconut, Rogan Soup is also made from coconut milk and milk.  Initially, the oval-shaped bread is stored on a banana leaf. Then, it is added a piece of coconut, and then it is added with mixture of coconut milk and milk.  Moreover, Rogan is steamed for 25 minutes. When Rogan is taken, it   can be eaten warmly.  But, it is also delicious if it is eaten cold (refrigerator temperature). If t is eaten, there are sweet taste of milk and savory coconut milk and young coconut. Nowadays, there are also people who modify Rogan by adding bananas into it.

Because of using coconut milk, Rogan is only for short time.  Rogan must be enjoyed immediately because it only lasts for 7 hours at room temperature.  However, if it is stored in a refrigerator, Rogan can last for 2 days. But the frozen Rogan can last up to 3 days.  The culinary is easily found in Cianjur area, particularly during this Ramadhan month. The price is relatively cheap about Rp12,500 for a serving of original Rogan  and Rp15,000 for a serving of Rogan with additional bananas.


Central Java is one of provinces in Indonesia, with Semarang as its capital city. The province has many kinds of nature which can be explored. One of them is a small town in Karangasem, namely Purwodadi. Purwodadi is the main city in Grobogan regency, Central Java province which is located at alternative traffic lanes from Semarang to Surabaya, and becomes connected city and as transit place from cities in the East of Pantura such as Kudus, Jepara, Pati, Rembang and Blora to Solo or Surakarta. The small town also presents the beauty of nature which can be enjoyed, namely Ngayongan waterfall.

Ngayongan waterfall in Karangasem, Grobogan, Purwodadi is one of tourism objects, which is located at Karang Asem village, Wirosari district, Grobogan regency, Central Java province. Beautiful environment, fresh air and decorated by lush trees are favorite objects of tourists in weekdays or holidays. The waterfall has a distance 30 kilometers in the East of Purwodadi or 10 kilometers from Wirosari district.  It has very fresh water which be enjoyed by playing water in its basin.

To go to Ngayongan waterfall, you can use land transportation. After arriving at Karangasem village, you must take walk around 300 meters from highway and go down the hill to the waterfall. You do not have to be worried to get lost, because the sound of the waterfall can be heard from distance 200 meters. At the waterfall area, there is no vendor or food stall. So, you are recommended to bring your own food and beverage. To keep the waterfall area being clean and comfortable, take back your garbage and dispose it in the trash that has been provided at parking space. So, what are waiting for? Set your time for vacation along with your family in here.