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Indonesian Wonder

Indonesian Wonder (630)


Nimanga River as a tourism destination is located at Timbukar village, Sonder sub-district, in Minahasa regency. Its distance from Manado City, the capital of North Sulawesi is around 30 kilometers. You can use land transportation. Interestingly, you can enjoy not only rafting at Nimanga River but also the beauty of nature around the area.

To enjoy rafting at Nimanga River, you must go to Timbukar village passing through a hamlet with Minahasa traditional houses, stage houses, or houses with two floors of wood. Besides the hamlet, you will also be through Durian and clove plantation. Over there, there are some rafting operators. Nimanga River comes from many water springs so that the water flow never dries. During the rainy season, you have to be careful because the water debit will be more. The length of the rafting at Nimanga River reaches 12 kilometers, and it takes time within 2 and half hours.

Before rafting at Nimanga River, visitors are asked to wear life jackets and helmets. The characteristic of the rapids at the river is 3 and 4 levels. During the rainy season, it is around 5 and 6 levels. Although the difficulty level is quite high, the river is safe for rafting. While rafting, you will see shade trees in the forest area and also a plantation which covers Nimanga River. Around Nimanga area, there is flat land to set a tent and stay at night.


Considering that the Covid-19 virus pandemic is still spreading, the 75th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17 was held simply, solemnly and applying health protocols. At the Independence Ceremony, like in the previous years, President Joko Widodo wore traditional clothes because he wants to show Indonesia as a rich and diverse country.

In the Proclamation ceremony this year, President Joko Widodo wore the traditional clothes from South Timor Tengah Regency, East Nusa Tenggara province. The president wore the traditional cloth with Kaif berantai nunkòlo motif. The motif has been modified from geometrical motif with batañg tengah which means water sources, and the jagged edges symbolizing the hilly and meandering areas. While, the red cloth motif symbolizes the courage of Nunkola men. Various accessories are completed the beauty of the woven fabric. This traditional costume is also completed with a betel nut bag, slung on the side. In some regions in Indonesia eating betel nut is a culture of unity and also symbolizes love and respect. The President also wore a headband called Pilu with Yi U Raja, symbolizing a Crown, a sign of the King's greatness.


Welcoming the 75th anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia, Bank Indonesia issued a special Rupiah currency banknote with nominal Rp 75,000 on August 17.  The banknote is dominated by red, white and green colors. The theme and philosophical meanings are to be grateful for independence, to reinforce diversity and to foster a bright future. This theme is illustrated through the currency design which includes the cover page with the proclamation of independence on August 17, 1945 by proclaimers: Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta.

At the back of the banknote currency, it means strengthening independence. The design includes a number of children dressed in traditional customs representing the western, central and eastern regions of Indonesia. One of these traditional clothes is the Tidung tribe traditional clothes.  The Tidung tribe is a tribe that inhabits North Kalimantan province. This tribe is known as the original tribe of Kalimantan and is still part of the Dayak tribe. The traditional clothes displayed are a series of clothing for the groom called ‘Sina Beranti’. Sina Beranti clothes are the only clothes worn when a wedding of ethnic groups who are predominantly Muslim takes place.  

Every ornament on the Tidung tribe's traditional clothes has its own meaning. The crown on the head is called ‘Tanduk Galung’ which means a male cat of three colors. Another ornament is the bracelet or ‘Sulou’ which means refrigerator or Binsaloi in the Tidung language. The leader should have cool hands and not abuse his power. In Sulou, there is a Wapak carving which means prayers so that every decision coming out gets the blessing of the life-giver. On the Tidung bridal arm, there is a bracelet called ‘Kalid’. Kalid is a symbol of defense, a strong fortress for security as well as protection from astral, unseen and mystical creatures. Meanwhile, the hat or crown is called ‘Jamong Punsok Melaka’. Punsok means peak. Melaka what is meant here is pineapple, like the leaves on a pineapple. There is also an ornament center at Jamong Melaka which is in front of an oval shape, such as eggs, leaf plants and flowers.  In the Tidung traditional culture, this egg is a symbol of seed or descent; the leaves and flowers are a symbol of growth and development. Married people will produce offspring that will develop from generation to generation. Meanwhile, the traditional clothes are dominated by yellow. Yellow is the color that is respected, glorified, appreciated and praised in the culture of the Tidung tribe.


Directly sharing border with the Indian Ocean in the South, Malang is blessed with beautiful beaches. Take for example, it is Wedi Awu Beach. This beach offers beautiful views whose  location is surrounded by green hills and beautiful trees. Wedi Awu Beach is located in Balearjo Hamlet, Purwodadi Village, Tirtoyudo District, Malang Regency, East Java. To get there from Malang, you have to travel by motor vehicles for about 2 hours. You are not charged an entrance fee. However, for parking fees, a motorbike will be charged Rp 5,000 while a car is Rp 10,000.

Entering Wedi Awu, you will immediately see the uniqueness of this beach. The coastline is shaped like a horseshoe because it is flanked by hills before extending wide in the middle of the beach. Wedi Awu Beach also has quite high waves. Wave height depends on the season. If you visit during the dry season, the wave height can reach three meters. Because it has quite high waves, this beach is suitable for those of you who love surfing. If you don't bring your surfing equipment, don't worry, the manager provides surfboard loan facilities.

If you don't like surfing, you don't have to worry. The beach offers several tourist activities that can be done. One of them is a jet ski. You can try your adrenaline at Wedi Awu Beach. You can also swim and dive there. If you are interested, you can even cross the ocean to get to White Sand Beach, which is located not far from Wedi Awu Beach. Besides, from visiting Wedi Awu Beach, you can try to stop by a number of other beaches that are still in the Tirtoyudo District area, for example, such as Lenggoksono , Wedi Putih, Pakisan, Bolu-Bolu, to Banyu Anjlok Beaches.


For you who love beach tourism, just visit the province of Lampung.  This province has many beautiful beaches. One of them is Duta Wisata beach.  Its location is not far from the downtown of Bandar Lampung. This beach is frequently visited by local and foreign tourists. It is located  on Jalan Laksamana R.E. Martadinata. The entry ticket to the beach is IDR 10,000 per person. This beach is open every Monday to Friday from 8 AM to 8 PM Indonesia local time. If you drive a car,  you will be charged an entrance fee of IDR 50,000.

When you enter this tourism attraction, you will see a beach with coral edges. On the beach, there are rows of gazebos which  can be used as a place to rest. There are various interesting tourism activities that can be done at Duta Wisata Beach. If the weather is sunny, you can see several islands  in Lampung Bay. In addition, as far as your eyes can see, you can also see several hills full of trees.

For those of you who want to go around Duta Wisata beach and want to see the hills from a  close distance, you can rent an engine boat there. Moreover,  there are rental facilities such as banana boat, jet ski and water bike  for those  who want to pump your adrenaline while looking at the panoramic views of typical high seas of Bandar Lampung. When the afternoon comes, please don't go  home quickly. You can see the beauty of the sunset on the beach. Duta Wisata beach has an auction area for fish caught by fishermen and the fish are still fresh. After buying fish, you can process it into grilled fish and eat it while you are relaxing in the gazebo of the beach.


Tanjung Layar beach is a tourism object in Sawarna tourism village, Bayah, Lebak regency, Banten. The name of the beach comes from two giant rocks which have a shape like a sailing ship. At the East of the beach, there is a coral group like left footprint whose size is two times one meter. Its name is Jejak Kaki Kabayan or in English, it means Kabayan footprint. People say, the footprints of his brother are in Jampang, Sukabumi. Currently, Tanjung Layar beach and other beaches at Sawarna tourism village are managed by BUMdes Sawarna. In the era of Dutch Indies, the bay was known with the name, Java’s Eerste Punt or in English, it means the first end of Java Island. History of the beach is told in Sundanese chronicle and legend (fairy tales) of the south coast.

According to the history, two giant rocks at Tanjung Layar area were incarnation of two powers which would become Sangkuriang ship to sail across the Southern Ocean when going to get married with his mother, Dayang Sumbi, but Sang Hyang Widi of God Almighty did not allow the will of Sangkuriang, because of that he raged, and the ship was kicked to the North becoming Mt. Tangkuban Perahu. Meanwhile, the big sails which were thrown away to the South of Java Island became rocks that are sturdy and rigid at the Southern beach of Banten province. Actually, the twin rocks occurred because of a natural phenomenon which happened hundred years ago.

Besides the beach, Tanjung Layar area also has thousands of caves which stretch along Pelabuhanratu until Bayah and Malingping. Over there, there is also a natural sea basin which contains of various kinds of marine animals that usually occupy the coral reefs. You cannot swim at Tanjung Layar beach but the beach is a heaven for those photography’s lovers. It is because the beach has many beautiful spots as photography’s objects. Tanjung Layar is also mentioned as a hidden heaven at the Southern coast of Java island by tourists.


In commemorating Independence Day on August 17, every year the government holds a state ceremony at the Merdeka Palace complex Jakarta. This year, the state ceremony was held, although in limited conditions, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Actually, in the complex, there is another palace besides the Merdeka palace, called the Istana Negara or the State Palace. The State Palace is used as a venue for the state events, among others, the inauguration of high-ranking state officials, national working meetings, national and international congresses, and state banquets. The State Palace is located on Jalan Rijswijk (now Jalan Veteran) No. 17, Central Jakarta. The building is adjacent to the Ciliwung River, and flanked by the Bina Graha building and the State Secretariat. This palace is located opposite to the Merdeka Palace, so the two palaces often called as the "Twin Palace". The building has white color with a European style architecture taken from Greek architectural art. This palace does not have a wide and open foyer like many residential houses in Jakarta. The State Palace has five wide doors. In the center of the building there is a dining room in a classic style with pillars along both sides of the room. There are two pavilions on the left that facing to the main building. This pavilion was originally used as a residence for staffs and adjutants of the Dutch Governor-General but now this building functions as the office of the presidential household staffs.

The Istana Negara was built in 1796 as a resting house. Initially it belonged to van Isseldijk, an official of Raad van Indie, then the ownership transferred to JA. van BraamWhen Indonesia was under British rule, the State Palace Building was built into a magnificent palace with a Neoclassical architectural style and became a place of honor. At this palace, Lieutenant General Raffles lived with other important people from 1811 to 1816In 1821, this palace was purchased by the Dutch colonial government to be used as the residence of the Governor General in Batavia, because the official residence of the Dutch Governor General was at the Bogor Palace, West Java. In the 19th century a new palace was built in the same area, especially for various official ceremonies that were attended by many people. The Palace overlooks the Merdeka Square and later known as the Merdeka Palace.

The State Palace was used as a residence and as an office by the Dutch Governor General Baron van Der Cappellen. In addition, this palace was also often used as a place to stay for high-ranking officials of the Dutch East Indies government after attending the meetings in Batavia

Until the era of Governor General Du Bus de Ghisignies from 1826 to 1830, the State Palace still functioned as a residence, office, and a place for meetingsIn 1942, Governor General Tjarda Van Starkenborch signed an agreement to hand over the Dutch East Indies government to the Japanese troops at this Palace.

Since that time, the State Palace has been occupied by the commander of the Japanese Armed Forces who controlled Java and Madura. This palace has become the residence of Siko Shikikan or the commander of the Japanese Army who ruled Indonesian territory, namely Hitosji Imamura, Kumakichi Harada, and General Yamaguchi. After the Indonesian Proclamation of Independence on 17 August 1945, President Soekarno also stayed at the State Palace until the recognition of sovereignty on December 27, 1949. This Palace was a witness of the signing of the Linggarjati agreement. The State Palace also became the place for the signing of the negotiation text between Indonesia and the Netherlands after the Round Table Conference.


Gedung Joang '45 or Joang 45 Museum is one of the museums in Jakarta. This museum is located on Jalan Menteng Raya 31, Kelurahan Kebon Sirih, Menteng District, Central Jakarta. After it was renovated, the museum was inaugurated in 1974 by President Soeharto.

Gedung Joang ‘45 was originally the Schomper Hotel building which was built around 1920-1938, and managed by L.C. Schomper, a citizen of Dutch descent. During the Japanese occupation, this hotel was taken over by Ganseikanbu Sendenbu (Propaganda Department) and later known as Gedung Menteng 31. This building became the headquarters for a political education program which was held for a number of youth leaders who played a major role in the independence era, including Sukarni, Chaerul Saleh, A.M Hanafi and Adam Malik. They were better known as 'Pemoeda Menteng 31', who were the actors behind the kidnapping of Soekarno, Hatta and Fatmawati to Rengasdengklok, the day before independence. Those young figures were fostered by Soekarno, Hatta, Moh. Yamin, Sunaryo and Achmad Subarjo.

In this museum, a number of paintings related to the proclamation of Indonesian independence are exhibited. There are also several dioramas, among others describing the atmosphere of the Menteng 31 Building during the independence era and Soekarno's oration at the Grand Meeting at the IKADA Field on September 19, 1945.

There is also a documentary archive in the form of photographs and bust statues of the independence movement’s leaders. In addition to historical documentation, the Joang 45 Museum is equipped with various facilities, including a permanent and temporary exhibition room and a multi-media corner, the Joang 45 cinema which shows various films with the theme of struggle and documentaries, a historical reference library, a children's room containing various games, studio photos, souvenirs’ shop and outdoor plaza for children's theater activities.


Magelang is a popular region in Central Java, because it has global tourism objects, such as Borobudur Temple. Besides Borobudur Temple, Magelang city also has a variety of interesting tourist objects to explore such as Silancur Highland. Silancur Highland is located in Mangli village, Kaliangkrik sub-district, Magelang, Central Java. Its location is at the slope of Mount Sumbing with an altitude of 1,300 meters above sea level. Silancur Highland is located 15 kilometers from the town square of Magelang and takes about 30 minutes to reach there. To enter this tourism object, you have to pay a ticket Rp.15,000 per person.

The main attraction of the Silancur Highland is seeing sunrise. If you want to see the phenomenon of sunrise at Silancur Highland, I suggest you to come early morning. This panorama of the sunrise from the east is decorated with silhouettes from Mount Merapi, Merbabu, Andong and Telomoyo. When the sun rise is over, the beauty of Silancur Highland is no less interesting. The view of the mountains is seeing more clearly and you can take pictures with a beautiful mountainous panorama as the background.

If you like camping, this tourism site is the right choice, because Silancur Highland offers a camping ground. You can enjoy the lights of Magelang city and also the view of the stars at night. The management also provides tents for visitors who do not bring camping equipment. The camping area has been completed by electricity. So you don't have to worry about running out of gadget batteries. The temperature in Silancur Highland is cold, around 11 degrees Celsius at night, so you have to bring a thick jacket if you want to camp. Don't worry, the Silancur camping area are also equipped with food stalls which provide various food supplies.


Kethek Ogleng dance is one of  traditional dances from East Java. This dance comes from the Javanese language that means 'kethek' (monkey).  Meanwhile, the word -Ogleng is taken from the sound behind thdance. Based on the name, the dance movement follows the behavior of monkey.  At the show, the Kethek Ogleng dance is performed by 4 dancers, namely 3 female dancers and a male dancer who plays the role of a monkey man.

The performance of Kethek Ogleng dance begins with the entry of the three female dancers on the stage. 2 of the 3 women act as maidservants and the rest is a female dancer as the daughter of Dewi Sekartaji, the princess of the kingdom of Jenggala, Sidoarjo.  While the male dancer acts as Raden Panji Asmorobangun who comes from the Dhaha Kediri kingdom. This dance movement narrates about  the story of Raden Asmorobangun and Dewi Sekartaji, who fall in love with each other. They have a dream to build a harmonious family life.

Kethek Ogleng art is a folk art coming from Tokawi Village, Nawangan sub-district, Pacitan Regency in East Java.  The art of Kethek Ogleng was created by Mr. Sutiman at the end of 1962 and has been preserved by the people of East Java up to now. The Kethek Ogleng dance is usually performed during  celebration events, such as wedding, circumcision  and ritual event welcoming the birth of a baby.  Now, the dance is also performed to welcome important guests.  The Kethek Ogleng dance is accompanied by Javanese gamelan instruments, traditional percussion instruments and Sinden vocal.