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Indonesian Wonder

Indonesian Wonder (630)


If you travel to Nangro Aceh Darussalam province, please try its typical various  culinary. One of them is Beulacan, a typical food of Aceh which has been inherited from generation to generation by every family in Aceh.  Beulacan is usually served in various special ceremonies such as wedding, circumcision or Islamic holidays. However, many people also make it as their daily food dish at home.

Beulacan is made from several spices which are around the houses of the local people.  The  ingredients consist of grated coconut, chili, lemongrass, coriander, turmeric, garlic and onion. Sometimes,  to give more flavor Beulacan is also added with salted fish.  But in ancient times, some people also make Beulacan using shrimp paste which is made from udang sabe (kind of shrimp), and salted fish.  Then Beulacan is wrapped in banana leaves with a small size then is roasted on the stove. Beulacan is usually eaten with rice and other side dishes.

When eaten, Beulacan is tastful and delicable especially if  it is  eaten with hot rice.  This food is very popular, especially in holy month of Ramadan as iftar dish.  During Ramadan, there usually a lot of traders who sell this culinary in Banda Aceh and other regions in Aceh.  The taste is delicious and suitable  to eat with rice  when breaking the fast.  The price is relatively cheap, about Rp. 5,000 to Rp. 10,000.


Istano Basa, better known as Pagaruyung Palace, is a palace located in Tanjung Emas district, Batusangkar City, Tanah Datar regency, West Sumatra province. The Istano Basa which stands now is actually a replica of the original one. The original Istano Basa is located on the hill of Batu Patah and was burned down in 1804 by the Paderi who at that time were fighting the nobles and the custom community.  The palace was later rebuilt but it was burned again in 1966. The palace was rebuilt in 1976 as a replica of the original Pagaruyung palace. The palace was built after the eradication of the Republic of Indonesia's Revolutionary Government movement in 1958 that centered in West Sumatra.

The rebuilding process of Istano Basa was carried out by laying the tunggak tuo (the main pillar) on December 27, 1976 by then Governor of West Sumatra, Harun Zain. This new building was not built on the site of the old one, but in a new location to the south. In the late 1970s, this palace could be visited by the public. After being completed, the palace is known to the public as a tourism destination and museum. The Istano Basa is located approximately 5 kilometers from Batusangkar. This palace is well known for its cultural attraction in West Sumatra.

The original Pagaruyung Palace was built entirely with wooden sticks.However, the latest building was built with a modern concrete structure. Istano Basa Pagaruyuang was built by maintaining traditional techniques and wood materials which were decorated with 60 carvings that explain the Minangkabau philosophy and culture. This palace has three floors with 72 pillars and Gonjong as in general of Rumah Gadang, which is arched like a horn of 26 tons of fibers. The palace is also equipped with more than 100 replicas of Minang antique furniture and artifacts, which aim to revive the palace as a cultural center of Minangkabau and a tourist attraction in West Sumatra.


Tanah Kuning beach is one of the natural tourism objects, which is quite popular at Derawan Island, precisely at Tanah Kuning village, East Tanjung Palas district, Bulungan regency, North Kalimantan province. The beach has white sand. The name of Tanah Kuning is taken of the name of the village where the beach exists.

Tanah Kuning beach is two kilometers long and 75 meters wide. Its water is very clear and bluish. It looks like the color of the sky. The beach is quite wide. Thereby, there are many activities which can be conducted such as playing sand, football and many others.

You can sit and relax while enjoying the panorama of the sea and its surroundings. You can also swim at this beach because the sea water here is very clear. However, you can only swim at the edge because if you swim to the middle of the sea, the waves are big enough and dangerous. Enjoying the nature at Tanah Kuning Beach is very fun and memorable. 

Besides being able to enjoy all the beauty that is offered at the Tanah Kuning beach, every visitor will also get a friendly welcome from the local people. To get to this tourism object, you can choose various alternative roads, whether by land, sea or by air.

If you start the journey from Tanjung Selor, you can drive a car or via the Kayan River by a speed boat. The journey will take approximately 2 to 3 hours. And if you start the journey from  Tarakan City and Berau Regency, you can use a motor boat or speed boat by sea. This trip will take around 2 hours.

But if you want to get to your destination faster, you can take a pioneer aircraft and within about 15 minutes, you will have arrived at the destination.


There is an interesting tourism attraction namely  Karangsong Mangrove Ecotourism Area. It is not far from downtown of Indramayu, West Java; it takes about 10 minutes to drive.  Karangsong mangrove forest has an area of about 20 hectares and  there are various types of mangrove trees which  are planted and developed.  By paying an entrance ticket Rp 5,000, you are able to enter the tourism area, including parking fee.

In the past time,  Karangsong Mangrove Forest Ecotourism was  an area that was frequently hit by abrasion disaster.  The condition makes the residents realize  to make abrasion detention by planting mangroves along the area. Besides functioning as the abrasion barrier, Karangsong Mangrove has also become one of the educational facilities. In the Ecotourism area, there are two types of mangroves that can be found, namely Avicennia marina and Rhizophora mucronata. The Avicennia group is the one closest to the sea, while the Rhizophora group has breath roots that can adapt to low oxygen levels.

You can enjoy the beauty of the Karangsong Mangrove forest by walking around the forest. Besides going around, there is a view tower that is at several points, making it possible for you to see the expanse of mangroves. If you're lucky, you can enjoy flying seagulls, and perch on mangrove trees. The birds use mangrove trees as a habitat to live. You can also walk along the coast of this mangrove area, and enjoy the beauty of the Java Sea.


Daun Hill

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Published in Indonesian Wonder

Curup is a city in a mountainous area of Bukit Barisan and surrounded by Kaba and Daun hill. Its indigenous people are Rejang tribes, but there are also many people from other tribes such as Java, Lembak, Minang, Serawai and Sunda. The city became the capital city of South Sumatra province in the era of Governor A.K. Gani’s government. Visiting Curup city is not enough, if you do not watch the beauty of the city from the peak of Daun hill. Daun hill is one of protected forests in Indonesia, which supply oxygen. The forest is easy to be accessed, because it is the highway of Sumatra and located along a nine-winding road that extends between Kepahiang and Central Bengkulu regency of Bengkulu province.

To enter Daun Hill forest, your eyes will be spoiled by beautiful natural panoramas. The atmosphere here is still fresh; you can breathe air without pollution. Even, you will hear chirps of birds or monkeys which jump from one twig to another while shouting at each other. The protected forest also supports the people’s life in the surrounding area. The forest is rich with products such as wood, rattan, resin, honey or fruits such as petai and durian. In addition, the forest also has fresh air and supply water. At its primary forest as natural exotica, the typical tropical rain forest’s nature is still thick. The trees that grow look quite dense, even the sun is not fully able to penetrate the soil surface. Special endemic of the forest is Rafflesia, the biggest flower in the world.

On Daun hill, there is a big crater 1,700 meters high from the sea surface which presents interesting scenery. There are directly two routes, namely pathway for trekking and asphalt road which can be passed by motorcycles.  If we enter the peak area, cluster of hills with sunlight piercing through the mountains in orange are seen beautifully. This will amaze everybody who watches it. At night, the sparkling lights of Curup City from the top of the mountain add to the beauty of this place. The night will feel very short if you are there with unforgettable panoramas.


Umbul Cokro, Central Java

Umbul Cokro is a bathing place whose spring comes from Busur River. The water in the Umbul Cokro bathing place is clear and transparent.

This tourism object has fresh air, because it is surrounded by shady trees. The bathing place is located at Cokro village, Tulung district, Klaten regency, Central Java province. Its location is not far from Klaten City. The location of this tourism destination is around 15 kilometers in the West of Solo City and can be accessed by land transportation.

To enter the Umbul Cokro bathing place, visitors must pay a ticket worth Rp10, 000 per person. Interestingly, before arriving at the bathing place, visitors must pass through a long hanging bridge.  

In an area of 15,000 meters, there are many basins. Visitors can swim or play in the water to enjoy the freshness of the Umbul Cokro’s water. Various supporting facilities are available here, such as a rest room which is provided at every corner of the tourism location. There are also many food and drink stalls at the location.

Nowadays, besides the bathing place, Umbul Cokro is also completed with playing ground facilities, such as water sliding, flying fox, water park, fountain, and playing pool. Umbul Cokro also provides a gazebo for taking a rest or relaxing.

If visitors want to feel the freshness of Umbul Cokro’s water comfortably, please avoid it in the holidays or ahead of the fasting month, because ahead of the fasting month or Ramadan, the local people have a tradition, namely Padusan.

Padusan is to take a bath with intention to clean or to purify themselves before Ramadan. People will flock to spring and take a bath. They purify themselves by washing their hair.


Bali is a tourism destination which is well known not only in Indonesia but also abroad. In additional to enjoying various Balinese cultures, most tourists come to Bali to enjoy the beauty of its nature, especially its beaches.

If you want to visit Bali and look for calm beach, there is Bias Tugel Beach. The beach is still natural and it is rarely visited by tourists.

The name of Bias Tugel comes from Balinese language which consists of words of “Bias” meaning ‘sand’ and “Tugel” which means being cut. This tourism object is like a piece of beach with white sand which is not quite wide.

Its coastline is around 150 meters long. The right and left side of this beach is bordered with rocks. Those rocks make this tourism object be separated from other beaches. Thereby, the atmosphere at this beach is so calm.

There are various interesting activities which can be conducted at the beach, such as sun bathing, swimming, snorkeling, diving, surfing, or only soaking at a small lagoon at the reef area of Bias Tugel Beach.

Bias Tugel Beach stretches at Padang Bai area, Karangasem regency, Bali. It takes around 2 until 2 and a half hours to go there from Denpasar by motor-vehicles.  

There is no public transportation. So, we suggest you to rent a motorcycle if you want to go there. And you do not need to buy an entrance ticket to enjoy the beach. But you cannot stay at night in here, because there is no lodging.


Mt. Tambora

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Mt. Tambora is a mountain with the biggest eruption ever recorded in modern human history. The eruption in 1815 created caldera with a diameter of 77 kilometers. The mountain is located in two regencies, namely Dompu regency which covers the western and southern slopes and Bima Regency which covers the eastern and northern slopes. Mt. Tambora was formed due to active subduction below under it. The mountain is located on Sumbawa Island, West Nusa Tenggara province. To go there takes around 12 hours from Lombok Island. There is a National Park around Mt. Tambora. 

If you go by plane, there are two airports which can become your destination, namely Bima and Sumbawa airports. Both airports are small ones and only planes with ATR types can land. There is no direct flight from big cities such as Jakarta, Surabaya or Bali. If you choose Bima airport, you should continue your trip around 4 hours by land transportation to Mt. Tambora via Doro Ncanga lane. If from Sumbawa airport, it takes around 5 hours.  

In additional to having amazing history and panorama, Mt.Tambora is one of the favorite mountains for climbing.  Tambora National Park’s hall provides exclusive climbing facilities, namely cars and dirt motorcycles which can carry out the climbers to the 5th post.  

To climb Mt. Tambora, you can use 3 special lanes.  Pancasila lane can only be accessed on foot and Piong and Doro Ncanga lanes can be accessed on foot or by hardtop cars. 

There are 3 ways to enjoy when climbing Mt. Tambora whose height is around 2,850 meters. The 3 ways are exclusive climbing, climbing via common lane or enjoying recreational facilities for tourists who do not want to climb the mountain. So, it’s up to you to choose the ways how to enjoy sunrise on the peak of Mt. Tambora. 



Enjoying Bali will never be enough to just visit its natural attractions such as beaches and cultural beauty. Here you can also enjoy delicious Balinese cuisines, one of which is Sela Rice. Nasi Sela or Sela Rice is a typical traditional food of Karangasem Regency, Bali, which contains a mixture of white rice and chopped sweet potatoes. In the 1970s, Sela Rice was popular and became a staple food for the local community, because at that time, rice was scarce in Bali. People then used yams to be an alternative carbohydrate in a mixture of rice, cassava or others.

Sela rice, which was once a "defense during a crisis" food, is a very appetizing dish. Many local and foreign tourists now enjoy this culinary because of the uniqueness of its distinctive taste with a combination of rice, cassava mixed with other variants. Sela Rice is believed to also have better nutritional content than ordinary white rice.

Sela rice is actually very simple, only rice cooked with chopped sweet potatoes. Sometimes it's not only sweet potatoes, but also cassava. But the taste is of course somewhat different. Sweet potatoes provide a slightly sweet, distinctive taste, while cassava is tastier. In addition, sweet potatoes make rice softer. Nowadays, the processing of Sela rice varies. There are Sela rice mixed with jukut becek(vegetable), grago (small shrimp) and peanuts. There are additional sayur bejek bumbu kalas (meat cooked in coconut milk) chili sauceor sambal bongkot and shredded chicken meat. Besides Sela rice is also sometimes served with side dishes of ayam betutu, sate kulit ayam, pindang tongkol, urap sayur kacang panjang with timun dan kacang merah, sambal matah and sambal teri (chicken betutu, chicken skin skewers, boiled cob, urap or salad containing long bean, cucumber and red beans, with sambal or chili sauce and chili anchovy. Sela rice is usually served wrapped in banana leaf.

If you are in Bali, take the time to sample this Sela Rice which local usually eat for breakfast and is usually widely sold in traditional markets.



Merese Hill

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Published in Indonesian Wonder

Mandalika is a tourism area which is located in Central Lombok regency, West Nusa Tenggara -NTB. Since 2017, Mandalika has been inaugurated as a Special Economic Zone of tourism which is expected to be able to become a recreation area which is quite representative in Lombok because the area has been completed with some hotels and various recreation facilities. Today, Mandalika has7 beautiful natural tourism spots. One of them is Merese hill. The hill is the best spot to enjoy Mandalika panorama from the highland. The hill is located between Serenting and Tanjung Aan beaches. Climbing to the hill is quite fun and burns calories.

Having a wide area, the hill has many choices of places and backgrounds to take pictures on it. Visitors can look through Tanjung Aan or Serenting beaches. All panoramas are beautiful. The most amazing point on the Merese hill is on the top. You should go through a winding path to go there. The most interesting activity, that you must do if you are on the Merese hill, is to watch sunrise or sunset. On the hill, you can also watch panoramas of Tanjung Aan and Batu Payung beaches. From a higher position, the beauty of the two beaches will be seen clearly. On the hill, there are many instagrammable spots that are a pity to miss.  Another fun activity that you can try on the Merese Hill is camping.

Merese hill is a fun and comfortable place every time, especially at night and in the morning. There is no special facility on the hill. If you want to eat or drink, you can come to a restaurant or café outside the area and the distance is not too far away. To go to the Merese hill which is located on Jalan Kuta Lombok, Pujut, Central Lombok, you may spend 2 hours from Mataram City or 40 minutes from international airport in Lombok by using motor vehicles.