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Indonesian Wonder

Indonesian Wonder (630)


Sulawesi is an island which is rich of diversity. There are a lot of mountains, some kinds of culinary, beautiful towns and many maritime tourism destinations which attract many tourists throughout the world. To visit Central Sulawesi is not complete if not visiting Dua Island. Dua Island located in Luwuk, Banggai, becomes the main maritime tourism destination in this region. The combination among nature, mountain and undersea panorama become unique view. Banggai waters with Peleng gulf is an historical site of Indonesia. In July 1962, there were hundreds of warships and troop transport ships on the waters of Peleng gulf. Dua island can be accessed from Luwuk airport or Palu City. The access from Luwuk is closer and easier with smooth path. From Luwuk, you can go to Balantak beach where it is a crossing place to Dua island. We suggest you not to go at night because this area lacks of lighting and it is quiet lane. Although it is remote area, the name of Dua island has been well-known among foreign tourists. On the island, there is lodging with good enough facilities. Visitors can enjoy natural land it is surrounded by the sea. The hills on Dua Island look like to have sparkling golden colors because the hills are exposed form the sun. From far, there seems Blue Ocean which combines perfectly with Dua Island. On Dua Island, in additional to hunting spots for taking picture, here, you can also snorkel and dive. There are 35 diving spots which spread out surrounding Dua island’s waters such as Ondoliang Rock, Nemo Rock, Alibaba, Batu Gong and many others. Indonesian Tourism Ministry begins to promote Banggai regency as world class fishing tourism destination. To support it, the central and regional governments will hold international fishing competition with the title ‘Banggai International Tuna Fishing Tournament’ on September 27 – 29, 2019. Participants of the tournament will be directed to catch some fish such as skipjack tuna, yellow fin tuna, big-eye tuna, and blue fin tuna. This event is as trial event before it becomes an annual event. Besides fishing tournament, the participants will also be invited to enjoy ‘joy sailing’ to Banggai islands. So, they can enjoy cultures and traditional foods of Banggai and can also witness fishing demonstration by using kites.


Some islands in Indonesia have been occupied by traditional people from various tribes. Therefore, now wonder if Indonesia has many kinds of alphabets, languages, traditional clothes and houses. Among those cultures, a traditional house is a leading benchmark which describes culture of a tribe. Besemah traditional house or also well-known Baghi house has been used since hundreds of years ago by ancestors of Besemah people, Pagaralam. The type of the Besemah house is divided into two: Tatahan and Ghilapan. Tatahan is parts of the house, especially wall which is carved. While Ghilapan is a plain walled. Both of them have similar size, namely 8 x 8 meters. The inside part of the house is only one wide room without bulkhead. But, some houses are in accordance with development era, and in the room of the house, there is partition. The section of the kitchen which is called ‘Pawun’ is built separately. The construction of Baghi house is very unique. Uniting parts of the house doesn’t use any nail. If there are parts which need to be tied up, rattan is used. Thus, its pole isn’t planted into land. Those poles stand on stone pedestal. In the old construction, stone was used for every pole with triangle position. Along the history in Pagaralam, which is close to Mt. Dempo, Baghi house is never collapsed even though the region is often hit by earthquakes.


Mamuju has many beautiful tourism object spots, beginning from historical sites, amazing beach, mountain and waterfall. Tamasapi waterfall is a tourism destination which is located at Tamasapi hamlet, Mamuju regency, West Sulawesi. The waterfall is about 75 meters high, and its water is from Tamasapi River. The natural atmosphere at Tamansapi waterfall complex is still fresh. There are beautiful grass and big trees surrounding the waterfall. Now, this tourism object becomes one of choices of domestic tourists because the road access to the location is quite good and it makes the tourists easy to go there. This waterfall is quite heavy and the tourists can play water at surrounding the waterfall but they should be careful. To go to Tamasapi waterfall, from the downtown of Mamuju, you can ride motorcycle or go by car until Tamansapi hamlet. Then, you continue on foot around 1 kilometer for 30 minutes. Along the road to the waterfall, there are some durian trees. If you come to this hamlet when durian season, you can directly buy the durian from the farmers who often offer with cheap price. To enter this tourism object, you must pay entrance ticket Rp 5.000.


Senerek soup

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Published in Indonesian Wonder

Magelang is one of  cities in Central Java province, which  has charming, wonderful  and beautiful nature. Unsurprisingly, the city becomes one of the favorite tourism destinations in Central Java.  As one of the most favorite tourism destinations in Central Java, Magelang has a lot of amazing tourism objects such as cultural and historic sites, contemporary photo spots, hills, parks and waterfalls that may really spoil the tourists’ eyes. The tourists who visit will also be served with a variety of delicious culinary of Magelang. One  of them is Senerek Soup.Senerek soup is one of the menus from the Dutch colonial era in Indonesia.  Senerek is taken from the word 'Snert' which means  ‘peas’ in Dutch. Because the tongues of the Magelang people were not very fluent in pronouncing “Snert“, the term slowly changes to be “Senerek”. Apparently, the snert soup was then modified with ingredients to be easily obtained by the local people, namely red beans. This soup is with complete vegetables such as carrots and spinach and it is added with  chives by using  herbs  spices as cloves and nutmeg. Then, all of these are   doused with fresh broth filled with beef or tripe. If we enjoy the soup, the aroma of garlic is so strong. The sauce tastes fresh, savory with a broth that tastes delicious. The Senerek soup is usually served with warm rice and chili sauce, as well as a variety of complementary food that can be selected based on our  taste, such as snail satay, tofu and tempeh. In Magelang, you can easily find this soup. The price is relatively cheap, about Rp 15,000 to Rp 20,000 per portion.


Relaxing at seashore and enjoying sunset always becomes the right choices when you are in holiday. You can enjoy amazing sunset at Tanjung Setia beach in West Lampung. It takes about 8 hours from Radin Inten Dua airport, Bandar Lampung. Or it is located around 273 Kilometers or around 6-8 hours trip from Bandar Lampung city. Tanjung Setia is located along the Western Beach near the South Bukit Barisan National Park.The waves at Tanjung Setia beach is called one of the best waves by surfers throughout the world, and it is similar with famous surfing spot in the world, namely in Hawaii. Tanjung Setia beach is sharply at the big streaming line of Indian ocean. Unfortunately, the beach is not quite popular yet for Surfing competition like in Bali or Lombok. There are only some surfers who know the beach that is quite interesting for surfing. During surfing season on June – August, waves at Tanjung Setia beach can reach 6-7 meters high stretching for 200 meters to the shore makes it a good place for surfing. Some related parties do some efforts including by organizing competitions to promote the beautiful scenery of he beach to both local and international visitors. In early May 2019, the beach has become a place for international surfing competition. The competition attracted surfers from 23 countries. All participants said that waves at Tanjung Setia beach is very perfect for professional surfers. Tanjung Setia beach has white and soft sand which stretches along the beach. There many palm trees at Tanjung Setia seashore which makes it more beautiful. In addition, Tanjung Setia offshore also is also fit for fishing sport lovers to catch abundant fish. There is giant Blue Marlin fish which is known as Iwa Tuhuk by local people. Blue Marlin can have weight up to 50 - 70 kilograms with the length 170 cm.


Musyoh, Papua

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Published in Indonesian Wonder

Papuan people have traditional religious belief pattern which unites and absorbs into all life aspects. Their world viewpoint is related one another, among material and spiritual, secular and sacred. All of these function simultaneously. In its connection with art, Musyoh dance is one of dances belongs to the culture of Papuan people. This manifests their belief system. Musyoh dance is a kind of ritual dance as effort to chase away people’s spirit who died due to an accident. If there is a member of Papuan tribe who dies due to an accident, generally Papuan people believe that the spirit is not calm. Through the belief, the Musyoh dance is created to make the spirit calm. Practically, the dance is like Papuan traditional dances in general. This dance is accompanied by their traditional instrument, called ‘Tifa’. As a difference from Papuan war dance, Musyoh dance uses neither spear nor another weapon. The dance is performed by male dancers with energetic movements like war dance where the movement is seen in playing shield and accompanied by typical scream. By performing Musyoh dance, it is hoped to be able to chase away the spirit who dies unnaturally so that the spirit will not disturb people who are still alive. The dance has been known by tribes in Papua for long time, and until now, it still survives. Many people assume that the dance is also used to welcome guests. In fact, the dance which is used to welcome the guests is welcome dance which is accompanied by rhythmic music with dynamic movement. This shows the local people’s happiness in welcoming honor guests.


Batam City held an event on the visit of Muhibah Bugis Melayu Serumpun on 27 April 2019.The event took place successfully because it was attended by 219 foreign tourists from Singapore.  Head of Area II, Deputy Regional Marketing Assistant I of the Ministry of Tourism, Trindiana M. Tikupasang said that the visit of the Muhibah Bugis Melayu Serumpun  is one of ways  to preserve culture and revive the glory of Bugis-Malay. The event was also to preserve the history of the Bugis-Malay that has been glorious through culinary, musical performances and dances. One of the cultures shown is the Bugis and Paduppa Dance.The dance was also performed beautifully by Sanggat Wan Sendari. Moreover,  Malay and Bugis songs were also played namely l Balo Lipa, Tak Akan Melayu Hilang di Dunia, Tana Ogi Wanuakku, and Zapin Pusaka songs. Related to the activity, the Indonesian Wonder for today’s edition   introduces  you one of the Malay cultural arts, namely Paduppa Bosara Dance. It is a welcoming dance of Bugis-Makassar people when guests arrive. In the past, the dance was often performed to entertain kings, to welcome noble guests, traditional parties, and wedding parties. Bosara itself is a typical plate of the Bugis-Makassar tribe in South Sulawesi. The basic material of Bosara is from iron and completed   with a distinctive cover like a large drum which is wrapped in brightly colored fabrics, such as red, blue, green or yellow, with golden flower ornaments around it. Besides being used as one of the instruments by regional dancers, Bosara also usually becomes  a crock for serving various traditional cakes as traditional symbols, especially at sacred events such as traditional weddings. Paduppa Bosara dance is a dance that is performed by women by bringing  cakes delivered to guests as a sign of honor. Now, it has many creations. Paduppa bosara dance uses traditional attire of Bodo clothes with complete decoration such as flower chain necklaces, bracelets, hair ornaments or headbands, earrings and wrist ornaments.


Tourism industry is developing in Indonesia nowadays. Every province in Indonesia begins to show its own tourism potential. Natural or artificial tourism objects become the main destination to attract both domestic and foreign tourists to make a visit. Uniqueness becomes one of the main terms of tourism objects. One of the unique tourism destinations, which can be visited by the tourists in Malang, East Java is colorful village. If the tourists arrive at this village, comfort and curiosity immediately can be felt immediately. A group of women welcome them at front of the village’s gate while giving entrance tickets and souvenirs produced by local people. Various kinds of bright colors make the tourists’ eyes fresh when exploring the village. Comfort, beauty and freshness are the first impression which comes to one’s mind. The village which previously was not attractive because it was slum, changes to be a beautiful place which is appropriate to be visited. According to the local people, initiative to color and to clean the village was from students who were conducting real work college practice. Besides being beautiful, every corner of the village becomes beautiful spot to take picture. This beautiful spot makes the local people to start promoting their village through social media. Bright colors are chosen to be beautiful background to take picture. In a short time, various photographs with colorful village as the background become viral on social media and attract both foreign and domestic tourists to visit the village. The local people keep going to make their village more beautiful and they develop  glass bridge to connect the two villages which are separated with a river. So, set your time to come to the colorful village in Malang, East Java.


Malam Badendang which means in English ‘Singing at night’ appropriate with its meaning namely “Malam Bergoyang” meaning “Dancing at night” is a tradition from generation to generation of Maluku people. The tradition is enlivened by singing and dancing along with family and relatives. Usually, the tradition starts after 12 pm and lasts overnight. It also becomes media to family’s gathering and creates intimacy in their life. Maluku people mention that Malam Badendang tradition is diverse, because almost tribes in Maluku perform it. The tradition is usually performed in religious holidays, either Islam or Christ. However, Malam Badendang tradition is not identic with religious ritual tradition. The tradition is usually carried out by young people to create family nuance in certain moments such as Christmas, Idul Fitri, and sacrificial feast, including enlivening wedding ceremony or family’s gathering. The songs, which are sung in Malam Badendang tradition, are songs of passion and energy. Besides singing, the family’s members also dance regional dances such as Katerji and Orlapei. During the event, the participants of the tradition are also served with Maluku typical foods. Malam Badendang becomes long night feast for Maluku’s families, which is full of happiness and togetherness.   


Lombok is an island which becomes favorite tourism destination of foreign and domestic tourists. Although most of Lombok people are Muslims, they can live in harmony. Because religious tolerance in Lombok is very strong. This can be proven at Lingsar temple. Lingsar temple is located at Lingsar village in Narmada district, West Lombok regency. To go to the temple, you can use public transportation from Bertais terminal at center city to Narmada. Then, you transit by using bus to Lingsar temple. At the temple, there are 9 sacred fountains as symbol of representatives of Wali Songo. Walisongo were 9 persons who spread out Islam on Java Island. The fountains are used by Muslims for ‘Wudhu’, purifying themselves with water. People say that these fountains are also believed to bring about blessing, success and happiness. Lingsar temple was built in 1741 by King Anak Agung Ketut Karangasam, as unifying symbol of Lombok people and it is considered as the holiest temple in Lombok. At this temple, Hindu people and Muslims of Sasak tribe worship together. To strengthen relations among the followers between Hindu and Islam, the people use the Lingsar temple to hold ceremony which is called ‘Topat war’. In the ceremony, Muslims and Hindu people throw 'Ketupat' each other. This is as gratitude on harmony which has been established so far and it is abundant fortune.