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Indonesian Wonder

Indonesian Wonder (630)



Welcome to “Indonesian Wonder,” a daily segment featuring tourism, culinary arts, fine arts and culture from various regions across Indonesia.

In today’s edition, we will introduce you to a tourism object in West Sulawesi province. the beauty of natural wealthin Indonesia cannot be doubted anymore. Many tourism objects in Indonesia looks like similar in the paradise. Some of the tourism objects are well known and they have to be visited . One of them is Karampuang Island. there are two versions of the origin of the island why it is named Karampuang island. According to the first version, in the past, the island was a hiding place of the kings from the chase of the Dutch. It was named  Karampuang because combination from Kara meaning island, coral or stone and Puang meaning noble, and king. Kara and Puang was local language of tribes which lived in Sulawesi. So, Karampuang means island of the kings. While, according to the second version, the name of Karampuang comes from Mamuju language. It means full moon. According to the story, earlier the island had named Liutang Island. The name was changed by a figure in Mamuju becoming Karampuang. Karampuang Island is a small island with 6 km wide. The island is surrounded by blue clear water. The purity of its sea water makes marine biota able to be seen only from its surface. The best spot to see the beauty of its under-sea is at wooden dock which was built on coastal line. Besides, it makes you able to enjoy the undersea beauty, wooden bridge as long as 500 meters. This can also become the best spot for taking picture. For tourist who love diving, the clarity of the sea water of Karampuang Island cannot be missed. Because by diving, certainly you will be more satisfied to see the beauty of marine biota of Karampuang Island.  In addition to offering the beauty of the beach with clear water, you can also enjoy some interesting places of this island. On this island, there is a unique well which has three different flavors. The flavor water of the well is salty, brackish and tasteless. The three-flavor well is also mentioned  soul mate well. Another place of the island which can be visited is Lidah cave. Karampuang Island is located at Simboro district, Mamuju regency, West Sulawesi. The distance from Makassar is around 295 km. To go to the island from Mamuju, tourists can rent Katinting or speed boat with cheap tariff. Departure to Karampuang Island can be started from Mamuju dock where there is fish auction, Kasawi. From there, it takes only 20 minutes. That was our segment ‘Indonesian Wonder’ for today featuring Karampuang Island in West Sulawesi province.


Maluku is a province in Indonesia which covers Southern part of Maluku islands. Because the province consists of many islands, so the province has a lot of marine tourism potentials, such as beaches. One of them is Pombo Island, an unoccupied island that presents beautiful scenery of nature and under-sea view. Pombo Island is located at Salahhutu district, Central Maluku regency between Ambon and Haruku Island. Pombo Island is small one which is very beautiful. The island has around 4 kilometers wide. During trip to the island, you will see as if the island were floating alone at the sea. And white sand and clear sea water will make anybody who comes to the island amazed on its beauty. Pombo Island is mentioned as a new snorkeling and diving spot which attracts many divers, either domestic or abroad. When diving to the bottom of the sea, you will see wealth of marine biota, starting from fish, shell, sea weed, until coral reef in various kinds of unique forms. The under-sea view of Pombo Island is very amazing, and the land of the island is also enchanting. You can go around the island for 1 hour. During going around the island, you can find endemic animals of the island, namely Pombo bird and some other birds. The beauty of the island is quite amazing when low tide. The new land, which was previously shallow, begins to be seen and it changed to be sand which forms land. The island only has a distance around 5 kilometers from the capital city of Maluku, Ambon. To get accessed to the island, you can use public transportation from Ambon city for 1 hour to Tulehu. Thus, from the seaport, you can use speed boat for 10 minutes to Pombo Island. In the island, there is no lodging. Usually, the island is also used as camping ground because its atmosphere is very suitable to set tent. 


The beauty of natural wealth in Indonesia cannot be doubted  anymore. Many tourism objects in Indonesia looks like in the paradise. Some of the tourism objects are well known and they have to be visited . One of them is Karampuang Island. There are two versions of the origin of the island why it is named Karampuang island. According to the first version, in the past, the island was a hiding place of the kings from the chase of the Dutch. It was named  Karampuang because combination from Kara meaning island, coral or stone and Puang meaning noble, and king. Kara and Puang was local language of tribes which lived in Sulawesi. So, Karampuang means island of the kings. While, according to the second version, the name of Karampuang comes from Mamuju language. It means full moon. According to the story, earlier the island had named Liutang Island. The name was changed by a figure in Mamuju becoming Karampuang. Karampuang Island is a small island with 6 km wide. The island is surrounded by blue clear water. The purity of its sea water makes marine biota able to be seen only from its surface. The best spot to see the beauty of its under-sea is at wooden dock which was built on coastal line. Besides, it makes you able to enjoy the undersea beauty, wooden bridge as long as 500 meters. This can also become the best spot for taking picture. For tourist who love diving, the clarity of the sea water of Karampuang Island cannot be missed. Because by diving, certainly you will be more satisfied to see the beauty of marine biota of Karampuang Island. In addition to offering the beauty of the beach with clear water, you can also enjoy some interesting places of this island. On this island, there is a unique well which has three different flavors. The flavor water of the well is salty, brackish and tasteless. The three-flavor well is also mentioned  soul mate well. Another place of the island which can be visited is Lidah cave. Karampuang Island is located at Simboro district, Mamuju regency, West Sulawesi. The distance from Makassar is around 295 km. To go to the island from Mamuju, tourists can rent Katinting or speed boat with cheap tariff. Departure to Karampuang Island can be started from Mamuju dock where there is fish auction, Kasawi. From there, it takes only 20 minutes.


Wayang or puppet is an Indonesian original art which develops rapidly on Java and Bali Island. The performance is also well known in some regions such as Sumatera and Malayan peninsula, which is influenced by Javanese and Hindu culture. In 2003, UNESCO announced that Wayang has officially entered in the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO since 2008. In the development, Wayang has some types such as Wayang Kulit, Wayang Golek, Wayang Orang, and many others. In addition to those types, there is also a Wayang Ringkang or art puppet which was popularized in 2007. Wayang Ringkang is contemporary one which is innovation of Wayang Golek. Wayang Ringkang is played by colossal puppeteers who may reach 20-50 puppeteers. The Wayang art also collaborates with Rampak Kendang, Rampak Sekar, dance and  Wayang Orang. To play Wayang Ringkang, it needs Wayang arena or Jagat with the size twice from Jagat on general Wayang arena. In the Wayang Ringkang performance, the main puppeteer will read dialog, while other puppeteers guide Wayang. In the performance, the puppeteer will guide the Wayang while standing. This makes the size of Jagat become bigger than Wayang performance in general. During the performance, Wayang Ringkang is also accompanied by  Gamelan and brought in Sundanese language with communicative style. Although Wayang Ringkang performance is delivered in communicative style, the story is also delivered and it still contains philosophical values of people’s life in the past, present time and in the future. Ki Tantan Sugandi who is the initiator of Wayang Ringkang, hopes that the Wayang art can raise potential of young generation in puppet show. Until now, West Java government has continued to promote Wayang Ringkang. All of them are conducted in order Indonesian traditional art can be preserved from time to time.


The beauty of nature in Central Java does not defeat from other regions in Indonesia. Just say it, Karanganyar, there is waterfall which is quite known, namely Grojogan Sewu. There is also beautiful hidden waterfall, namely Jumog waterfall. Jumog waterfall is often mentioned as hidden heaven in Karanganyar. It is said like that because its location is behind hill which is closed by bush. In the past, the tourism destination was not visited by many tourists. Due to the local people’s awareness, the road to the location can be accessed easily. Thus, Jumog waterfall becomes one of the mainstay tourism destinations, which increases the local people’s income. At Jumog waterfall complex, we can witness a view of green and tall trees which are a perfect blend, including gurgling sound of water that calms the heart when going down 116 stairs until the waterfall. After going down the stairs, around several meters from the waterfall, there is small bridge. The place is spot which is the most right place to enjoy panorama which has height around 30 meters with strong water flow. The swift of waterfall makes the wind  blow strongly. The facility at Jumog waterfall complex is quite complete. At the complex, there are available kids’ play-ground, swimming pool, gazebo, area for taking a rest and restaurant. Around the tourism destination area, there are some residences which usually become home stay. The tariff of the home stay  varies beginning from Rp 50,000 until Rp 250,000 per night. Jumog waterfall is located at Berjo hamlet, Ngargoyoso district, Karanganyar regency, Central Java province. If you want to go to this destination, you can go to Karangpandan terminal. Afterwards, you take the access to Ngargoyoso. From here, there are many directions which will help you heading to Jumog waterfall.


West Java Province, particularly Bandung has abundant tourism potentials ranging from culinary, nature, to historical tourism. Not only gifted with picturesque landscape, Bandung is also home to many historical sites; one of them is the Dutch Cave located in the area of Juanda Forest Park. The Dutch Cave is an historical remaining from the Dutch occupation in Indonesia which used to serve as a tunnel for a hydropower plant. During the Dutch occupation, precisely in 1918, the first hydropower plant in Indonesia so-called ‘the Bengkok hydropower plant’ was built. Inside the tunnel of this hydropower plant, there are 15 passageways and several rooms such as bedrooms for the Dutch soldiers to sleep, interrogation room, and detention room. The Dutch Cave is 144 meters long. Besides being functioned for military activities, the Dutch Cave was used as a Dutch radio station established as the center of communication for the Dutch soldiers. The establishment of the radio was done to prevent resistance against the Dutch soldiers. After the independence of Indonesia, the cave was ever utilized as arsenal by Indonesian soldiers. On January the 14th 1985, the Dutch Cave was made as a tourism object and became a tourism destination for both domestic and foreign tourists. To reach the Dutch Cave located at Juanda Forest Park, you can use your own motor vehicles and pay the parking fees Rp 5,000 for motorcycle and Rp 10,000 for car. However, you can also take public transportation to get to Juanda Forest Park located in Dago Pakar. After arriving at the entrance gate of the forest park, you can walk around 1 kilometer to reach the Dutch Cave.



Liang Petang Cave, located in Batu Tering Village, Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara, is 30 km from Sumbawa Besar City. This cave is an adrenaline boosting tourist attraction.The name "Liang Petang" is a combination of "Liang" which means cave or hole and " Petang" which means night or dark. As the name implies, this cave is indeed very dark. The tool that you must carry when you will see the beauty in the cave is a flashlight.In Liang Petang cave there are some interesting things which at the same time store a mystery, because in the cave there are some rooms that until now have not been explored. In this cave there is Batu Mayat or Corpse Stone which according to estimates is a fossilized human body. In addition, there are antique objects such as bale or wooden or bamboo beds, pottery and even looms. There is also a place of hermitage and a spring, still used by people who believe it.Since the floor conditions are slippery by moss and bat droppings, you certainly need a local guide to explore this cave that has a length of 500 meters. The guide will prepare lighting to facilitate your adventure. You will be amazed to see the exotic views of the stalagmites and stalactites in Liang Petang cave, because they are unique and varied. Besides that a flock of flying bats became loyal friends in this cave.To reach Liang Petang cave, you can drive a car ride a motorbike from Batu Tering Village. A view of the Sumbawa savanna is a real treat during the journey to this cave. After that you have to walk through a small but beautiful river called Tiu Sekat which means narrow river due to the fact that this rive which water is green, is flanked by rock cliffs. You would be tempted to plunge into this river to feel the coolness before entering the forest and climbing the hill for about 25 minutes, before finally the Liang Petang Cave welcomes you.If you are an adventurous person and want to test your adrenaline, Liang Petang cave in Sumbawa is a place to visit.



Indonesia is well known to have various kinds of traditional foods which are unique and delicious. The uniqueness of the foods can be from how to cook it. There is traditional food which is processed by fermentation to avoid the food becoming rotten. One of them is Lemea, food from Lebong regency, Kepahiang, North Bengkulu. Lemea is fermentation food of Rejang tribe. Rejang tribe is one of national tribes which is spread out in Bengkulu province. The main ingredient of the food is Rebung or young bamboo which has a lot of nutrition such as protein, amino acid, carbohydrate, and anti-oxidant. Usually in Lemea, Rebung is mixed with fish and then fermented. The fish, which is usually used, is Tilapia and Sepat fish. Making process of Lemea takes long time. Because in its process, raw ingredients of the food must be fermented for around 3 days. To make it, firstly the Rebung and slices of fish are mixed. Then, the dough is restored for 3 days in  a closed container. After that, it is stored for 3 days in closed container. After 3 days, the fermented dough is processed again by being cooked and mixed with coconut milk and ingredients such as red onion, garlic, chili, lemongrass, sugar and salt. Lemea has typical and unique taste, but it is no less delicious with other regional traditional foods in Indonesia. Sour and spicy taste from fermentation and its ingredient makes anyone who tastes it, want to enjoy eating it more and more. Until now, many people enjoy Bengkulu traditional food. Even, the food is packed and exported to Japan. In Bengkulu, the food still becomes daily menu at home. If you are interested to taste Lemea, you will be not difficult to find it because there are many restaurants in Bengkulu selling this food.


Welcoming the Independence Day of Indonesia, every region in Indonesia has its own tradition; take for example, the competition of dragon boat racing from Banjarmasin, the sampan (flat bottomed boat) sailing competition from Batam, and many others. The region of Aceh also possesses its distinctive way to celebrate the Independence Day of Indonesia, namely by carrying out a tradition called ‘Pacu Kude (Horse Racing). The Pacu Kude tradition comes from the region of Gayo. Located at 1,800 meters above the sea level, Takengon which serves as the capital of Central Aceh Regency has abundant natural and cultural potentials, particularly cultural attractions. One of them is the horse racing tradition or known as Pacu Kude which has become the icon and inherited tradition of the community in Gayo. This horse racing activity usually involves the communities from three regencies, namely Central Aceh, Bener Meriah, Gayo Lues. The Pacu Kude tradition also helps unite people in the highland of Gayu. Pacu Kude Gayo is one of the cultural traditions that has existed for a long time. The tradition began to be established specially in 1926 when the Dutch Colonial Government started their occupation and this tradition was presented to enliven the birthday of Dutch Queen, namely Queen Wilhelmina. Since then, the Dutch Government kept conducting the horse racing tradition as a part of the royal’s festivity. However, after the Independence Day of Indonesia in August the 17th, 1945, the horse tradition has become a commemorative event for the independence day of Indonesia as the reflection of joy from the people of Gayo towards the independence of Indonesia. Since that time, the horse racing attraction has become an inseparable activity from the Indonesian Independence Day. The event is conducted as the expression of happiness for Indonesia’s victory of achieving its freedom from the suppression of invaders. The horse racing tradition is then combined with other events such as the art of Didong Jalu, football, boat competition, and swimming competition in the fresh water lake. In attempt to welcome the 72th Independence Day of Indonesia last year, exactly on 21st to 27th of August 2017 at the Horse Racing Arena of H.M. Hasan Gayo Belang Bebangka Pegasing, Central Aceh, the horse racing competition with the theme entitled “Keep Racing, Preserve Culture, and Advance the Country” was held by the Aceh Culture and Tourism Department. About 400 participants from regions in the highland of Gayo took part in enlivening the horse racing competition.


In South Sulawesi province, there is regency called ‘Maros’. The regency is a tourism area which has complete varieties, such as Teletubies hills and Bengo-Bengo pine forest. Not far from Pute River, there is amazing scenery. It is called ‘Rammang-Rammang Stone Forest’. In 2001, UNESCO enlisted karst Maros as natural conservation which has met 9 requirements, such as unique biodiversity and  remains of ancient humans existing on cave’s wall. This place is the second biggest karst in the world after karst area in Yunnan, South China. The word of Rammang-Rammang comes from South Sulawesi language, meaning cloud or fog. The local people give the place with the name Rammang-Rammang because every morning or when raining, the place is usually covered with cloud or fog. When cloudy, there are clusters of stone pillars at the fields of local people and these make the scenery to be seen exotic.  Rammang-Rammang tourism object is located at Salenrang village, Bontoa district, Maros regency, South Sulawesi province. The location of the village is around 40 kilometers from Makassar. To get access of the tourism object, we can reach the area by motor vehicles. If you go from Makassar city, it takes around 2 hours. If you directly go from Hasanuddin airport, it takes only 30 minutes.