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Indonesian Wonder (644)


Mepar island is located in Riau Islands province. The island has not only beautiful scenery, but also historical sites. Mepar island is at the South of Lingga island. Administratively, the island is at Mepar village, Lingga district, Riau Island province. Mepar island is well-known for its tourism history. One of them is  4 fortresses of heritage of Riau-Lingga Kingdom. The 4 fortresses are Hilir fortress, Lekok fortress, Tanjung Segi Tiga fortress and Tengah fortress. Lekok fortress is located on the hill and it directly faces with Buton bay which is at Lingga island and it is equipped with 7 canons. Unfortunately, those fortresses are damaged and overgrown with wild plants. However, some visitors are still interested to visit it. Besides there are some historical sites, the local people, who live on Mepar island, also become interesting attraction of this island. Until now, they still preserve shelter of Tanah Bunda Melayu. Every tourist who comes to this island, does not need to rent lodging because the local people will be pleased to be visited by tourist who wants to stay at night on Mepar island. Because, Mepar island’s residents preserve their heritage “adoptive parents” meaning every visitor who comes to their village, is their kid who needs shelter. To reach Mepar island from Batam Bintan island or Jagoh Dabo, we can use sea transportation at Singkep seaport on Singkep island every day . Thus, visitor must continue the trip by using speed boat to Mepar island. It takes around 30 minutes.


“Indonesian Wonder,” a daily segment featuring tourism, culinary arts, fine arts and culture from various regions across Indonesia. In today’s edition, we will invite you to Malang, East Java. 

Malang City has its own attraction which is very tempting to be visited by tourists. Although its location is isolated, the place has beautiful exotic nature.  Air Jenon water springs is the name of the place which is currently visited by a lot of tourists.

Jenon water springs is located at Gunung Ronggo village, Tajinan district, Malang regency. The water springs has beautiful clear water which has turquoise color and very exotic. If sunlight illuminates the water springs, Jenon water springs has varies depth, beginning from 1.5 and 4 meters. In the water springs, there is some fresh and Sengkaring fish which makes the water springs more beautiful. At the Eastern of the pool, there is a big fallen tree which is hundreds year old, that adds exoticism of the Jenon water springs.

The location of the Jenon water springs is only around 20 kilometers from Malang City. If you use personal car, you only take 45 minutes. From Malang city, you can take the road to Gadang-Bululawang. Arriving at the junction of Bululawang market, you will see the  direction to Tajinan. You just follow the direction until Gunung Renggo village.  At the village, you just look for big statue of Sengkaring fish at the right road because that is the location of Jenon water springs. This tourism object is free of charge. You only pay parking ticket Rp. 5000.

After parking your car, the trip is continued by tracking 50 meters to Jenon water springs. When arriving at the destination, you will be amazed with the scenery of its nature. Water springs is so clear and Sengkaring fish can be seen clearly in the pool. Its water is so cool. Jenon water springs’ atmosphere is so beautiful. Moreover, there are big trees surrounding the pool so that sunlight does not directly illuminate your body. Because pool at the Jenon water springs is natural, we suggest you to be careful. Here, you can rent rubber tire with rental cost Rp 5000 until Rp 7000.  At Jenon complex, there are also facilities, such as small mosque and rest room. If you are thirsty or hungry, you do not have to worry, because there are stalls surrounding the complex.


Welcome back to Indonesian Wonder, a daily segment featuring information about arts, culinary, and tourism. In today's edition, we will introduce you about Endog-Endogan Festival

Last November the 20th, Banyuwangi People in East Java gathered around to hold the Endog-Endogan Festival in a bid to commemorate the birth of Prophet Muhammad SAW. The event was festively held. Thousands of endhog flowers were paraded from 4 different directions: east, west, north, and south to the meeting point of the event in front of the Banyuwangi Regional Government, East Java. The parade of the endhog flowers was accompanied by the beat of rebana (Tambourine) and the Kunthul Dance which is originally from Banyuwangi. Each of the festival's participant also brought instant food called Ancak.

In using language (Local Language of Banyuwangi Tribe), Endog means egg. In this festival, hundreds of eggs are placed on a bamboo decorated with paper flowers. These are known as endhog flowers. The endhog flowers are arranged on a decoration board called Judang. Judang is typically made of banana stem and cork. But, it can also be made of other materials. The development of age encourages people to be more creative in making endog arrangement. Nowadays, the shapes of endog are not only flowers but also barong (lion-like creature),dragon, airplane, and even cone. Usually, in one Judang board, there are 27, 33, or 99 endog flowers.

The Endog-endogan tradition of Banyuwangi historically dated back in the end of the 18th century. AnUlema (Islamic Cleric) from Cemoro Songgon Village named KH. Abdullah Faqih utilized the creative tradition made of eggs to disseminate dakwah (Messages about Islam). The tradition uses eggs because eggs are the symbol of birth. Meanwhile, flowers are the symbol of worship. The festival which is the distinctive tradition of Banyuwangi people is held to express Banyuwangi people's love for Prophet Muhammad SAW.

A series of events of the Endog-endogan festival is closed by the delivering of Islamic lecture and prayers presented by Ustad (Islamic Cleric). Later, people will eat together the instant food named Ancak. Meanwhile, the endog flowers are given to the visitors of the festival. The Endog-endogan Festival is held to not only preserve the tradition of Banyuwangi people but also to promote the tourism of Banyuwangi. Usually, the festival is held every Rabiul Awal (Islamic Month), especially from 12 Rabiul Awal until the end of the month.

That was Indonesian Wonder about Endog-Endogan Festival. See you tomorrow with other interesting topics!



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Welcome back to Indonesian Wonder, a daily segment featuring tourism, culinary arts, fine arts, and culture from various regions across Indonesia. Today, we will present you about Payangan Beach, East java. So, stay tuned.


Jember is one of regencies in East Java. The regency becomes one of main tourism destinations in East Java. The tourism destinations in Jember mostly dominated with beach because it borders directly with Indian Ocean to the south. There are various   interesting beach tourism objects in Jember. One of them is Payangan Beach.


Listener, Payangan Beach is located at Payangan Hamlet, Sumberrejo Village, Ambulu Sub-district. The distance of the beach from Jember is around 32 kilometres which takes about one hour trip. The entrance tariff of Payangan Beach is quite affordable. It is onlyRp5.000. When you arrived at the beach, you will see a vast Payangan Beach area. The shape extends to the north, then turns to thewest. Payangan Beach actually consists of three parts of the beach that can be visited. The first part is fishermen beach area facing tosouthwest. The second part is in the form of beach with coral reefs separated by hills. The last part is located at the north of the beach with coral reefs which separated by small hillsThe Payangan Beach has black sands with clear blue sea water. You can swimming, or travel the beach with riding a horse. You can rent a horse only on the weekend with Rp20.000 rental tariff. The Payangan Beach has full facilities. There are food stalls, toilets, and mushola ( worship place).


After swimming, you can try to hike the hill around the beach. There is Samboja Hill inthe southwest which borders fishermen beach and coral reefs beach. To go to Samboja Hill, you must pass the row of stairs. And paying Rp5.000 for the entrance ticket. When you arrived the object, you will see colorful flowers on the edge of the path. In addition, there are many gazebos for taking a rest as well as photo spots.

While on the east, you can find Roro Ayu coastline to Canga’an Beach that curved like giant crescent moon. There are also a row of green mountains which part of Meru Betiri National Park at southeast of Jember Regency. Seeing to the northwest, there is a vast beach to Watu Ulo Beach and Tanjung Papuma Beach with their white sands. While onthe west and the south, there is a vast blue sea. If the weather is sunny, Nusa Barong is seen vaguely in the western horizon, an inhabited island which now becomes natural preservation area. In addition, there is also historical site of the Japanese colonial era, namely Japanese cave at the shore hill.


That was Indonesian Wonder for today featuring Payangan Beach. 



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Last Sunday October of 28th, hundreds of people from 7 villages in East Manggarai Regency flocked Muara Limbu Lea, Nangarawa, Bamo Billahe. They flocked the place to hold a tradition called ‘Kebhu’, the local tradition of Iowa ethnic. The tradition is started by reaping corn seeds in Pinggir Limbu Mpubu Lea and Mpube Amu (Pond). The corn seeds reaped are the ones that have been milled. The corn seeds are reaped by the heir of the Iowa ethnic. He is the one who fully controls the procession during the Kebhu tradition. He must also come from a family who only has one child as the tradition cannot be held by descendants who have siblings in their family.


When the heir reaps the milled corn, he recites a kind of incantation in their local language namley ‘Rongga Language’. The incantation says that "rengo ika lere liang, oro lau mbahu oro lau". It means that fish and various creatures are to get out from their sanctuary. The incantation is used to ask for god's blessing so that people can obtain abundant fish and other creatures easily from the pond. After reciting the incantation, the heir of the tradition throws Ndala, a special fishing net used only for local tradition. The heir who throws the fishing net must be the first and only child in his family. The Ndala is made from neither nylon nor plastic but thread. The fishing net is an environmentally-friendly heritage. After the heir throws the net, people get into the pond to catch fish and other creatures. Unfortunately, pregnant women cannot participate in this ritual as they will get nothing. People are only allowed to catch fish and other creatures until afternoon.


Kefore the Kebhu tradition is held, there are a number of indigenous rituals held earlier. For example, the first ritual is called ‘Mbaru Gendrang’ (Zao Mrhje) in Iowa ethnic. The next ritual is carried out in Watu Nurung (servings for god are placed on this round stone). The stone is located under the tamarind tree called ‘Ponange’ near to the Nangaranga coast. The Ponange tree has been selected in Iowa's ancestors in a bid to perform rituals before they get into the estuary or the Mbupu Lea and Ama pond. The indigenous people of Iowa give serving dedicated to their ancestors and the universe such as betel, limestone paste, pinang tree, ketupat jagung (ricecake made from corn), chicken, and milled corn. Afterwards, the first heir of Iowa ethnic embeds a wood from a tree branch surrounding the stone. The ketupat jagung is hanged on the wood. As this ritual finishes, the chief of the tribe recites incantation to ask for god's blessing and permission so that the Kebhu ritual can be accepted.


Legend says the fish living in the pond used to be chickens. Thus, people present them the milled corn. The mystique legend is based on the explanation of Iowa's ancestors in Nangarawa. The tradition is maintained by local people and it is held once in five years.


That was Indonesian Wonder about Kebhu Tradition. See you on our next edition.



This is RRI World Service, Voice of Indonesia with Indonesian Wonder, a program which presents information about arts, culinary, culture, and tourism. In today's edition, we will present you information about Gancik Selo Hilltop. 


Boyolali is one of the regencies in Indonesia. It shares borders with Solo and Semarang. This regency is famous for its featured milk and beef production. In addition, Boyolali has a number of attractive tourism destinations to visit. One of them is Gancik Selo Hilltop. Gancik Selo Hilltop offers the panorama of Mount Merbabu's slope and the majestic Mount Merapi. By paying only Rp 5,000, you can enjoy the spectacular panorama. Gancik Selo Hilltop is located in Dukuh Selo Nduwur, Selo Village, Selo Sub-district, Boyolali Regency, Central Java Province. It is located 36 kilometers away from the center of Boyolali Regency which takes around 1 hour. When you arrive there, you will feel the cool temperature. This is because the hill is located on a highland whose height reaches 1,850 meters above the sea level. Furthermore, the atmosphere in this object is very enchanting because of the lush trees surrounding the object. The main attraction of this object is a place called Gardu Pandang, namely a place to witness the beauty of the hill from above. Besides, from this place, you can also take a look at the rice field, local people's houses, and plantations. The view is a suitable choice for your photo/selfie background.  Gancik Selo Hilltop has a number of Gardu Pandangs which are connected with bamboo bridges to help visitors get around the object. if you would like to take photos on Gancik Hilltop, you can capture not only the surrounding panorama but also the beauty of sunrise and sunset from the hill. The wonder of sunrise from the hill is undoubtedly gorgeous. But, you must come on time to be able to see the sunrise. Besides taking photos, you can also do hiking on Gancik Selo hilltop. Gancik Selo Hilltop also offers a new hiking track in Mount Berbabu. If you want to hike from Gancik Route, you will arrive at Post 3 of the Merbabu Hiking Track via Selo Lama. Both routes are connected to Post 3 Watu Tulis.


That was Indonesian Wonder. 


Lingga is one of regencies in Riau Islands province which has 531 big and small islands. Around 447 islands are unoccupied. Because the province has many islands, Lingga regency has many potential natural tourisms. One of them is Nusantara beach at Tanjung Harapan village, Sinkep district, Lingga regency, Riau. Nusantara beach has coastal line which has shape of concave like gulf. The coastal line is not quite wide, only around 2 hectares. The beach is arranged neatly and its cleanliness is maintained until the beach is seen beautiful and interesting. It also becomes one of reasons why the beach is never devoid of visitors, either domestic or foreign tourists. If you go to the beach, you can explore the flat side of the beach and on the beach, there are built wooden huts. Nusantara beach has brown sand and calm waves and also clear water. The visitors can swim around the beach. Besides, there is a small island which juts to the sea that can be accessed by walking through small bridge with wooden fence. On the artificial island as wide as 20 meters, you can sun-bath on the relaxing chair, eating at the stall or only taking picture. And if you are lucky, you will see white storks which are flying or finding foods at the seashore. If you have fishing hobby, you can enjoy your hobby here. To go to Nusantara beach is quite easy by using motorcycle or car. The beach is opened whole days. Many tourists choose to come to the beach in the evening. Because at the time, you can enjoy very beautiful scenery. To enter the beach is free of charge. The facility at the beach is quite complete. 


Probolingo is one of regencies in East Java, which has many tourism objects, such as Mt. Bromo that is well known overseas. Mt. Bromo is located at Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. The national park has not only natural mountain tourism object, but also amazing waterfall. The waterfall is Hyang Darungan Bremi. Hyang Darungan Bremi waterfall is administratively located at Bremi village, Krucil district, East java province. To go to the tourism object, you will take around one hour from Probolingo by public transportation to Bremi. From the waterfall’s gateway, you take around 2 hours on foot. The trip from the gateway to Hyang Darungan Bremi waterfall is hard. Because the path is inclining, steep and muddy. It is narrow and can be passed only by one person. Besides, you also must be through river and stones. The trip certainly makes you tired so that you need extra strong stamina to reach the tourism object. At the location of Hyang Darungan Bremi waterfall, there are 2 beautiful waterfalls. One waterfall is above and another one is underneath. Both waterfalls’ stream is fresh and cold. The underneath waterfall has around 15 meters high. At the waterfall, you can take bath to enjoy the freshness of the Hyang Darungan Bremi waterfall. For the above waterfall, you must walk again around 500 meters from the underneath waterfall. The scenery presented by the above waterfall is more beautiful than another one. The waterfall has around 20 meters high with stone’s overlay under it. You can also swim while enjoying amazing natural panorama.



The nature of Maluku is so beautiful. It can be seen from many natural tourism objects which are beautiful and can be visited from under sea tourism objects. Maluku has beautiful islands, beaches with amazing sceneries and many others. Kei Besar island is one of the islands in Maluku which has many natural tourism potentials. One of natural tourism destinations, is Hoko waterfalls at Hoko village, Kei Besar district, Southeast Maluku regency, Maluku province. Hoko waterfall has fresh and clear water, which flows down through giant stone to natural pool under it. The pool has clear and calm water with colorful gradation of sky blue and also turkish green. At the pool, tourists can swim while enjoying the beauty of Hoko waterfall. In addition, the tourists can slide from the giant stone to the pool which is under it. Because of its beauty, Hoko waterfall becomes one of destinations worth being visited when taking holidays in Maluku. Because of its natural tourism beauty, Kei islands get valuable appreciation of Indonesian Charming Award from Indonesian Ministry of Tourism in 2016, with the title ‘One of the most popular hidden paradises  in Indonesia.’  Although the waterfall becomes popular destination, its beauty and nature are still protected well. To access Hoko waterfall, the visitors can visit Kei islands by plane from Pattimura international airport of Ambon to Karel Sadsuitubun airport, Southeast Maluku regency. After arriving in the Southeast Maluku, the visitors must use speed boat from Watdek port to Elat village. After arriving at Elat village, the visitors can use motor taxi or usually called ‘Ojek’ to Hoko village.


Indonesia as an archipelagic country has big islands such as Java, Kalimantan, Sumatera, Sulawesi and Papua. There are also small islands which have many natural tourism potentials. Take for example, Rupat island in Malacca strait. Administratively, the island belongs to the regency of Bengkalis territory, Riau province. Rupat Island covers around 1,500 m2 and it is located between Malaysia and Sumatera Island. The beaches on the island also directly border with Malacca strait. On the island, there is beach called ‘Pesona Pulau Rupat’ which stretches out until 3 regions on Rupat island beginning from Tanjung Lapin, Rhu bay, until Punak cape. Thus, Pesona Pulau Rupat is often called with the name which is given by each region. The beautiful attraction of Rupat Island is both on its nature and culture. The island has also typical dance, called ‘Zapin Api’ dance. The dance, which is accompanied by Malay music, is full of mystic. Because, before the attraction is begun, the dancers who consist of 5 male dancers, will circle burnt incense. During the performance, audiences are allowed to light fire. The dance is almost extinct because the dance’s leader is only 2 persons who are getting older. Thus, the dance needs new generation to preserve for young generation. Rupat Island can be accessed from Pekanbaru, Dumai, or Bengkalis. The main line of transportation to the island is by sea. If one departs from Dumai, they can use roll-on-roll Dumai-Rupat ship whose departure time has been scheduled. The trip from Dumai to Rupat Island takes around 20-30 minutes. While if you depart from Bengkalis, it will take around 2 hours. If you want to stay at night, you can rent local people’s house or homestay.