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President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) once again said that the current world condition is in a very difficult position. He revealed, it is estimated that there will be 66 countries that are prospective 'patients' of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

This was conveyed by the President when giving a speech at the 58th Golkar Anniversary event, at the Jakarta International Expo, Friday (21/10/2022). "Now there are 14 countries that have been admitted as IMF patients, and they have become patients," said the President.

"And 28 more countries are already queuing at the IMF's door. It is estimated that the figure for 66 countries will appear," he said.

He said this happened because next year the global economy is predicted to get darker. The reason is, rising food prices, energy scarcity makes inflation in a number of countries soar.

On a separate occasion, the President said that Indonesia should be grateful that in the midst of a crisis, the country's economy is growing well. In fact, said the President, IMF Managing Director, Kristalina Georgieva, called Indonesia a "bright spot in the midst of the gloom of the world economy".

"It's not us who are talking, (but) the IMF's Managing Director Kristalina. The bright spot in the gloom of the world economy," said the President, Wednesday (19/10/2022).

In a telephone conversation with Kristalina, the President also received news that 16 countries had become "patients" of the IMF. Meanwhile, 28 other countries are waiting in line at the IMF door.

"Because the figures we saw last month's trade balance was still a surplus of 5.7 (percent). Credit grew 10.7 percent, the Consumer Confidence Index was still at 124.7," he said.

However, the Head of State reminded all parties to continue to work hard. Because this is the main key in dealing with difficult conditions like now. (RRI)





Finance ministers from 21 APEC member economies convened in Bangkok on Thursday  to address the risks of inflation and to promote new growth drivers in the Asia-Pacific region.

APEC finance ministers convened against the backdrop of an adverse global environment—where recovery from the pandemic remains fragile and rising inflation is necessitating financial tightening all over the world—and the increasing risk of climate change, as noted in a release issued by the APEC Secretariat and received here on Friday.

Under the theme of "Advancing Digitalization, Achieving Sustainability," Thailand’s Minister of Finance and Chair of the 2022 APEC Finance Ministers’ Meeting Arkhom Termpittayapaisith stressed the importance of striking a balance between growth and taking care of the environment while highlighting that digitalization and sustainability "will be the key to APEC’s prosperity."

"Digitalization has proven to be a key driver of growth, especially in an increasing globalized environment," Minister Arkhom noted in his opening remarks.

"Nevertheless, such growth should not come at the cost of a significantly worsening environment, which is why sustainability remains high on the global agenda, including in APEC," he stated.

While the economic outlook remains uncertain, Minister Arkhom reflected on some of the encouraging tailwinds that can ignite a new growth cycle.

"Apart from digitalization and sustainability, resurgence in the travel and tourism sector as well as other economic activities reflects pent-up demand," Minister Arkhom stated.

"We need to deepen our cooperation in developing strategic, measured, and innovative responses in order to keep the world economy steady and propel it forward, especially in the areas which require our collective action, such as climate change, sustainable development, and digital connectivity," he stated.

Meeting at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Center, where APEC Economic Leaders’ Week will be held in November, finance ministers deliberated about inflationary pressure, and, among other things, how to redirect stimulus measures from COVID-19 to long-term growth drivers while maintaining fiscal sustainability.

According to the APEC Secretariat, the ministers explored policy measures and actions to further promote digitalization and sustainability to propel economic growth, including through fiscal policies, taxation regimes, redistribution programs, investment incentives, digital leverage, and the pursuit of sustainable development.

Ministers also heard from the APEC Policy Support Unit and representatives from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, and Asian Development Bank on the regional and global economic outlook.

The IMF downgraded APEC’s economic growth to 2.5 percent this year, similar to the projection of the APEC Policy Support Unit.

Recognizing the unprecedented risk ahead, finance ministers committed to keeping inflation at bay to mitigate the rising cost of living and poverty. They also committed to keeping trade open while protecting people from the resurgence of COVID-19 or any future pandemics.

Ministers also expressed their respective views regarding the heightened macroeconomic challenges and their effects on the volatility of energy and food prices, the APEC Secretariat said.

"The current political difficulties might have led to conflicting views among member economies," Minister Arkhom pointed out.

"However, we need to demonstrate the spirit of international cooperation that has been central to the successes of APEC over the years, engage with each other productively and constructively, as this will lead to shared prosperity that can be cherished by all," he concluded. (Antaranews)





Bali Governor Wayan Koster affirmed that several natural disasters that occurred in Bali would not affect the implementation of the G20 Summit in November 2022.

"The flood issue has been resolved, and it is safe now. There will be no problem with the G20 Summit," he stated in Denpasar, Bali, Friday.

Koster ensured that the central government and the G20 delegation did not have to harbor concerns, as the condition in Bali was safe after several districts were hit by flash floods due to extreme weather.

The governor later noted that the regional government had handled the impact of the natural disasters in several districts, such as building a temporary evacuation place for residents in Jembrana District.

"Food for refugees has also been prepared. In the long term, 20 families in Jembrana District will be relocated. The land has been prepared by the Bali Provincial Government," Koster stated.

The governor noted that the 20 families were relocated, as their houses were prone of flash floods that often occurred, with the worst case occurring on October 17 when flash floods hit the districts of Jembrana, Tabanan, and Karangasem that resulted in some casualties.

"Their houses were located under the road, and it was not safe. We have made preparations with the Bali Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) to help them. Bali is safe for the G20 Summit. There is no need to worry," he emphasized.

Earlier, the Bali Environmental Forum (WALHI) on Tuesday (October 18) also highlighted the construction of the Gilimanuk-Mengwi Toll Road infrastructure, which was said to use 480.54 hectares of rice fields.

The impact of the conversion of agricultural land could damage a natural hydrological irrigation system that can keep the volume of water from upstream to downstream and accelerate flooding in the area.

"The conversion of land has resulted in climate change and an increase in the earth's surface temperature, resulting in an increase in heavy rainfall in various locations. Hence, there is a high potential of floods and landslides occurring in various areas in Bali," Director of WALHI Bali, Made Krisna Dinata, stated.

In response to this, Koster explained that not many rice fields would be used for the construction of the Mengwi-Gilimanuk Toll Road. He also ensured that the construction had been calculated carefully.

"The rice fields are not large, only 200 hectares, if I am not mistaken, but the economic value of the entire area will increase. The construction will not cause a disaster. This has been calculated, and the area is not an upstream area, this is a transverse area. It will be different if the construction is carried out upstream, as it can be dangerous," he noted. (Antaranews)





Minister of State-owned Enterprises Erick Thohir stated that the issuance of business identification numbers (NIB) demonstrated President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi's) mindfulness towards Indonesian micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

Thohir said the president had tasked him and Minister of Investment/Head of Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia, as well as the Ministry of Co-operatives and Small and Medium Enterprises with expediting the process of NIB issuance for MSMEs.

"Mr President tasked us and the ministry of co-operatives and small and medium enterprises to give more opportunities for MSMEs not only through the provision of business licenses, whose number is close to reaching three million but also through the funding for MSMEs that we continue to encourage," Thohir said in a statement here, Thursday.

Meanwhile, Lahadalia said that the cross-ministerial mission has been causal to the success to provide close to 2.5 million licenses for MSMEs, and the figure is expected to reach three million by year-end.

"Praise be to God, a lot of MSME entrepreneurs asked for assistance from Mr Thohir in the form of work capital, provision of places, and others. I believe our work has translated Mr President's instruction to be mindful of small businesses instead of catering only to large-scale businesses," Lahadalia affirmed.

The BKPM head earlier noted that through the risk-based OSS system, the issuance of NIBs to MSMEs can now be conducted easily, quickly, and free of charge.

Nevertheless, obstacles are still encountered in the issuance of NIBs for companies with high risk, such as issues pertaining to detailed spatial planning (RDTR) and building approval (PBG), the minister noted.

The minister said that currently, the ease of investment in Indonesia is continuing to improve as compared to ASEAN countries.In fact, Indonesia has scored just one point less than Singapore in terms of reforms for easing investment in the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) report. As per the report, Singapore has scored 19 points, and Indonesia has 18 points. (Antaranews)