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The government has taken two approaches to developing Papua. This was done during the last three years of the leadership of President Joko Widodo and Vice President Ma'ruf Amin.

"Such as the infrastructure and human resources (HR) approach. These two approaches are the basis for development in Papua and of course this will continue," said Deputy V for Security and Human Rights of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Jaleswari Pramodhawardani in a written statement, Friday. (21/10/2022).

Jaleswari hopes that the Papuan regional government will follow up on the basis that has been built. Especially by getting closer and building a two-way communication pattern.

"Especially with the people who are spread all over the Earth of Cendrawasih. How public services and the fulfillment of people's rights continue to be prioritized," he said.

He said President Jokowi at every opportunity has emphasized the national development paradigm. Even now it is not Java or Sumatra centric, but must be oriented towards Indonesia centric.

"Since the beginning of his administration, the President has been committed to building a centric Indonesia starting from the Land of Papua. The President has visited Papua 15 times. That is important because the Head of State sees it based on data and facts," he said.

The infrastructure approach, he continued, was also carried out by the President starting from education to health services. This has been consistently carried out since the first period of government until the second period together.

"The commitment to bring social justice for all Indonesian people. Without exception in Papua and West Papua, it will continue to be maintained," he said.

This is also stated in Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 9 of 2020 concerning the Acceleration of Welfare Development in Papua and West Papua. This Presidential Instruction requires 43 ministries/institutions to participate in accelerating the development of the welfare of the Land of Papua.

"So, it's not just a commitment to visit there which has been there 15 times, but with the issuance of regulations that support all of them. It's in the National Medium-Term Development Plan, specifically for Papua it is a National Priority Program," he said. (RRI)





Bank Indonesia launched the Financial Stability Study Book (KSK). The book is entitled "Synergy and Policy Innovation to Maintain Financial System Stability and Support National Economic Growth."

"This book is a tangible manifestation of Bank Indonesia's strong commitment to transparency and accountability to the wider community. This book contains three main messages, namely the financial system stability assessment in the first semester of 2022, BI policy mix innovation, and the synergy between BI and the Financial System Stability Committee ( KSSK)," said Governor Perry Warjiyo during a virtual launch from the BI building, Jakarta, Friday (21/10/2022).

In terms of assessment, BI is of the view that the stability of the financial system in the first semester of 2022 is maintained. This condition occurred in the midst of a slowdown in the world economy, high global inflation, and aggressive monetary tightening policies in developed countries.

"Alhamdulillah, Indonesia's economic growth in the second quarter of 2022 reached 5.44 percent. Intermediation performance strengthened, with credit distribution growth at the end of the first semester of 2022 reaching 10.66 percent," said Perry.

In terms of innovation, Bank Indonesia continues to strengthen its policy mix to respond to potential future pressures, including inflation expectations. In the monetary sector, BI has raised the BI interest rate as a front loaded, pre-emptive, and forward looking measure.

"This step is taken to lower inflation expectations and ensure core inflation returns to the target of 3 plus minus one percent or or a maximum of 4 percent. Close coordination is carried out with the central and regional governments through the Inflation Control Team and the National Movement for Food Inflation Control," Perry said.

In terms of synergy, Bank Indonesia strengthened policy synergy to maintain financial system stability through the Financial System Stability Committee (KSSK). The resilience of the financial system is the basis for KSSK to remain optimistic by continuing to be aware of the risks it faces.

"The policy synergy of BI, the Ministry of Finance, the Financial Services Authority and the Deposit Insurance Corporation continues to be strengthened. KSSK maintains macro stability, the financial system, and encourages business credit in priority sectors," said Perry.

The coordination and synergy are aimed at economic growth and increasing exports. In addition, this is also to strengthen economic and financial inclusion. (RRI)


Indonesian national literacy meeting - 


Literacy is important to talk about because it is closely related to well-being.

It means the depth of one's knowledge that can be implemented to produce goods and services so that they can be used to win global competition, making literacy belongs to individuals, not institutions.
President Joko Widodo's mandate to improve the quality of Indonesia's Human Resources (HR) must reach up to the fifth literacy level, namely producing goods and services. Therefore, most Indonesians who do not have the opportunity to complete formal basic education need assistance from the library.
"Libraries must provide assistance to those who have not graduated from school with training provided directly or through books of applied sciences," said the Head of the National Library of Indonesia (NLI) in his remarks at the National Library of Indonesia National Stakeholders Meeting in 2022 at the Grand Mercure Harmoni Hotel, Thursday (20/10/2022).
The ability to produce goods and services supports government programs in the success of community-owned Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Syarif Bando added that the National Library of Indonesia is currently trying to produce 3 (three) contents which are planned to be launched to the public in early 2023.
“The information needed by the community will later be facilitated by the contents produced by the National Library. Indonesia must wake up with its works starting from the home industry," he said.

In his report, Plt. Deputy for Library Resource Development, Deni Kurniadi said the role of regional stakeholders, as well as the commitment of regional leaders are very important in encouraging the success of the Social Inclusion-Based Library Transformation program as a National Priority program down to the village level.
"Support from regional leaders and stakeholders can accelerate the mobilization of policies, human resources, and budgets for sustainable library transformation," he explained
Team Leader Consultant Assistance Program from PT. Markplus Inc., Erlyn Sulistyaningsih explained that his party built a Laplit portal (Lapak Production Literacy) which serves to promote that libraries can help people to have businesses.
"Literacy for welfare is the program and in fact many people struggle to come to the library to open a business," he said.
Meanwhile, the Director of Religion, Education and Culture of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas RI, Amich Alhumami emphasized that in order to advance the community as reflected in the country's economic development, there must be a serious emphasis on improving human resources with literacy.
"It is impossible for a person to be empowered, to be capable, one must have access to sources of knowledge to learn and seek information," he stressed.

On the same occasion, the Director of Synchronization of Regional Government Affairs IV of the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs, Zanariah, stated that a program in government must have a leading sector. As with the Social Inclusion-Based Library Transformation program, National Library has become a leading sector. However, to be able to implement it in the regions there must be collaboration with other parties.
"There is no single program that can be carried out alone, but requires collaboration with other parties," he explained.
According to a release received by Voice of Indonesia on Thursday, the Head of the Planning and Finance Bureau of the National Library of Indonesia, Joko Santoso, explained that the importance of literacy is very closely related to improving the quality of human resources, to ultimately provide welfare to the community. He also emphasized that the library is a public space that allows people to share experiences and practice skills. So, when viewed from the benefits of the program, National Library will encourage local governments with similar programs for the coming years.
"With the holding of various kinds of activities that are needed by the community, the context of the library as a necessity in the community will increase," he said.
Sukabumi City Literacy Activator, Putri Wardhani said that in the Cisarua Urban Village library there are 2 (two) types of services, namely the main service and the service for community empowerment activities. In service, community empowerment activities are divided into fields including education, health, and economy.
"For example, in the field of education, we hold foreign language learning classes, because having the ability to speak a foreign language will definitely make people have more value and of course help to improve the welfare of the people of Sukabumi city," he said.
Similarly, Miss Indonesia 2015, Maria Harfanti also shared that she built the Bangun Sekolah Foundation with a passion to improve the quality of education in underdeveloped areas. The 2 (two) main programs developed by this foundation are the introduction of technology and character building training. However, it was not all done alone but in collaboration with other parties.
“We have regular donors and also collaborate with other parties. The point is that we do not walk alone and continue to build collaborations and synergize with many parties,” he concluded//VOI






India's opposition Congress party declared veteran leader Mallikarjun Kharge its new chief on Wednesday, the first person from outside the influential Nehru-Gandhi family to hold the beleaguered party's presidency in 24 years.

Kharge, an 80-year-old from the lowest rung of India's caste system, is seen as a loyalist of the Gandhi family, which has produced three Indian prime ministers and is expected to retain its clout over the party.

The Congress hopes to revive its flagging fortunes with a new leader after losing two general elections and control of some state assemblies to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

"The most important issues facing the country right now is inflation, unemployment, a widening divide between the rich and poor and a growing environment of hatred spread by the ruling government," Kharge told reporters after his win.

He overwhelmingly won the party vote held on Monday, defeating former U.N. diplomat Shashi Tharoor.

Despite the change at the top of the Congress, the BJP, which advocates a hard-right, nationalist stance, appears to be in a strong position to win a third successive term in a general election due by 2024.

The 137-year-old Congress, which helped win India's independence from colonial power Britain and then dominated politics for decades, has long championed a secular polity.

"This symbolic change of the president is a very powerful moment for the Congress," said Neelanjan Sircar, a senior fellow at the Centre for Policy Research think tank.

"Its desire to change will have to reflect in organisational change on the ground."

Disgruntled senior party members have in recent months challenged the party's operation under its interim president, Sonia Gandhi, who took charge after her son, Rahul Gandhi, resigned following the party's loss to the BJP in a 2019 general election.

Sonia and Rahul are the widow and son of assassinated former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, who followed his mother Indira Gandhi and grandfather Jawaharlal Nehru. The three collectively ruled India for all but around four of its first 40 years of independence.

Kharge said Rahul Gandhi had congratulated him on the phone and told him that he would keep working as a "foot soldier" of the Congress. (Reuters)