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Russian President Vladimir Putin is to miss the funeral of the last Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, denying the man who failed to prevent the collapse of the Soviet empire the full state honours granted to Boris Yeltsin.

Gorbachev, idolised in the West for allowing eastern Europe to escape Soviet communist control but unloved at home for the chaos that his "perestroika" reforms unleashed, will be buried on Saturday after a public ceremony in Moscow's Hall of Columns.

The grand hall, within sight of the Kremlin, hosted the funerals of Soviet leaders Vladimir Lenin, Josef Stalin and Leonid Brezhnev. Gorbachev will be given a military guard of honour - but his funeral will not be a state one.

State television on Thursday showed Putin solemnly placing red roses beside Gorbachev's coffin - left open as is traditional in Russia - in Moscow's Central Clinical Hospital, where he died on Tuesday aged 91.


Putin made a sign of the cross in Russian Orthodox fashion before briefly touching the edge of the coffin.

"Unfortunately, the president's work schedule will not allow him to do this on Sept. 3, so he decided to do it today," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

He said Gorbachev's ceremony would have "elements" of a state funeral, and that the state was helping to organise it.

Nevertheless, it will be a marked contrast to the funeral of Yeltsin, who was instrumental in sidelining Gorbachev as the Soviet Union fell apart and hand-picked Putin, a career KGB intelligence officer, as the man most suited to succeed him.

When Yeltsin died in 2007, Putin declared a national day of mourning and, alongside world leaders, attended a grand state funeral in Moscow's Cathedral of Christ the Saviour.

Russia's intervention in Ukraine appears aimed at reversing at least in part the collapse of the Soviet Union that Gorbachev failed to prevent in 1991.

Gorbachev's decision to let the countries of the post-war Soviet communist bloc go their own way, and East and West Germany to reunify, helped to trigger nationalist movements within the 15 Soviet republics that he was powerless to quell.

Five years after taking power in 2000, Putin called the breakup of the Soviet Union "the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century".

It took Putin more than 15 hours after Gorbachev's death to publish a restrained message of condolence that said Gorbachev had had a "huge impact on the course of world history" and "deeply understood that reforms were necessary" to tackle the problems of the Soviet Union in the 1980s. (reuters)




President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) wants Indonesia's mining sector not to lag behind other countries. According to him, mining companies must implement the latest technology to support mining operations.

"The mining sector must not be left behind. It must immediately implement artificial intelligence technology (artificial intelligence), internet of things IOT, machine learning to big data in order to support all operations in mining," said the President at the launch of 5G Mining Technology in Tembagapura, Papua, Thursday. (1/9/2022).

The Head of State said that the launch of 5G Mining technology could make Indonesia the forefront. Especially in the application of technology for mining.

"Today we prove that we have moved further. By implementing the first 5G Smart Mining in Southeast Asia by PT Freeport Indonesia, supported by PT Telkomsel," he said.

"(This) is in order to support automation and remote control and improve work safety. And for PT Freeport Indonesia's mining productivity," he added.
The President appreciated the majority of workers who were filled by sons and daughters from Papua. For him, 5G Mining technology is very special because it can be monitored remotely with cameras connected to artificial intelligence.

He believes that in the future PT Freeport Indonesia will be taken into account at the global level. So that it can produce quality Human Resources (HR) in the mining sector.

"In addition to producing more and more qualified human resources in the mining sector in the world, it also contributes greatly to the progress of the Indonesian mining industry," he said. (RRI)




The Indonesian government invites business people to invest in the clean energy sector. This is because the energy transition program from fossil fuels to new and renewable energy requires substantial funding support.

"Accelerating the energy transition requires an investment of up to USD 1 trillion by 2060. Financial needs are even higher considering that we will implement early retirement of coal-fired power plants in the coming years," said Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Rida Mulyana in a statement, Thursday (1/9/2022).

Furthermore, Rida explained that large funding also requires the mobilization of all financial sources. Both from private and public companies.

Thus, collaboration between all renewable energy stakeholders is required. Including public, private, and business to business partnerships have an important role to ensure all the potential of renewable energy.

In the carbon neutrality roadmap by 2060, there is the addition of clean energy generation. The total reaches 700 gigawatts from diesel, hydro, biomass, wind, ocean, geothermal, as well as hydrogen and nuclear.

"We will also reduce the use of fossil fuels by gradually stopping fossil power plants. De-dieselization program and implementing clean technology," he said.

To achieve this, the government has several strategies in terms of demand. There are three main sectors that are the focus of the government, namely transportation, industry, household and commercial.

In the transportation sector, the government is increasing the use of biofuels, penetration of electric vehicles, and the use of hydrogen for trucks. Furthermore, environmentally friendly fuels for aviation, low-carbon fuels for the delivery of ammonia and hydrogen.

In addition, biofuels, electronic fuels derived from biosyngas, green hydrogen, and ship electrification. The industrial sector will also be earmarked for increasing the share of electricity, hydrogen as a gas substitute, biomass substitution, and the spread of CCS.

Meanwhile, from the household and commercial sectors, the government is accelerating the use of induction cookers and the use of city gas. "Up to energy efficiency programs, including optimizing energy management and using energy-efficient equipment," he said.

"From the supply and demand side, this will reduce emissions by 1,789 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2060. We will achieve zero emissions from the electricity sector," he said, adding. (RRI)




Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto said the use of digital transformation was the key to accelerating economic recovery. This was proven when dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic.

"This is the key to accelerating economic recovery during the Covid-19 period. The government really uses technology, including through telemedicine and health technology," said Airlangga in his statement, Thursday (1/9/2022).

The important role of technology in the health sector during the Covid-19 pandemic is the use of the PeduliLindung application. The use of this application to fight Covid-19 is by limiting community activities as well as selecting those who are positive for Covid-19.

"By limiting community activities as well as selecting those who are positive for Covid-19, this is to minimize the spread of the virus," he said.

Airlangga said that until now, the PeduliLindung application has been downloaded and used by more than 120 million people. Thus, the government has succeeded in suppressing the surge in Covid-19 cases in two major activities, namely Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.

"From the two major activities, the number of positive Covid-19 cases in Indonesia remains sloping. This shows Indonesia's resilience in dealing with Covid-19," he said.

"This shows that the government is really taking advantage of the PeduliLindung application. This is also to complement the policies taken in handling Covid-19," he concluded. (RRI)