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President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) appreciates 5G Smart Mining technology in mining activities belonging to PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI). The operation of the technology uses 99 percent of local Papuan workers.

"What I am happy about is that 99 percent of the total employees who controlled and operated. They are native to Indonesia, from the land of Papua," said the President when inaugurating 5G Technology in Tembagapura, Papua, Thursday (1/9/2022).

According to him, PT Freeport Indonesia's 5G Smart Mining technology operation is the first technology to be implemented in Southeast Asia. 5G Smart Mining technology is the result of a collaboration between the Telkom Group and PTFI.

"I believe this technology will make PT Freeport Indonesia even more considered at the global level. Besides that, it will produce more and more qualified human resources in the mining sector in the world," he said.

The 5G technology aims to support automation and remote control. Another advantage is to increase PTFI's work safety and mining productivity.

"And contribute greatly to the progress of Indonesia's mining industry," said Jokowi.

The government also greatly appreciates the contribution of PT Freeport Indonesia which reaches 68 percent for the economy in Mimika Regency. With this contribution, PT Freeport Indonesia also makes a major contribution to the economy in the Land of Papua. (RRI)




Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, ensured that Bali will become a clean province. Especially ahead of Indonesia's G20 Presidency.

This was conveyed during a visit to one of the construction projects of the Final Waste Processing Site (TPST) in Denpasar. Namely TPST Kesiman Kertalangu, Denpasar, Wednesday (31/8/2022).

"We are currently building 3 TPST in Denpasar and will be completed in the second week of October and can operate immediately. So that when the G20 Summit is held in November, Bali will be clean of garbage," said Coordinating Minister Luhut, in a written statement, Thursday (1/9/2022).

According to Coordinating Minister Luhut, the main machine for processing waste used in the TPST will be developed in Indonesia. He added that the government would develop 52 TPST points throughout Indonesia.

"Later on, the main engine will be produced in various factories in Indonesia. To support domestic products," he said.

These three TPSTs are used to replace the Suwung TPA which has exceeded its capacity. Later, the buried waste will be processed at the TPST.

Collaboration with Udayana University (UNUD) is needed to conduct research related to the remaining waste remaining in the Suwung TPA. Including making new innovations in waste management.

“We need to study the management of wet and dry waste. With UNUD being involved, whatever we make will be based on science," he said. (RRI)




The government has called on business players to invest in the clean energy sector, given the energy transition program, from fossil-based fuels to new and renewable energy that required significant amount of funding support.

Secretary General of the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry Rida Mulyana stated that an investment of up to US$1 trillion by 2060 was needed in pursuing energy transition for new, renewable energy generation and transmission in Indonesia.

"Financial needs are increasing, considering that we will employ early retirement of coal-fired power plants in the coming years," he noted in a statement here on Thursday.

Mulyana expounded that the large funding necessitated initiative from all sources of finance, both from private and public entities.

He noted that cooperation and collaboration among all renewable energy stakeholders, including public, private, and business-to-business partnerships, all had an important role to play in ensuring that all renewable energy potentials could be utilized properly.

An additional 700 gigawatts of clean energy generation from diesel, hydro, biomass, wind, ocean, geothermal, as well as hydrogen and nuclear had been included in the government-issued roadmap for carbon neutrality by 2060 or earlier.

"We will also reduce the use of fossil-based fuels by putting a cease to fossil power plants, de-dieselization program and implementing clean technologies, such as CCS/CCUS," he elaborated.

To achieve this, the government laid down several strategies in terms of demand with transportation, industry, as well as household and commercial sectors being prioritized.

In the transportation sector, the government will push for the use of biofuels, promote electric vehicles, use hydrogen for trucks, eco-friendly fuels for aircraft, low-carbon fuels for shipping with ammonia, hydrogen, and biofuels as the future targets, electronic fuels derived from biosyngas, green hydrogen, and electrification of ships for short distances.

The industrial sector will also be used to increase the share of electricity, hydrogen as a gas substitute, biomass substitution, and the expedition of CCS.

As for the household and commercial sectors, the government was promoting the use of induction stoves, utilizing city gas, and implementing energy efficiency programs that included energy management optimization and using energy-efficient equipment.

"All these efforts from the supply and demand (aspects) will reduce emissions by 1,789 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2060. We will achieve zero emissions in the electricity sector, but 129 million tons of carbon emissions will remain in the industrial and transportation sectors," he concluded. (Antaranews)




Communication and Informatics Minister Johnny G. Plate affirmed that results of the Digital Economy Ministers Meeting (DEMM) held here on Thursday would determine the future of development of the global digital space.

"I think the world will pay great attention to the results of today's DEMM since they will determine the direction of development of the global digital space," the minister noted after conducting a bilateral meeting here on Thursday.

The meeting took place between Plate and Minister of State for Artificial Intelligence, Digital Economy and Remote Work Applications of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Omar Sultan Al Olama.

Plate noted that the DEMM was not only implemented in keeping with the interests of G20 members but also for the benefit of non-G20 countries.

Hence, he expected that the meeting, scheduled to conclude on Thursday afternoon, will run smoothly.

The agenda for the DEMM session is the discussion on the draft declaration of "The Bali Package."

According to ANTARA’s monitoring at the meeting venue, the ministers of digital affairs from the UAE, Singapore, Cambodia, South Africa, Japan, India, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands were present in person.

Meanwhile, Australia, Germany, and Spain sent their ministerial representatives.

The meeting was also attended by several international organizations, such as the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

Earlier, the fourth meeting of the 2022 G20 Digital Economy Working Group (DEWG) was held on Monday (August 29, 2022) to Tuesday (August 30, 2022).

The earlier three meetings -- each of which discussed three priority issues of digital connectivity and post-COVID-19 recovery; digital skills and literacy; as well as Data Free Flow with Trust (DFFT) and Cross-Border Data Flow (CBDF) -- had been held in March, May, and July respectively.

After holding a bilateral meeting with several countries on Wednesday (August 31, 2022) evening, the minister said he expected all rounds of discussions in DEMM to be completed, so that the meeting's results could become the material for President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in chairing the G20 Summit in November 2022. (Antaranews)