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Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman

Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman (0)

The Indonesian Embassy in Beirut has acknowledged its continued support for trade cooperation improvement between Indonesia and Lebanon. Indonesian Ambassador to Lebanon Hajriyanto Y Thohari gave the Primaduta Award to Lebanese businessman and importer, George R Fattouh. The award was given for his service in helping market Indonesian products in Paris from the Middle East. The award was given at a ceremony at the Indonesian Embassy in Beirut, Thursday (11/1)  Fatough, is the owner of George R. Fattouh S.A.L, a business that has been importing Indonesian products since the 1980s. It has a range of products, including: palm oil and its derivatives, oil and fats (including cocoa butter substitute, fat spread, hydrogenated palm kernel oil, and lauric confectionery fats), cardboard, stationary, and school equipment. Some Indonesian products are now even available at famous retail networks, such as Spinney’s and Carrefour. In 2022, the value imported by George R. Fattough S.A.L of Indonesian products, was 981.3 million USD. This was a 149.5 million USD increase when compared to 2021. Fattouh said Indonesian products are known for their quality and are in high demand in Lebanese markets. However, he said, the challenge now is increasing freight costs due to security challenges in the region. 

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Garulina (0)



Listeners, a number of delicious dishes were served to the guests of Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman Yogyakarta, at the wedding reception of the youngest son of K.G.P.A.A. Paku Alam X, namely B.P.H. Kusumo Kuntonugroho with Laily Annisa Kusumastuti which was held on January 10, 2024.Head of the Customs and Accommodation Division, Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman, KRT Radyo Wisroyo said that the menu served to guests was quite varied. These menus are typical menus prepared by Pakualaman Pura, Indonesian menus and western food menus were also available. All invited guests including VIP and VVIP guests got the same menu. The first menu served to welcome guests, namely two types of welcome drink, namely lime lemongrass and ginger drink with lime. The welcome drink was given when guests sat down and watched the Bedhaya Sidamukti and Bedhaya Kakung Indrawidagda dance performances. Next, they gotsnacks for appetizer such as croquettes and other light snacks. There is a snack that is considered quite special and rare called Garulina. Garulina was the opening snack at the Pahargyan Dhaup Ageng Pakualaman lunch on the first day. Garulina has been around since the era before Indonesian independence. Garulina is actually not a typical Central Javanese food. It looks like the Lapis Legit layered cake, but there is something different, because there is a special layer like vla which is made from fresh milk, eggs and sugar. To get this sweet snack, Pakulaman Temple has to place a special order from the third generation of makers who have been pioneering since the 1950s. In Jogja, Garulina is very difficult to find and is considered rare because it is not sold every day.

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The Ministry of Industry has established cooperation in industrial vocational education and training with the Malikal Zentrum Institute (MZI), which is a representative of the German Senior Expert Service (SES) institution in Indonesia. This collaboration was confirmed in the signing of a memorandum of understanding regarding the development of industrial vocational education and training, which was represented by the Industrial Human Resources Development Agency,atthe Ministry of Industry.

Head of the Industrial Human Resources Development Agency, Masrokhan in Jakarta on Thursday (4/4) explained that this collaboration aims to ensure that human resources produced by the Ministry of Industry's vocational education unitare able to enter the German labor market. Furthermore,byimprovingthe competence of teaching staff, expertise sharing is carried out, includingskills from German experts through the SES and Ausbildung programs facilitated by MZI.

Masrokhanadded that the scope of the collaboration included preparatory training to take part in the Ausbildung program in Germany for alumni of vocational education units. Meanwhile, Ausbildung is a program to produce professional human resources, according to the latest industry standards in Germany.The duration of the Ausbildung program isaboutthree years, depending on the major or field of expertise taken. Healso said thatthere are 348 Ausbildung majors or areas of expertise that can be followed by training participants. During the program, participants are guided by professional Meister-certified mentors and at the middle and end of the program, participants are required to take a competency exam to ensure their skills meet German industry standards.Masrokhan hopes that this collaboration can be a pioneer for other collaborations to improve the quality of industrial vocations in Indonesia.


The Indonesian Consulate General in Guangzhou rescues an Indonesian baby who was suspected of being sold to a Chinese citizen in Fuqing city/Fujian province//

Indonesian Consul General in Guangzhou/ Ben Perkasa Drajat/ through a written statement received by ANTARA state news agency on Friday (5/4) said/ the Indonesian Consulate General prioritized the baby's condition so that it is healthy and safe//

Ben Perkasa explained/ on Thursday (4/4)/ the Indonesian Consulate General in Guangzhou, in collaboration with the Indonesian Citizen Protection Directorate of the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Criminal Investigation Agency of the Indonesian Police as well as the Fuqing City and Fuzhou City Police, had repatriated the eight-month-old baby//

The baby was initially brought by an Indonesian woman in early January 2024 on a tourist visa to China//

Her purpose in coming to China was to marry a Chinese citizen who had been arranged by another Indonesian citizen// She said when she arrived in Fuqing with the baby/ other Indonesian citizens and several people who were all Chinese citizens had arranged the sale to the buyer//

According to Ben/ currently these individuals have been detained and are undergoing an investigation process by the Chinese authorities// He said/ all parties involved/ both Indonesian citizens and Chinese citizens/ will be processed according to applicable law// The Indonesian Police and Ministry of Foreign Affairs will also continue to monitor the progress of this case//

The Indonesian Consulate General in Guangzhou has collected information indicating the crime of human trafficking committed by the alleged perpetrators// The Fuqing and Fuzhou police have also taken the necessary steps to arrest the alleged perpetrators/ and ensure the safety of the baby//


The Indonesian government is trying to improve the experience of university students from the Department of Agricultural Industrial Technology, Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) by sending them to the University of Queensland, Australia,  in a bid to complete a final project in the form of a capstone project. The Indonesian  Embassy in Canberra in  its statement on Friday (5 /4) stated that  this effort is part of implementing the program of the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka in which  the university  students can complete their final assignments in various forms;  one of  them is a capstone project. The  capstone project is the top achievement of an academic program by combining all skills and knowledge acquired to a final conclusion.


Education and Cultural Attaché of the Indonesian Embassy in Canberra, Mukhamad Najib during a discussion with the Head of the School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability, University of Queensland on Thursday (4/4) pointed out that the Indonesian government encourages students to have international experience by doing activities on world-class campuses, such as the University of Queensland. The implementation of the capstone project at the University of Queensland will provide a learning process for students; one of them is experience working in a multicultural environment with academicians around the world.

The Agricultural Industrial Technology students from the Bogor Agricultural Institute to the School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability, University of Queensland were accompanied by the professor of Agricultural Industrial Technology, Bogor Agricultural Institute,  Farah Fahma. At the handover of Agricultural Industrial Technology students from the Bogor Agricultural Institute to the University of Queensland, Farah explained the  final project with a capstone project including things that have just been implemented in Indonesia.  Meanwhile,  at the Australian campus,  this has been done for a long time.

Therefore, Farah assessed that the implementation of the capstone project is very good if it is done in Australia. The completion of the final assignment with the capstone project is carried out in groups. The university students work together to solve problems on a particular topic in a comprehensive manner. Sending students to the University of Queensland is  the  first time for Agricultural Industrial Technology, Bogor Agricultural Institute.  In 2024,  the Agricultural Industrial Technology of Bogor Agricultural Institute sends 4 university students. While at the University of Queensland,  they will work on various experiments and analyze them which will later be written in a final assignment report.


The Indonesian government has offered investment in the renewable energy sector to entrepreneurs in China. According to Deputy for Infrastructure and Transportation Coordination of the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Rachmat Kaimuddin, the Indonesian government has carried out various initiatives to support the energy transition, such as the construction of new electricity transmission infrastructure, development of the renewable energy supply chain,  particularly the solar energy sector as well as the development of the electric vehicle, battery and green hydrogen ecosystem.

Besides,  Rachmat also conveyed this at the forum  " The China RE Invest Indonesia 2024 " organized by the Indonesian Embassy in Beijing in collaboration with Tenggara Strategics and the Indonesian Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Beijing on Monday (1/4). The forum aims at introducing investment and financing opportunities to investors and financiers from China in renewable energy in Indonesia. 

Moreover, Indonesian Ambassador to China and Mongolia,  Djauhari Oratmangun on that occasion affirmed the strong bilateral relations between Indonesia and China especially in the field of renewable energy.

During the event, there was also a panel discussion on renewable energy exports to Singapore and a business meeting session. According to Rachmat, production of solar panels and battery energy storage systems for electricity exports to Singapore must be able to meet local content requirements of at least 60 percent.

Meanwhile, President Director of PT PLN,  Darmawan Prasodjo  in the discussion conveyed that his side plans to develop a comprehensive smart grid system to support various renewable energy sources so that it will be in line with the development of the ASEAN Electric Network across countries.This step will pave the way for Indonesia to export renewable energy to Singapore. Director of Public Affairs of Trina Solar Co. Tori Liu explained the company has invested more than 86 million US dollars in the Kendal Industrial Area, Central Java to produce 1 gigawatt N-type topcon cells and modules. According to Tori,  Indonesia offers a strategic position as an investment center in the ASEAN region with significant solar energy market potential, including project development on former mining land,  unproductive land and floating solar power plant initiatives on reservoirs.


The Indonesian Ministry of Environment & Forestry issued a circular to ensure waste management by realizing a less waste homecoming in the homecoming route and during the Eid. In the Circular no. 5 2024 on Waste Management of Eid 1445 Hijriah, Minister of the Environment & Forestry, Siti Nurbaya called the regional heads to invite, facilitate, and monitor waste management during homecoming mainly in the homecoming route and its supporting regions, as well as during the Eid.


Besides, to maintain less waste and anticipate spiking waste production, the circular called for a selected waste facility. It was mainly for food waste, plastic packaging, maskers, and residues at rest areas as well as waste processing based on waste type and production.


Meanwhile, to anticipate difficulties faced by the homecoming people mainly because of the line in the rest area, the ministry also asked for a mobile waste collection and a special tent for a separated waste storage station.


The Environment & Forestry Ministry also asked for a post and special task force to handle homecoming waste in regencies and cities seven days before and after the Eid. They also recommended the field units of the Regional Apparatus Organization that are responsible for the environment, to collect, separate and later transport the waste by cooperating with related stakeholders.

Besides, the ministry also recommended avoiding bringing food or beverage to prayer places. The Environment & Forestry Ministry called for a waste data recording that is managed in the National Waste Management Information System belonging to the ministry. Education to the homecoming people about waste reduction in various channels, including social media needs to be continued. 


Homecoming is an annual tradition of Muslims in Indonesia, especially during Eid. The homecoming or returning to the hometown has a significant boost for the economy, but comes with a challenge namely the waste from the homecoming people that needs positive management. The Indonesian government gives a special attention to the smoothness of the homecoming tradition, both the homecoming flow and the return flow.


The University of Indonesia held a meeting with the Chilean Ambassador to Indonesia to explore the potential for further collaboration with universities in Chile. Previously, University of Indonesia has collaborated with Universidad Catolica Del Maule, from 2018 to 2023. Secretary of the University of Indonesia, dr. Agustin Kusumayati in Depok, Wednesday (27/3), said that the potential for collaboration could provide positive opportunities for both parties and open up opportunities for the University of Indonesia to expand international collaboration with universities in Chile.

Agustin also said that progress in relations between the two parties was not only carried out by the University of Indonesia and universities in Chile, but was also a good collaborative initiative between the two countries. She proposed establishing wider collaboration with various universities in Indonesia and universities in Chile.

Meanwhile, the Chilean Ambassador to Indonesia, Mario Ignacio Artaza Loyola, said that the visit of the Chilean Embassy to Indonesia to the University of Indonesia was aimed at identifying potential areas at the University of Indonesia that would be collaborated with the Chilean government. He also encouraged students and lecturers at universities in Chile to get involved in international collaboration initiatives.

Ambassador Mario explained various problems occurring in the world such as climate change, gender equality, welfare and public health as threats and challenges for every country. He saw the need to initiate high-level cooperation between Indonesia and Chile which would involve Indonesian universities, students and professors to contribute to overcoming these challenges.



The Indonesian Embassy in Singapore held a business forum for entrepreneurs based in Singapore to explore the direction of Indonesia's economic landscape policies in the future. According to Indonesian Ambassador to Singapore, Suryo Pratomo in an official statement from the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore on Wednesday (27/3), Singapore is the largest investor in Indonesia. This forum affirms that Singapore and Indonesia have a solid relationship in fostering a strong business ecosystem and dynamic. He further conveyed that the business forum strengthens economic relations of both ountries to expand cooperation in various business sectors. The forum took a very strategic momentum for the Singaporean public, because it was held right after the Indonesian General Election Commission announced the vote count for the 2024-Presidential Elections.

Moreover, the event, which was attended by 400 participants, also featured the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs of Indonesia, Airlangga Hartarto and the Minister of Trade and Industry of Singapore, Gan Kim Yong. Both of them emphasized the importance of bilateral relations and cooperation of the countries.

Besides, the forum also held a panel discussion to deeply explore projections of Indonesia's business and investment policies during the new government. Meanwhile, Head of the Archipelago Capital Authority, Bambang Susantono at the forum explained the developments in the development of the Archipelago Capital -IKN. He invited Singaporean investors to invest in the development of Indonesia's next new capital city.



Every region has its own special food which is usually served as a menu for breaking the fast in the holy month of Ramadan. In Central Java, specifically in Rembang, there is also a traditional food served as a menu for breaking the fast, namely Dumbeg.

Dumbeg is a traditional food shaped like a small trumpet, made from rolled Siwalan leaves. Meanwhile, the inside content is a mixture of rice flour, coconut milk and brown sugar. Even now, there are some sellers who mix milk to make it taste more delicious. But, there are also many of them who still maintain the traditional recipes and ways to cook Dumbeg. In general, in Rembang, Dumbeg cakes can also be found at every traditional event, including alms to the earth, alms to the sea or weddings. In the past, Dumbeg cake was one of the guardians' favorite foods when visiting Rembang Regency. Wali Songo are Islamic figures who are respected in Indonesia, particularly on the island of Java, because of their historical role in the spread of Islam in Indonesia. Although the existence of Dumbeg has been passed down from ancestors for a long time, this food is still very popular, from children to the elderly.

Not just food, Dumbeg cake, which is easily found in traditional markets in Rembang, has a high meaning or philosophy. In Javanese tradition, Dumbeg has a high meaning or philosophy. It is used as a symbol that symbolizes fertility and a milestone in human civilization. Besides, the palm leaves used as the wrapper symbolize humility. Because palm leaves always grow downwards; they teach a humble attitude and avoid arrogance. The shape of Dumbeg which is like a spiral from small to large circles symbolizes that in life, you have to work diligently and patiently from small things to big things.

To make Dumbeg whose price is Rp. 2000, you need softened rice, brown sugar and coconut milk. The mixture is   cooked until thickened and then put into a container made from palm leaves. After the container for Dumbeg, which is a palm leaf shaped into a long circle like a trumpet, called urung, has been made, it is then placed in a large pan, then the mixture is added slowly. After adding all the mixture, wait until it is cooked and Dumbeg is ready to be enjoyed.



Every region has its own special food which is usually served as a menu for breaking the fast in the holy month of Ramadan. In Central Java, specifically in Rembang, there is also a traditional food served as a menu for breaking the fast, namely Dumbeg.

Dumbeg is a traditional food shaped like a small trumpet, made from rolled Siwalan leaves. Meanwhile, the inside content is a mixture of rice flour, coconut milk and brown sugar. Even now, there are some sellers who mix milk to make it taste more delicious. But, there are also many of them who still maintain the traditional recipes and ways to cook Dumbeg. In general, in Rembang, Dumbeg cakes can also be found at every traditional event, including alms to the earth, alms to the sea or weddings. In the past, Dumbeg cake was one of the guardians' favorite foods when visiting Rembang Regency. Wali Songo are Islamic figures who are respected in Indonesia, particularly on the island of Java, because of their historical role in the spread of Islam in Indonesia. Although the existence of Dumbeg has been passed down from ancestors for a long time, this food is still very popular, from children to the elderly.

Not just food, Dumbeg cake, which is easily found in traditional markets in Rembang, has a high meaning or philosophy. In Javanese tradition, Dumbeg has a high meaning or philosophy. It is used as a symbol that symbolizes fertility and a milestone in human civilization. Besides, the palm leaves used as the wrapper symbolize humility. Because palm leaves always grow downwards; they teach a humble attitude and avoid arrogance. The shape of Dumbeg which is like a spiral from small to large circles symbolizes that in life, you have to work diligently and patiently from small things to big things.

To make Dumbeg whose price is Rp. 2000, you need softened rice, brown sugar and coconut milk. The mixture is   cooked until thickened and then put into a container made from palm leaves. After the container for Dumbeg, which is a palm leaf shaped into a long circle like a trumpet, called urung, has been made, it is then placed in a large pan, then the mixture is added slowly. After adding all the mixture, wait until it is cooked and Dumbeg is ready to be enjoyed.



Researchers from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) carried out a joint Indonesian-Chinese expedition on an expedition to the deepest point in the Java Trench. It aims to explore Indonesia's rich marine biodiversity. This deep sea research was done in the Hadal zone of the Java Trench stretching 3,200 km covering southern Sumatra, Java, Bali to Nusa Tenggara. The expedition participants consisted of 4 Indonesian researchers, 15 Chinese researchers, a security team from Indonesia and 40 research ship crew. The dive started on February 28, 2024 and ended in the waters around Ujung Kulon on March 22, 2024.


Marine microbiology researcher at the National Research and Innovation Agency, Yustian Rovi Alfiansah, said that the Java Trench expedition aims to explore the richness of marine biodiversity in order to benefit Indonesia. The Java Trench expedition provides new information regarding the unique geology, biology and environment of the Sunda subduction zone and its potential impact on the ecosystem of the Java Trench. This expedition was done by the Directorate of Research Ship Fleet Management, BRIN and the Institute for Deep Sea Research and Engineering (IDSSE), and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). The research vessel used is 94.45 meters long and 17.9 meters wide with a main engine of 12,000 horsepower and a range of 10,000 nautical miles. The expedition was carried out by using the Tan Suo Yi Hao research vessel and the Fendouzhe research submarine with two passengers and one pilot.


The Java Trench Expedition is part of the Global Trench Exploration and Dive Program (Global TREnD). Yustian Rovi Alfiansyah also said that the joint expedition team was trying to dig up information about the Java Trench, including obtaining information about the deepest point of the Java Trench with the various potentials it contains. He also thanked Prof. Xiaotong Peng, the expedition leader, gave him the opportunity to become an Indonesian researcher who dived in the Java Trench using a mini-submarine to research China's deep sea.

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