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Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman

Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman (0)

The Indonesian Embassy in Beirut has acknowledged its continued support for trade cooperation improvement between Indonesia and Lebanon. Indonesian Ambassador to Lebanon Hajriyanto Y Thohari gave the Primaduta Award to Lebanese businessman and importer, George R Fattouh. The award was given for his service in helping market Indonesian products in Paris from the Middle East. The award was given at a ceremony at the Indonesian Embassy in Beirut, Thursday (11/1)  Fatough, is the owner of George R. Fattouh S.A.L, a business that has been importing Indonesian products since the 1980s. It has a range of products, including: palm oil and its derivatives, oil and fats (including cocoa butter substitute, fat spread, hydrogenated palm kernel oil, and lauric confectionery fats), cardboard, stationary, and school equipment. Some Indonesian products are now even available at famous retail networks, such as Spinney’s and Carrefour. In 2022, the value imported by George R. Fattough S.A.L of Indonesian products, was 981.3 million USD. This was a 149.5 million USD increase when compared to 2021. Fattouh said Indonesian products are known for their quality and are in high demand in Lebanese markets. However, he said, the challenge now is increasing freight costs due to security challenges in the region. 

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Garulina (0)



Listeners, a number of delicious dishes were served to the guests of Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman Yogyakarta, at the wedding reception of the youngest son of K.G.P.A.A. Paku Alam X, namely B.P.H. Kusumo Kuntonugroho with Laily Annisa Kusumastuti which was held on January 10, 2024.Head of the Customs and Accommodation Division, Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman, KRT Radyo Wisroyo said that the menu served to guests was quite varied. These menus are typical menus prepared by Pakualaman Pura, Indonesian menus and western food menus were also available. All invited guests including VIP and VVIP guests got the same menu. The first menu served to welcome guests, namely two types of welcome drink, namely lime lemongrass and ginger drink with lime. The welcome drink was given when guests sat down and watched the Bedhaya Sidamukti and Bedhaya Kakung Indrawidagda dance performances. Next, they gotsnacks for appetizer such as croquettes and other light snacks. There is a snack that is considered quite special and rare called Garulina. Garulina was the opening snack at the Pahargyan Dhaup Ageng Pakualaman lunch on the first day. Garulina has been around since the era before Indonesian independence. Garulina is actually not a typical Central Javanese food. It looks like the Lapis Legit layered cake, but there is something different, because there is a special layer like vla which is made from fresh milk, eggs and sugar. To get this sweet snack, Pakulaman Temple has to place a special order from the third generation of makers who have been pioneering since the 1950s. In Jogja, Garulina is very difficult to find and is considered rare because it is not sold every day.

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Indonesia and Papua New Guinea held a ministerial meeting of the Joint Ministerial Commission (JMC) of the Republic of Indonesia - Papua New Guinea in Jayapura, in order to strengthen cooperation related to state border management.

Acting Director General of Regional Administration of the Ministry of Home Affairs Amran in a written statement quoted by Antara, Saturday (11/5) explained that the results of the SOM (Senior Official Meeting) and JMC meetings are the basis to follow-up and discussion at the Joint Border Committee (JBC) Forum of the Republic of Indonesia - Papua New Guinea during the 2024 trial period which will be held in Indonesia at the end of this year.

The meeting was hosted by the Papua New Guinea Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Jayapura on May 8 and 9, 2024. The meeting was also attended by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Retno Marsudi. 

The Joint Border Committee is known as a forum that more technically discusses border management cooperation of the Republic of Indonesia - Papua New Guinea.

Amran explained that the Senior Official Meeting and the Joint Ministerial Commission Forums are official forums in taking political policies that have a positive and complementary impact. The Joint Border Committee forum of the Republic of Indonesia - Papua New Guinea has been implemented and chaired by the Director General of Regional Administration of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

This Joint Ministerial Commission meeting discussed various strategic issues including security and political cooperation, economy, education, and infrastructure. Some of these cooperation issues have also become important notes discussed at the Joint Border Committee Forum of the Republic of Indonesia - Papua New Guinea at the end of 2023 in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. One of the important points in the meeting was to build border cooperation between the Republic of Indonesia - Papua New Guinea, especially on cross-border, security and defense.

Economic and development cooperation was also discussed at the Business Forum of the Republic of Indonesia - Papua New Guinea, which provided the basis for the implementation of a joint task force and joint feasibility study for Papua New Guinea and Indonesia on the Preferential Trade Agreement.


Abul-Qasim Mansoor ibn Hasan, popularly known as Ferdowsi was born in a village named Pazh, in the district of Tabaran near Tus - the present-day Mashhad - in Khorasan in the year 940 AD. His pen name ‘Ferdowsi’, which was derived from an ancient Persian term (Paridaida), meaning “paradisal”, according to a legend, reflected his family’s profession, i.e. agriculture.


According to another legend, it was given to him by his patron, Mahmoud of Ghazna (999-1030). His birthplace, Pazh, was located in a very strategic region near the border of Turan - the most famous rival of old Persian for a long - and, therefore, many Persian national epics were composed about the rivalry between the two. Moreover, Khorasan particularly Tus and Marv region had been a center of political, religious, cultural, and national movements for four centuries after the Arab conquest.

According to Nezami Aruzi Ferdowsi was an agriculturist in his own village and was considerably wealthy. Ferdowsi lived and was educated in Tus; a cultural center and a well-known cultural district in north eastern part of Iran. In the 10th century, an Iranian cultural renaissance occurred under the Samanids, which included the compilation of pre-Islamic Iranian legendary history, in neo-Persian language, i.e. Dari. Ferdowsi loved the legendary history and undertook the task of preserving the customs, culture, and national legends of ancient Iran. Moreover, Ferdowsi lived in close contact with nature and for this reason, the description of nature can be found in many parts of his masterpiece; i.e. “Shahnameh”

Ferdowsi’s “Shahnameh”, which has been translated as “The Book of Kings” is, in fact, a work about the pre-Islamic historical legends of Iran and consists of the detailed history of Persia, beginning with the first mythological king of Iran, “Keyumars”, until the advent of Islam in the seventh century. Ferdowsi revived the pre-Islamic history and culture of Persia in 60000 verses, so skillfully that no literary work can be found that has not been influenced by this unique masterpiece.

Very little information is available on the life of Ferdowsi before he began composing the Shahnameh around 977 AD on the basis of a prose work by Abu Mansur Daqiqi. It can be deduced from Shahanameh that he had a son who was born in 970 AD, a few years before he began composing his work but no more information about his family life has been recorded anywhere.


Ferdowsi spent 30 years of his life composing Shahanameh and completed it on 8th March 1010, when he was 71 years old. Ferdowsi began this work mainly under the encouragement of Abul Abbas Esfarayeni, the vizier of Mahmoud of Ghazna, and was promised a grand reward. However, because of the jealousy of those who envied him and the poet’s religious orientation, it was not favorably received by Mahmoud and he was just paid 50,000 dirhams.


Ferdowsi was extremely upset by this reward and went to a bathhouse and divided the money between the bath attendants. Then, fearing punishment by Mahmoud, he fled from Ghazna by night. According to Aruzi, many years later and due to certain events, Mahmoud regretted his behavior toward the poet and on the recommendation of his vizier had camel loads to the value of 20,000 dinars sent to Ferdowsi. However, as the camels were entering Tus by the Rudbar Gate, Ferdowsi’s corps was being taken out of the city, for burial, by the Razan gate.

Ferdowsi was a Shi’ite Muslim, which is apparent from Shahnameh itself and confirmed by some early resources. It is to be noted that at that time Shiism was in the minority and the Ghaznavid rulers and Baghdad Caliphate followed the Sunni school of thought.

Epic poetry had become part of the Persian literary culture and was adopted as a major vehicle to express social themes. The Samanid rulers prided themselves on their Persian identity and Ferdowsi felt responsible for the revival of Persian identity and culture through his Shahnameh.

It is usual for scholars to consider Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh comprising three periods; i.e. mythological, heroic, and historical ages, which have nearly reflected whole aspects of Persian life. The book starts, after a philosophical preface on wisdom, with the creation of the universe and continues with 51 kingdoms from “Keyumars”, the first king, to Yazdgerd the 3rd king of the Sassanid dynasty.


The main body of the book deals with the history of Persia from the creation of the first human up to the advent of Islam in the mid-7th century A.D. Ferdowsi chronicles the reign of hundred kings, achievements of dozens of epic heroes and seemingly never-ending conflict between Persia and its traditional enemy, Turan.


Embedded in the Shahnameh are some love stories such as Zal and Rudabeh, Bijan and Manijah, that recall the heartfelt yearnings of provincial troubadours and their ladies; tragedies of mistaken identity, hubris, irreconcilable moral obligations, and meditations on the brevity of life. Though ostensibly historical, the poem is also full of myth and legend of fairies and demons. In fact, Shahnameh is the main Persian work accepted as a masterpiece that greatly supported the Persian language and consequently the Persian identity.


Moreover, this book had a remarkable influence on Persian literature in general and on Persian epic poetry in particular. Moreover, Shahnameh has had a sustained and vital influence on the cultural tradition of Iran.

After Ferdowsi, epic poetry continued in Khorasan and gradually in other parts of Persia. From the point of view of its theme, Persian epic poetry can be divided into three types: 1) national, 2) historical, and 3) religious. The national epic tradition was followed by Asadi of Tus (d. 1072-3 AD), after Ferdowsi, in his famous work, Garshasp Nameh, which can be considered the best imitation of Ferdowsi’s work. A few decades after Asadi a poet by the name of Iranshah (or Iranshan) composed two famous books: Bahman Nameh and Koush Nameh, both of which have been published. These two books mainly contain that part of Persian national history that has not been touched upon in Shahnameh.


After the domination of Turks in the late 10th century AH and particularly by the Mongol invasion, the national tendencies were changed and shifted to adaptation with religious concepts, accepting a kind of mystical solution. In the meantime, the national epic was replaced by historical and religious ones and created other imitations, on the same meter and themes of Shahnameh, in two fields.

Religious Epic was established by Mohammad ibn Husam who composed his famous work, Khavaran Nameh (The Book of the East) on describing the legendary biography of Ali ibn Abi Talib, the first Shi’ite Imam, and his battles with the enemies of Islam. After Ibn Husam, composing religious epic poetry was followed by many other Persian poets. This tendency, which had come to an end after the Iranian Constitutional Movement, had a kind of rebirth, in post post-Islamic Revolution (1979 AD) in modern Iran and developed particularly during and after Iraq’s imposed war on Iran.

The following are 3 verses of Ferdowsi’s poem, praising his splendor work:

Prosperous buildings are ruined,
By rainfall and exposure to sunlight.
Ergo, I established a towering palace of verse,
That sees no harm in either dust or rainfall.
I shall not demise as I am alive, henceforth,
For I have disseminated the seeds of discourse.


TripAdvisor, a travel guide platform, released its list of the 25 best of the best hotels in the world in 2024 recently. The list is part of the annual Travelers' Choice Best of the Best Hotels Awards, celebrating some of the highest-ranked hotels in the world based on the platform's reviews. Vice President & General Manager of Hotels, Tripadvisor, Dan Mitchell explained, the title of 25th best hotel in the world is recognized by thousands of tourists because of its extraordinary service, stunning design and complete facilities, which redefine what it means to experience an extraordinary hotel stay. .


Among the 25 hotels, there are two accommodations from Indonesia, namely Adiwana Suweta in Ubud, Bali, in fourth place and Padma Resort Ubud also in Ubud, Bali, in ninth place. Adiwana Suweta is located on Jalan Suweta, Bentuyung Sakti, Ubud District, Gianyar Regency, Bali. Reporting from its official website, this boutique resort has a number of accommodation types, including Adiwana Room, Suweta Suite, One Bedroom Private Pool Villa, and Two Bedroom Private Pool Villa. During their stay, guests can also do a number of activities, including swimming in the infinity pool with panoramic views of the trees, spa, taking a cooking class, doing yoga at sunrise, exploring Ubud, and dining in the swimming pool with floating breakfast.


Padma Resort Ubud is often included in TripAdvisor's list of the best hotels. This hotel is located in Banjar Carik, Village, Puhu, Payangan District, Gianyar Regency, Bali. One of the attractions of this accommodation is its infinity pool which has a natural panoramic backdrop. This is coupled with various existing facilities, including a spa, jogging track, bamboo bridge and kids club. Various types of rooms are available at this accommodation, including Premier Room, Premier Deluxe Room, Premier Twin Room, Premier Club Room, Premier Club Pool View and Family Premier Room.


Indonesian Ambassador to Japan/ Heri Akhmadi/ welcomed the visit of members of Commission VII (7) of the Indonesian House of Representatives at Wisma Duta Tokyo/ Tuesday (7/5/2024)// The Ambassador hoped  their  visit to the Nuclear Power Plant Fukushima Daiichi as part  of the itinerary  in Japan can provide a direct picture of nuclear energy processing as a combined primary energy consisting of oil and natural gas/coal/new and renewable energy//

On that occasion/ Ambassador Heri Akhmadi also explained the Indonesia-Japan cooperation within the framework of the Asian Zero Emission Community or AZEC includes 78 related projects in Indonesia/ among others the development of renewable energy through solar power generation system installation projects in various locations in Indonesia//

According to him/ cooperation related to AZEC is important as an effort to answer the challenge of global climate change// He added, Indonesia needs appropriate action to reduce the level of greenhouse gas emissions gradually// This is in line with Indonesia's commitment to Increasing Nationally Determined Contributions // National Net Zero Emissions are targeted to be achieved by 2060//

Chairman of the House Commission VII/ Sugeng Suparwoto/ believes/ Indonesia can formulate policies that maintain Indonesia's acceleration in achieving Net Zero Emissions by 2060//

He said/ Japan's efforts to reduce nuclear radiation levels to a safe point should be studied by Indonesia which requires a lot of energy// According to him/ nuclear is one option for Indonesia to be able to achieve Net Zero Emissions//

Sugeng Suparwoto added/ during the visit of Commission VII members to Japan/ they received offers of potential Japanese opportunities and innovations/ not only in the economic sector/ but also industry// During this working visit 6 – 12 May 2024/ apart from visiting the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant/ the delegation also held a meeting with the Director General of International Policy on Carbon Neutrality, Ministry of Economy/ Trade/ and Industry of Japan//

In  the meeting/ a number of topics were discussed/ including the development of renewable energy within the AZEC framework and the preparation of the Draft Law on New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation//


Good news comes from the Indonesian culinary world, especially in Indonesian coffee. Barista from Indonesia, Mikael Jasin, succeeded in winning the 1st place title in the 2024 World Barista Championship. In this event, he defeated 53 national champions from 50 countries, who competed from May 1 to 4, 2024 in Busan, South Korea. Mikael Jasin was one of the baristas who made it through to the semi-finals and continued on to the final round which was attended by 6 best baristas in the world.

From his LinkedIn page, Mikael Jasin is the founder of So So Good Coffee Company & CATUR Coffee Company since 2020. He has been involved in the barista world for more than 10 years before finally starting his own coffee company. His journey to become a barista began when he was in Melbourne, Australia in 2011. At that time, he had just finished college and worked part time as a barista, a job that Mikael Jasin pursued with all his heart.

At the World Barista Championship in Busan, South Korea 2024, Mikael Jasin served his signature drink called Aji espresso. This drink comes from Ethiopian landrace coffee varieties that are inoculated with yeast and heat and grown at Finca El Diviso in Huila, Colombia. He made Aji espresso by mixing three types of milk, namely 60 percent milk, 20 percent cashew milk and 20 percent oat milk. All ingredients are evaporated to a concentration of 80 percent. The milk mixture is then clarified with lemon juice, aromatic palo santo infusion, palo santo vanilla syrup, and Indonesian cocoa nibs. Then, the mixture is combined and served at 50 degrees Celsius. Certain temperatures can create new flavors, such as melon, watermelon and sage, with a soft texture and black forest cake finish. Mikael Jasin also made espresso from Gesha coffee produced at Finca Deborah in Volcan, Panama. The ground Gesha coffee beans are brewed with a longer brewing ratio of 2.5:1 giving aromas of jasmine, orange blossom, orange, honey and a soft golden raisin finish. These two kinds of coffee impressed the judges and confirmed him as first winner.


"Roman Peony" film was screened for the first time at Okinawa International Movie Festival (OIMF) at the end of April 2024. The event was held in Naha City, Okinawa Islands, Japan. The international festival was themed "Laugh & Peace", showcasing the best films from many countries, especially Asia. "Roman Peony" was the only special invite in OIMF 2024 from Indonesia. The film was special because it is showing a multicultural love triangle. It takes place in three cities in Japan's northernmost island Hokkaido namely Sapporo, Shobetsu, and Wakkanai.

"Roman Peony" director Alfrits said he will create more films, especially the ones promoting an exchange between Indonesia and Japan. Meanwhile, "Roman Peony" producer Vincent Mancahaya said he was proud of the screening of "Roman Peony" at OIMF, for the film gets positive response at Naha Cultural Art Center.

The film was produced by Connection Film in collaboration with Yoshimoto Kreatif Indonesia & Neo Metro Film. The casts are from Japan and Indonesia namely Jessica Veranda (former member of JKT48), Genki Sadamatsu, Hitomi, Diera Nathania, and Daisuke Hamada. Roman Peony is about two hurting people who planned to visit Japan in hope for miracle and enlightenment.


The Indonesian  Embassy in Rome supports the 2nd Street Photography Exhibition entitled “ A Journey between Italy and Indonesia at Orsini Castle” Fiano Romano city, Italy. According to a written statement from the Indonesian Embassy in Rome received in Jakarta on Tuesday (7/5),  the exhibition features the work of 14 photographers from Tasikmalaya, West Java,  Indonesia  and Rome,  Italy  which combines the culture of the city of Tasikmalaya and Rome through photography.  The photo exhibition was organized by the Indonesian Embassy in Rome in collaboration with the Fiano Romano Mayor's Office and an Italian photographer, Stefano Romano.

The Indonesian Embassy in Rome conveyed,  Business Attorney ad Interim,  Lefianna H. Ferdinandus  welcomed the implementation of these activities as it would be used to promote Indonesia in Italy. He further said  the exhibition is a tangible manifestation of good cooperation between the people of Indonesia and Italy,  as well as a concrete result of diplomatic relations between the two countries which this year reached 75 years.

Mayor of Fiano Romano, David Santonastaso  expressed his appreciation and pride that the Italian and Indonesian photo exhibition could be held in the city of Fiano Romano. He also conveyed  photography will further strengthen relations between the two countries. The Indonesian Embassy in Rome stated 14 photographers from Indonesia and Italy produced 14 photographic works,  obtained from exploring the uniqueness of the cities of Rome and Tasikmalaya by taking a cultural, social  and tourism point of view.

Although Rome and Tasikmalaya have their own identity , character  and outlook on life,  there are cultural values and community habits that can be synergized through photography.  Collaboration between the Indonesian and Italian photography communities has started since 2021 and it was agreed to realize the concept of fusion of two cultures, namely Rome and Tasikmalaya through photography. The photo exhibition was attended by invited guests from the city government of Fiano Romano,  the Italian photographer community  and Friends of Indonesia in Italy.  The first photo exhibition was held on September 21, 2022 at the Tasikmalaya City Arts Building //


The Indonesian Embassy in Canberra conducted an Ambassador Goes to Campus activity by visiting the University of New England (UNE) in Armidale, New South Wales, Australia, last Monday (May 6).

According to a written statement from the Indonesian Embassy in Canberra, quoted by Antara, the Ambassador Goes to Campus activity aims to increase cooperation between campuses in Australia and Indonesia.

The Indonesian Embassy also mentioned that Indonesian Ambassador to Australia, Siswo Pramono visited universities in Australia to provide the latest information about Indonesia, including opportunities for Indonesia-Australia cooperation, especially in the fields of education and research.

He also said that in the field of education and research, three Australian universities have opened campuses in Indonesia, and one university is in the process of licensing to open a campus in Kalimantan. According to Ambassador Siswo, academically the standards are the same as the central campus in Australia, but by studying in Indonesia, Australian students will get to know Indonesia more closely, both from a socio-cultural and economic context.

On the same occasion, the Education and Culture Attaché of the Indonesian Embassy in Canberra, Mukhamad Najib said that there are currently many opportunities for Australian students to study in Indonesia. He also said that Indonesia has a Dharmasiswa scholarship to study language and culture for a year. There are also masters and doctoral scholarships offered by many campuses in Indonesia.

Najib added that Australian students can also study in Indonesia for a maximum of 18 months or three semesters with the New Colombo Plan scholarship.

Meanwhile, Dean of the University of New England (UNE) Faculty of Letters, Arts, Social Sciences and Education, Prof. Jane Edwards welcomed the Ambassador Goes to Campus event. He also said that UNE has a close relationship with Indonesia and UNE is one of the universities in the state of New South Wales that has an Indonesian study program. She hopes that UNE can further enhance cooperation with Indonesia. Jane Edwards believes that many universities in Indonesia have high quality education and research.


Komodo Travel Mart 2024

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Komodo Travel Mart, a forum that brings together buyers and sellers in the tourism sector for the super-priority tourism destination of Labuan Bajo, will be held on June 6 to 9, 2024 in Labuan Bajo after it was since 2018.

Adyatama Tourism and Creative Economy, Senior Administrator of the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Nia Niscaya said this activity will drive the tourism sector and creative economy in Labuan Bajo, Flores, and throughout East Nusa Tenggara in general.   Meanwhile, Acting President Director of the Labuan Bajo Flores Authority, Fransiskus Xaverius Teguh, said this activity was a collaborative idea from all tourism and creative economy stakeholders in Labuan Bajo and East Nusa Tenggara as a whole.

Committee Chairman of Komodo Travel Mart V, Oyan Kristian, said in the last decade the growth of the tourism sector in Labuan Bajo, has exceeded economic growth in the East Nusa Tenggara province as a whole.

Labuan Bajo has also become a new center of economic growth in the East Nusa Tenggara region and southern eastern Indonesia in general. He hopes that this activity will be able to expand the tourist market coming to Labuan Bajo.

Komodo Travel Mart 2024 is planned to be attended by 150 buyers from various countries, which are tourist markets to Labuan Bajo. Starting from Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Australia, and others.

Meanwhile, there will be 100 tour operators from various regions in East Nusa Tenggara. Approximately 100 sellers will attend the table top meeting and business forum, and will also endorse various creative economy products.


Indonesian fashion was exhibited at the Indonesia International Modest Fashion Festival (IN2MF) held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on Saturday (4/5). As quoted by Antara News agency, the festival took the theme "Cultural Harmony: Explore Modest Fashion Across Asia". The  festival was jointly organized by Bank Indonesia, the Indonesian Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises, the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, and the Indonesian Fashion Chamber (IFC). According to a press release from the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur on Sunday (5/5), designers Dewi Sambi by Uthi Mintiarto, Haluan Bali, Hilman Samudera, Kasuari Batik, Batik Berkah by Rifdatul Khoiro, Riki Damanik, and Kalima from Malaysia participated in the fashion festival in Kuala Lumpur.

Head of Bank Indonesia's Sharia Economics and Finance Department Imam Hartono conveyed that the festival showcased the excellence and diversity of Indonesian modest fashion products. The term "modest fashion" is used for clothing that emphasizes modesty and does not accentuate the body shape.

Imam further explained that Indonesia International Modest Fashion Festival showcases the beauty of Indonesian textiles in modest fashion designs that are innovative, stylish and sustainable.

Meanwhile, Indonesian Ambassador to Malaysia Hermono said he was proud to take part in organizing IN2MF Kuala Lumpur 2024. According to Ambassador Hermono, the festival showcases the extraordinary talents of designers in Indonesia's sharia creative industry. He hopes IN2MF can become a sustainable annual event to promote modest fashion from Indonesia to Malaysia and other countries. IN2MF in Kuala Lumpur is part of the third edition of IN2MF, which will culminate in Jakarta on October 30 to November 4, 2024.

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