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Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman

Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman (0)

The Indonesian Embassy in Beirut has acknowledged its continued support for trade cooperation improvement between Indonesia and Lebanon. Indonesian Ambassador to Lebanon Hajriyanto Y Thohari gave the Primaduta Award to Lebanese businessman and importer, George R Fattouh. The award was given for his service in helping market Indonesian products in Paris from the Middle East. The award was given at a ceremony at the Indonesian Embassy in Beirut, Thursday (11/1)  Fatough, is the owner of George R. Fattouh S.A.L, a business that has been importing Indonesian products since the 1980s. It has a range of products, including: palm oil and its derivatives, oil and fats (including cocoa butter substitute, fat spread, hydrogenated palm kernel oil, and lauric confectionery fats), cardboard, stationary, and school equipment. Some Indonesian products are now even available at famous retail networks, such as Spinney’s and Carrefour. In 2022, the value imported by George R. Fattough S.A.L of Indonesian products, was 981.3 million USD. This was a 149.5 million USD increase when compared to 2021. Fattouh said Indonesian products are known for their quality and are in high demand in Lebanese markets. However, he said, the challenge now is increasing freight costs due to security challenges in the region. 

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Garulina (0)



Listeners, a number of delicious dishes were served to the guests of Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman Yogyakarta, at the wedding reception of the youngest son of K.G.P.A.A. Paku Alam X, namely B.P.H. Kusumo Kuntonugroho with Laily Annisa Kusumastuti which was held on January 10, 2024.Head of the Customs and Accommodation Division, Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman, KRT Radyo Wisroyo said that the menu served to guests was quite varied. These menus are typical menus prepared by Pakualaman Pura, Indonesian menus and western food menus were also available. All invited guests including VIP and VVIP guests got the same menu. The first menu served to welcome guests, namely two types of welcome drink, namely lime lemongrass and ginger drink with lime. The welcome drink was given when guests sat down and watched the Bedhaya Sidamukti and Bedhaya Kakung Indrawidagda dance performances. Next, they gotsnacks for appetizer such as croquettes and other light snacks. There is a snack that is considered quite special and rare called Garulina. Garulina was the opening snack at the Pahargyan Dhaup Ageng Pakualaman lunch on the first day. Garulina has been around since the era before Indonesian independence. Garulina is actually not a typical Central Javanese food. It looks like the Lapis Legit layered cake, but there is something different, because there is a special layer like vla which is made from fresh milk, eggs and sugar. To get this sweet snack, Pakulaman Temple has to place a special order from the third generation of makers who have been pioneering since the 1950s. In Jogja, Garulina is very difficult to find and is considered rare because it is not sold every day.

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Photo credit: detik/KJRI Cape Town


The Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) in Cape Town, South Africa strengthened social and cultural cooperation with South Africa by holding a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) at the Castle of Good Hope, on Thursday (00/5). The FGD was attended by a number of public figures, such as members of the South African parliament, judges, artists and film industry players, lawyers, general managers and journalists of Voice of the Cape, academicians, religious leaders and entrepreneurs. The FGD was also attended by a delegation from the  People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia  which was visiting Cape Town to meet partners there and review the implementation of the South African elections. According to a press release from the Indonesian Consulate General in Cape Town received in Jakarta on Saturday (1/6), Tudiono highlighted the historical and cultural closeness between Indonesia and South Africa.


Meanwhile, the owner and curator of the Cape Heritage Museum, Ighsaan Higgins, highlighted the ancestors of South Africans; many of whom came from Southeast Asia, especially Indonesia. In 1694, the great warrior and scholar of the archipelago from Gowa, Sheikh Yusuf Al Makassari was exiled to Cape Town and introduced Islam in South Africa. For his services, he was awarded the Order of the Companions of OR Tambo in Gold by South African President, Oliver Reginald Thambo in 2005. In 1780, Tuan Guru of Tidore was imprisoned on Robben Island, which was also Nelson Mandela's prison. After his release, Tuan Guru of Tidore founded the first madrasa which was later built into a mosque and named Masjid Auwal, the first mosque in South Africa. This mosque is located in the Bo Kaap area and still stands strong, and it is used for worship today. These two names are part of the Indonesian people who came to South Africa, and became the forerunner of the formation of the Cape Malay community, whose population has now exceeded 300 thousand people.


Moreover,  Voice of the Cape senior presenter, Owner and Curator of the Cape Heritage Museum Ighsaan Higgins highlighted that many South Africans' ancestors came from Southeast Asia, especially Indonesia. He has seen the importance of developing cooperation between the two countries in the fields of art, culture, music and film. On that occasion, Tudiono also said that the Consulate General in Cape Town will organize the Indonesian Folk Market (IFM) on November 9 and the Indonesian Film Festival on November 10 and 11. The IFM was first held in Cape Town in 2023 and featured Indonesian art, culture, culinary, and products. At the request of the Mossel Bay Municipality (400 km from Cape Town), a second Indonesian Folk Market was held in Mossel Bay, which was also part of the 30th anniversary of Indonesia-South Africa diplomatic relations. The third IFM will feature a Betawi art team that will collaborate with the EOAN Group dance group led by alumni of the Indonesian Arts and Culture Scholarship.


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Indonesian Ambassador to Japan, Heri Akhmadi said that 2025 is an important momentum for Indonesian diplomacy in Japan. Indonesia will participate in the World Expo 2025 in Osaka. This was affirmed by Ambassador Heri in his remarks at the opening of Festival Indonesia (FESTINA) in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, Sunday (2/6), as quoted from an official statement. FESTINA is part of the Indonesia-Japan Friendship Day (IJFD) integrated promotion and service program in Sendai from May 31 to June 2, 2024. It was attended by more than 200 Indonesians and Japanese citizens.

On the occasion, Ambassador Heri Akhmadi invited the Japanese people to visit the Indonesian Pavilion at the World Expo 2025, which will carry the theme “Nature, Culture and the Future” in accordance with the spirit of sustainable development goals. The Indonesian Pavilion will be strategically present next to the pavilion from Australia, and a number of International organizations.

As part of IJFD Sendai 2024, the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo organized consular and other services and consultations, such as education and financial services. The event was attended by more than 300 Indonesian citizens and Diaspora living in Japan. Ambassador Heri used this opportunity to call for the importance of self-reporting for Indonesian citizens in Japan.

The Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo was also present at FESTINA promoting Indonesian products through a mini bazaar. In a series of IJFD Sendai 2024 activities, he also held a meeting with Governor of Miyagi Murai Yoshihiro. They discussed cooperation to strengthen labor, research and the halal industry.

Meanwhile, in a meeting with the Mayor of Sendai, Kohri Kazuko, Ambassador Heri encouraged the establishment of an association of Indonesian and Sendai communities to facilitate communication and strengthen mutual trust between the two nations. Their activities include organizing the Indonesia International Friendship Day in Sendai in Summer 2025. The same thing was also conveyed by Ambassador Heri when he met the Miyagi International Association (MIA).




VOInews, Jakarta: Painting is a beautiful medium of expression of deep human imagination and creativity. For artists, the process of creating art is a challenging but fulfilling journey. Behind every beautiful painting are secrets and tips that help each artist create the magic of their artwork. According to the Ministry of Education and Culture's Vocational website, here are five ways to produce beautiful paintings by Eko Haryono, a Fine Arts teacher at Bantul Fine Arts High School, Yogyakarta.


Firstly, find inspiration. This inspiration can come from anywhere, from nature, music, emotions, or personal experiences. The beauty around you can influence the artwork you are creating. It is therefore important to keep notes, take photos, or sketches to record the ideas that arise.

Secondly, choose an appropriate medium. There are various mediums to choose from such as oil paints, watercolours, acrylics and pastels. The use of the medium reflects the painter's style and preferences. Each medium has its own unique characteristics such as texture, drying time, and application method that can affect the final result of the painting.


Thirdly, explore techniques and styles. Don't be afraid to experiment with different painting techniques and styles. A number of techniques can be tried such as impasto, glazing, or wet on wet. Besides techniques, it is also important to explore different painting styles such as realism, impressionism, or abstract. This exploration can help the artist find what best suits his or her creative expression.


Fourthly, learn the basics of colour composition. Composition is the key to creating visually appealing paintings. Learn about the basic rules of composition such as the rule of thirds, balance, and rhythm. Understand how to utilise negative and positive space in a work. By understanding the basics of composition, painters can direct the viewer's eye to the desired focal point and create a strong visual impression.


Fifthly, be consistent in your practice. As with many things in life, the skill of creating beautiful paintings requires practice and patience. Make time to paint regularly and don't be too hard on yourself if the results are not satisfactory. Every painting is a lesson and the more one practices, the more the painting skills will be honed.

These are five tips to create beautiful paintings. Painting is a liberating and fulfilling process where one can express oneself through shapes and colours. So don't hesitate to pick up a brush, open a colour palette, and start expressing the world through the medium of painting.


The Indonesian Embassy in The Hague organized Pasar Indonesia on June 1 and 2, 2024 at De Broodfabriek Rijswijk. Previously, the Embassy has also organized the IndoFest and East Indonesia Festival at the end of 2022 and 2023. Involving the diaspora, these festivals exhibited Indonesian products and products of Indonesian importers enlivened by various art and cultural performances.

The Indonesia Market 2024 also aimed to facilitate Indonesian entrepreneurs who participated in the Tong Tong Fair (TTF) event on May 24-June 2, 2024. However, the Tong Tong Fair was abruptly canceled by the organizers. In addition, this event also provided an entertainment stage for art and cultural performers who were originally going to be involved in the Tong Tong Fair.

The festival themed ''Indonesian Market: 100% Authentic' featured 36 product stands, 11 culinary stands, and 3 beverage stands. The beverage stand presented Indonesian coffee and drinks. Other stands offered fashion, handicrafts, accessories, as well as packaged food and snacks. The Indonesian products had arrived at the Port of Rotterdam and displayed at Bakerij 2 De Broodfabriek.

Visitors were also entertained with a variety of cross-genre cultural performances including Balawan music group, Djoko SSP who presents archipelago wastra and angklung, and the Kuping Panjang Cultural Mission Team from Kalimantan, who presented a photo exhibition, Sape music and Hudoq dance.


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The Republic of Indonesia and the Czech Republic through the signing of an official Letter of Intent form a Sister City Cooperation which is full of cultural heritage between the Cities of Yogyakarta and Hluboká nad Vltavou in the South Bohemian Region, Czech Republic. 


The Indonesian Embassy in Prague, through its official statement received in Jakarta, Wednesday, said that this cooperation was a historic step in bilateral relations between the two countries.


The signing of the cooperation document was carried out by Acting Mayor of Yogyakarta and the Mayor of Hluboká nad Vltavou who were accompanied by the Indonesian Ambassador to Prague, Mrs. Kenssy D. Ekaningsih and the Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Jakarta, Mr. Jaroslav Doleček and witnessed by relevant officials from the government and the Regional House of Representatives of Yogyakarta City, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Indonesian Embassy in Prague. 


This cooperation covers various fields, including tourism promotion, cultural exchanges and performances, development of small and medium enterprises, as well as education and youth. Within the next year, it is hoped that the implementation of this collaboration can be expressed in a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). 


The two delegations also held coordination meetings with related partners, guided by the Economic and Cooperation Section of the Yogyakarta city government to formulate work plans as a follow-up to the Letter of Intent. 


The cities of Yogyakarta and Hluboká nad Vltavou have similarities as world tourist destinations because they host UNESCO World Heritage sites, namely the Yogyakarta Philosophical Axis (The Cosmological Axis of Yogyakarta), Český Krumlov City (Historic Center of Český Krumlov), and Holašovice Village ( Holašovice Historic Village). 


The people of both cities equally uphold their cultural heritage, which can be seen from serious efforts to preserve this wealth through various cultural heritage programs, festivals and interactive education for the younger generation. 

Mayor of Hluboká, Tomáš Jirsa, who also serves as Senator of the Czech Republic, praised the progress of development in the Yogyakarta area and highlighted the positive things about the involvement of the entire community in the local economy which is based on the tourism sector. 


The Indonesian Ambassador to the Czech Republic, Kenssy D. Ekaningsih, who has directly supervised the initiative to establish this cooperation since July 2023, appreciated the enthusiasm and hard work of the delegations from both countries in realizing cooperation between sister cities in a relatively short time. 


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Four Islamic Development Network (IDN) Jonggol JunioSchool (SMP) Students, Bogor regency, West Java, succeeded in winning the best performance medal award in the 21st Guangxi Youth Robotics Competition which took place in Laibin, Guangxi, China from 18 to 19 May 2024. The four outstanding Indonesian students are Aurell Ghania Ramadhani, Furqon Abdul Aziz, Rayhan Kenzie Avando, and Mohammed Jiazhen Faheem.

The 21st Guangxi Adolescent Robotics Competition was attended by 4,000 participants, 1,000 of whom came from China, and 3,000 participants came from Southeast Asia, including Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.

Feti Paramida as accompanying teacher said, apart from honing students' skills in the IT field, the Guangxi Youth Robotics Competition also motivates students to show off their talents in international events, sharpen their English language skills and provide an extraordinary  experience. In this competition, children who are involved in the world of IT robotics competed in basic robot skills, a robot hegemony competition, a competition for robots carrying Artificial Intelligence (AI). According to Feti, students of the Islamic Development Network (IDN) Jonggol have been given three years of training in skills to develop games, create websites, build robots, edit videos, design and create applications as part of the school curriculum. She stated that IDN students will be able to master the sciences in IT even though they are still young. This skill is a complement to the ability to memorize the Al-Qur'an as the key to success in this world and the afterlife.


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Indonesian Ambassador to Norway, Teuku Faizasyah pointed out that  the Spice Up Oslo 2024 Indonesian Festival held in Oslo City,  May 25 was to introduce Indonesian cuisine and culture to the people there.  As quoted by Antara in Jakarta on Tuesday, in his remarks at the festival, he mentioned that this festival is to introduce Indonesian cuisine and culture, and  to strengthen relations among the people of the two nations. He also emphasized the festival also symbolizes the spirit of friendship of both countries which celebrate 75 years of diplomatic relations in 2025.


Meanwhile, Deputy Mayor of Oslo, Julianne Ofstad hopes that through the festival, the people of Oslo can get to know more about Indonesia.  The Indonesia Spice Up Oslo 2024 Festival was organized by the Indonesian Embassy in Oslo in collaboration with the Indonesian community in Norway.  The festival was held at Youngstorget field,  one of the activity centers in the middle of Oslo City and was attended by more than 3 thousand Norwegians and the Indonesian community. The theme of the festival was taken to introduce Indonesia's culinary diversity, culture and art to the Norwegian people and the international community in Oslo.  The theme is also part of the global campaign Indonesia Spice up The World to promote Indonesia's culinary wealth to the world.  Through the festival, Indonesia introduces culinary richness from various regions in Indonesia, such as rendang,  satay,  Padang satay, Balinese mixed rice,  ice cincau and dozens of other menus.

The festival also featured Indonesian dance performances presented by dancers trained by the Jakarta Regional Government as well as the talents of the Indonesian diaspora and community in Norway.  Some of the dances performed included the Rhythm of Batavia and Kembang Nandak Jakarta, Saman Dance from Aceh, Sekar Jagad and Tenun Dance from Bali.  Moreover, there was also pencak silat and line dance with Eastern Indonesian music.




May 21, Bilebante Green tourism village, Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, became the main location for World Book Day 2024. The event was centered at Pasar Pancingan by holding a book review event. Bilebante Green tourism village is one of the tourism destinations in Central Lombok. It presents its natural beauty typical of the countryside. The village is 15.6 kilometers from the city center, which can be reached in about 26 minutes by driving.


When you arrive in Bilebante village, it's time for you to tour the village by bicycle or ATV. You can feel the cool atmosphere of the village while pedaling from residential areas, river banks, rice fields, vegetable and fruit gardens, Lime Bridge and the oldest temple in Central Lombok, the Lingkar Kelud Temple. If you are lucky, you can also watch farmers planting rice and the process of making a local specialty hat called “Kekere”. The fertile soil of Bilebante Village is overgrown with a variety of herbal plants that are very good for health. You can witness the planting and breeding of herbal gardens by the village youth. You will be guided to learn about the health of these herbs. Seaweed farming is usually done on the beach, but this village is unique because there is seaweed cultivation in the rice fields of Bilebante village. The seaweed harvest is used as raw material for making serabi (rice flour pancake with coconut milk). You must taste the seaweed serabi of Bilebante village.


For those of you who like fishing, you can go to the Pancingan Market. There you can do fishing activities in the pond. Uniquely, the results of the fishing can be directly processed into fish-based dishes.  For those who like cooking, you can join cooking class tour package. You can try making herbal medicine, moringa leaf vegetables and merangkat chicken, and pelecing in the style of Bilebante tourist city. The atmosphere of the cooking class is quite pleasant surrounded by plantations around the Pancingan Market.



The World Water Forum Bali event closed last May 24. Indonesia as the host of the 10th World Water Forum handed over the milestone of organizing the 11th World Water Forum to Saudi Arabia. At the closing of WWF Bali, Youth Sanitation Concern Coordinator Iffah Rachmi received the Kyoto World Water Grand Prize 2024 award organized by the Japan Water Forum in collaboration with Kyoto City and the World Water Council.


Iffah founded Youth Sanitation Concern (YSC) in Lampung since 2018, which actively promotes sanitation issues, handwashing with soap, and maintenance of sanitation facilities. YSC presents sanitation in a creative way to attract the attention of the community, especially the younger generation. When receiving the award, Iffah Rachmi said that this initiative is the first step for YSC to continue working so that water sanitation becomes mainstream in people's lives.


The Kyoto World Water Grand Prize recognizes grassroots organizations that make significant contributions to solving water problems in developing countries. The organization awards a prize of 2 million Yen. According to Iffah Rachmi, Coordinator of Youth Sanitation Concern, this award is an honor and proof that the younger generation can contribute to changing habits in society. According to Rachmi, we must trust and give more confidence to the younger generation.



The Directorate General of Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Home Affairs and South Korea are exploring potential cooperation and collaboration in the field of fire management and rescue.


This was revealed during the visit of the Ministry of Home Affairs delegation represented by the Acting Director General of Regional Administration, Amran to South Korea, Friday (24/5).


In a statement on Monday (27/5), Amran said that as the industrial center of Asia and a world-class firefighting research and development institution, South Korea is one of the pioneers in modern fire management. In addition, the country is one of Indonesia's key partners. During the visit, his side met South Korea government officials and non-government stakeholders, and visited the Indonesian Embassy in Seoul, Ministry of the Interior and Safety; National Fire Agency; Daegu Fire Department, Sejong Fire Department; Gyeonggi Disaster and Safety Headquarters and Korea Fire Institute (KFI).


The delegation from Indonesia also conducted a site visit to Daegu Fire & Emergency Service and visited Fire Expo 2024.


In a meeting with representatives of the Korean Ministry of the Interior and Safety, Amran said that the cooperation between South Korea and Indonesia in fire management that has been running for a long time needs to be expanded, especially in strengthening infrastructure and human resources.


The Ministry of Home Affairs is currently trying to encourage the strengthening of local governments in the field of fire management, especially in achieving a 15-minute response time.


Technological developments in South Korea, especially in the development of fire infrastructure, can be an opportunity for Indonesia, which is currently experiencing the growth of electric vehicles (EVs) that increase the risk of fire.


Meanwhile, Chief of Gyeonggi Fire and Disaster Headquarters, Seonho Cho hopes that the visit of the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs delegation can improve good relations between the two countries in disaster and fire management. According to Seonho,  South Korea really needs training and learning from Indonesia, especially how to handle major disasters, such as earthquakes and tsunamis.


The Indonesian delegation's visit is a follow-up to the South Korean delegation's visit to the 105th Anniversary of the Fire Department held by the Ministry of Home Affairs in Surabaya, East Java, on March 1, 2024.

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