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Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman

Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman (0)

The Indonesian Embassy in Beirut has acknowledged its continued support for trade cooperation improvement between Indonesia and Lebanon. Indonesian Ambassador to Lebanon Hajriyanto Y Thohari gave the Primaduta Award to Lebanese businessman and importer, George R Fattouh. The award was given for his service in helping market Indonesian products in Paris from the Middle East. The award was given at a ceremony at the Indonesian Embassy in Beirut, Thursday (11/1)  Fatough, is the owner of George R. Fattouh S.A.L, a business that has been importing Indonesian products since the 1980s. It has a range of products, including: palm oil and its derivatives, oil and fats (including cocoa butter substitute, fat spread, hydrogenated palm kernel oil, and lauric confectionery fats), cardboard, stationary, and school equipment. Some Indonesian products are now even available at famous retail networks, such as Spinney’s and Carrefour. In 2022, the value imported by George R. Fattough S.A.L of Indonesian products, was 981.3 million USD. This was a 149.5 million USD increase when compared to 2021. Fattouh said Indonesian products are known for their quality and are in high demand in Lebanese markets. However, he said, the challenge now is increasing freight costs due to security challenges in the region. 

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Listeners, a number of delicious dishes were served to the guests of Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman Yogyakarta, at the wedding reception of the youngest son of K.G.P.A.A. Paku Alam X, namely B.P.H. Kusumo Kuntonugroho with Laily Annisa Kusumastuti which was held on January 10, 2024.Head of the Customs and Accommodation Division, Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman, KRT Radyo Wisroyo said that the menu served to guests was quite varied. These menus are typical menus prepared by Pakualaman Pura, Indonesian menus and western food menus were also available. All invited guests including VIP and VVIP guests got the same menu. The first menu served to welcome guests, namely two types of welcome drink, namely lime lemongrass and ginger drink with lime. The welcome drink was given when guests sat down and watched the Bedhaya Sidamukti and Bedhaya Kakung Indrawidagda dance performances. Next, they gotsnacks for appetizer such as croquettes and other light snacks. There is a snack that is considered quite special and rare called Garulina. Garulina was the opening snack at the Pahargyan Dhaup Ageng Pakualaman lunch on the first day. Garulina has been around since the era before Indonesian independence. Garulina is actually not a typical Central Javanese food. It looks like the Lapis Legit layered cake, but there is something different, because there is a special layer like vla which is made from fresh milk, eggs and sugar. To get this sweet snack, Pakulaman Temple has to place a special order from the third generation of makers who have been pioneering since the 1950s. In Jogja, Garulina is very difficult to find and is considered rare because it is not sold every day.

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The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing revitalized Lake Tempe which is located among three regencies, namely Wajo, Soppeng and Sidrap  with the total area of 13,000 hectares. The lake is one of 15 critical lakes in Indonesia that will be revitalized. Public Relations Bureau of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing in Jakarta, Thursday (8/3) stated that the revitalization  program of Lake Tempe including lake sediment dredging reaches 8.58 million cubic meters, weed water control and the installation of geocomposite and geosynthetic. The revitalization will add water volume capacity to 7.23 million cubic meters from water volume capacity of 207,66 million cubic meters. With additional water volume, it is hoped that the water requirement of people suroounding Lake Tempe will be fulfilled. The revitalization can also increase planting index rice crops from 106 percent to 260 percent. So far, the irrigation of 5,000 hectare farmland around the lake has been supplied with pump water.

Sago flour products from Meranti Islands regency, Riau are now able to penetrate the Japanese market. Its export reaches 50 tons per day. A spokesman of the Sago Prima company management, Bina Pasaribu in Selatpanjang on Thursday (8/3) said that with the export of Indonesian products to Japan, this indicates that  the level of Indonesian sago products, especially from Meranti Regency has been recognized well. Bina Pasaribu explained that PT National Sagu Prima currently has 14 thousand hectares of plantation area in Meranti. To meet the export quality of sago flour, the company has put forward the environmentally friendly and sustainable aspects, so that the process and the sago products can fulfill the world standard. In accordance with the need and demand, PT. National Sagu Prima produces sago flour reaching 30-50 tons per day in which this is not apart from the support of Meranti regional government.  Meanwhile, Regent of Meranti Islands, Irwan admitted that the process of sago in the region  from cutting to milling and packing process has an export quality standard.

PT Indonesia Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC) affirmed its commitment to preserve the Bau Nyale tradition in Mandalika Special Economic Zone (KEK), Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara -NTB. Bau Nyale is a tradition of catching colorful sea worms that only appear once a year. Head of General Affairs of ITDC, I Gusti Lanang Bratasuta believed that the traditional performance, that has been handed down by Lombok community, will continue to be implemented in the future. Moreover, Indonesia Tourism Development Corporation -ITDC will pack the event with more interesting concept in the coming years. The highlight of the Bau Nyale Festival took place at Seger Beach, on Tuesday (6/3) evening.


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Ubud’s art village in Gianyar regency, Bali will hold Balispirit Festival on April 2 until 8 for a week. The event is expected to attract more than 8,000 visitors from 50 countries. This was stated by assistant manager of Balispirit Festival, Yuliani Supandji, in Gianyar, on Tuesday (6/2). The 11th Balispirit Festival has the theme Bhinneka Tunggal Ika in English "Unity in Diversity" which refers to the diversity of the Indonesian nation. In addition, the festival also indicates that regardless of the difference, the multi-culture of the people, there is a true unity among Indonesian people. Balispirit Festival is established with the theme of the main event, namely holistic, health and world music which give positive contribution on ecologic health, cultural spirit and vitality in Bali in specific and in Indonesia in general. Yuliani Supandji said that through yoga tradition, dance, music, and an inspirational method of healing the soul, Balispirit Festival describes Hindu Bali concept about Tri Hita Karana, the harmony of life with spiritual, social, and natural environment.

Reducing drugs abuse among young generation needs strict parental supervision and intensive religious education. Manager of Islamic boarding school of Matlabul Ulum Jambu Lenteng, Taufikurrahman said in Sumenep, Madura, East Java on Tuesday (6/3), the important factor which can prevent children from drugs or other negative behaviors, must be begun from family’s environment by giving maximally supervision on child’s behavior. In addition, parent must pay attention on religious education of their children. Strong faith will protect children from negative influence. Law enforcers must give heavy punishment drug abuse in order to have a deterrent effect. Even, socialization to boarding school is very effective to give understanding to people or students about the danger of the drugs. Taufikurrahman also said that the development of social media also has a central role in giving comprehension about the danger of the drugs and punishment which is given for drug abuse.

Monkey Forest natural tourism object in Ubud, Gianyar regency, Bali is able to earn 225 million rupiah. The tourist visit reached around 4,500 people. This was stated by Bendesa or traditional leader of the village Pakraman Padangtegal, Ubud district, Gianyar, I Made Gendra in Ubud on Monday (5/3). The tourism object which is occupied by hundreds of monkeys and becomes tourists’ attraction, is quite successful to be managed by local people. So, it needs no private sector for the management.The natural tourism object has been managed and developed by local people since 1970s. Monkey Forest Ubud is one of businesses of Padangtegal village. Other businesses are house of compost, management of garbage dues for tourism businessmen, the management of central parking in Ubud. No wonder, Padangtegal village received Kalpataru award for the service to manage and to preserve the forest.


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The Ministry of Public Works and People's Housing (PUPR) is currently preparing an scheme for the construction of the Batam-Bintan Bridge, Riau Islands (Kepri) as directed by President Joko Widodo. PUPR Minister, Basuki Hadimuljono said the bridge with more than 7 kilometers long is worth 4 trillion rupiah. He said that there is a big investment potential. MInister Basuki Hadimuljono in Batam, Friday (2/3) said that Chinese investors are interested in the project. According to him, the Batam-Bintan Bridge can be run with ‘Government with Business Entity (KPBU)’ cooperation scheme, so as to involve the government and the private sector. With the majority of private handling, the bridge will be converted into high-tariff toll roads. He cited as an example 'the Surabaya Madura (Suramadu) bridge'. Because it was built with the State Budget – APBN, the toll tariff is not high. However, until now the Ministry is still reviewing the best scheme which most benefits to all parties in the Batam-Bintan bridge project. On that occasion, MInister Basuki emphasized the need for regional development in Bintan. There must be synergy of the region's development in the form of tourism area, special economic zone and many more.

The City Government of Cirebon, West Java plans to include the cultural Cap Go Meh Carnival in their annual tourism calendar in the hope of being developed into a world class event. (Pjs) Temporary Mayor of Cirebon Dedi Taufik, in Cirebon, Friday said he wanted this cultural carnival to go up the rank of world class tourism event. He even said Cap Go Meh Culture in Cirebon City is the pride of the region, therefore the community and other related parties should guard it for cultural preservation, even cultural expansion. Meanwhile Head of Cirebon Culture Department of Tourism and Sports Eddy Tohidi said the Cap Go Meh cultural carnival needs to be developed as a conservation effort and promises to create an annual tourism calendar and incorporate the Cap Go Meh carnival as one of the events.

North Sumatera Governor HT Erry Nuradi, promotes Lake Toba, a lake that exist due to the largest volcano eruption in Asia, in Hungary's largest tourism fair, Utazas 2018 It took place in the Hungexpo building in Budapest, the Hungarian Capital from 1st to 4th March 2018. The governor also invited visitors of the Utazas tourism exhibition 2018 to the famous island of Nias with sea tourism and traditional stone jumping which is as high as nearly two meters. Cultural and Social Affairs of the Indonesian Embassy in Budapest in a statement received by Antara London, Saturday said, the natural tourism exhibition is routinely followed by the Embassy in Budapest from year to year.This time the pavilion theme is Enchanting Sumatera. According to the Governor, North Sumatra is very close from Singapore and with the existence of two new airports namely Kualanamu and Silangit Foreign tourist can easily visit any time to North Sumatra Province. The promotional activity of Lake Toba is conducted in Utazas 2018 which is the largest tourism exhibition in Hungary followed by 250 exhibitors. The pavilion is filled with representatives from various countries displaying various potential and travel agents selling tourist packages. In 2018, the Indonesian pavilion displayed seven tour operators, industrial products and commodities along with samples that can be enjoyed by visitors, entertainment in the form of dance from the archipelago and regional clothes. The decoration of the pavilions is themed Enchanting Sumatera.


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The first information comes from Karachi, Pakistan. Film as an art and culture is part of Indonesia’s soft power diplomacy conducted for the national interest and it strengthens its role in the world. The participation of Indonesia in Karachi Film Festival, in addition to confirming that Indonesia is a country of peace and appreciating various religions, ethnicities and cultural diversity, is a promotional means to improve Indonesia's image in Pakistan.To strengthen the soft power diplomacy, Indonesia participated in the Asia Peace Film Festival (APFF) held at Karachi Expo Center, Karachi, Pakistan, 23 - 26 February 2018. The theme of this film festival is "Celebrating diversity and harnessing harmony by promoting cinematography as a mass medium of peace education in the Asian region". While the vision is making film as a medium of intercultural, recursive, reconciliation, conflict mediation and peace building in Asia. The festival is part of a program held in Islamabad on 18-20 September 2017. Indonesia's participation in this Film Festival was a collaboration between the Indonesian Embassy in Islamabad and the Consulate General in Karachi. During the festival, various movies were screened, including short film genre (with 3-30 minutes duration), documenter film (3-30 minutes), and animation film (maximum 30 minutes duration). Indonesia presented four documentary films at the Karachi Film Festival namely, "Karatagan Ciremai", "Identity", Innner Peace "and" Save our Forest Giants". Meanwhile, the representatives of Indonesia cineas who attended the event were Sofie Setyorini (Curaor), Harvan Agustriansyah (Documentary filmmaker and director) and Antonius Tonny Trimarsanto (Documentary filmmaker).

The Indonesian Embassy in Paris once again participated in the 22nd Tour Salon International du Tourisme (SIT) de Rennes which took place on 16-18 February 2018 at Parc Expo Rennes. The exhibition was followed by more than 400 participants from various tourism sectors, including tour operators / travel agencies, hotels / villas / camping, tour vehicle rentals, playground / historical tours, to airlines / shipping. In addition to Indonesia, a number of countries such as Canada, Vietnam, India, Iran, Tanzania, and the Dominican Republic, as well as players of the French national tourism industry were also present.  Based on data from the Office de Justification des Statistique, the exhibition was visited by almost 39,000 visitors.The Indonesia stand presented two potentials of the country, namely, tourism and handicraft products by Indonesian SMEs. The Promotion of tourism also involved tour operators from Francewhich sell tour packages to Indonesia during the exhibition. Visitors could get information on tourist destinations in Indonesia through interactive touch screen media, videos, brochures, and flyers on 100 art and cultural festival agenda in 2018 (100 Wonderful Indonesia). During the event, a presentation on Indonesian tourism destinations was also held before tothe visitors. In addition, Indonesia enlivened the event on the main stage by presenting Peacock Dance from West Java as well as traditional Indonesian songs by Indonesian students in Rennes. On the sidelines of this Rennes SIT activity, the Embassy of Indonesia also conducted Indonesian community development in France. For that reason, on February 17, 2018, a meeting of Indonesian Ambassador with the Indonesian community and students of the Association of Indonesian Students (PPI) in Rennes was held. On the occasion, the Ambassador delivered the Government development program to improve people's welfare. The Ambassador also advised the students to have a clear and focused vision and mission so that their education in France can be useful for the people and the nation of Indonesia.

Good news is coming from Belgium. A Researcher from Indonesia, dr. Arief Wibowo, received an award from King Baudouin Foundation, in Brussels, Wednesday (28/2). King Baudouin Foundation is a foundation under the supervision of the Queen of Belgium. Dr. Arief Wibowo received the prestigious "King Baudouin Award" in cardiovascular field and became the only Indonesian to receive this award. The awarding itself was made in the framework of the Rare Disease Day Commemoration that falls on February 28, 2018.The Researh of dr. Arief Wibowo is on "Neovascularization Potential Exosomes Derived from Blood Outgrowth Endothelial Cells in Ischemic Cardiomyopathy" or Potential Exosomes therapy in patients with Ischemic heart failure. This research is his specialty since taking doctoral program in Cardiovascular Research Department at Katolieke Universite Leuven (KUL) starting from July 1, 2014. Through this research, dr. Arief hoped to help more and more people to handle heart disease that currently requires cutting-edge treatment techniques.This achievement is also appreciated by Indonesian people in Belgium. Located at the Embassy of Brussels, a simple thanksgiving event was held for dr. Arief. The Indonesian Ambassador to Belgium, Yuri O. Thamrin and the the Indonesian embassy congratulated Dr Arief and expressed their pride in his contribution in scientific field and the name of Indonesia in Belgium. His research was conducted in 2 places, namely UD Leuven Hospital and OLV Aalst Hospital Cardiovascular Department. For this research, dr. Arief received 2 awards, the Paul Dudley White Award from the International Science Team Award America and the King Boudwijnstichting Award from the Foundation under the Kingdom of Belgium.The King Baudouin Foundation provided funding of 166,000 Euro per year to the the doctor for 2 years. The funding is planned to be used for further research collaborations between the Heart Research Department, Hassan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung, Indonesia and the hospitals in Belgium where he is conducting his current research.


Coffee is one of the leading commodities of plantation products in Indonesia. Besides being consumed by the domestic community, most of Indonesia's coffee is marketed to various countries. Indonesia's geographical condition with different soil fertility in each region produces different and unique coffee taste. Luwak Coffee, Gayo Coffee, and Toraja Coffee are a few among Indonesian coffee that is well known in foreign countries. To further popularize coffee and promote the coffee industry, the Indonesian Coffee Council (Dekopi) is established. The formation of Dekopi was initiated by former Minister of Agriculture for the period 2004-2009, Anton Apriantono. The management of the Central Executive Council (DPP) of Dekopi will be announced on March 11, 2018 to coincide with the Nusantara Coffee Exhibition and Expo at Intermark Convention Hall, Serpong, Banten. to Anton Apriantono, the national coffee problem needs to get attention from various parties, because coffee is a superior commodity. He hoped Dekopi can spur the Indonesian coffee, which is restoring and enhancing the glory of the archipelago coffee. According to Anton, currently Indonesia's coffee production is still below Brazil and Vietnam. Therefore, Dekopi will provide input to the government or stakeholders to promote the national coffee. As a first step, there is a coffee exhibition with the theme of Kopi Nusantara –Coffee of the Archipelago on 9-11 March 2018, in Serpong., Banten province. The exhibition aims to let people know more about Indonesian coffee that is well known in a number of countries. Besides, this exhibition is also expected to increase public appreciation of the Indonesian coffee products. Later, it will be proposed that March 11 to be the National Coffee Day as well as a marker of the rise of Indonesian coffee. Meanwhile, Jamil Musanif, Secretary General of Dekopi, said that the level of coffee consumption in Indonesia is still low compared to other countries. Indonesian coffee consumption is around 4 kilo grams per year. While in Japan and European countries the consumption reaches 5 kilo grams per year. There are even countries that consume 11 kilo grams per year. Jamil hoped with the formation of Dekopi, the consumption of coffee increases and the welfare of the coffee industry from upstream to downstream.


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Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between  ASEAN and European Union can contribute to develop Small Medium Enterprises -SMEs. Minister of Trade, Enggartiasto Lukita disclosed that FTA between ASEAN and European Union can contribute to develop SMEs and to handle negative campaign on palm oil. The input was affirmed when leading Indonesian delegation in consultation of the 16th ASEAN Economic Ministers’–European Union (AEM-EU) Trade Commissioner in Singapore on Friday (2/3). The subject in the meeting was to strengthen cooperation in the two regions. In the consultation,  the implementation plan of the negotiation between ASEAN and European Union was also discussed. Minister Enggartiasto emphasized the importance of cooperation between the two regions and the need for more comprehensive discussion about the agreement in FTA of the two regions. Before the meeting of ASEAN and UE consultation, Minister Enggartiasto conducted  bilateral meeting with EU Trade Commissioner, Cecilia Malmström. Both Minister Enggartiasto and Commissioner Cecilia appreciated the improvement which had been agreed on the negotiation of the 4th Indonesia-European Union Comprehensive Partnership Agreement (I-EU CEPA) on February 19 until 23 in Surakarta, Central Java and especially, UE promised to give attention to Indonesia’s palm oil.

Indonesia reaches $9.1 million dollars in Gulfood exhibition. Indonesia participated in the Gulfood exhibition in Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai, United Arab Emirates on February 18 until 22. During the exhibition, the total transaction from Indonesia reached $9.1 million dollars. Head of Indonesian Trade Promotion Center Dubai, Heny Rusmiyati through press release received by Voice of Indonesia explained that Indonesian Consulate General in  Dubai cooperated with Indonesia Trade Promotion Center Dubai to facilitate and to meet the Indonesian entrepreneurs with buyers at Gulfood. Gulfood is one of the biggest food and beverage industrial exhibitions in the world. As many as 22 Indonesian companies participated in the Gulfood exhibition. The products, which were displayed by Indonesian companies, consisted of various finished food products or raw materials of food making, such as palm oil and its derivatives, biscuits, instant noodle, kinds of beverages, jelly candy, canned tuna, and cheese packing. Visitors who came to Indonesian stand, were from United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, Iraq, Bahrain, Egypt, India, China, Algeria, Kenya, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Togo, and Russia.

Oil from Indonesia penetrates Australian market. Through Melbourne, oil Fastron PT. Pertamina Lubricants penetrates Australian market. President Director of PT. Pertamina Lubricants, Supriyanto D.H. explained that currently, his office has distributor of PT. Pertamina Lubricants products in  Australia, which has base in Melbourne. To more dominate market, the company opened PT. Pertamina Lubricants branch office in Sydney on Friday, March 2nd. Indonesian Consulate General in Melbourne supported the branch office and disclosed that the office will strengthen marketing of Indonesian products in Australia which has been initiated by the Indonesian Consulate General in Melbourne as a concrete form of economic diplomacy. The export opportunities will open larger, and will increase the trade balance for Indonesia.


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Provincial government of West Sumatra is optimistic to make Sikakap seaport on Mentawai Island as the biggest Integrated Center of Marine Fisheries in the Western Indonesia. Fishery potential in the West Sumatra, especially on Mentawai Island is not optimally utilized yet. The development of Sikakap seaport could answer the challenge of distribution of fishery product which is constrained. Vice Governor of West Sumatera,  Nasrul Abit mentioned that the Integrated Center of Marine Fisheries at Sikakap seaport will accommodate cultivation fishery products and capture fisheries at sea. He also explained, fishery products from Mentawai will be exported easier through Bungus seaport. Access to Bungus is easier after the Integrated Center of Marine Fisheries of Sikakap is built. Nasrul Abit added that all marine potential in Mentawai could increase people’s welfare if it is able to be cultivated well. He also said that it’s time for Mentawai to focus on working on sustainable economic potential, rather than surviving with timber commodities that have been taken decades from Mentawai. Meanwhile, regent of Mentawai Island, Yudas Sabaggalet added that Integrated Center of Marine Fisheries of Sikakap has been completed with access to the location and support of 15 ships for fishermen. The government promotes cooperation among cooperative of fisherman in Sikakap with Public Company of Fishery of Indonesia Perindo.

Tjipto Mangoenkoesoemo statue was inaugurated in Ambarawa, Central Java. The statue of figure of Indonesian independence movement is expected to awaken the spirit of nationalism. The statue was inaugurated by Home Affair minister, Tjahjo Kumolo, on Saturday (3/3). Minister Tjahjo Kumolo  said dr. Tjipto Mangoenkoesoemo was one of the pioneers of the National awakening movement. According to the minister, the inauguration of the statue is an appreciation to Tjipto Mangoenkoesoemo’s service for the Indonesian independence. Through his ideas in his writing, Tjipto Mangoenkoeoesmo was able to awake spirit of Indonesian people to be free from colonialism. Tjipto Mangoenkoesoemo along with Douwes Dekker and Ki Hajar Dewantara are 3 heroes who are known triad. They had role to spread out ideas about the Indonesian government and very critical against the Dutch colonial government at that time. Tjipto Mangunkusumo was burried at Kupang public cemetry, Ambarawa. Hopefully, with the existence of Tjipto Mangoenkoesoemo statue on Jalan Jenderal Sudirman and also dr. Tjipto park, the national figure will be always remembered by people.

Provincial government of South Kalimantan will propose Kiram,  natural tourism area as Special Economic Zone of tourism to the central government. Head of Tourism office of South Kalimantan, Heriansyah said in Banjarmasin, on Saturday that besides Kiram, other tourism objects which proposed to be Special Economic Zone in 2018, are Mt. Mawar, Riam Kanan, Kahong valley etc. The potential of the tourism objects will be introduced to the world. According to Heriansyah, besides Loksado, South Kalimantan has other beautiful natural tourism potential, but lack of promotion. Heriansyah also said, to increase and introduce the tourism potential, the provincial government held promotion of tourism destination on March 2-4 in 13 regencies and cities of South Kalimantan with the theme South Kalimantan Tour Travel Fair 2018. Heriansyah also said that the event had 48 participants, consisted of travel bureaus, hotels, government’s institution and banks. According to Heriansyah, the event was as effort to support national program, namely to invite one million foreign tourists. Meanwhile, South Kalimantan governor, Sahbirin Noor said that his office will continue to support tourism development efforts both for infrastructure and promotion. The governor also said that South Kalimantan is trying to explore the other potential of new economic growth, outside mining. One of them is tourism which proven to be able to give big contribution for improving the economy of the local people.


Batam Dancing 2018

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Batam is considered necessary to add attraction by presenting a variety of attractions. This aims to make tourists more interested and more comfortable to stay longer in Batam. Thus, BP Management Agency as one of the stakeholders in Batam City holds the event "Batam Dance 2018". This event is one of the cultural art festivals that will become one of the new icons of Batam City. "Batam Dancing 2018" is planned to take place on April 8, 2018. This will highlight collaboration of 16 thousand people of Batam City who will mutually assemble the movement in one collaboration of amazing dance. Head of Batam BP Management Agency, Lukita Dinarsyah Tuwo said that "Batam Dancing 2018" is a symbol event in equating 'Voice', equating 'Vision' and 'Moving Together' ‘Mission to build Batam City’. Lukita  further said that thousands of dancers will consist of various elements in the Batam city. They are from BP Batam, City Government, Navy, Army, Police, Sundanese Society, Jogoboyo Society, Nationality Forum and students, including  the tourists.Why to choose dancing together? Lukita said that Batam is a Malay land whose various ethnics are in Batam. Meanwhile, dancing becomes a culture almost in all ethnic groups in Indonesia. So, this collaboration will show the unity of the people of Batam to unite and enliven tourism. On the occasion, BP Batam Management Agency cooperates with Guruh Soekarnoputra Production to provide training to the people of Batam who will participate in these activities. Guruh Soekarnoputra, the youngest son of the first President of Indonesia, Soekarno as choreographer explained that his side will design a dance called ‘Rampai Batam’. According to Guruh, this ‘Rampai Batam’ is Batam’s typical dance which consists of several ethnics. In the performance, it includes dance choreography from Minang, Batak, Malay, and China. In the first stage, Guruh will train 100 instructors from the city of Batam who will then train other participants. ‘Batam Dance 2018’ as colossal dance will make people not only feel happy, but also  break the Indonesian Museum Record (MURI) with the largest number of dancers.


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Indonesian Ambassador in Islamabad, Pakistan Iwan Amri said that the embassy will come to the Indonesian workers’ shelters in Pakistan and make use of post and social media’s service to reach Indonesian workers. Collecting data on Indonesian workers by Indonesian representative is an absolute requirement for effective protection of Indonesian Citizens. Indonesian ambassador Iwan  Amri, in a press release on Monday (26/2) said that in line with the 1945 Constitution and direction of Indonesian President, officials of the Indonesian Foreign Affairs’ ministry have instructed all Indonesian representatives to increase Indonesian workers’ protection overseas. According to  Iwan, in a meeting with Indonesian workers on data collection and verification of Indonesian workers at the Indonesian embassy in Islamabad, the data which is verified by the central government and representative of Indonesia is very important for the effective implementation of protection and service of Indonesian worker. The Indonesian Foreign Affairs’ ministry has cooperated with related ministry/organization in Indonesia to develop integrated database and information system, Portal of Indonesian Worker Care, which is connected each other with related institution in Indonesia. The Portal will become a media for protection and service for all Indonesian people overseas. Iwan  Amri  asserted for the database, the Indonesian embassy in Islamabad will come to the Indonesian workers’ shelters in Pakistan. The Indonesian workers overseas are asked to actively report themselves after arriving in Pakistan, and report again if deciding to return to the country. Besides Portal of the Indonesian worker care, the Indonesian embassy in Islamabad will immediately have facility to record data, so as providing easy service on Population Identification Number and resident documentation.


The Indonesian Consulate General in Davao City, the Philippines held outreach program immigration service day for an extension of Alien Certificate of Registration (ACR) in Isulan, Sultan Kudarat province. In implementing the program, the Indonesian Consulate General cooperated with Immigration Office of Mindanao. The Alien Certificate of Registration is a document which is issued by the Philippines’ Immigration as temporary residence permit for Indonesian citizens who must extend the permit every year. The outreach event is on the initiative of Gland Immigration and the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao City to handle problems of a number of citizen descendants who do not extend the certificate because of the difficulty of transportation and economic reason. To support the program, the Indonesian Consulate General also provides logistic aid to the Immigration team and all Indonesian citizens.On the sidelines of the service, the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao City, Berlian Napitupulu gave direction to 196 persons Indonesian people descendants in Isulan and surrounding area. The Indonesian Consulate General along with UNHCR and Justice Department of the Philippines also conducted Advocacy Meeting with local government’s officials so that the Indonesian descendants who do not extend the certificate for years will be exempted from fines and those who do not have birth certificate can be helped. The immigration service is held by inviting Glan City Immigration officers to Isulan city which is located 180 km and quite far and difficult to reach.


Initiating her working visit to Lebanon, Indonesian Foreign Affairs’ minister was welcomed by Navy of Garuda Contingent on KRI Usman Harun at Port of Beirut (25/2). To 100 personnel of Garuda Contingent of UNIFIL marine forces, the Indonesian Foreign Affairs’ minister conveyed her appreciation on the contribution and professionalism of the Indonesian navy to the World Peace. Minister Retno Marsudi said at Port Beirut, Lebanon, on Monday that Indonesia has long history in contributing for the World Peace. Garuda Contingent has contributed to keep the peace in Sinai since 1957. Indonesia has sustainably dispatched Garuda Contingent. It shows Indonesia’s commitment to the world’s peace. Because of the sustainable contribution and its good track record, Indonesia proposes to become a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for 2019-2020 periods. Minister Retno Marsudi also said the world will see Indonesia’s commitment and contribution track record for the world peace. Garuda Contingent has become the backbone of UNIFIL marine’s operation. Of15 countries participating in the operation, only Indonesia along with 5 other countries which contribute ship and forces. On the occasion, the Indonesian Foreign Affairs’ minister reminded again that the Indonesian forces must always uphold professionalism, performance, discipline, dedication, and maintain Indonesian and the Indonesian military’s reputation in the UNIFIL.


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The process of caning sentence against five violators of Islamic laws conducted at Babussalam mosque, Lampaseh Aceh, on Tuesday (27/2) got attention from all parties, including tourists from Malaysia. 27 tourists from Terengganu, Malaysia who are visiting Banda Aceh admitted that they are interested in witnessing the process of caning sentence against violator of Islamic laws. One of tourists, Ramli Nuh, gave appreciation to Banda Aceh mayor, Aminullah Usman, who has strong commitment to run the implementation of regulation number 6/2014 about Jinayah or punishment in Banda Aceh. According to Ramli Nuh, the punishment could be a lesson for others. He said it is good means of socialization, so that in the future, there is no more violation. Ramli Nuh also said that in Terengganu, Law enforcement of Islamic laws has existed since 2003. But the implementation does not run smoothly. Ramli Nuh further said the failure cannot be separated from a number of political interests in his country. He also recognized that he keep monitoring Aceh development from Malaysia through reports from media. Banda Aceh mayor, Aminullah Usman, explained that he has built Call Center service to receive report from people when they find Islam law violation at their region.

As many as 1,500 disabilities flocked Sabha Swagata in Banyuwangi, on Tuesday (27/2), to show their creativities and talent in the Festival of children with the special needs. In the festival, they showed creativity by performing their talent and skill, among others playing chess, becoming dalang, dancing, and telling story which were directly witnessed by national disability ambassador, Dewi Yull. Dewi Yull told to journalists in Banyuwangi, East Java on Tuesday (27/2), the children with special needs, are special children. She hoped the festival can foster spirit and confidence for the children. Meanwhile, Banyuwangi regent, Abdullah Azwar Anas, said the festival is part of based on community rehabilitation. Regional government of Banyuwangi in the last four years, has allocated scholarship for disabilities with achievements.

Bank Muamalat continues to conduct the Early-Age Hajj program with cooperation with the ministry of Religion Affairs office in North Maluku province. The program is conducted in a number of Senior and Junior High schools and also Madrasah Tsanawiyah and Aliyah in North Maluku. The socialization was held at Ternate, Tidore Island and South Halmahera. The Early-Age Hajj program has received positive responds from students who wished to open saving for hajj. The person in charge of the program, Sofyan Rafandi, told to RRI Ternate, on Tuesday (27/2), the program is conducted throughout Indonesia by Bank Muamalat, because the bank realizes the importance of pilgrimage, so that it can invite more hajj participants in Indonesia. According to Sofyan, the younger people save, the easier the implementation of the pilgrimage is.