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Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman

Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman (0)

The Indonesian Embassy in Beirut has acknowledged its continued support for trade cooperation improvement between Indonesia and Lebanon. Indonesian Ambassador to Lebanon Hajriyanto Y Thohari gave the Primaduta Award to Lebanese businessman and importer, George R Fattouh. The award was given for his service in helping market Indonesian products in Paris from the Middle East. The award was given at a ceremony at the Indonesian Embassy in Beirut, Thursday (11/1)  Fatough, is the owner of George R. Fattouh S.A.L, a business that has been importing Indonesian products since the 1980s. It has a range of products, including: palm oil and its derivatives, oil and fats (including cocoa butter substitute, fat spread, hydrogenated palm kernel oil, and lauric confectionery fats), cardboard, stationary, and school equipment. Some Indonesian products are now even available at famous retail networks, such as Spinney’s and Carrefour. In 2022, the value imported by George R. Fattough S.A.L of Indonesian products, was 981.3 million USD. This was a 149.5 million USD increase when compared to 2021. Fattouh said Indonesian products are known for their quality and are in high demand in Lebanese markets. However, he said, the challenge now is increasing freight costs due to security challenges in the region. 

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Listeners, a number of delicious dishes were served to the guests of Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman Yogyakarta, at the wedding reception of the youngest son of K.G.P.A.A. Paku Alam X, namely B.P.H. Kusumo Kuntonugroho with Laily Annisa Kusumastuti which was held on January 10, 2024.Head of the Customs and Accommodation Division, Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman, KRT Radyo Wisroyo said that the menu served to guests was quite varied. These menus are typical menus prepared by Pakualaman Pura, Indonesian menus and western food menus were also available. All invited guests including VIP and VVIP guests got the same menu. The first menu served to welcome guests, namely two types of welcome drink, namely lime lemongrass and ginger drink with lime. The welcome drink was given when guests sat down and watched the Bedhaya Sidamukti and Bedhaya Kakung Indrawidagda dance performances. Next, they gotsnacks for appetizer such as croquettes and other light snacks. There is a snack that is considered quite special and rare called Garulina. Garulina was the opening snack at the Pahargyan Dhaup Ageng Pakualaman lunch on the first day. Garulina has been around since the era before Indonesian independence. Garulina is actually not a typical Central Javanese food. It looks like the Lapis Legit layered cake, but there is something different, because there is a special layer like vla which is made from fresh milk, eggs and sugar. To get this sweet snack, Pakulaman Temple has to place a special order from the third generation of makers who have been pioneering since the 1950s. In Jogja, Garulina is very difficult to find and is considered rare because it is not sold every day.

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Here is RRI World Service -VOI with news from across the country, a segment that presents interesting information from across Indonesia in a week.

The first news comes from Yogyakarta. The Land Transport Organization of Yogyakarta Special Region is preparing 850 fleet reserves to anticipate passengers surge during homecoming flow and Lebaran holiday 2018. The head of Yogyakarta Land Transportation Organization (Organda) Agus Adrianto said last Thursday that as many as 850 fleet reserves are entirely tourist buses since the number of regular inter-provincial intercity (AKAP) buses used for Lebaran holiday transportation from DIY is limited. The reserve bused are intended for all directions. Most dominant destinations of Lebaran homecoming and returning flow is not much different from previous years, namely Central Java and Jakarta. He said currently there are 440 inter provinces buses available, while the active intercity buses within the province (AKDP) are 450 units. Meanwhile, Head of Department of Transportation DIY Sigit Sapto Rahardjo said, to reduce the number of travelers who use motor bikes, Ministry of Transportation has set up 15 buses for Lebaran 2018 holiday Program for travelers from Jakarta to Yogyakarta. In addition to providing the buses, the Ministry of Transportation is also preparing 10 trucks to transport travelers’ motorcycle for free.

The next news comes from Sabang, Aceh Province. Member of House of Representatives Commission VI Fadhlullah, Wednesday (30/5) asked Sabang Area Enterprise Agency (BPKS) to increase investment from the private sector to optimize Sabang as a center of economic growth in Aceh. The statement was conveyed to encourage increased investment in Aceh from the private sector so that the acceleration of Aceh's economic growth starting from Sabang in particular can be realized. Fadhlullah explained that Sabang has big investment potential to be developed such as tourism sector. Tourism is one of the economic potentials capable of providing great foreign exchange for the country and a positive impact for other sectors. He added that as an institution authorized to manage the Sabang area, BPKS must create investors interested in investing in Sabang, especially by providing services and convenience of every cruise ship to Sabang.

The latest news comes from Jambi. Monk Bante Thanavaro Thera as Chairman I Sangha Agung Indonesia conveyed a number of messages in the celebration of Vesak 2018 in Sumatera held at Muaro Jambi temple Complex, Muarojambi Regency, Jambi Province, Tuesday (29/5). The Vesak celebration was attended by Buddhists, local officials and communities in Jambi Province.

Monk Bante Thanavaro Thera advised the people of Indonesia to understand the pluralism and to preserve the reality of the wealth of the nation, living side by side. In addition they must continue to strengthen the harmony of fellow human beings in the frame of diversity. In the Vesak celebration, the committee also prepared takjil to break the fast for the Muslim community who are fasting. The celebration was also attended by the Governor of Jambi Fachrori Umar and Muarojambi Regent Masnah Busyro. The peak of the Waisak celebration, was followed by a thousand Buddhists as well as a hundred Buddhist monks who came from a number of regions and even from several countries in Southeast Asia.



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Today in History over RRI World Service, Voice of Indonesia. We start from an event on June 2, 1942 when Nazi controlled Libya.  

On June 2, 1942, Marshal Erwin Rommel, a commander of specialist of strategy of mass anti-attack operation from Germany began his operation in the North of Africa. Earlier, British soldiers have attacked Libya territory and succeeded to take it away from Nazi Germany. But, through the operation, German soldiers were not only able to take over Libya, they were also able to conquer other regions surrounding Libya such as Al-‘Ilmain and city of Iskandariah port in Egypt. The victory made allied forces be worried, which was predicted to be able to occupy Suez Canal. Thus, Britain mobilized all of its power to the region and finally  in November, British soldiers succeeded again to hit back German soldiers.

The next event is that in 1967, protest in West Berlin confront Shah Iran’s visit changed to be riot, Benno Ohnesorg was killed by police.

Benno Ohnesorg is a German student who was killed by police on June 2, 1967 in demonstration in Berlin to confront the visit of Shah Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi to Germany. His death caused radicalism group of June 2 movement. A monument to remember the death of  Ohnesorg was established in Berlin, and at his hometown in  Hannover, a bridge which crosses Ihme river, called ‘Benno Ohnesorg’  as honor him.

And the last event is that in 1986, Slamet Muljana passed away.

Prof. Dr. Raden Benedictus Slamet Muljana, who passed away in Jakarta on June 2, 1986, is an Indonesian philologist and historian. He obtained his title from University of Louvain, Belgium in 1954, and has become professor at University of Indonesia since 1958.

Slamet Muljana has taught at Gadjah Mada University, Information Academy and Journalistic Academy. Besides, he also taught overseas, among others Wolfgang Goethe Universitat (Frankfurt, Germany), State University of New York (Albany, the United States of America), and Nanyang University of Singapore. In addition, Slamet Muljana officiated as director of institute for language and culture in Singapore, also became member of board of curators at Institute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore.



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In this year's Lebaran, the government provides relatively adequate lanes of going home. The line starts from toll roads, old arterial roads to alternative roads. However, good and measurable traffic flow management is the key to avoid serious congestion. Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi said in Jakarta, on Sunday (3/6/2018) that he expects the prospective travelers not to depart at the same time. With long holidays, travelers can go home more freely. He further said that time management needs to be considered. Homecoming peak is estimated on June 9th or Day-6 of Lebaran at Cikarang Toll Gate, West Java, and June 10 or Day-5 in Semarang.

Former Rector of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta for the period 1998-2006, Azyumardi Azra at a seminar in Central Jakarta last week, told his son who was studying at the University of Indonesia (UI) had been approached by radical groups. Azyumardi's experience illustrates how radical elements have penetrated the campus's everyday life in the country, especially after the Densus 88 anti-terror team arrested a terrorist suspect and two witnesses at the University of Riau (Unri) on last Saturday (2/6). Earlier, Chief of State Intelligence Agency –BIN, Budi Gunawan at the BEM IV Congress in Semarang on Saturday (28/4), said that about 39% of college students have been exposed to radical understanding. Budi added that based on the survey result, 24 percent of students and 23.3 percent of high school students agree with Jihad for the establishment of an Islamic state. Therefore, Vice Chairman of the Advisory Board of Indonesia Forum Rector (FRI), Asep Saifuddin emphasized that students should be made aware that radical thinking only consumes energy in the midst of fast-moving world with innovation-based development model.

Minister of Tourism, Arief Yahya explained before the homecoming wave begins, that the period is the right momentum for the regions to promote the leading tourist destinations. Moreover, Lebaran moment with long holidays  will make the tourist areas crowded with visitors. Arief projects the potential area that will be the backbone of tourism during the homecoming season is Sukabumi- Serang which is the Java-Sumatra route. Meanwhile, Solo and Banyuwangi are ready to welcome local travelers with various events. Arief also projected that Idul Fitri is able to increase the flow of tourist movements in the archipelago favorite destinations, despite the number of foreign tourists visiting declined during the period.


Diplomatic Corner

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Organic agricultural product from Indonesia succeeded to record transaction worth more than $3.3 million dollars in an exhibition of National Restaurant Association (NRA) in Chicago, the United States of America May 19–22, 2018. During the 4-day exhibition at McCormick Place, Chicago, Indonesian Pavilion was responded positively. Even, the products attracted and became one of main exhibitions. Head of Indonesian Trade Promotion Center (ITPC) Chicago, Billy Anugrah said that total of transaction obtained during the exhibition reached more than $3.3 million dollars from over 30 transactions. Indonesian pavilion was visited by more than 100 buyers. Billy further said that the Indonesian products which were the most attracted by US buyers, were coconut sugar and cream.

Ministry of Trade provides consultant/expert to run information for Head Office of Free Trade Agreement -FTA Center in 5 cities across Indonesia. The FTA Center is information center for people to be able to optimally use the FTA. Director General of International Trade Negotiation at the Trade of Ministry, Iman Pambagyo explained that the FTA Center is needed so that all parties are be able to follow the latest information and  development on free trade agreements which involve Indonesia. The establishment of the FTA Center is an effort to reach and to maximize the advantage of free trade agreement for Indonesian economy. Iman also said that one of the keys to the successful implementation of free trade agreement is that all communities are expected to know correctly the FTA,  the benefits and how to utilize it.

Ministry of Industry encouraged acceleration of the settlement negotiations in cooperation of Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA). As many as 11 rounds of negotiation have been conducted since March 2016. Hopefully, this year, IA-CEPA can be finalized. After meeting with Australian Ambassador to Indonesia Gary Quinlan AO, Minister of Industry, Airlangga Hartarto hoped that IA-CEPA can be signed when Prime Minister of Australia,  Malcom Turnbull will make a visit to Indonesia in July. The reason is that most of the issues related to industrial sector which was discussed, have finished and both sides have agreed. This was stated by Minister Airlangga in a press statement on Sunday (3/6). Minister Airlangga ensured that the existence of comprehensive bilateral cooperation will increase export value of Indonesian products to Australia.


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Program Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR is form of company’s responsibility for surrounding environment, where every company has responsibility to develop its surrounding environment through the existence of social programs. Especially related to people’s main needs of  surrounding company, Acting Governor of South Sulawesi, Soni Sumarsono said when visiting Wind Power Plant in Sidrap regency, South Sulawesi on Saturday (2/6/2018) that the program includes what people needs in accordance with the potential. Thus, every company in the program consulates with local people and government so that it has benefits for local people. Operational Director of Wind Power Plant in Sidrap, Aaron Pritchard said that his side has run the program to help people distribute the assistance. 

Regional police of North Maluku through Directorate of Water and Air Police succeeded to secure 80 protected animals in various species in South Halmahera regency on last Thursday (31/5/2018). Dozen protected animals, which were wanted to be smuggled to the Philippines, are 28 orang-utans, 21 fresh water turtles, 18 cockatoos, 8 Bayan green parrots and 5 Bayan red parrots. Director of Water Police of North Maluku Regional police, Commissioner Arif B.W when explaining to RRI said that the chronology of the arrest of the protected animals is follow-up of report of community, which was received by crew ship. The ship was loading the animals around the beach of Bori village of South Halmahera. This was stated by Arif B.W  in Ternate on Sunday (3/6/2018). From the investigation, the Water Police secured 80 protected animals which will be smuggled from Indonesia to the Philippines through sea line and the animals were not completed with documents. Besides, the ship was also not completed with Sailing Approval Letter. In additional to securing the evidences, the Water Police also secured 4 suspects. Commissioner Arif affirmed those perpetrators and the evidences which were secured in this case are under investigation by the Water Police to know the transaction process of protected animals, with a 5-year imprisonment and a fine of one hundred million rupiah.

To anticipate the flow of passenger by air transportation before Idul Fitri 1439 Hijriah, Sultan Babullah Ternate Airport established Integrated Post of Lebaran Air Transportation 2018. The post is a follow-up letter of Directorate General of Air Transportation on the implementation of Lebaran Air Transportation 2018. Operational Head of Sultan Babullah Ternate Airport, Saifullah told RRI in Ternate on last Saturday (2/6) that the post will start operating on June 7, 2018 until June 24, 2018. Saifullah also said that the post involves various elements not only personnel from Sultan Babullah Ternate Airport, but also personnel of the Coast Police Security Unityof Sultan Babullah Ternate Airport and the airlines companies. He further said that both passengers and escorts are also asked to obey the rules of the airlines for the smooth operation of the airport.



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The first information is from the Philippines.

At Malacanang Palace in Manila, the Philippines on Monday (28/5), Indonesian Ambassador to the Philippines, Dr. Sinyo Harry Sarundajang accompanied by Deputy Chief Indonesian representative in Manila, Budi Dhewajani and military attaché, Col. Sony Hendayana handed over credentials to President of the Philippines, Rodrigo Roa Duterte.  Meanwhile, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte was accompanied by Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Alan Cayetano and a number of officials of the Philippines’ foreign affairs. The event was begun by ​ laying of wreaths at Rizal Park National Monument and ended by bilateral meeting. In the meeting, the Philippines’ President conveyed his hope on the increasing of bilateral cooperation between Indonesia and the Philippines in the future, especially border cooperation, terrorism eradication, trade and investment. At the meeting, the plan of signature of purchase of 4 unit Diesel Multiple Trains and 3 Diesel Hydraulic Locomotive Trains was discussed between PT INKA (Indonesia) and Philippines National Railway -PNR.​ The President also indicated the plan of his existence on Informal ASEAN Leaders Meeting in Bali in October 2018.

The next information is from Egypt.

There are around 2 Indonesian products which are well known in Egypt, namely noodle from Indomie of Egypt and Ban Gajah Tunggal factory. The two products are spread out beginning from the urban areas until to a number of small towns. Indomie becomes the main producer of noodle product in Egypt. General Manager of Indomie, Gunawan Harianto said in Cairo on Tuesday (29/5) that after more than 10years to build noodle factory in Egypt, the existence of its product is more famous. Even, when fasting month, the noodle product is used for Iftar and Sahur, like other staple foods in Egypt.

We end Diplomatic Corner with information from Brunei. 

Although implementing fast, Indonesian embassy and people in Brunei Darussalam are still active to do blood donor. At the second phase of ten days in the month of Ramadhan 1439 H, Indonesian people in Brunei Darussalam are still active in various events. Fasting does not become obstacle to keep working and to do various activities. Take for example, on Saturday (26/5), Indonesian Migrant Worker community in Brunei Darussalam held blood donor social event. Cooperating with Blood Donor Center, RIPAS Hospital – Bandar Seri Begawan, hundreds of members of Indonesian people from various communities participated in the event which was also attended by Shinta Hapsari, the first secretary of information social culture. Chairman of the Indonesian Migrant Worker of Brunei Darussalam, Sihabudin said that the donors were fasting and working as usual. Even, they also participated in Iftar and did prayer together with the Indonesian embassy in the evening. Sihabudin added that his side plans to hold similar event in July 2018. Besides the activity of blood donor, the Indonesian people also routinely participate in Iftar event with the Indonesian embassy every week, which is attended by more than 200 people from various communities.  The event is also filled with by lecture by Indonesian Muslim scholars who stay in Brunei Darussalam. Most of the speakers are lecturers and teachers in various universities and famous schools in Brunei Darussalam. In addition to the event, the Indonesian embassy also actively holds religious event at temporary shelter of the Indonesian embassy. Every day, Indonesian Ambassador to Brunei Darussalam, Sujatmiko, staffs and Indonesian citizens who are at the shelter, do Dzuhur prayer together and this is continued with lecture by the Indonesian embassy’s staff. At the evening, cooperating with Dompet Dhuafa and people’s organization of “Permai", the Indonesian embassy holds Tarawih prayer together at the shelter.



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Today's Mosaic of the Archipelago presents information: first, it’s English Day Program for teacher in Kupang. The second information is that Merapi status is still alert although its activity is restful. The third information is that 4.0 Industrial Era, North Lombok regency explores Potential of Applied Campus in Malaysia.

Education office of Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara -NTT plans English Day program for teachers at educational college in Kupang. Head of Education office of Kupang, Filmon Lulupoy told the journalists after declaration of English Day program for teachers in Kupang on Wednesday (30/5) that English language is very important in globalization era so that educators in  Kupang must know English language well and correctly in doing their activities at school. Furthermore, Filmon said that the program is not difficult. It stars from easy things such as greetings to the teachers. The teachers are necessary to speak English with their students at class rooms. If it is conducted continuously, it will become a good habit at schools.

Institute for Research and Development of Geological Disaster Technology mentioned that there has not been any change of significant activity at Mt. Merapi in Central Java over the last one week. However, the status is still maintained on Level II or being ‘alert’. This was stated by Head of Institute for Research and Development of Geological Disaster Technology, Hanik Humaida in Yogyakarta on Wednesday (30/5). One of activities which was quite significant in last two days is the emergence of gusts and falling. The gust signs activity on surface to release gas, while falling signs that there are materials which are released. Hanik mentioned that after the eruption, the condition of materials at the peak of the mountain is predicted to be unstable and dry. This made the materials at the peak easier to be released. Besides, the activity of tectonic and volcanic earthquake sometimes happens. Within May, eruption of the Mt. Merapi happened several times. In one day, it erupted one until twice. Thus, Hanik reminded that people have to obey the recommendation of the Institute to not do activities at radius 3 Km from the peak.

We end Mosaic of the Archipelago with the information on 4.0 Industrial Era, North Lombok regency explores Potential of Applied Campus in Malaysia.

To welcome 4.0 industrial era, Regent of North Lombok, Najmul Akhyar met CEO Institute of Melaka Industrial Mastery of Malaysia, Datuk R Reghu to explore potential of applied campus. The meeting discussed potency and chance for North Lombok people to be able to go college while working for 3 years in Malaysia. The institute gives opportunity for 25 North Lombok students who want to participate in the program for free of charge. Meanwhile, Head of Regional Revenue Board of Group of Enterprises, Heryanto SP stated that innovation of going college while working can directly contribute to increase index of human development in North Lombok. Education and Culture Attaché of Indonesian Embassy in Malaysia, Ari Purbayanto welcomed the idea of cooperation between North Lombok regency and Malaysian Ministry of Religion. The Indonesian Embassy in Malaysia will contribute to help the realization of the event.


In addition to commemorating the birth of Pancasila on June 1st,  the International Children's Day is also commemorated. International Child Day or Children’s Day is celebrated every June 1, while it is universally commemorated on November 20th. Children's Day is an important event whose warnings have different dates for each country. The celebration as great day aims to respect the rights for all children in the world. Many cases of violence and abuse were experienced by children in Indonesia and some other countries. These cases continue to increase each year, and become a frightening factor for younger generations. To support the welfare of children and protect their rights legally, one of the formations of Law No. 4/1979 on Child Welfare mentions the provisions of the problem for children in Indonesia. Then, Presidential Instruction No. 2/1989 states that the development of child welfare is based on the legal basis for the creation of Indonesian children in first decade -1986 - 1996 and the second decade in 1996 - 2006. Children as the next generation of nation shall be protected. Child protection cannot be separated from the children as victims, witnesses, or even as criminal suspects. Therefore, an effective child protection system is required on the condition that there are interrelated components. These components include the social welfare system for children and families, a system of justice in accordance with international standards, and mechanisms to encourage appropriate behavior in society. In addition, a supportive legal and policy framework, data and information system for child protection are required. At the community level, these components should be incorporated into a series of child protection services that promote child welfare and protection and increase the capacity of families to fulfill their responsibilities. The law and policy framework in Indonesia need to be strengthened to prevent and deal with violence, mistreatment, exploitation and neglect of children. The current law and policy framework are conducive to promoting the rights of children, but there are still some gaps. The legal framework should designate a government agency with clear duties, authorities and responsibilities for the handling and delivery of child protection services. Indonesia also faces the challenge of ensuring harmonization of regional  regulations (Perda) and child protection policies in nearly 500 districts. With the policy, the authority can enact its own rules. Therefore, the last step taken by the central government is to develop the guidelines of the regional regulation that refers to a system-based approach to child protection.



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Here are the Headlines of several national newspapers published today, May 31.

We begin with Kompas entitled, “Bank Indonesia Reference Rate Increase for Anticipation”.

In the last two weeks, Bank Indonesia –BI had twice increased their reference rate, each for 25 points or 0.25 percent. Currently, the Bank Indonesia’s reference rate is 4.75 percent. The Bank Indonesia 7-Day Reverse Repo Rate was 4.25 percent since September 2017. On Thursday (17/5), the reference rate increased into 4.5 percent. In Bank Indonesia’s Board of Governors Meeting (RDG) yesterday, Bank Indonesia’s reference rate increased into 4.75 percent. Meanwhile, on Wednesday’s RDG which was an additional monthly RDG, the Bank Indonesia increased their deposit interest rate in the form of Rupiah or deposit facility for 25 basis points into 4 percent. Meanwhile, the rupiah loan interest from Bank Indonesia also increased 0.25 percent into 5.5 percent.

Moving on to Republika entitiled, “E-KTP Removal was partial”

The removal of invalid or defective electronic ID card (e-KTP) is ongoing. The removal was carried out at the asset storage of Human Resource Development Agency from Indonesian Human Affairs Ministry in Bogor Regency, West Java. Until Wednesday (30/5), the Ministry’s Population and Civil Registration Directorate General recorded that 56 boxes containing 156.800 e-KTPs were destroyed by being cut in their edges. The number is still lower than the total invalid e-KTP found after unannounced inspection by House of Representative’s Commission II at the storage on Monday (28/5), which reached to 805 thousand. Population and Civil Registration Directorate General targeted the removal will complete in the next two days. Home Affairs Minister, Tjahjo Kumolo explained, the cutting of invalid e-KTP was done to respond the concern among the people. It was because after the scattered e-KTP incident at Salabenda on last Saturday (26/5), some of the public were concerned with the invalid e-KTP being abused. 

We end the Headline with Media Indonesia entitled, “Optimizing Preparation for Eid Holiday”.

Ministries and institutions were asked to finish all preparation to welcome this year’s Eid al-Fitr Holiday. The preparation is including not only road and facilities, but also the availability of transportation, fuels, groceries, and security before and during Eid Holiday.

That was affirmed by President Joko Widodo in a closed meeting on Eid Holiday Preparation at the Presidential Office in Jakarta, yesterday. Besides, he also mentioned the preparation of security personnel. President Joko Widodo also demanded the synergy between the police and army in preventing and countering security disturbances during Ramadan and before Eid Holiday so that people can do their religious activities without worry.


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The Bengkulu province military resort041 Gamas command in cooperation with Food Crops, Horticulture, and Plantationoffice of Mukomuko regency, have agreedon cetak sawah program as wide as 400 hectares in Mukomuko regency, in implementing 9 visions of Indonesian President to besovereign, independent and self-sufficiency in food nation. Commander of military resort, Col. Irnando Arnold B Sinaga, said on Monday (28/5) that the cooperation as a follow-up of the meeting of Chief of Staff of Regional Command II of Sriwijaya militarywith Food Crops, Horticulture, and Plantationoffice of Mukomuko recently, to implement self-sufficiency in food nationally, by creating new regions as national barns. In the context, Indonesian Army is prosecuted to be able to support realization of national defense formidablein facing various threats, one of them by implementing food security. Col. Irnando committed to continue and to keep helping the regional government in sustainable self-sufficiency in food program to reach work target of new field expansion which has been determined.

To anticipate congestionat Cipali toll when the flow of homecoming and turning Lebaran 2018, especially in Subang regency, West Java, Transportation office of Subang regency is ready to impose traffic engineeringThis was stated by head of transportation office of Subang regency, Rona Mairansyah, to Radio Republik Indonesia in Subang, on Monday (28/5). Rona Mairansyah also said that his office opens the gate of Kaliangsana Kalijati and Cilameri Pagaden toll. Morever, the prediction of the increase in the flow of travelers’ vehicles will occur since H min 5 of Idul Fitr, because it coincides with the start of a long school holiday, so that traffic engineering efforts can effectively anticipate traffic jams such as that occurred in the flow of homecoming and returning Lebaran in 2017.Meanwhile, traffic engineering was said by Rona,if the flow of vehicles that are diverted from the Cipali toll road through the Kalianggana Kalijati Toll Gate, vehicles can be transferred to Pantura through Purwadadi-Sukamandi-Ciasem, can also be transferred to Cikamurang, through Kalijati-Subang city, while the flow of travellers vehicles which are diverted through Cilameri toll gate, are also diverted to Pantura, through Pagaden-Binong-Pamanukan, if to Cikamurang are diverted through Subang-Kota-Cikamurang.

Cilacap becomes the only one regency/city in Indonesia which is selected to participate in assessment of the Tangguh City in the Asia Pacific Region. For thatUnited Office for Disaster Risk Reduction  for Disaster Risk Reductionon the recommendation of the National Disaster Management Agencyto hold the assessment on Monday (28/5). Delegation of the United Office to conduct audiency with vice regent, Syamsul Auliya Rahman, on Monday (28/5). There are important things discussed in the audiency. The delegation will give support substantially and technically, supported by the Government of Cilacap regency, to implement Cilacap as the City of Strong Disaster. Besides that, the benefit can be gained by the region is the opportunity to bring donor agencies and investors to the development of Cilacap tothe City of Strong Disaster. Syamsul Auliya Rahman welcomed the delegation who selected Cilacap as Indonesian representative. According to Syamsul, the assessmentis in line with Cilacap regent’s idea,  Tatto Suwarto Pamuji, to make Cilacap to be Singapore of Java which needs to be anticipated by all parties.