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Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman

Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman (0)

The Indonesian Embassy in Beirut has acknowledged its continued support for trade cooperation improvement between Indonesia and Lebanon. Indonesian Ambassador to Lebanon Hajriyanto Y Thohari gave the Primaduta Award to Lebanese businessman and importer, George R Fattouh. The award was given for his service in helping market Indonesian products in Paris from the Middle East. The award was given at a ceremony at the Indonesian Embassy in Beirut, Thursday (11/1)  Fatough, is the owner of George R. Fattouh S.A.L, a business that has been importing Indonesian products since the 1980s. It has a range of products, including: palm oil and its derivatives, oil and fats (including cocoa butter substitute, fat spread, hydrogenated palm kernel oil, and lauric confectionery fats), cardboard, stationary, and school equipment. Some Indonesian products are now even available at famous retail networks, such as Spinney’s and Carrefour. In 2022, the value imported by George R. Fattough S.A.L of Indonesian products, was 981.3 million USD. This was a 149.5 million USD increase when compared to 2021. Fattouh said Indonesian products are known for their quality and are in high demand in Lebanese markets. However, he said, the challenge now is increasing freight costs due to security challenges in the region. 

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Garulina (0)



Listeners, a number of delicious dishes were served to the guests of Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman Yogyakarta, at the wedding reception of the youngest son of K.G.P.A.A. Paku Alam X, namely B.P.H. Kusumo Kuntonugroho with Laily Annisa Kusumastuti which was held on January 10, 2024.Head of the Customs and Accommodation Division, Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman, KRT Radyo Wisroyo said that the menu served to guests was quite varied. These menus are typical menus prepared by Pakualaman Pura, Indonesian menus and western food menus were also available. All invited guests including VIP and VVIP guests got the same menu. The first menu served to welcome guests, namely two types of welcome drink, namely lime lemongrass and ginger drink with lime. The welcome drink was given when guests sat down and watched the Bedhaya Sidamukti and Bedhaya Kakung Indrawidagda dance performances. Next, they gotsnacks for appetizer such as croquettes and other light snacks. There is a snack that is considered quite special and rare called Garulina. Garulina was the opening snack at the Pahargyan Dhaup Ageng Pakualaman lunch on the first day. Garulina has been around since the era before Indonesian independence. Garulina is actually not a typical Central Javanese food. It looks like the Lapis Legit layered cake, but there is something different, because there is a special layer like vla which is made from fresh milk, eggs and sugar. To get this sweet snack, Pakulaman Temple has to place a special order from the third generation of makers who have been pioneering since the 1950s. In Jogja, Garulina is very difficult to find and is considered rare because it is not sold every day.

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Hasil gambar untuk foto rumah biru


Welcome back to Let's Speak Bahasa Indonesian, a lesson on Bahasa Indonesia or the Indonesian language on the radio which introduces Indonesian vocabulary and phrases and guides you to used them in a conversation. Let's Speak Bahasa Indonesia is a collaboration between Voice Of Indonesia, RRI Foreign Broadcasting Station and the Agency for Language Development , Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. Today’s topic is "YANG MANA RUMAH PAK JOKO?" Or in English: “Which one is Mr Joko’s House?”


Here is an example of a conversation on "YANG MANA RUMAH PAK JOKO?" Or in English: “Which one is Mr Joko’s House?”.


Tony and the taxi driver arrive on Garuda Street. They are looking for Joko's house. The taxi driver asks a person there.


Sopir    :Permisi , maaf mau tanya.


Warga  :Ya?


Sopir    :Yang mana rumah Pak Joko?


Warga  :oh, itu di sana, rumah yang berwarna biru.


Sopir    :Oh, terima kasih, Pak.


Warga   :   Sama-sama.


Here are the expression and vocabulary related to the theme today, which is "YANG MANA RUMAH PAK JOKO?" Or in English: “Which one is Mr Joko’s House?”.


Permisi, maaf mau tanya (In English) Excuse me, I’d like to ask.


Yang mana rumah Pak Joko? (In English) Which one is Mr. Joko's house?


Warna (In English) Color


Berwarna (In English) With color


Itu di sana, rumah yang berwarna biru (In English) It's over there, the blue house


In the dialogue, the driver asks, "Yang mana rumah Pak Joko?” which means " Which one is Mr. Joko's house?". The person asked gives a clue by mentioning the color of Joko’s house, " Itu di sana, rumah yang berwarna biru which means It's over there, the blue house”. If you are asked, you can give directions by mentioning the characteristics of the house or objects that are around the house, for example,Itu di sana, yang dekat pohon mangga.”"It's there, near the mango tree.


Another example, ""Yang mana rumah Pak Joko?” which means " Which one is Mr. Joko's house?".And is answered ”Yang besar, yang dua lantai.”  which means It's over there, the big one with two storeys.”


That was Let's Speak Bahasa Indonesia edition this time. Hopefully this edition can be useful for those of you who want to learn Bahasa Indonesia.


For practice send your voice recording in Indonesian: to the following email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. There will be an attractive prize for selected senders.


The exercise is: describe a tourist object or destination in your country. Mention the name of the country, the tourist spot, the location and weather there. All in bahasa Indonesia or the Indonesian language.




Selamat pagi, negara saya Indonesia, memiliki tempat wisata Candi Prambanan yang terletak di Jogyakarta. Cuaca sekitar Candi Prambanan panas . Gudeg adalah makanan khas Jogyakarta.

Good Luck and Sampai Jumpa!










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The first information is from Jakarta. President Joko Widodo will welcome the visit of Indian Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi at the State Palace, Jakarta, May 29-31.

The arrival of Prime Minister Modi is the first official visit to Indonesia and return visit of the state visit held by President Joko Widodo to India in December 2016 and attending the ASEAN-India Commemorative Summit in January. Both leaders plan to discuss bilateral, regional and global issues.The bilateral agenda will include areas of cooperation aimed at mutual benefit in the fields of politics, defense, security, maritime, economy, and they also strengthen people-to-people contacts and culture. The regional and global agenda will include the conditions and challenges faced in the region and globally today, and how the two countries can work together and make a real contribution to the creation of a peaceful, secure, and prosperous region and the world.

The visit is also held in order to welcome the 70 years of Indonesia-India diplomatic relations in 2019. In a series of events, there will also be the second Indonesia-India High Executive Official Forum.The Forum will be attended by the Supreme Executive Officials of Indonesia and India who will produce a joint recommendationwhich will be later submitted to President Joko Widodo and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. In this visit, Indonesia and India’s strategic partnership will also be encouraged through the signing of a number of memoranda of understanding.

Next information is from Colombia. On last May 23, Colombian Society of Press and Mass Communication gave conferment ‘Francisco de Paula Santander’s Law and Democracy Award’ to Indonesia Ambassador Bogota for his various activities, roles, and contributions to the enhancement of bilateral relations between Indonesia and Colombia.The award ceremony was held at Colombia National Police Academy Headquarters, Bogota.Colombian Society of Press and Mass Communication is one of the influential organizations in Colombia that performe well and has a positive impact on institutional strengthening, democracy, transparency and socio-economic development in Colombia.

The last information is from Busan, South Korea. Various activities are initiated by the Indonesia Embassy of Seoul by holding the ASEAN Cultural House in Busan.

During two weeks, the event was held in an integrated promotional package of Indonesia themed Easy Access Indonesia: Unlocking the Infinite Culture, Nature, and Venture in Busan, starting from May 15-27. ASEAN Culture House displayed a variety of commodities and typical artwork of Indonesia, ranging from specialty coffee to home decor. Indonesia Ambassador to South Korea, Umar Hadi mentioned that the event is aimed at improving Indonesia-South Korea relations, especially after being upgraded to a Special Strategic Partnership during President South Korea Moon Jae-In's visit to Indonesia in mid-November 2017. Ambassador Umar Hadi hoped that this can bring Indonesia closer to the hearts and minds of South Korean society or international community living in South Korea, especially in Busan.

Director Generalof ASEAN Cultural House in Busan, Seunghoon Ham said his side cooperated with Indonesia Embassy of Seoul. This is in line with the vision and mission of the ASEAN Cultural House, that is to bring ASEAN society closer to South Korean society and raise awareness and mutual understanding among them.



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Gambar terkait


Today in History over RRI World Service, Voice of Indonesia start from an event on on May 29, 1953 when Sir Edmund Hilary and Tenzing Norgay were the first people to reach the peak of Mount Everest.

Edmund Hillary, a New Zealand mountaineer and Tenzing Norgay, a Nepalese sherpa, became the first people to reach the peak of Mount Everest, the highest peak of the Himalayas. They reached the top of the mountain as high as 8 thousand 850 meters on May 29, 1953. In the ascent, Edmund Hillary was assisted by 150 professional climbers plus 750 people who supported provisions with a Sherpa guide named Tenzing Norgay. After the success, Edmund Hillary concentrated on improving the living conditions of Nepalese, especially the Sherpas.

I’ll switch to the Heysel tragedy of May 29, 1985 that killed 32 Juventus F.C supporters.

The Heysel tragedy occurred on 29 May 1985 during a football match between Liverpool and Juventus in the Champions Cup, currently called the Champions League at the Heysel stadium in Brussels, Belgium. The incident became an opaque history of English football even though at that time, the English clubs were victorious. Because of this incident UK teams were banned from playing at the International level for 5 years. The tragedy started when  fans of each club mocked and harassed each other. Then suddenly, about an hour before kick-off, the Liverpool hooligans broke through the barrier into Juventus tifosi territory. Juventus supporters tried to stay away but then a tragedy occurred. The barrier wall in the sector collapsed because it could not hold the burden of people who kept trying to push and jump over the fence. Hundreds of people fell on the falling walls. As a result, as many as 39 people died and 600 more injured. Some Liverpool supporters were then sentenced to three years in jail for being perceived as the trigger for the violence.

I’ll end Today in History with May 29, 1996 when President Soeharto officially declared the National Elderly Day.

National Elderly Day in Indonesia is commemorated every May 29 as a form of awareness and respect for the elderly. According to Law No. 13/1998 on Elderly Welfare, the Elderly are persons who are 60 years of age and older. The National Elderly Day was officially declared by President Soeharto in Semarang on May 29, 1996 to honor the services of Dr. Radjiman Wediodiningrat who in his later years presided over the first trial of the Indonesian Preparatory Agency for the Preparation of Indonesian Independence (BPUPKI). As a manifestation of respect for the elderly, the Indonesian government established the National Commission for the Protection of Senior Citizens -Komnas Lansia, and drafted the National Plan of Action for the Elderly under the coordination of the office of the Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare. Komnas Lansia was formed based on Presidential Decree No. 52/2004 and served as coordinator of efforts to improve the social welfare of the elderly in Indonesia.



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Today's Mosaic of the Archipelago presents information: first, to return the greatness of Bayur bay. The second information is that Jamaat reserves will fulfill jamaat who does not pay off the cost of holding the pilgrimage. The third information is that more than 8,000 people of Mt. Merapi slope are prohibited to do activities at 3- Km zone.

Various improvements were conducted by PT Pelindo II of Bayur bay to return the greatness of Bayur bay.  It is targeted that in 2020, Bayur bay seaport will become the biggest seaport throughout Indonesia. This was stated by General Manager of Pelindo II, Bayur bay, Padang, Armen Amir to RRI on Sunday (27/5/2018). He remarked that as the vital object of the distribution of goods coming in and out, Bayur  bay is improving itself through facility improvement, increasing of capacity and productivity,  and the completeness of IT-based information systems. The existence of data mentioned that the visit of ships to Bayur bay seaport during 2017 reached 2 thousand 7 hundred ships with distribution of the goods 12 million tons per year. It is very unfortunate if the biggest seaport at the Western coast of Sumatera cannot rise and optimalize extra-ordinary potential in accordance with its slogan, Teluk Bayur Bangkit in English means Bayur Bay Rising. With its current status, as middle seaport, it is not enough for Bayur  bay seaport for complacency. There is a lot of homework which must be done to return the greatness of the seaport which was established in 1858. Pelindo II Teluk Bayur focuses on improving the seaport’s area by completing the needed facilities, such as warehouse and expansion of the land to support seaport service operation.

Ministry of Religious Affairs has closed the phase II period of payment of regular Hajj pilgrimageon Friday (25/5/2018). But, as many as 943 prospective pilgrims did not repay. Minister of Religious Affairs, Lukman Hakim Saifuddin ensured that prospective pilgrims, who have paid the fee, will directly fulfill pilgrims quota until the second phase ended. According to the minister, the number of the prospective pilgrims who have paid the fee, is more than 944 people. At least, the Minister further said, the reserve pilgrims are 5 percent from the total of pilgrims this year. There are 201,545 Indonesian pilgrims who have paid the fee. This was stated by Head of Sub-Directorate of pilgrim registration, Noer Aliya Fitra. Meanwhile, until Friday (25/5/2018), there are 3,981 pilgrims who have done repayment with reserve status.

We end Mosaic of the archipelago with the information: more than 8,000 people of Mt. Merapi are prohibited to do activities at 3-Km zone.

As many as 8,484 residents who live on the slope of Mt. Merapi,  Kemalang district, Klaten regency, Central Java, in Disaster Prone Areas, were asked to be still alert and prohibited to do activities at 3-Km zone from the peak of Mt. Merapi.Head of Regional Disaster Management Agencyof Klaten regency, Bambang Giyanto said in Yogyakarta on Sunday (27/5/2018) that the residents who enter in Disaster Prone Areas, are spread out at 3 villages, namely  Balerante,  Sidorejo and Tegal Mulyo. According to Bambang Giyanto, his office has provided a number of clusters such as cattle cluster which is in charge of livestock, logistic cluster or security cluster and the others. Bambang also informed that his office still also seeks location for cattle which is not far from the shelters of the refugees.



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Besides long holidays, Lebaran in 2018 will make the business world more exciting. Businesspeople, especially in the tourism sector, are prepared to welcome the tens of millions of travelers who will spent their money up to hundreds of trillions of rupiah in their respective regions. Transportation infrastructure, such as toll roads, national roads, double track railways, and airports, are ready to serve travelers who will celebrate Idul Fitri 1439 Hijri in their respective villages. Ministry of Transportation predicts nationwide the number of Lebaran 2018 travelers as many as 19.5 million people or up 10-15 percent compared from 2017. The pattern of movement of people in homecoming causes a large number of economic activities. According to Kompas's note, the circulation of money during Lebaran 2017 was around Rp 163.6 trillion. Indonesia estimates the circulation of money will be around Rp 200 million or increase around 10-12 percent this year. The value is almost seven times the value of West Java regional budget. The economic activities will grow more and more  after the government provides holiday allowances and the 13th salary for officials, state apparatuses and retirees.

The prices of some basic staples have increased at the second week of Ramadhan 1439 H. Based on reports from various regions across the country, the increased prices can be found at chicken eggs and flour. Chairman of the Association of Traditional Traders of Indonesia, Abdullah Mansuri said meat demand is low and the percentage is around 47 percent in Ramadan. He assumed that such condition occurs because some people may consume fish and Tempe.

The development of an industrial estate in Morowali brings about widespread effects to the region's economic growth. The people of Morowali Regency, Central Sulawesi did think before that that their lives would be as prosperous as they are today. When compared to the condition five years ago, their average monthly earnings were saddening, and far from being enough. The development of industrial parks in Morowali District creates widespread effects to regional and national economic growth. Regent of Morowali , Anwar Hafid said that the move is in accordance with the Nawacita of the present government led by President Joko Widodo and Vice President Jusuf Kalla who have built Indonesia from the periphery.


Diplomatic Corner

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Trade Minister Meeting of Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation -APEC was held for two days on May 25 – 26, 2018 in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea -PNG. The meeting resulted in some agreements, such as another access expansion for participation of all elements of Asia Pacific people in economic and trade activities, optimization of the use digital technology, internationalization of micro, small and middle enterprises, strengthening of connectivity throughout the region, and creation of inclusive and sustainable growth. Representing Indonesian Trade Minister, Director General of International Trade Negotiation at Trade Ministry, Iman Pambagyo welcomed APEC’s various initiatives and emphasized the importance of inclusive element in economic growth. He also wants all Indonesian people to get benefits from the economy as much as possible because the changing can encourage welfare distribution. PNG as the host of APEC 2018 carried a theme “Harnessing Inclusive Opportunities, Embracing the Digital Future”.

Indonesian handmade jewelries succeeded to attract visitors of  the 22nd International Jewelry Kobe (IJK) starting on May 16 until 18, 2018 in Kobe, Japan. The jewelries made Indonesian pavilion get attracted. This was stated by Head of Indonesian Trade Promotion Center (ITPC) Osaka, Ichwan Joesoef. The event was one of the biggest jewelry exhibitions in Japan. Indonesian Ministry of Trade through ITPC Osaka in cooperation with Indonesian Consulate General in Osaka facilitated 12 Indonesian brands in the exhibition this year. From the exhibition,  Indonesian pavilion recorded transaction and transaction potential more than 10 million yen or $90 thousand dollars.

Indonesia continues to expand export market for industrial products to European Union region. Some national manufacture products which are increasing the exports’ value are like foods and beverages, textile, cloths and foot-wears,  palm oil and its derivatives. The Indonesian and European Union economy has been synergized so far. Minister of industry, Airlangga Hartarto said that after receiving the visit of European Union Ambassador to Indonesia, Vincent Guerend in Jakarta on last Friday (25/5) that the commodity competitiveness between both parties is different so that they can complement each other. The Ministry of Industry recorded that total value of Indonesia-European Union trade in 2017 reached $25.2 billion dollars by Indonesian export to European Union worth $14.5 billion dollars and import around $10.7 billion dollars. So, the surplus was around $3.8 billion dollars. Meanwhile, investment value of European Union in Indonesia in 2016 reached $2.6 billion dollars, with 2,813 projects. To enhance bilateral economic cooperation, Minister Airlangga also encouraged acceleration of settlement of negotiation of Indonesia-European Union Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IEU-CEPA). The 4th negotiation of IEU-CEPA was conducted in February 2018 in Surakarta, Central Java. The 5th negotiation will be conducted in July 2018 in Brussels, Belgium.



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Here is Headlines of several national newspapers published today, May 26.

We begin with Kompas entitled, “Terror Act Prevention becomes Priority”. The effort to eradicate and prevent terrorism got new energy. Anti-terrorism Act that was approved by House of Representatives on Friday (25/5) became the legal basis for law enforcer to prioritize preventive moves agains terror actions. The police aided by National Army TNI can execute all necessary moves to prevent the terror action, but still uphold the human rights. The law enforcers are also allowed to arrest Indonesian citizens who return to the country after joining terrorist groups abroad. Besides prioritizing prevention, the Anti-terrorism Act was seen to be more comprehensive in protecting victims by arranging compensation, restitution, medical aid, psychological & psycosocial rehab, as well as compensation for dead victim. The antiterrorism draft bill had been dsicussed since April 27 2016 and was accelerated after series of terror attacks in several regions. Moving on to Media Indonesia entitled, “TNI Involvement was Highest Commander’s Command. War drums against terrorism in the country was sounded louder. Government will accelerate the discussion of the presidential regulation on National Army TNI involvemenr in terrorism countermeasures. That was done after the House’s plenary session on Friday (25/5) which aproved the draft bill no. 15/2003 on government regulation in lieu of law no. 1/2002 on antiterrorism into a law. Presidential Staff Head Moeldoko said, the presidential regulation on TNI involvement in terrorism countermeasure will rather regulate technical elements. Moeldoko addes, the President will lead directly the presidential regulation on TNI involvement in countering terrorism. We end the Headlines with Republika entitled Global Bonds is Still an Option. Bond emission stayed as fundraising alternative for state-owned companies, despite having to pay higher interest amidst financial market volatility. In 2018 period, three state-owned companies had colllected fund by global bond issuance. The total emission had reached 2.90 billion US dollar.

The most recent was PT PLN which issued bond with value of 2 billion US dollar in Singapore Stock Exchange. The state-owned electricity company issued global bond in two tenures, namely 10 years with 5.45 percent coupon and 30 years with 6.15 percent coupon.


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Hasil gambar untuk foto today in history


Today in History over RRI World Service, Voice of Indonesia. We start from an event on May 26, 1966 when Guyana gained its independence.

Guyana located in the North of Latin America liberated itself.  Guyana was discovered by Spanish sailors around the 5th century ago. So, Spain became Guyana’s colonialist. In early 18th century, great war occurred among European countries to occupy Guyana, Suriname, Venezuela, and a number of Brazilian regions. In 1815, the Vienna agreement was signed by countries involved in the war. In the agreement, region’s borders, which were disputed by colonial countries, were determined. In the division, Guyana became territory of British colony. Finally, Guyana gained its independence on May 26, 1966. However, at that time, Guyana’s status was still as member of Commonwealth. In 1970, Guyana really released all relations with colonial country, namely Britain.

The next event is that in 1972, the United States of America and Soviet Union signed agreement of Anti-Ballistic Missile.

Treaty of Anti-Ballistic Missile was treaty between the United States of America and Soviet Union on limitation of system of Anti-Ballistic Missile  which was used to defend territory on nuclear weapon. On May 26, 1972, then President of  the United States of America, Richard Nixon and Secretary General of Soviet Union Communist Party, Leonid Brezhnev signed Treaty of Anti-Ballistic Missile. The treaty was valid for 30 years, starting from1972 until 2002.

And the last event is that in 2005, Radius passed away.

Dr. Radius Prawiro was an Indonesian economist and politician. His economic and political career began as the Secretary of the People’s Security Committee  in Yogyakarta in 1945 and continued as TRI Liaison Officer in Yogyakarta. He was the Staff of the Military Governor of the Yogyakarta and worked as a Technical Officer in the National Accounting Office. Then, he held the position of Deputy Minister for the National Audit Office of Indonesia, Deputy Minister for Central Bank, Governor of the National Bank of Indonesia, Governor of the Bank Indonesia, and served concurrently as Governor of the International Monetary Fund and the Vice-Governor of the Asian Development Bank for Indonesia from. Radius became a member of the President’s Economic Expert’s Team, and served as Head of the Governing Committee of the World Bank. He was then appointed Minister of Trade in both the Second Development Cabinet and the Third Development Cabinet, Finance Minister in the Fourth Development Cabinet and was Coordinating Minister of the Economics, Finance and Industry and Development Supervisory Board. He recorded his views of economic policy in Indonesia in a useful book ‘Indonesia's Struggle for Economic Development’ published in 1998. Radius Prawiro died in Germany on May 26, 2005 due to heart disease.



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Hasil gambar untuk foto tenganan festival 2018


Welcome to Miscellany, a regular segment featuring various aspects of Indonesian life. Including art and culture, customs and tradition , technology and environment, even life style. Today’s edition will be about Tenganan Festival 2018. A tourism festival organized by the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism in cooperation with the Government of Karangasem Regency through the Tourism Office of Karangasem Regency.

This festival is part of 100 Calendar Events that will take place in various corners of Indonesia throughout 2018 which is Visit Wonderful Indonesia Year. Tenganan Festival will be very special because it is held simultaneously with Usaba Sambah Ceremony in Tenganan Pegringsingan Village, Karangasem Regency, Bali. Local residents referred these as mekare-kare and megeret pandan.

Tenganan Festival actually is an event with is mainly featuring \ the tradition of " Perang Pandan” or Pandaus War. Of course this is not a real battle. However, philosophically, mekare-kare means worshiping Indra who is the god of war for Hindus.

This ritual is a form of dexterity practice for the soldiers of Lord Indra, also to commemorate the freedom of the people from the grip of cruelty of King Maya Denawa. With the theme of "Old Village", Tenganan Festival 2018 will lift the tradition of old villages in Karangasem regency which is a high cultural heritage.

This year, the festival will be held on 7-8 June 2018 in front of Bale Patemu (meeting hall), Tenganan Village, Manggis District, Karangasem regency, Bali Province. It is alled Pandan War because the weapon used for this so-called "war" is several thorny pandanus leaves (Pandanus amaryillifolius), tied together to resemble a mace.

This ritual is open to all Tenganan men, young and old. Even visitors can participate by first attending a prayer session led by traditional elders or priests. With pandanus weapons in one hand and a wicker shield in the other hand, two fighters wearing Balinese sarongs and bare-chested come forward to fight , beat and fend off each other.

After a pair finish fighting, another pair will follow, and so on until the fighters run out. Hittings are only allowed to the back, chest and neck of the opponent, and not to be directed to the face.

Wounds all over the fighters’ bodies, sometimes bleeding, do not make them carry any grudge towards each other. After the "war" is over, the participants actually look amicable even quite friendly. They would help each other by applying herbs to the injured parts of the body. The event is ended by eating together or megibung.

In Bali, only Hindus in Tenganan perform the Pandan War ritual. Tenganan is known as an old village inhabited by Bali Aga people. This village in general is different from other villages on the Island of Gods, especially in performing rituals.

Tenganan consists of two hamlets, Dauh Tukad (roughly translated as 'west river'), and Pegringsingan. The latter is famous for its Geringsing 'double tied' woven cloth which is a precious heritage, worn or used   during important rituals. You can watch the making process of this special woven cloth while traveling to Tenganan anytime of the year.

During the Tenganan festival, a special dueling arena is established, the houses are gracefully decorated, and the girls would board a large wooden swing as part of the celebration.

That was Miscellany today with the topic “Tenganan Festival 2018".



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Here are the Headlines of several national newspapers published today, May 24 2018.

Kompas  : "Wild Interpretation on TNI Involvement Prevented".

The meeting on anti-terrorism draft bill at Parliamentary Complex, Jakarta, Wednesday (23/5) decided to rephrase "threat against national security" in the definition of terrorism into "security disturbances". That move is aimed to avoid overly wild interpretation on Indonesian National Army -TNI involvement in counterterrorist actions. However, the decision is not final yet. Three of ten factions at the House of Representatives –DPR namely Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), National Awakening Party (PKB), and Golkar Party did not agree with such phrase in the definition on terrorism. They still agreed the terrorism definition proposed by the government, namely all acts with violence or threat which cause expanding terror or fear, which causes mass victims and/or damage or destruction of strategic vital objects. Meanwhile, seven other factions asked for the definition proposed by the government to be added with "with ideological, political, or security disturbances motives".

Media Indonesia  : "Terrorism Definition Still Not Final".

Media Indonesia wrote, majority of factions of the House of Representatives -DPR pushed the phrase "ideological or political motives, or security disturbances" to be included in the terrorism definition when discussing the revision of Act No. 15/2003 on terrorism eradication with the government at the House's building in Jakarta yesterday. On the contrary, the government persisted not to include the phrase into the definition, but only in the description. National Mandate Party -PAN faction member, Muslim Ayub questioned the intention of the government that persisted not to include the phrase. He is worried that the regulation will be multi-interpretative and unclear without the phrase. Law and Human Rights Ministry's National Legal Guidance Division Head, Enny Nurbaningsih said that in the previous formulation, the government agreed with the definition of terrorism. However, the parliament offered second alternative to accommodate the development in the meeting. Today, the anti-terrorism bill legislator team will discuss the two alternative definitions with Minister of Law and Human Rights, Yasonna Laoly.

Republika  : Civil Servants are Encouraged to Shop.

President Joko Widodo had signed the government regulation (PP) on holiday allowance and 13th salary to civil servants, National Army soldiers, National Police personnel, and retired state civil apparatus (ASN). The policy is expected to move the real and economic sector. The President, in a press release at the State Palace on Wednesday afternoon said that something is special this year. In 2018, the holiday allowance is also given to the retired state civil apparatus. The holiday allowance is aimed to face Idul Fitri. It will be given in June 2018. Meanwhile, the 13th salary that will be given in July 2018 is aimed to help the state apparatus face the new school academic year.