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Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman

Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman (0)

The Indonesian Embassy in Beirut has acknowledged its continued support for trade cooperation improvement between Indonesia and Lebanon. Indonesian Ambassador to Lebanon Hajriyanto Y Thohari gave the Primaduta Award to Lebanese businessman and importer, George R Fattouh. The award was given for his service in helping market Indonesian products in Paris from the Middle East. The award was given at a ceremony at the Indonesian Embassy in Beirut, Thursday (11/1)  Fatough, is the owner of George R. Fattouh S.A.L, a business that has been importing Indonesian products since the 1980s. It has a range of products, including: palm oil and its derivatives, oil and fats (including cocoa butter substitute, fat spread, hydrogenated palm kernel oil, and lauric confectionery fats), cardboard, stationary, and school equipment. Some Indonesian products are now even available at famous retail networks, such as Spinney’s and Carrefour. In 2022, the value imported by George R. Fattough S.A.L of Indonesian products, was 981.3 million USD. This was a 149.5 million USD increase when compared to 2021. Fattouh said Indonesian products are known for their quality and are in high demand in Lebanese markets. However, he said, the challenge now is increasing freight costs due to security challenges in the region. 

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Garulina (0)



Listeners, a number of delicious dishes were served to the guests of Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman Yogyakarta, at the wedding reception of the youngest son of K.G.P.A.A. Paku Alam X, namely B.P.H. Kusumo Kuntonugroho with Laily Annisa Kusumastuti which was held on January 10, 2024.Head of the Customs and Accommodation Division, Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman, KRT Radyo Wisroyo said that the menu served to guests was quite varied. These menus are typical menus prepared by Pakualaman Pura, Indonesian menus and western food menus were also available. All invited guests including VIP and VVIP guests got the same menu. The first menu served to welcome guests, namely two types of welcome drink, namely lime lemongrass and ginger drink with lime. The welcome drink was given when guests sat down and watched the Bedhaya Sidamukti and Bedhaya Kakung Indrawidagda dance performances. Next, they gotsnacks for appetizer such as croquettes and other light snacks. There is a snack that is considered quite special and rare called Garulina. Garulina was the opening snack at the Pahargyan Dhaup Ageng Pakualaman lunch on the first day. Garulina has been around since the era before Indonesian independence. Garulina is actually not a typical Central Javanese food. It looks like the Lapis Legit layered cake, but there is something different, because there is a special layer like vla which is made from fresh milk, eggs and sugar. To get this sweet snack, Pakulaman Temple has to place a special order from the third generation of makers who have been pioneering since the 1950s. In Jogja, Garulina is very difficult to find and is considered rare because it is not sold every day.

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Sport World

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Indonesian President Joko Widodo asked Minister of Youth and Sports, Zainudin Amali to redesign the athlete coaching system on a large scale from the regions to the center in the momentum of the Covid-19 pandemic. This was said by President Joko Widodo in his remarks at the highlight of the National Sports Day XXXVII 2020, via a video conference from Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java on Wednesday night (9/9). The President said the Covid-19 pandemic had stopped or delayed various sports competitions, both national and international. However, the Covid-19 pandemic must be an opportunity to reorganize the national sports ecosystem. One of the points that the President emphasized was the athlete training system. He asked Minister Zainudin Amali to redesign the management of athlete development that is well synergized from the regions to the center, from general education institutions to sports education institutions. IN addition, President Joko Widodo also asked him to develop an information system and big data analytics that could detect qualified athlete candidates.

Borobudur Marathon 2020 will still be held amid the Covid-19 pandemic virtually. In this Borobudur Marathon event, national and international runners always participate as participants reaching up to tens of thousands. However, amid the Covid-19 pandemic situation, the committee still holds the 2020 Borobudur Marathon in a different way. National and international elite runners invited by the committee on the recommendation of the Indonesian Athletics Association will run directly with a total of 30-40 people along with other invitees. Meanwhile, the general participants ran virtually.

Borobudur Marathon 2020 will be held on Sunday 15 September. Even though the general participants participate virtually, the categories contested included 10K, half marathon, full marathon, and friendship run.

Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, in a virtual Borobudur Marathon 2020 press conference, Tuesday (Sept 8) said that the Borobudur Marathon was not initially going to be held, but after discussions with various parties, it is finally held. However, the runners are specially invited and the public participate in a virtual way. This is because since the Covid-19 pandemic in March, all events have been re-evaluated, including the Borobudur Marathon.

Meanwhile, Secretary General of the Indonesian Athletics Association (PASI), Tigor Tanjung said that PASI as the main athletic sport assesses that there are several positive things from the Borobudur Marathon activity despite being surrounded by a pandemic. First, by holding the 2020 Borobudur Marathon anyway keeps the echoes of athletic sports competitions alive. Then the second, through the Borobudur Marathon, it is an opportunity for national athletes or regional elites to try their abilities to compete. This is because now there is no competition amid the pandemic.

A total of 17,000 participants are targeted to take part in a virtual running event entitled Milo Indonesia Virtual Run which is held at the same time to celebrate the 2020 National Sports Day. The race is divided into two categories, namely 10 kilometers (10K) and Family Run 3 kilometers (3K). Registration has been open since September 1 and will be closed on September 18, 2020. While the running period is September 9-20, 2020. Until now, there are around 4,000 participants who have registered in the Milo Indonesia Virtual Run. Mirna Tri Handayani, person in charge of competition activities at a virtual press conference in Jakarta, Wednesday said the virtual runners came from various regions in Indonesia. This event was attended by people all over Indonesia, from Sabang to Merauke. The organizers hope that through this event, all Indonesian people can continue to live a healthy and active lifestyle. Meanwhile, Deputy III of the Sports Culture of the Ministry of Youth and Sports Raden Isnanta, on the same occasion said that virtual running competitions can not only be enjoyed by people who are well in exercising, but instead provide opportunities for people to start exercising.

Minister of Youth and Sports, Zainudin Amali said that sport tourism should be Indonesia's main strength in attracting tourists and at the same time. increasing the country's foreign exchange. In a webinar in Jakarta on Tuesday (8/9), he stated that the 37th national sports day is a momentum to encourage sport tourism. He also remarked that iif the tour packages are packaged properly and are informed overseas, the selling value will be a lot. He acknowledged that Indonesia was a little late in developing sport tourism, even though Indonesia has diverse and abundant natural resources. Indonesia is one of the countries with the longest coastline in the world with a length of 54,716 kilometers. Likewise, with mountains and a supportive climate that should make Indonesia have strength in developing sport tourism. Moreover, Indonesia has many potential sports tourism objects that need to be developed.


Diplomatic Corner

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Indonesia opens an opportunity for tire industry with China

Indonesia as one of the largest rubber producers in the world opens an opportunity for cooperation in the field of  tire industry with China.  Indonesian Ambassador to China, Djauhari Oratmangun told Antara News Agency on Thursday (10/9) that By increasing cooperation in many fields, both countries can see the meaning of the strategic comprehensive partnership in the future. He also stated that the Indonesian and Chinese economic cooperation have a solid foundation in various sectors, particularly  trade, investment and tourism.

Ambassador Djauhari Oratmangun further remarked that in 2019, Indonesia was the second largest natural rubber exporter in the world with a value of US$3.9 billion dollars or contributed worth  29.8 percent to the value of  rubber exports across the world.  Previously, the China International Trade Promotion Council (CCPIT) of Shandong Province in cooperation with the China ASEAN Business Association (CABA) held an International Car Tire and Accessories Exhibition in Dongying City, Shandong Province, in the East China region.

The exhibition  also held virtual business forum meetings attended by 200 participants from the industry sector. The participants from Indonesia were  represented by the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Trade, the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Chinese Committee (KIKT). Chairman of KIKT, Hendrayan Chandra hopes that the online business forum will become an entry point for Chinese entrepreneurs to collaborate with leading tire manufacturers in Indonesia.


Researchers from IPB University created an anti-odor spray made from palm oil and it is called ‘Egea for the needs of everyday life. IPB University researcher, Dhani Satria Wibawa in a written statement explained that Egea is innovation in the form of a natural anti-odor spray developed by researchers at the Surfactant and Bio-energy Research Center (SBRC), namely the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) IPB University. Egea is a musty deodorizing product developed from the nonionic surfactant diethanolamide (DEA) palm oil and the active substance zinc ricinoleate from castor oil (Ricinus communis).

He said this product was also made to train the technopreneurs’ skills of junior researchers at SBRC in producing innovations whose products can be commercialized and have wide market opportunities for further development. He added that Egea products are formulated from natural and environmentally friendly ingredients. He explained that the results of this product development will have a positive impact and provide benefits to the community such as creating new jobs, increasing the national labor, increasing economic growth, improving the quality of life of the community, and increasing the number of new entrepreneurs.

There are eight application variants of this product, namely hijab, helmets, shoes, jackets, carpets and sofas, linens, cat litter, car seats and carpets. In application, this product dries quickly and does not leave stains. Dhani also stated that the development of this product was initiated because of a request from several groups of people who wanted SBRC to develop a product to remove bad odor from cat litter. Egea products contain the active ingredient zinc ricinoleate as an odor absorber. Because, using fragrances can only disguise the musty smell, but unable to absorb the source of the musty smell.






Although policies on single-use plastic restrictions have been issued in several regions, some local governments have not fully implemented the regulation. This was said by the Head of Sub-Directorate of Goods and Packaging of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) Ujang Solihin Sidik, during a virtual discussion on a plastic-free area forum held by the Indonesian Plastic Bag Diet Movement, as reported by Antara on Tuesday (Sept8). The single-use plastic restriction policy has been issued in 2 provinces and 35 districts/cities. Related to this matter, Ujang Solihin Sidik encourages non-governmental organizations (NGOs) engaged in the environmental sector to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of implementing the policy and verify data related to plastic waste. The results will show whether the regions have successfully implemented the single-use plastic reduction policy or just simply made regulations without real implementation. This is important because the data is a measure of the successful performance of reducing plastic waste. This waste reduction data will contribute directly to the target of reducing waste in the framework of Regional Policies and Strategies for Household Waste Management and the like in each city. Ujang Solihin Sidik emphasized the importance of this data since it will affect the target of 30 percent reduction of national waste by 2025. According to him, the verified data will also be the basis for the Ministry of Environment and Forestry to recommend regions that are eligible to receive regional incentive funds.


Diplomatic Corner

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The Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) of East Java  encouraged micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the East Java province to explore market opportunities in Africa amid the Covid-19 pandemic, because it has become one of the most potential non-traditional export markets. Chairman of KADIN East Java, Adik Dwi Putranto stated in Surabaya on Saturday (5/9) that the high potential opportunity of the African market was known  after he communicated with Indonesian Ambassador to South Africa, Salman Al Farisi. Adik Dwi also  said that in addition to the total population of 1.2 billion people, Africa has also become the main entrance for Indonesia to various European countries. He added that Indonesia's  export to Africa is still very small. He further pointed out that so far, Indonesia has not been serious to explore the African market. Adik Dwi Putranto stated that amid this pandemic,  when Indonesia's traditional export destination country is slowing down, Africa can become an alternative export destination.

Previously, Ambassador Salman Al Farisi admitted the huge potential of the African market, particularly  for products produced by MSMEs such as batik. He further  said that batik, spices, soap and cosmetics as ell as automotive spare parts are products needed and those products are the excellent ones of East Java MSMEs in exploring this market. He said by exploring  the African market seriously, it can reduce Indonesia's trade deficit, because Indonesia's diplomatic infrastructure with Africa is so good and adequate. Ambassador  Salman also said that in addition to having quite many natural resources  in some countries, Africa  has also a quite  stable economy. Moreover,  Africa still gets several facilities from European and American countries free of export customs and this can be the entry point for Indonesian products to the European market.


Diplomatic Corner

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The Covid-19 pandemic does not hamper the Indonesian Embassy to do action in Beijing, China. Through the 5th Colorful World Beijing International Culture Exhibition, in addition to promoting Wonderful Indonesia, the Indonesian embassy also displayed Indonesian superior products, such as swallow's nest, coffee, coconut products, and food and soft drinks. Indonesian Ambassador to China, Djauhari Oratmangun said that Indonesia showcased its strongly traditional, cultural and contemporary touching. As a result, the visitors were fascinated with Indonesian ornaments that made its booth more colorful.

The Indonesian Embassy in Paris, France has always been committed to promoting Indonesian culture through various strategies. Early last week, Indonesian Ambassador to France, Arrmanatha Nasir launched the book of Beyond Java (1/9), a collection of photos by Marius Moragues. In his remarks, Ambassador Nasir said, September this year is special, because it is a moment of the 70th anniversary of the beginning of bilateral relations between Indonesia and France. This time, the Education and Culture Attache at the Indonesian Embassy in Paris, Prof. Warsito along with the author of the book Marius Moragues received an interview by Beur FM Radio station, Paris, one of the major FM radio stations, which has more than 10 branches in some cities in France. The interview was conducted by Philippe Robichon, the senior broadcaster for Beur FM radio. In the 45-minute interview, Prof. Warsito reviewed the richness of Javanese culture and nature. Javanese is one of the names of ethnic tribes in Indonesia and also the name of one of more than 700 regional languages in Indonesia, and is used by more than 40% of Indonesia's population.


Diplomatic Corner

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Attaché of Education and Culture of Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur is as a speaker of international education seminar

Attaché of Education and Culture of Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, Dr. Mokhammad Farid Makruf and Chairman of Indonesian Students Community (PPI) of  Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Inna Junaenah became speakers of online seminar entitled "The World at a Turning Point: The Role of Education in Peace-Building " on Wednesday (02/9). The seminar organized by Universal Peace Federation Indonesia also involved  Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP), Institut Bisnis & Informatika (IBI) Kosgoro 1957, ‘Aisyiyah of West Java  and Youth & Students for Peace (YSP) International. It was also attended by other speakers namely Dr. Robbert S. Kittel  from Youth and Student for Peace (YSP) International, Prof. Ganefri, PhD. (Rektor UNP), Dr. Haswan Yunaz (Rektor IBI Kosgoro 57) and Prof. Payaman Simanjuntak from Universal Peace Federation (UPF Indonesia).

Mokhammad Farid Makruf as a key speaker explained that substantially to develop peace is no violence. He also stated that education plays a major role so that the young generation can restrain not to do violence.  Meanwhile, Chairman of Indonesian Students Community (PPI) of  Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Inna Junaenah who also represented Aisyiyah of West Java  explained that there is a  main purpose of education dreamed by many countries namely to build the nation's characters.  

The two-hour seminar was participated by more than 70 participants as a joint webinar of many parties. The seminar was a series program of "Rally of Hope" which was initiated by Universal Peace Federation (UPF), a non-governmental organization which was established by Dr. Sun Myung Moon and his wife on 12 September 2005. This organization is global alliances from representatives of religions, academicians, politicians, civilians and non-governmental organizations to achieve world peace. While, UPF has main objectives namely in the united world; all human family members live and work in harmony, creating joint welfare and mutual respect by joint commitment and work together through good governance.  UPF is an organization with General Consultative Status toward UN ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council) and non-partisan organization, inter-faiths, multi-disciplinary, international non-governmental organizations that are in more than 120 countries.


The Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) has again shown its concern for medical personnel in dealing with Covid-19 patients. This time, ITS handed over the ITS-Unair Robot Medical Assistant (RAISA) to help medical personnel in charge of handling Covid-19 patients at the Wisma Atlet Emergency Hospital, North Jakarta. ITS through PT ITS Tekno Sains has submitted and signed the report of the handover of the RAISA and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) robots to Head of Health of the Jaya Regional Military Command (Kakesdam), Colonel CKM Dr. Stefanus Dony. This took place via online on Friday (28/8). Previously, RAISA has also been used in several hospitals, including Universitas Airlangga Hospital (RSUA), Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Husada Utama Hospital, and Saiful Anwar Malang Hospital.

ITS Rector, Prof. Dr. Mochamad Ashari M.Eng revealed that patients referred for assistance by the robot are the ones who are not symptomatic and are still able to move. RAISA has key features such as two-way communication media monitor; RAISA is also able to operate for eight hours a day on a single battery charge. In addition, this robot is able to prevent collisions if there are objects in front of it and it gives a warning.

Prof. Ashari also hopes that ITS innovation through RAISA, a hospital assistant robot, can help the state and society in handling Covid-19. It is also hoped that the potential for Covid-19 transmission to medical personnel can be minimized. Meanwhile, Director of PT ITS Tekno Sains, Dr. I Ketut Gunarta MT pointed out that before the RAISA robot could be used operationally, the IT team from Wisma Atlet and Kodam Jaya conducted training first. Since the arrival of RAISA, which was sent on 4 August, the number of patients treated at the Wisma Atlet Emergency Hospital has reached around a thousand people. Furthermore, this robot will be operated in one of the towers in the athletes' homestead, and is expected to be able to help medical personnel to heal patients.


On August 28, 2020, Governor of Jakarta, Anies Baswedan launched the Jakarta Wifi or Jakwifi program at the Jakarta City Hall. This program is a policy of installing free wireless internet for Jakarta’s residents. According to Governor Anies, the need for the internet is getting higher during the Covid-19 pandemic. Because, learning anfd working activities until business increasingly depend on internet access. The provision of free wifi is in collaboration with the Jakarta Government and Bali Tower Indonesia. The free wifi access is scattered in various points ranging from offices, parks to government offices.

Jakarta residents can check the wifi coverage area on the JAKI application (Jakarta Kini). First, you have to download the JAKI application. Then, you have to search for the Wifi Service Distribution option. Currently, users can see the option at the top of the application. After choosing, the application will display a map of Jakarta. After the access point appears, users can immediately search for the area with the access point which they want to know. In the application, users can find out whether free wifi is located outdoors or indoors. It can even be known whether the spot is available in a park or Child-Friendly Integrated Public Space.

JAKWIFI is intended for not only education but also the provision of the city's infrastructure and expansion of internet access during the Covid-19 pandemic. Currently, there are 4,956 access points that are being gradually upgraded. The expansion of the provision of internet access is targeted at more than 9,413 access points over the next two months. Meanwhile, Head of the Communication, Informatics, and Statistics Office, Jakarta Province, Atika Nur Rahmania hopes that the provision of the free internet access for residents through JAKWIFI can be the first step in accelerating the digital transformation of Jakarta’s residents as a response to optimizing opportunities amid the Covid-19 pandemic.


Diplomatic Corner

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The Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Chicago, the United States of America held a business meeting in Greensburg City, Indiana on Monday (24/8). The activity was aimed at promoting the potential for cooperation in the fields of trade, investment and tourism. This event was held at Mayasari Indonesia Grill restaurant, owned by Indonesian diaspora. It was attended by Mayor of Greensburg, Joshua Marsh, and business people from the chamber of commerce and industry as well as the association of soybean entrepreneurs, and exporters' association, which is based in the Midwest region of the United States. The cooperation includes the development of superior soybean seeds, increasing of soybean export cooperation, and technical cooperation in the form of apprenticeship program for Indonesian youths to learn planting patterns. In addition, there is also collaboration on crop management and how to produce quality soy-based products.

The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Taiwan Committee along with the Taipei Economic and Trade Office (TETO) Jakarta held a webinar on the economic and trade prospects between Indonesia and Taiwan amid Covid-19 on Thursday (27/8). The webinar with the title "Indonesia-Taiwan Economic Webinar 2020: Prospects for Economic and Trade Cooperation between Taiwan and Indonesia in the Era of COVID-19 and Beyond" was opened by Peter Lan as Deputy Representative of TETO and S.D. Darmono as Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Taiwan Committee. Peter explained that the opportunity for cooperation between Indonesia and Taiwan is very prospective even though it is currently in the Covid-19 pandemic. This is because Indonesia has become one of the countries included in the implementation of the New Southbound Policy which was determined by President of Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen.