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Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman

Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman (0)

The Indonesian Embassy in Beirut has acknowledged its continued support for trade cooperation improvement between Indonesia and Lebanon. Indonesian Ambassador to Lebanon Hajriyanto Y Thohari gave the Primaduta Award to Lebanese businessman and importer, George R Fattouh. The award was given for his service in helping market Indonesian products in Paris from the Middle East. The award was given at a ceremony at the Indonesian Embassy in Beirut, Thursday (11/1)  Fatough, is the owner of George R. Fattouh S.A.L, a business that has been importing Indonesian products since the 1980s. It has a range of products, including: palm oil and its derivatives, oil and fats (including cocoa butter substitute, fat spread, hydrogenated palm kernel oil, and lauric confectionery fats), cardboard, stationary, and school equipment. Some Indonesian products are now even available at famous retail networks, such as Spinney’s and Carrefour. In 2022, the value imported by George R. Fattough S.A.L of Indonesian products, was 981.3 million USD. This was a 149.5 million USD increase when compared to 2021. Fattouh said Indonesian products are known for their quality and are in high demand in Lebanese markets. However, he said, the challenge now is increasing freight costs due to security challenges in the region. 

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Garulina (0)



Listeners, a number of delicious dishes were served to the guests of Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman Yogyakarta, at the wedding reception of the youngest son of K.G.P.A.A. Paku Alam X, namely B.P.H. Kusumo Kuntonugroho with Laily Annisa Kusumastuti which was held on January 10, 2024.Head of the Customs and Accommodation Division, Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman, KRT Radyo Wisroyo said that the menu served to guests was quite varied. These menus are typical menus prepared by Pakualaman Pura, Indonesian menus and western food menus were also available. All invited guests including VIP and VVIP guests got the same menu. The first menu served to welcome guests, namely two types of welcome drink, namely lime lemongrass and ginger drink with lime. The welcome drink was given when guests sat down and watched the Bedhaya Sidamukti and Bedhaya Kakung Indrawidagda dance performances. Next, they gotsnacks for appetizer such as croquettes and other light snacks. There is a snack that is considered quite special and rare called Garulina. Garulina was the opening snack at the Pahargyan Dhaup Ageng Pakualaman lunch on the first day. Garulina has been around since the era before Indonesian independence. Garulina is actually not a typical Central Javanese food. It looks like the Lapis Legit layered cake, but there is something different, because there is a special layer like vla which is made from fresh milk, eggs and sugar. To get this sweet snack, Pakulaman Temple has to place a special order from the third generation of makers who have been pioneering since the 1950s. In Jogja, Garulina is very difficult to find and is considered rare because it is not sold every day.

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Hawassa University, one of the best universities in Ethiopia enhances cooperation in research and exchange of lecturers and students with Indonesia. Thus, President of Hawassa University will visit Indonesia immediately. This was stated by Al Busyra Basnur, Indonesian Ambassador to Ethiopia, Djibouti and African Union in press release which was received on Sunday. Last year, the high officials of the university visited Indonesia and met with their counterparts of a number of Indonesian universities such as University of Indonesia, Bogor Agricultural Institute, Bandung Technology Institute, Bina Nusantara University, and Gajah Mada University. The determination of Rector of Hawassa University, Ayano Beraso Hula to enhance cooperation with universities in Indonesia was conveyed by Indonesian Ambassador, Al Busyra Basnur after meeting at based college campus at Hawassa on Friday(12/4).

Director of External Cooperation of ASEAN or Acting Chairman of SOM ASEAN-Indonesia, Benny Y.P. Siahaan said that ASEAN and India can focus on concrete marine cooperation in Indo-Pacific region. Take for example the problem of marine security and safety, the handling of sea plastic garbage and marine connectivity. That was stated by Benny on the 21th Ke-21 ASEAN-India Senior Officials’ Meeting (AISOM) in New Delhi, India on April 11 and 12. Meanwhile, Chairman of Indian delegation, Vijay Thakur Singh appreciated Indonesia on initiative of the implementation of High Level Dialogue on Indo-Pacific Cooperation on March 20, 2019 in Jakarta which was considered useful and timely. He also affirmed that India is committed to protecting stability, peace and prosperity in the region.  

The platform of short video, TikTok announced its cooperation with Indonesian Tourism Ministry as official partner of social media co-branding in a bid to promote popular tourism destinations across Indonesia. The cooperation with the Indonesian Tourism Ministry is the first program for TikTok Travel which has mission to reveal the beauty of various countries to international community. Head of Public Policy of TikTok to Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines, Donny Eryastha said that Tiktok feels honorable being appointed as official partner of social media co-branding by the Indonesian Tourism Ministry through brand of ‘Wonderful Indonesia’ to assist in promoting various amazing tourism destinations throughout Indonesia.


At the end of April 2019, Indonesian-made electric motor, Gesits will begin to be produced for the community. The Gesits electric motor is predicted to become the first electric motorbike made by the nation's children. Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Mohamad Nasir said that 5,000 motorcycles will be produced. Every month, 5,000 electric motors are produced. Production capacity in one year is around 60 thousand electric motors. To support the need for an electric motor, namely an electric motor fueling station, his side as collaborated with Pertamina and State Electric Company (PLN) to prepare the facility. The charging time of the Gesits motor takes 3 hours. This environmentally friendly electric motor is the result of collaboration between PT Technologies Indo (GTI) and the Ten November Institute of Technology, Surabaya. In the grand gathering of Indonesian startups at the Indonesia Startup Summit (ISS) 2019 at JI Expo, Kemayoran Jakarta, Gesits becomes one of the five most inspiring works. In the meantime, the marketing focus is in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi because it is considered the most prepared for the fuel filling station. The nimble electric motorbike is priced at around Rp20 million. Besides being environmentally friendly, this electric motor is also more economical. Gesits electric motorbikes will be on display at the 2019 Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) and will be opened April 25, 2019. Minister Nasir said, this motorbike will be mass produced in April and ready to be marketed in May 2019.


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Hundreds of university students incorporated at Indonesian Student Association ( PPI ) in 13 countries and regions will gather in  Tianjin city, China to discuss the digital revolution. The symposium of the Indonesian Student Association in the Asia-Oceania region will be  held on April 16-19 2019 by presenting  Head of the Indonesian Creative Economy Agency, Triawan Munaf, as the keynote speaker. Head of PPI in China, Fadlan Muzakki said on Wednesday (10/4) that China is chosen as the host of the symposium  because the country is preparing a 5.0 industrial revolution and Indonesia can learn from China's experience of the 4.0 industrial revolution.

Representatives of Indonesian Embassy  in Madrid, represented by  Trade Attaché and  Indonesian Trade Promotion Center in Barcelona, Spain participated in the 33rd International Salon De Gourmet exhibition. This exhibition is an international food and beverage exhibition that exhibits premium processed food products, including marine products, meat, poultry, and milk and spices. Attaché for Social and Cultural Information at the Indonesian Embassy in Madrid, Erry Deviandy in a statement received by Antara News Agency on Thursday (11/4) said that the exhibition was opened by Spanish Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Louis Planas Puchades. It  also exhibited  beverage products, such as fruit, tea, coffee and cocoa fermentation products. The exhibition aims at reaching the market of food and beverage products and spices for Spain, other Europe, Latin America, Africa and Mediterranean. The exhibition was held at IFEMA Madrid, from April 8 to 11.

Malaysian Food Institute, BERNAS Malaysia is interested in promoting rice trade with  Public Company Logistics Agency (Bulog) in a bid to guarantee and supply quality food in the country. BERNAS Malaysia has long known the quality of Bulog rice which has good quality, so it needs to do more serious cooperation which can provide a lot of  benefits and mutually benefit for the two countries. This was stated by  Head of  Malaysian Ministry of Industry's BERNAS research and analysis, Salman Muhammad, in a press release in Jakarta on Wednesday (10/4), as quoted by Antara. Salman Muhammad's visit to Parepare, South Sulawesi  was a follow-up of the visit of a delegation from  State Logistics Agency  which was led by  Commercial Director of Bulog  in a bit to open up international-scale market access a few days ago.


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Indonesian ambassador to Papua New Guinea and Solomon Island, Andriana Supandy, invites Indonesian people who are in Papua New Guinea and Solomon Island to keep security and orderliness in the implementation of the general election 2019. The press release from the Indonesian Embassy in Port Moresbyreceived in Jakartaon Monday (8/4) stated that the invitation was conveyed by the Indonesian ambassador based on the importance of Indonesian people’s participation and support to succeed general election 2019. The Indonesian ambassador hoped the Indonesian citizens can keep orderlines for the implementation of general election 2019. Andriana Supandy hoped people can carry out the law and regulation of the country as well as to keep cleanliness of voting place on the implementation of voting for general election 2019.

To explore the luxurious Jakarta city, the fresh air of hills, tourism fashion and culinary of Bandung, and also the enchantment of the God Island, Bali become unforgetable experience for Famtrip’s participants from Jordan and Palestine who have the opportunity to visit Indonesia on the invitation of the Indonesian Embassy in Amman, starting from March 22-April 3, 2019. The number of tourist from Jordan to Indonesia keep increasing at around 6,000 tourists for the last two year. Indonesian Ambassador in Amman, Andy Rachmianto said that touring to Asian region such as Indonesia has not an attraction yet for most tourists from Jordan, but Indonesia begins to get attention especially for honey mooners. The ambassador also said Famtrip is effective media to promote Indonesian tourism to increase number of tourist from Jordan and Palestine to visit Indonesia.

Having theme trade and tourism, Indonesian Embassy in Lima conducted marketing promotion of Indonesia along with Camara de Comercio Lima which was attended by around 80 partner companies of Camara de Comercio Lima and the Indonesian Embassy which showed its interest to Indonesian market. In her speech, Indonesian Ambassador in Lima, Marina Estella Anwar Bey conveyed the need of cooperation to maximize economic potential in Indonesia and Peru, including to expand coverage of participation of businessman in the two countries. It was conducted to reach the trade value targetedby Indonesia and Peru worth US$ 1 billion in 2025 is achieved.


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Indonesian embassy in Vienna performed Gamelan and Pendet dance at University of Vienna Festival, Austria. The event is aimed to show Indonesian culture in the foreign country. The event entitled  "An Ancient Cultural Heritage of Indonesia", was conducted on Friday evening (5/4). The Gamelan performance was played by two Gamelan groups in Austria, namely Balinese Altenberg and Javanese Ngesti Budoyo Gamelan. The Altenberg Gamelan is a group which is established by Max Lorenz, an Austrian artist and has members of former recipients of Darmasiswa scholarship.

Indonesian Ambassador to Brunei Darussalam, Sujatmiko conveyed Indonesian cooperation potential with the country, especially in Youth and Sport sector. This was stated by Minister of Youth and Sport, Imam Nahrawi in Jakarta on Friday (5/4). Ambassador Sujatmiko said that the Youth and Sport sector is an effective diplomatic tool in keeping good relations and respecting each other between two countries. He also said that it needs Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). In a short time, Brunei needs trainers for martial art and badminton athletes. If the cooperation can be implemented immediately, reciprocal cooperation will bring about positive impact for development of youth and sport in Indonesia.

Tourism Ministry has taken part in Malaysia International Halal Showcase -Mihas 2019 recently. 2019 becomes the second year for Indonesia to participate in Mihas. This year, the Ministry invited 10 tourism industries. They are from Aceh, West Sumatera, Jakarta, West Java, East Java, Bali, and West Nusa Tenggara. Assistant Deputy of Marketing Development I Regional II at the Tourism Ministry, Adella Raung in a press release which was received over the weekend said that Mihas 2019 is expected to be able to produce transaction potential for halal tourism package. The program at the booth of ‘Wonderful Indonesia’ is business to business and business to customer by Indonesian Tourism Industry, serving of information and distribution of tourism promotion materials.


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Two kinds of Indonesian culinary: Gado Gado and Soto Betawi attracted the attention of visitors at the Indonesian Culinary Promotion in Vancouver, Canada, which was held by Indonesian Consulate General (KJRI) in Vancouver and the Indonesian Diaspora in Canada. Vice Consul of Indonesian Consulate General in Vancouver, Firman Priambodo told Antara London on Tuesday (April 2) that various Indonesian dishes were promoted at the event entitled the first "Kuliner Lunch Series" at the Holy Crab Restaurant, Vancouver, Canada recently. The Indonesian Culinary Promotion aimed at boosting bilateral cooperation of both countries in cultural, tourism, and trade affairs. Indonesian Consul General in Vancouver Tuti Irman launched the event. Tuti also appreciated visitors who came from other cities for example Victoria to attend the event.

Indonesian Ambassador to Argentine, Niniek Kun Naryatie promoted a slogan entitled "Indonesia Para Vos" or "Indonesia for You" at a business forum held on Thursday (March 28). The slogan represents Indonesia's willingness and commitment to exploring business opportunities in Argentine and establishing more trade partnerships with the country. Ambassador Niniek Kun Naryatie remarked that trade partnership between Indonesia and Argentine has shown good progress although it needs to be optimized. Therefore, both countries need to take measures to develop their trade partnerships. In a bid to develop the economic cooperation of both countries, Indonesian Embassy in Buenos Aires held a business forum to attract Argentinian businesspeople to explore the trade potentials in Indonesia.

The last information is from Johnnesburg, South Africa. The Global Business Roundtable Exhibition (GBR) is an event that helps improving economic cooperation between Indonesia and South Africa. Indonesian Ambassador in Pretoria, Salman Al Farisi at the expo held from 27-29 March 2019 said that at the exhibition, Indonesia introduced a digital platform to market Indonesian products which can be accessed easily anytime and anywhere. Indonesian Embassy in Pretoria and Indonesian Trade Promotion Center (ITPC) participated in the GBR Exhibition by featuring a booth which showcased Indonesian featured products such as automotive, shoes, foods, and beverages. In addition, the booth also promoted the 10 New Bali destinations and disseminated information about the Trade Expo Indonesia event in October 2019.


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Indonesian Ambassador to Federation of Russia and Republic of Belarus, M. Wahid Supriyadi views that halal food, coffee product and Muslim clothes are very potential to be marketed in Dagestan, Russia. In addition, Indonesian products also enter to other Caucasian regions, Russia such as Chechnya and neighbor countries such as Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. Head of Information, Social and Cultural Function, Indonesian embassy Moscow, Adiguna Wijaya to Antara London said on Monday that some famous entrepreneurs in Indonesia have declared to explore business in Dagestan. The first step is to involve 11 Indonesian entrepreneurs at Kazan Summit on April 24-26, 2019 in Republic of Tatarstan whose majority population is Muslims.

Indonesian products such as coffee, peanut and candies are loved in Jordan. It is viewed from import value of PT Albushnaq which reaches US$8 million dollars or RpRp113 millions. Around 220 containers of Indonesian products have been imported by retail companies from Jordan since 1996. General Manager of PT Albushnaq, Muhammad Bushnaq said that he has worked with companies in Indonesia, such as PT Mayora, PT Manohara, and PT Kapal Api. The bestselling products are candies, ginger candies, biscuit and sachet coffee. Bushnaq plans to expand cooperation with various companies in Indonesia.

Indonesia Festival in Scotland has just been held with the title ‘Zamrud Khatulistiwa’. The theme was taken to introduce culture, culinary and the beauty of Indonesia to international community. There were three series events of Indonesia Festival 2019 at three big cities in Scotland, namely Edinburg, Glasgow, and Aberdeen. Aberdeen was the last city of the series events, held on March 23 and placed at ST Machar Academy Aberdeen. The event which was conducted by Indonesian Student Association and Indonesian community who live in Aberdeen, played video about Indonesia, Angklung performance which was accompanied by band. Addition, there was also fashion show of traditional clothes from 10 provinces in Indonesia.


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Indonesian government is holding two trainings for Palestinian and Jordanian officials. The two trainings is participated in by officials and staffs of Ministry and Agency of the government in Palestine and Jordan. Meanwhile, expert who gives materials of the two trainings, comes from Indonesia’s Government / Goods and Services Procurement Policy Agency and Ministry of Finance. The training which is held for 3 days starting from March 26-28, was officially opened by Director of Middle East, Foreign Affairs Ministry, Sunarko. In his speech, Sunarko said that the training is one of fulfillment of Indonesia's commitment which is mandated by the opening of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945, in particular the abolition of occupation over the world and participation in carrying out world order based on freedom, eternal peace and social justice. The Indonesian government hopes the two trainings is able to increase the capacity, knowledge and skill of government and people of Palestine and Jordan.

The Indonesian Gamelan concert and dance Indonesia which was conducted on cooperation between Indonesian Embassy in Wellington, New Zealand School of Music (NZSM), and Gamelan Wellington: Padhang Moncar and Taniwha Jaya was successful and attended by a lot of audiences. Press release from the Indonesian Embassy Wellington in Jakarta, on Tuesday (26/3) said that Director of New Zealand School of Music, Sally Jane welcomed the gamelan concert and dance which presented collaboration of two gamelan, namely Balinese and Javanese gamelan, that succeeded to entertain hundreds of art lovers who flocked Aula of Victoria University. Meanwhile, staff of the Indonesian Embassy Wellington, Adek Triana Yudhaswari who represented Indonesian Ambassador Tantowi Yahya said that she appreciated the active role of NZSM and Gamelan Wellington in promoting Indonesian art and culture, especially gamelan and dance to students and community of New Zealand.

Indonesian Embassy Khartoum conducted Da'i Entrepreneur training with the theme "Aku Mahasiswa Indonesia Bermindset Entrepreneur, Berahlaq Mulia dan Berintegritas" or in English means “I am Indonesian student who has An Entrepreneual Miindset, Noble Moras and Integrity” which was participated in by 100 Indonesian students in Khartoum. Indonesian Ambassador to Sudan, Rossalis R. Adenan said that the training is not only a form of effort and awareness of the Indonesian Embassy Khartoum in coaching and synergy with Indonesian citizens in Sudan, in this regard students in Sudan, but it is also an effort to give provision of personal independencewhich cannot be obtained at their college. From the training, it is hoped the participants after finishing their studies, are able to contribute positively for development of Indonesian, among other by being an entrepreneur which also creates work-field in the mid of world tight competition.


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The most famous two boy-bands from South Korea Selatan, Super Junior and TVXQ visited Indonesia starting from March 20-23. They promoted Indonesian tourism. Tourism Ministry also facilitated their attendance in Indonesia. Their attendance is expected to be able to make Indonesian tourism more well-known in the world. A number of destinations visited by Super Junior and TVXQ during in Yogyakarta are like Borobudur temple, Prambanan temple, Tamansari, Kalisuci Cave Tubing, Sultan Palace, Malioboro, Kampung Bule, Jamblang cave, Kalisuci cave, and Parangtritis beach. Head of Public Communication Bureau of Tourism Ministry, Guntur Sakti said on Friday, March 22 that their arrival was to make film and vlog content on channel and TV program TV which will be shown in September 2019.

Betawi’s culture showed its enchantment in Super Design Show. The event was held on March 21. This was a series of the largest design event in the world, Milan Design Week 2019. In the Super Design Show this year, Betawi’s culture was displayed by Indonesian Contemporary Art & Design (ICAD). ICAD collaborated with provincial government of Jakarta, with the theme ‘Essential Jakarta’. There were 8 icons of Betawi which were highlighted. They are Ondel-ondel, Kembang Kelapa, Gigi Balang ornament, Sadariah clothes, Kebaya Kerancang, Batik Betawi, Kerak Telor, and Bir Pletok. Then, the traditional foods, such as Gado-gado and Soto Betawi were served during the event. On the pavilion with 200 meters wide, ICAD explored Betawi’s traditional icons which succeeded to adapt with modern life. 

A singer from Indonesia achieved international award. After Agnez Mo achieved award in the United States of America, now a Dangdut singer, Via Vallen received an award as Special Guest from Indonesia from BraVo Awards 2019 which was held at The State Kremlin Palace, Moscow, Russia recently. Earlier, the award had been received by Sandhy Sondoro who achieved the award in International Professional Music Awards "BraVo" that was held at The State Kremlin Palace, Moscow, Russia last year.


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To attract Russian tourists, Indonesia participated again in the largest tourism exhibition in Russia, "26th Moscow International Travel & Tourism Exhibition "(MITT) in Moscow, Russia, which was held on March 12-14, 2019. Indonesia presented a pavilion with 70 meters wide, which was representative and interesting for the visitors to look around. They could also enjoy coffee from various Indonesian regions, which were specially presented by Indonesian Barista.

Lampung province promoted culture and tourism and the superiority of the region in the event of “Place2Go International Tourism Fair”, in the capital city of Croatia, Zagreb. The exhibition is an annual agenda which is quite big in East European territory that is developing rapidly. This was stated by Governor of Lampung, Muhammad Ridho Ficardo in a press release which was received in Bandarlampung on Saturday (16/3/2019). Meanwhile, Indonesian Ambassador to Croatia, Sjahroedin ZP, explained that high colleges of Croatia also established cooperation with many high colleges on Java Island. University of Zagreb also established cooperation with Lampung University.

Colombian government made an official visit to Bali province to strengthen relations. This was conveyed by Colombian Ambassador, Juan C Valencia when meeting Governor of Bali, Wayan Koster in Denpasar, Bali on Friday (15/3). Ambassador Juan also said that Colombian Foreign Affairs Minister, Maria Angela Holguin will visit Bali in April. Meanwhile, in March, as many as 27 mayors throughout Colombia also plan to conduct comparative study in Bali. They view that Bali is one of regions which succeeds in developing creative economy. Ambassador Juan also added that the government of Colombia also wants to study how to manage eco-tourism. Even for the future, Bali is hoped to be able to realize sister-city cooperation with one of the tourism destinations in Colombia, namely Cartagena.