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Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman

Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman (0)

The Indonesian Embassy in Beirut has acknowledged its continued support for trade cooperation improvement between Indonesia and Lebanon. Indonesian Ambassador to Lebanon Hajriyanto Y Thohari gave the Primaduta Award to Lebanese businessman and importer, George R Fattouh. The award was given for his service in helping market Indonesian products in Paris from the Middle East. The award was given at a ceremony at the Indonesian Embassy in Beirut, Thursday (11/1)  Fatough, is the owner of George R. Fattouh S.A.L, a business that has been importing Indonesian products since the 1980s. It has a range of products, including: palm oil and its derivatives, oil and fats (including cocoa butter substitute, fat spread, hydrogenated palm kernel oil, and lauric confectionery fats), cardboard, stationary, and school equipment. Some Indonesian products are now even available at famous retail networks, such as Spinney’s and Carrefour. In 2022, the value imported by George R. Fattough S.A.L of Indonesian products, was 981.3 million USD. This was a 149.5 million USD increase when compared to 2021. Fattouh said Indonesian products are known for their quality and are in high demand in Lebanese markets. However, he said, the challenge now is increasing freight costs due to security challenges in the region. 

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Garulina (0)



Listeners, a number of delicious dishes were served to the guests of Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman Yogyakarta, at the wedding reception of the youngest son of K.G.P.A.A. Paku Alam X, namely B.P.H. Kusumo Kuntonugroho with Laily Annisa Kusumastuti which was held on January 10, 2024.Head of the Customs and Accommodation Division, Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman, KRT Radyo Wisroyo said that the menu served to guests was quite varied. These menus are typical menus prepared by Pakualaman Pura, Indonesian menus and western food menus were also available. All invited guests including VIP and VVIP guests got the same menu. The first menu served to welcome guests, namely two types of welcome drink, namely lime lemongrass and ginger drink with lime. The welcome drink was given when guests sat down and watched the Bedhaya Sidamukti and Bedhaya Kakung Indrawidagda dance performances. Next, they gotsnacks for appetizer such as croquettes and other light snacks. There is a snack that is considered quite special and rare called Garulina. Garulina was the opening snack at the Pahargyan Dhaup Ageng Pakualaman lunch on the first day. Garulina has been around since the era before Indonesian independence. Garulina is actually not a typical Central Javanese food. It looks like the Lapis Legit layered cake, but there is something different, because there is a special layer like vla which is made from fresh milk, eggs and sugar. To get this sweet snack, Pakulaman Temple has to place a special order from the third generation of makers who have been pioneering since the 1950s. In Jogja, Garulina is very difficult to find and is considered rare because it is not sold every day.

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The British Embassy in Indonesia collaborating with the Community Coalition for Covid-19 (LaporCovid-19) launched a cooperation project of community-based data collection, as part of the Digital Access program. The program, which was funded by Britain around Rp 987 million, will be implemented jointly with the Indonesian government. The provincial government of East Java is one of the priority provinces to accelerate the handling of Covid-19 cases. Irma Hidayana, as Co-Initiator and Co-Leader of the LaporCovid-19, said that the disclosure of information and data related to the Covid-19 to the public is very important so that all parties can provide input or suggestions regarding proper handling. The British Ambassador to Indonesia and Timor Leste, Owen Jenkins said that the existence of the data is very critical for the government, not only in Indonesia but also in the UK. Meanwhile, Ambassador Owen Jenkins also said that his side requires seriousness and willingness to learn and use data in every decision making.

Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA) was officially enacted on July 5, 2020. Earlier, the agreement was launched on November 2, 2010 by Indonesian President and Australian Prime Minister. After going through 12 rounds of negotiations and 5 negotiating Chair-level meetings, the two countries succeeded in completing the negotiations substantially on 31 August 2018. The agreement was then signed by the Indonesian Minister of Trade and the Australian Minister of Trade, Tourism and Investment in Jakarta, on 4 March 2019.  Indonesian Trade Minister, Agus Suparmanto said that the agreement will benefit for Indonesian exporters through the elimination of all Australian customs tariffs. This means that all Indonesian products entering the Australian market will enjoy zero percent tariffs.

The Riau Provincial Government cooperates with Malaysia in securing roll on roll off ship transportation (roro) from Dumai to Malaysia. Regional Police Chief of Riau, General Inspector Agung Setia Imam Efendi said that representing Police Headquarters of Riau, his side supports the cooperation with Malaysia related to ship transportation from Dumai to Malacca, Malaysia. The police are providing the cooperation. According to Agung, the most important point is that the port is secured.


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Norway pays Rp 812.86 billion to Indonesia due to successful emission reduction

For the first time, Norwegian Government will pay 530 million of Norwegian Krone or about Rp 812.86 billion to the Government of Indonesia for its success in reducing carbon emissions as the cause of global warming. Indonesian Embassy in Oslo in its written statement received by Antara on   Sunday ( 05/7 ) stated that the money is payment based on the result  as the contents of the cooperation  of  Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD). Related to the payment, Indonesian Ambassador to Norway, Todung Mulya Lubis at the same statement appreciated Norwegian support of carbon emission reduction in Indonesia.  

He welcomed the announcement of payment based on the result made by Norwegian Minister of Environment and Climate, Sveinung Rotevatn. Ambassador Todung explained that Indonesia and Norway have been cooperating in the environment sector over the last 10 years. His side met Minister Sveinung Rotevatn on June 17, 2020 and the Norwegian Government stated that Indonesia is an important partner in efforts to slowdown the impact of climate change and reduce the levels of greenhouse gases that affect global warming. It is expected that the cooperation will be increased continuously in the coming years.

The Norwegian government will pay Rp 812.86 billion in 2020 because the result of third-party verification has shown that Indonesia succeeded in reducing emissions by 11.2 million tons of Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (CO2eq) during 2016-2017. At this time, the world carbon market price was worth Rp 72.000 per ton.

The Norwegian Government in its official website mentioned Indonesia's achievements that support the control of climate change and global warming impacts. Therefore, the Norwegian Government is committed to paying for the result of emissions reductions of Indonesia in the next few years.


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Technology of coal fertilizer made by Indonesian entrepreneur is recognized in the US

The technology of coal-based fertilizer developed by Indonesian entrepreneur, R Umar Hasan Saputra is acknowledged with the issuance of patents from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Consulate General of Republic of Indonesia ( KJRI) in Chicago in its statement more recently stated that the acknowledgment is  a great achievement due to  the coal-based fertilizer production technology developed by the inventor in the field of  agriculture. This is the only one that has succeeded in getting the patent  in the USA. With the patent, the coal fertilizer with the trademark Glogens Organic Micro-Carbon Fertilizer can enter the industrial market of  agriculture in the United States, which is currently the largest market globally. Besides, it can open investment opportunities such as fabric as well as fasten the products internationally.

Furthermore, Umar explained the patent for the technology he won has several advantages. The fertilizer in Indonesia has the trademark "Futura" and it is produced from low-calorie coal base materials that are widely available in many countries. The fertilizer is organic  because it can improve soil conditions and can be produced more quickly and friendly environmentally. The fertilizer production can be more economical compared to other chemical fertilizers.

As a follow-up step after the issuance of the patent, GLOGENS will process licensing and licensing applications to the relevant authorities in the USA, before entering the stage of a broader marketing effort. To support the effort, GLOGENS has also prepared a piece of land in California for fertilizer trials coal for grains and is preparing additional land in Indiana for maize species.

To support the penetration  of Glogens Organic Micro-Carbon Fertilizer in the United States, Consul General of Chicago (KJIR), Meri Binsar Simorangkir stated that his side and Indonesian Trade Promotion Center (ITPC) will help facilitate the process of submitting standard certification to relevant institutions in America, promote the marketing efforts, and collaborate with related parties in the Midwest. The region is known as one of the centers of agricultural production and major plantations in the USA, such as soybeans, corn, and wheat. So, Midwest is one of the areas with high potential for Futura fertilizer marketing in the future.


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Covid-19 pandemic creates new challenges for Indonesia amid global uncertainty. The increase in unemployment, poverty and handling of the impact of Covid-19 pandemic also makes Indonesia's debt increase. To answer the challenges amid this uncertainty, there are two aspects that need to be encouraged, namely collaboration and the quality of Human Resources. From June 24 until 30, 2020, the World Indonesian student association has been holding a live streaming through YouTube channel initiating a special study forum related to these two aspects, as a form of contribution to the country. Hopefully, it can stimulate public awareness of the importance of thinking, competing, and working globally while sharing knowledge which is gained from abroad to Indonesia and vice versa. Several Indonesian Ambassadors are invited to attend as representatives. Recommending the government, the association also invites Dino Patti Djalal as the founder of Indonesian Foreign Policy Community (FPCI). Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Retno Marsudi is also invited at the end of the series of the events and at the same time, she will receive a recommendation letter in the form of key points of the results of the study during the event. What is hoped from this event is that the World Indonesian student association can introduce the association to the people of Indonesia that this association is the pioneers of the world's future leaders, and also showing the international community about the existence of the association. This was stated by Fadlan Muzakki, Coordinator of the world Indonesian student association.

The Government of Indonesia and the Kingdom of the Netherlands agreed to cooperate by strengthening and developing agricultural cooperatives in a bid to adopt the advantages of the two countries. Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises -SMEs, Teten Masduki held a bilateral meeting with a delegation of the government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands led by Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Jan-Kees Goet. Minister Teten Masduki said that his side offered cooperation in the development of Indonesian agricultural cooperatives with the Dutch agricultural cooperatives in the Netherlands. He also wants to adopt the success of the Dutch agricultural cooperative to be implemented in Indonesia. Since, the agricultural cooperatives in the Netherlands are well-developed. Even, it has become one of the biggest companies in the world. His side also encouraged investment from Dutch cooperatives with Indonesian cooperatives to realize the transfer of knowledge, innovation, and management.

The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) in Madrid, Spain on Sunday (28/6) appealed to Indonesian citizens to comply with local government policies that limit activities outside the home for 15 days to suppress the spread of new strains of the coronavirus (COVID-19). After the policy was announced, the Indonesian Embassy in Madrid asked Indonesian citizens to provide sufficient food and medicines and actively establish communication with the Indonesian representative office in Spain. This was conveyed by the Indonesian Embassy in Madrid's Social and Cultural Education Executing Agency, Ekalyptha Setyo Cahyono through a written statement, received in Jakarta. The Spanish government enacts the isolation rule for 15 days starting Monday (3/16). As long as the isolation takes place, residents are only allowed to go outside the house to buy food and medicines, go to a hospital or health clinic, to take the sick, to work, to refuel, to access banking services, and to seek refuge for extraordinary events such as natural disasters.

As long as the rules are valid, the Indonesian Embassy in Madrid also asked Indonesian citizens who are on vacation in Spain to immediately return to Indonesia, remembering that all tourist objects and restaurants are closed.


Harvard University can be regarded as the ideal of almost all students in the world. Each year, Harvard Law School accepts only around 800 students from all over the world. This year, Andhika Putra Sudarman is the only Indonesian who graduated from Harvard Law School, alma mater of former United States President Barack Obama. Not "just graduating", Andhika -a young man from Tanjungpinang, Riau Islands is also a "Harvard Law School Class Marshal" graduated with the award "Harvard Law School's Dean's Award" and gave a speech on Harvard Law School graduation day representing "Class of 2020". This achievement brings about not only happiness for Andhika, but also pride for his family and Indonesia.

Andhika is a native son of Tanjung Pinang who graduated from Tanjung Pinang 1 State High School, Riau Islands. Previously, he entered the Faculty of Law at University of Indonesia through the Written Examination in 2011. The winner of the 2014 National Level Student Achievement Champion became the first Indonesian youth in history to give a speech on the Harvard Law School graduation day since its foundation in 1817.

Since the beginning of his study in college, Andhika has been chosen to be a "Class Marshal" in his class. There were only 6 Class Marshals who were chosen through an election that represented around 800 people. Winning the hackathon competition held by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) became his most unique experience. Other unique experiences were being a speaker at the American Democratic Debate, an event of Harvard Law School that simulated the debate of presidential candidates at the time.


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Boosting Inbound Investment, Indonesian Embassy in Sofia facilitates a meeting for Indonesian Consultants and Bulgarian Entrepreneurs

Indonesia's representatives in foreign countries have a duty to promote Indonesia in its accredited countries. This means that they have to boost investment, tourism as well as exports and imports.  Indonesian Embassy in Sofia facilitated an online meeting of the Indonesian Embassy Economic Digital Networking between the NetIX Internet Connectivity Company of Bulgaria and the Indonesian IT Consultant (23/06/2020) to intensify inbound investment in Indonesia.

NetIX is an internet provider with a business-to-business orientation. By the creation of business and business networks, and people-to-people contact, it is expected to open the way for the creation of economic traffic between the two countries.

Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported that Indonesia has recorded to have around 171 million active internet users in 2019. That number is 64.8 percent of the total population of Indonesia.  Actually, Indonesia has great and attractive potential for investment in the field of information, communication and technology. Bulgaria is at the 74th rank out of 126 countries that invests in Indonesia.  The Bulgarian investment sector includes tourism, namely hotels and restaurants.

Bulgaria is one of the countries with the fastest internet connection in the world.   WebsiteToolTester Researchers reported that Bulgaria occupies the 49th position of 207 with a speed of 16.95 Mbps. Meanwhile, Indonesia is at the 92nd position with a speed of 6.65 Mbps.


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Indonesia and Malaysia jointly develop tourism travel corridors

Indonesia and Malaysia agreed to cooperate in rebuilding tourism and creative economy in each country which is impacted by Covid-19 pandemic; one of these is by building a joint tourism corridor. Deputy of Marketing for the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) and the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Baparekraf), Nia Niscaya in her recent statement in Jakarta explained that Malaysia is one of the important partners for Indonesian tourism. Malaysia has been one of the biggest contributors to foreign tourists to Indonesia. It recorded 2.09 million tourists from Malaysia visiting Indonesia in 2019.

Nia became a guest speaker at the Travel Industry Network Talkshow with Malaysian Minister of Tourism, Arts & Culture, Dato 'Sri Nancy Shukri with the theme "Regional Tourism Collaborative Opportunities Post COVID-19", Friday (6/19). The Covid-19 pandemic has brought about fundamental changes for tourists to travel in the future. To travel between countries, tourists may prefer to travel in a short-haul trip. Malaysia is one of the potential partners to be able to re-grow international tourism trips. She also stated that the cooperation that can be done is how to obtain the world confidence that the two countries have controlled successfully the spread of the Covid-19 and agreed to create a travel corridor.

Nia further said that both countries must be able to surely overcome the Covid-19 in each country. It is important to enhance confidence for tourists from each country in its market.

Malaysian Minister of Tourism, Arts & Culture, Dato 'Sri Nancy Shukri also remarked that Indonesia and Malaysia must be able to foster tourism in the future.


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Action of Indonesian military’s soldiers, who are joining in the contingent of Garuda XXIII-N/United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon (UNIFIL),  became a world spotlight. Because the Indonesian military’s soldiers who are on duty to keep peace in the borders between  Israel and Lebanon, succeeded in counteracting war among the countries. The event began when the Indonesian military’s soldiers were conducting surveillance at Blue Line, Adisa’s border, the South of Lebanon, on Tuesday (2/6/2020). The Indonesian military’s soldiers with a strength of 1 company and APC Anoa found Merkava tankbelonging to Israeli military penetrating the borders. When passing the borders, the Merkava tank was ready to hold confrontation with Lebanese soldiers who were ready to fight by using RPG. Commander of Peacekeeping Mission Centerof the Indonesian military, General Victor Hasudungan Simatupang said that the confrontation of the two countries succeeded to be anticipated after the Indonesian military’s soldiers received information of the existence of military movements from intelligence.

Indonesian embassy in Warszawa cooperated with Indonesian embassies in Berlin, The Hague, and Frankfurt to facilitate the repatriation of Indonesian citizens to Indonesia. From Warszawa, 11 Indonesian citizens continued their trip via Frankfurt on Friday (19/6), and then they flew to Indonesia on Saturday via Schiphol Amsterdam. This was reported in a press release of the Indonesian embassy in Warszawa, which was received by ANTARA. The press release also stated that the 11 people consisted of two students and 9 Indonesian Migrant Workers. Six of the Indonesian Migrant Workers were under an independent scheme, and they stayed at the temporary shelter of the Indonesian Embassy since mid-April 2020. Indonesian Ambassador to Poland, Siti Nugraha Mauludiah also confirmed that most Indonesian Migrant Workers in Poland were sent to Indonesia under the independent scheme.


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Herbal Medicine from Indonesia Preferred by Various Groups in Europe

The Hibiscus Foundation in collaboration with Indonesian Embassy in The Hague held a webinar on the story of herbal medicine as a healing art due to lots of herbal fans in Europe. Counselor of Social cultural information of the Indonesian Embassy in The Hague, Fery Iswandy told Antara London on Wednesday (06/17) that the seminar was supported by the Indonesian Alzheimer's Foundation in the Netherlands. The participants came from many countries with multidisciplinary backgrounds of science.

Chairman of the Hibiscus Foundation, Ine WawoRuntu explained that the story and history of herbal medicine are important aspects in connecting Indonesian people and the world. Of course, the people who love the culture and heritage of Indonesia know and have tasted herbal medicine as a famous national heritage whose efficacy is very excellent.  

Meanwhile, Deputy Chief of Indonesian Representative in The Hague, Fikry Cassidy stated, the seminar was done in the right time because the Covid-19 pandemic is still ongoing.  Right now, throughout the world many people are exposed to and infected with the Covid-19.

He further explained that in handling the Covid-19, every challenge has certainly a variety of opportunities. Take for example; the herbal medicine is a traditional health drink and is believed to have excellent treatment efficacy. Fikry Cassidy added that of course, people who love the culture and heritage of Indonesia know and have tasted the herbal medicine which is famous for its merit.

The webinar is expected that the participants can support to not only consume herbal medicine but also to contribute by promoting herbal medicine through various media so that herbal medicine is also known abroad. Thereby, the wealth of the archipelago can be preserved continuously.


Many problems faced by Indonesian fishermen pushed three students of the Sepuluh November Institute of Technology (ITS) to create a latest technology. Through this technology called Massive, they present a fish finder with the ability to show conditions in waters in real time. Three of them are Muhammad Azimt, Dista Rizky Dwi Yanti, and Alfi Rahmawati. Through this innovation, they are trying to help optimize the catch of fish at sea while still prioritizing the safety of every fisherman when fishing.

Muhammad Azimt as the team leader revealed, the making of Massive was motivated by the problem of fishermen who never finished fishing in the Indonesian waters. According to the fishermen, the catch of the fish is uncertain, difficult to predict. This fishing tool is not like other expensive fish detection devices. The tool can be used by small fishermen because the price is affordable. So, the consumption of the local fish market can increase. He said, most of the current fish finders are still used limited to large ships and they are foreign-made. However, this tool is present as an alternative group of fishing communities. Although being alternative, the function of this fishing tool can be equally used to search for fish in deep sea.

This tool has two parts namely one placed on the ship and one placed at sea. Later, this tool detects the location of fish based on the speed of water and wind currents. So, the sensor data sent to fishermen will be relevant to the underwater situation. This tool is also equipped with several components such as anemometer to detect wind speed, sonar to detect the presence of fish, and radio frequency module (xbee) as a media for transferring data from sensors to monitors. Muhammad Azimt also stated that currently, the tool is being tried and studied again because it still needs improvement and evaluation in terms of packaging.