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Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman

Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman (0)

The Indonesian Embassy in Beirut has acknowledged its continued support for trade cooperation improvement between Indonesia and Lebanon. Indonesian Ambassador to Lebanon Hajriyanto Y Thohari gave the Primaduta Award to Lebanese businessman and importer, George R Fattouh. The award was given for his service in helping market Indonesian products in Paris from the Middle East. The award was given at a ceremony at the Indonesian Embassy in Beirut, Thursday (11/1)  Fatough, is the owner of George R. Fattouh S.A.L, a business that has been importing Indonesian products since the 1980s. It has a range of products, including: palm oil and its derivatives, oil and fats (including cocoa butter substitute, fat spread, hydrogenated palm kernel oil, and lauric confectionery fats), cardboard, stationary, and school equipment. Some Indonesian products are now even available at famous retail networks, such as Spinney’s and Carrefour. In 2022, the value imported by George R. Fattough S.A.L of Indonesian products, was 981.3 million USD. This was a 149.5 million USD increase when compared to 2021. Fattouh said Indonesian products are known for their quality and are in high demand in Lebanese markets. However, he said, the challenge now is increasing freight costs due to security challenges in the region. 

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Garulina (0)



Listeners, a number of delicious dishes were served to the guests of Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman Yogyakarta, at the wedding reception of the youngest son of K.G.P.A.A. Paku Alam X, namely B.P.H. Kusumo Kuntonugroho with Laily Annisa Kusumastuti which was held on January 10, 2024.Head of the Customs and Accommodation Division, Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman, KRT Radyo Wisroyo said that the menu served to guests was quite varied. These menus are typical menus prepared by Pakualaman Pura, Indonesian menus and western food menus were also available. All invited guests including VIP and VVIP guests got the same menu. The first menu served to welcome guests, namely two types of welcome drink, namely lime lemongrass and ginger drink with lime. The welcome drink was given when guests sat down and watched the Bedhaya Sidamukti and Bedhaya Kakung Indrawidagda dance performances. Next, they gotsnacks for appetizer such as croquettes and other light snacks. There is a snack that is considered quite special and rare called Garulina. Garulina was the opening snack at the Pahargyan Dhaup Ageng Pakualaman lunch on the first day. Garulina has been around since the era before Indonesian independence. Garulina is actually not a typical Central Javanese food. It looks like the Lapis Legit layered cake, but there is something different, because there is a special layer like vla which is made from fresh milk, eggs and sugar. To get this sweet snack, Pakulaman Temple has to place a special order from the third generation of makers who have been pioneering since the 1950s. In Jogja, Garulina is very difficult to find and is considered rare because it is not sold every day.

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Today in History over RRI World Service -Voice of Indonesia. We start from an event on December 6 on the independent of Finland.

Kingdom of Finland had colonized by Russian Empire in 1809 and became autonomous region. But Bolshevik revolution by Russian Communist in October 1917 opened way for Finland to obtain independence. Declaration of Finland independence was determined by Finland parliamentary on December 6, 1917. The declaration stated that Finland was an independent state and ended its status as autonomous region of Russian empire. But Finland officially reached independence on January 3, 1918, and conflict on border of territory was solved in Tartu Treaty that was signed in 1920.

The next event was in 1922, on declaration the independence of Ireland.

United Kingdom has controlled Ireland since the 12th century. In the 16th century, the UK queen, Elizabeth I encouraged massive immigration of Protestant Scottish community to Ireland. Over the next several centuries, rebellions which were inflamed by native people, Catholic Irish people were extinguished by Anglo-Irish minorities. Irish movement gained momentum in the last 19th century. In 1921, the two parties agreed to hold ceasefire. Nationalism faction of Ireland signed peace agreement with the UK. They asked separation of Ireland with autonomous rights for the Southern region, while 6 states in the North of Irish Islands still became part of the UK kingdom. Civil war broke before declaration of the independence of Ireland on December 6, 1922. The victory was obtained by the soldiers of the independent Ireland in 1923. In 1937, constitution of Ireland declared Ireland as "sovereign, independent and democratic country." The independent Ireland was named as Eire, and still neutral during World War II. In 1949, Bill of Republic of Ireland decided the remaining relations with the United Kingdom Commonwealth.

And the last event is that in 2014, Indonesian Film Festival was opened and attended by President.

Indonesian Film Festival 2014 in Palembang, South Sumatra is the first film festival which was attended and directly opened by Indonesian President, Joko Widodo. Since 1955 and 7-times change of president, it was just for the first time to be attended and opened by the Indonesian President. In addition, the Indonesian Film Festival also made a new history, namely the Citra award for the big screen and the Vidia award for television films combined into one.



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This is RRI World Service, Voice of Indonesia with Today in History.


The first information is about the resignation of Muhammad Hatta as the Indonesian Vice President.


Muhammad Hatta or better known as Bung Hatta was an Indonesian fighter, statesman, economist, as well as the first Indonesian Vice President. Along with Soekarno, Muhammad Hatta contributed significantly to achieving the independence of Indonesian nation from the invasion of the Netherlands and proclaimed the Indonesian independence on August the 17th, 1945. Hatta had also become the Indonesian Prime Minister.  On December the 1956, Hatta resigned as the Indonesian Vice President due to having disagreement with President Soekarno.


The second information is about the signing of the Antarctic Treaty


The Antarctic Continent is the last continent discovered by human. There are many nations which want to take control of the continent. Therefore, in a bid to regulate the management of the continent, the Antarctic treaty was established and signed on December the 1st 1959. According to the treaty, the Antarctic Content would be used for peaceful purposes so that all activities related to military, such as the establishment of Military base, military exercise, and weapon testing are forbidden to take place in the continent. Besides, the treaty allows the continent to be used, especially for scientific purposes. Scientists must inform about the continent to the other scientists. They even can freely explore the continent. All biodiversity in the continent is protected communally. The countries which agree with treaty include Argentine, Belgium, Chili, France, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, UK, North Ireland, and the USA.


The last information is about the International AIDS Day


The International AIDS Day was firstly initiated in 1987 by James W. Bunn and Thomas Netter, two officials of the World Health Organization -WHO in Geneva, Switzerland. They conveyed the idea to Head of the UNAIDS (a joint committee established for HIV-AIDS Programs) at the UN named Dr. Jonathan Mann. Dr. Mann liked the concept of the International AIDS Day and agreed to establish the International AIDS Day on 1st of December 1988. Bunn initiated 1 December as the date. He estimated a date which could attract mass media in the USA, a date which coincided with the 1988 US General Elections. Despite of having been initiated since 1988, the International AIDS Day was activated in 1966. The commemoration has been used to promote the harm of the disease and ways to prevent it.



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Diplomatic Corner, a program which presents information about activities and progress of Indonesian diplomacy in the international world. 


The first information is from Sofia, Bulgaria.

Indonesian Embassy in Sofia held promotion event whose theme is ‘Wonders of Indonesia: Indonesia Outlook 2018’ to increase Indonesian trade value with Albania and Macedonia. The event was held in Tirana, Albania on November 26 and in Skopje, Macedonia on November 27. Indonesian Ambassador in Sofia, Sri Astari Rasjid said as quoted by Antara News Agency on Wednesday that Indonesian government makes efforts to create economic system which is conducive in supporting trade, tourism and investment. Meanwhile, Director of European III, Adrian Wicaksono explained in the event that Indonesia has various Indonesian mainstay products, such as airplane, horticulture and fishery. Various local entrepreneurs of the two countries welcomed the Indonesian initiatives. Some exporting challenges of Indonesia to Albania and Macedonia can be addressed. Indonesia can enhance its products for export, such as coffee, fishery, agricultural products, airplanes, and cooperation in tourism. The trade value of between Indonesia and Macedonia in 2017 reached almost US$7 million dollars; while until August, it was exceeding US$ 9 million dollars. Meanwhile with Albania, the trade value reached more than US$10 million dollars in 2017.

The next information is from Islamabad. Indonesia presents dance art and culinary in Islamabad.

Dance art and two gazebos of Indonesia enlivened annual charity bazar which was held by Pakistan Foreign Office Woman's Association (PFOWA) at the square of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Pakistan. Based on written statement of the Indonesian embassy in Islamabad which was received in Jakarta on Tuesday, Indonesian pavilion at the event got a lot of attention with the performance of Pencak Silat demonstrated by Indonesian martial arts and dance. Indonesian typical handicraft and food outlet also attracted some buyers. First lady of Pakistan, Samina Alvi officially opened Bazaar PFOWA 2018 and said that the event was a form of people’s responsibility on fellows in doing formally diplomacy and also improving harmony and brotherhood between two nations.

Diplomatic Corner with the information from Tashkent. There is new step of Indonesia-Uzbekistan Friendship Relations.

Head of Indonesia-Uzbekistan Friendship Association who also serves as rector of Gunadarma University, Prof. Dr. Eko Sri Margianti met Deputy of State’s Committee for Inter-technical Relations and Friendship Cooperation with Foreign Countries of Uzbekistan, Mr. Kamoliddin Ishanxodjaev (25/11). The meeting is a new step of relationship of the two countries, remembering that the association was established on August 7, 2018. The association is expected to be able to increase and to strengthen relations of the two countries that have run well so far. This was stated by Kamoliddin Ishanxodjaev when welcoming the visit of delegation from Indonesia that consisted of the rectors of various colleges in Indonesia and the Indonesian embassy’s staff. Kamoliddin also said that the committee is ministerial level state institution which has relationship with 140 countries and 138 Cultural Centers and also 34 relation associations. One of them is Indonesia-Uzbekistan Friendship Association. Kamoliddin Ishanxodjaev believed that with the existence of Friendship Association of the countries, this will do strengthen not only educational or cultural social sector, but also economic sector. Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Eko Sri Margianti is optimistic that the Friendship Association will become media of development of further cooperation from relations that have been established in educational sector.

That was Diplomatic Corner.



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Mosaic of the Archipelago presents information: first, Wondama people are introduced with creative industry. The second is the enchantment of Rumah Bundar Museum. We end Mosaic of the Archipelago with the information on Constitutional Court confirms Bangbang village as Constitutional Village.

People in Teluk Wondama and South Manokwari regency are introduced with creative industry to optimize utilization of local potential. The activity which was conducted by people’s Empowerment Office of West Papua province, targets native people of Papua in the two regions. At the training which was conducted at Teluk Wondama, starting from November 26-28, people got a technique or how to make plate with stick of coconut midrib as material. Through the training, the local people of Papua are expected to be able to have skills by processing abundant natural resources potential, especially stick of coconut or palm midrib in a bid to become source of income and to support economy of family.  This was stated by Regent of Teluk Wondama, Bernadus Imburi on the sidelines of the activity on Tuesday. Regent Imburi welcomed the existence of the training because in Teluk Wondama, a lot of people plant coconut trees, including areca trees, the special plants of Papuan people. Regent Imburi also hoped that the participants, who are housewives, used the opportunity well so that they are able to have knowledge and skill to plant sticks to become plate. They also have skill to make dry areca that is good and having good quality so that it can be sold well.   

If visit Tarakan city, North Kalimantan, please do not forget to visit one of tourism objects, Rumah Bundar Museum. Because this tourism object is rich of information of flora and fauna. Reportedly, at the museum, we can find various kinds of seeds of typically rare plants of Kalimantan, such as Pasak Bumi and also various kinds of orchids. In addition, there is also rare wood, such as Ulin and Bangkirai; there are also photographs of rare animals, including Proboscis monkey or monkey with long nose (Bekantan). Previously at the museum, there were some objects of World War II such as Samurai, soldiers’ shoes, bullets and headpieces, but they have been moved to World War II Museum.  This is called “Rumah Bundar” because its roof is like circle of drum, that is cut flat in the middle. Rumah Bundar is located on Jalan Danau Jempang at the center of city. Rumah Bundar was functioned in 1945 by ally as activity center to restore environment in Tarakan that was heavy damaged due World War II when attacking Japanese forces.  Tarakan becomes historical region because Tarakan is the place where Japanese forces landed for the first time in 1942.

The last information of Mosaic of the Archipelago is on Constitutional Court confirms Bangbang village as Constitutional Village.

Constitutional Court inaugurated Bangbang village in Bangli regency, Bali as Constitutional Village that was signed by inscription signature. This was stated by Deputy Governor of Bali, Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati when giving speech on the inauguration event in Bangli on Wednesday. He said that the existence of village and traditional village in Bali and other villages in Indonesia have specialty and strategic role in determining the existence of the constitution. By the inauguration of Bangbang village, Deputy Governor, Tjokorda hopes that the villagers are really aware to mainly understand the constitution. In his speech, Chairman of Constitution Court of Republic of Indonesia, Dr. Anwar Usman conveyed that constitution must be well understood and interpreted by all national stakeholders so that the goals of the nation and state life can be reached. The inauguration of constitutional village is part of Constitutional Court’s efforts to establish "role model" in strengthening the constitution. The constitutional village is also as effort of confirming, protecting, maintaining and enlightening the values of Pancasila. By inaugurating the Bangbang village as constitutional village, it is expected that the villagers are committed being aware of the constitution. In addition, Bangbang village has eligible criteria as constitutional village, such as having religious value, mutual cooperation value, democracy and also awareness of law.

That was Mosaic of the Archipelago.



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Today in History over RRI World Service -Voice of Indonesia. We start from an event on November 29, 1947 when the United Nations issued resolution No. 181.

On November 29, 1947, General Assembly of the United Nations agreed Plan for Division of Palestine to end conflict in Palestine by issuing resolution number 181. The plan was agreed by General Assembly of the United Nations with 33 agree, 13 reject, and 10 neutral. The plan broke Palestine in the region for Jewish and Arab, with the great region of Jerusalem, including Bethlehem under international supervision. Jewish side received coastal area around Tel Aviv, region around Galilea Lake, and region of Negev desert. Meanwhile, Arab side received remaining of Palestine, including a small enclave of Jaffa in the South of Tel Aviv. Jewish side also received around 55 percent of total area of land, while Arab received 45 percent.

The next event is that in 1963, accident of Trans-Canada DC8 airlines occurred.

Aircraft, which was just taking off from Montreal to Toronto, felt down on November 29, 1963 and killed 118 passengers, including 7 crews. The tragedy occurred at 06.32 of local time around 20 miles from Montreal International Airport. Part of aircraft debris reportedly dispersed until 1 kilometer from toll road. The aircraft was allegedly still burning two hours after the plane crashed.

And the last event was in 1971 about Day of the Corps of Employees of the Republic of Indonesia.

Corps of Employees of the Republic of Indonesia -Korpri is an organization in Indonesia whose members consist of Civil Servants, employees of State-Owned Enterprises, Regional-Owned Enterprises and subsidiaries, as well as village government equipment. Korpri, which was established on November 29, 1971 based on Presidential Decree No. 82/1971, is an organization to gather all employees of Republic of Indonesia. The date of the establishment of Korpri is commemorated as Korpri Day.

That’s Today in History.



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This is RRI World Service, Voice of Indonesia with Mosaic of Archipelago. In today’s edition, I will present some information. First, Indonesian volunteers encourage economic empowerment. Second, Residents of North Barito harvest the first honey of meliponines. Third, the enjoyment of otak-otak from Sukabumi is in demand from outside the region.


The Indonesian Volunteer Society (MRI) encourages economic empowerment in accordance with the local potential as a form of recovery assistance, especially for residents affected by natural disasters. This was said by President of MRI, Syuhelmaidi Syukur at the MRI Bali Regional Work Meeting in Denpasar on Saturday (24/11).Syuhelmaidi remarked that the program is carried out in North Lombok after the earthquake shook the area by carrying out economic empowerment as one of the pilot programs. He also said that the economic empowerment becomes one of the three elements that are carried out during the recovery period in addition to physical development and social empowerment.He also said that in North Lombok, the company carries out a food granary program in the form of working capital, seeds, buying grain and rice produced in warehouses in collaboration with one of the Perdana Ritelindo Hidro minimarkets.He also encouraged MRI in the area, one of which is a new management in Bali to explore the potential of community empowerment, such as tourism, creative industries, agriculture and animal husbandry in accordance with local characteristics.


The farmer group 'Makmur Djaya Bhakti', the honey bee cultivator (Trigona Itama), in South Teweh Sub-district, North Barito Regency, Central Kalimantan made the first harvest owned by the local residents.That was stated by Head of Unit VI and VIII Central Barito Forest Management (KPHP) in North Barito Regency, Bahruddinsyah in Muara Teweh last Monday. He also stated that the farmer group located in the Transbangdep Hamlet, Bintang Ninggi I Village, South Teweh Sub-district, is one of the three farmer groups to develop ‘kelulut’ or meliponines honeybees.  For the other two groups in Hajak Village, Teweh Baru Subdistrict, each of them cultivates 10 stups(boxes for nesting bees produce honey). For now, only residents in the Transbangdep Hamlet have done harvest for the age of 22 days by making 10 stups and the results are around seven liters of honey. Bahruddinsyah accompanied by Head of Planning and Utilization of Forest Products, Jumaidil Hairi, said that the hornet honey bee was collaborating with one of the coal mining companies in the local village area.This activity is part of a corporate responsibility program (CRS). Bahruddinsyah said that the crop cultivation was facilitated by conducting guidance, promotion and packaging as well as being marketed in bottles of 250 ml and 100 ml. He also explained, the cultivation of the meliponines honeybees can provide good performance and effective business for the community, and can make a model for the community in other villages.


Sukabumi's specialty otak-otak or grilled fish cake, which is produced by Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) on Jalan Kenari, Sukabumi City, West Java, by empowering housewives attracts some people from  Jakarta, Bogor, Bandung, Tangerang, and even Kalimantan. The Sukabumi’s typical otak-otak-maker, Meriawati in Sukabumi said on Sunday that in producing the otak-otak, she empowers housewives around her house in Gang Ketapang, Selabatu Village, Cikole Sub-District.Although without work of contract, the income from making otak-otak can be an additional income for family. Every day, the demand from customers is around 500 packs, even if on holidays or weekends, the demand increases to one thousand packs.The price is only Rp3,000/piece, but she packs it containing five otak-otak plus peanut sauce at a price of Rp15,000. The production itself is carried out in the morning and once finished, it is immediately sold out.Meanwhile, Deputy Mayor of Sukabumi, Andri Setiawan Hamami said, the main program of the Sukabumi City Government in improving the economy of the community is by establishing entrepreneurship and encouraging them to become MSMEs entrepreneurs. They have also prepared a program for entrepreneurs ranging from coaching, training, promotion, marketing to business capital assistance.


That was Mosaic of Archipelago.



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This is RRI World Service, Voice of Indonesia with Diplomatic Corner, a program which presents information about activities and progress of Indonesian Diplomacy in the international world.


First information is from Dhaka, Bangladesh. Batik, one of the world cultural heritages from Indonesia, established by UNESCO, was the center of attention in the Indonesian Batik Festival held at the Indonesia Embassy in Dhaka, on November 21 and 22. This festival was held to promote batik from Indonesia to the people of Bangladesh, such as a variety of batik fashion show activities, talk shows about batik, batik making workshops, and exhibitions and sales of Indonesian batik. Indonesian Ambassador to Bangladesh, Rina P. Soemarno on the sidelines of the festival on Wednesday (21/11) said that such activities made batik increasingly get a place in the hearts of Bangladeshi people.


The next information is still from Dhaka, Bangladesh. Preferential Trade Agreement –PTA between Indonesia and Bangladesh is one of the key factors in increasing trade cooperation between the two countries. Bangladesh was the 7th largest surplus country in 2017; the trade volume between Indonesia and Bangladesh has reached a surplus of around 80 percent for Indonesia. PTA negotiations between the two countries were agreed on by President Joko Widodo when he made a state visit to Bangladesh in early 2018. Indonesian Ambassador to Bangladesh, Rina P Soemarno hoped in Dhaka on Wednesday (21/11) that to facilitate the bilateral trade, the first round of negotiations would begin soon. The first negotiations for PTA Indonesia and Bangladesh will start in December. Ambassador Rina said that with PTA, it would be able to help plan the next 5 years to increase the market share of Indonesia and Bangladesh to 50 percent through energy cooperation, agricultural technology, livestock, transportation, and information and communication technology. This is in line with the increasing capacity of the Bangladesh economy. Based on United Nations assessment, Bangladesh is expected to 'get through' from the Least Developed Country or underdeveloped country category by 2021.


CEO of Punjab Board of Investment and Trade, Jahanzeb Burana said that that the biggest challenge between Pakistan and Indonesia is the lack of understanding of Pakistani people to Indonesia and vice-versa. This was stated by Jahanzeb Burana when he welcomed the delegation of the Journalist Visit Program. Jahanzeb said that Pakistan is an untapped market that is ready to become an economic diplomacy partner and this is profitable for Indonesia. At present, the value of Indonesian-Pakistani trade was at US$2.6 billion dollars in 2017; US $1.6 billion was contributed by oil palm. As the third largest palm oil export destination in the world, oil palm dominates Indonesia-Pakistan trade relations. Currently, the Indonesia-Pakistan trade balance is still a surplus of US$2.1 billion dollars for Indonesia. To be effective early 2019, Indonesia will add 20 Pakistani products to the Preferential Trade Agreement to help balance the Indonesian-Pakistani trade balance. This was approved by the representative of the Indonesian Embassy in Islamabad, Adelin Marisa. The Indonesian Embassy in Islamabad has not only signed a memorandum of understanding with seven travel agents in Islamabad to increase Pakistani tourists to Indonesia, but has also invited several Pakistani news agencies to Indonesia through a familiarization trip scheme.


That was Diplomatic Corner!


Diplomatic Corner

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Various tastes of Indonesian coffee are in great demand by British people. It can be viewed from the existence of importers and owners of coffee’s stalls in England in the event of Indonesia Coffee Day that was held by Indonesian embassy in London. Counselor of the Indonesian embassy in London, Thomas Siregar said on Sunday that the importers and the owners of the coffee said that they are interested  in and want to do business with Indonesian coffee’s entrepreneurs and farmers. They admitted that Indonesian coffee has different taste from instant coffee. Indonesian Ambassador to Great Britain, Republic of Ireland and International Maritime Organization, Rizal Sukma said that market potential of Indonesia coffee in England is very large, reminding there is tradition changing trend in England from drinking tea to coffee. Ambassador Rizal hopes that Indonesia Coffee Day event can become promotion event to increase export of Indonesian coffee to England. In the cooperation event of the Indonesian embassy in London with Trade Ministry and Bank Indonesia, all coffee types were presented in coffee cupping session that was guided by Syafrudin, a representative of Specialty Coffee Association Indonesia.

Indonesian embassy in Singapore cooperated with Indonesian Tourism Ministry to introduce Bintan to 12 ambassadors of neighboring countries that reside in Singapore and Jakarta. The event was Ambassadors' Familiarization Trip to Bintan & Batam that was conducted at Bintan Lagoon Resort, Lagoi, Bintan, Riau Islands.  Indonesian Ambassador to Singapore, Ngurah Swajaya in his press release received in Jakarta, on Saturday, said that he efforts were conducted to realize the target of 20 million foreign tourists to Indonesia. Ambassador Ngurah said that Bintan has a lot of tourism destinations and attractions, including golf square. In addition, Bintan is also adjacent to Singapore. Bintan is chosen because of proximity of location with Singapore as international hub.

Three students of Wikrama Vocational High School, Bogor, West Java were selected to represent Indonesia to participate in Film Festival in Japan. The 12th Asian International Children’s Film Festival' is conducted in Hokaido, Japan starting from November 19-28, 2018. The three students are Denzel Gymnastiar Setiawan, Muhammad Fauzi Azhar, and Angelive Hilsunny. They were selected to represent Indonesia based on selection result which was conducted by Japanese embassy in Indonesia. Their documentary film entitled 'Return' succeeded to pass selection and selected as representatives from Indonesia on the festival. The film will be shown together with films of other schools from 12 countries in Asia. Coach and also teacher of multimedia expertise competency of Wikrama Vocational School, M Dudi Permadi said that the film with the title "Return" under cooperation with his students tells about a worker who has worst habits by littering. Then finally, the worker realizes that the environment must be protected.


Welcome back to Miscellany. In today's edition, we will present you information about Indonesia as the host of the annual international culinary expo

The 2018 SIAL Interfood Culinary Expo took place from 21-24 November at JiExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta. The SIAL Interfood is an international culinary expo affiliating with a French trade expo named Salon International de L'alimenation (Global Food Marketplace). The annual expo presents various stalls of food, beverages, hotel, restaurant, and cafe equipment, catering services, and bakery. Deputy of Industrial and Institutional Development at the Indonesian Tourism Ministry, Rizki Handayani Mustafa says that the SIAL Interfood 2018 will support the development of Indonesian culinary industry as well as promote Indonesian tourism. Rizki Handayani added that Indonesian culinary industry has developed rapidly. Nowadays, it is very easy to find restaurants or coffee shops serving modern cuisine in both big and small cities. The revival of Indonesian culinary is also reflected by the huge foreign reserves contributed from this industry that is 30% of tourists' expenditures.

The expo holds a number of events in collaboration with numerous organizations, associations, as well as national and international culinary and gastronomical chefs, and practitioners, such as the SIAL innovation or the highest appreciation given to participants with the best innovation in food products and their supporting industry like packaging. The brands which win the SIAL innovation will be featured in all SIAL Interfood expos in France, Canada, India, China, and Middle Eastern countries. Besides, there is an event called La Cuisine Competition in collaboration with World's Chefs and Association of Culinary Professionals -ACP. It is a forum for international culinary experts and professional chefs to demonstrate and compete their cooking skills.

Some other events include tea demo and tea-brewing competition, seminar and workshop about coffee and wine, as well as business meeting among international culinary businesspeople. This year, the SIAL Interfood 2018 targets 75,000 visitors. Last year, The SIAL Interfood 2017 was participated in by 900 participants from 33 countries and 53,000 visitors from 49 countries.

That was Miscellany about Indonesia as the host of the annual international culinary expo.



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Today's Mosaic of the Archipelago presents information: first, Tanah Laut holds Folk Market 2018. The second is that Grebeg Maulud in Madiun is enlivened by Gunungan 'Jaler' and 'Estri' parade. We end Mosaic of the Archipelago with the information on Tourim Minister facilitates Business-to-Business of Lombok and Yogyakarta industry.

Regional government of Tanah Laut, South Kalimantan held Folk Market 2018 at Pertasi Kencana Pelaihari square on Wednesday (21/11). Regent of Tanah Laut, Sukamta said that Folk Market 2018 is an annual event to commemorate the anniversary of Tanah Laut regency. He said that the implementation of Folk Market 2018 is different from the previous year because the event is handed over to vendors as implementer, which is organized in the group of PKL Uber Rezeki or in English means Vendors Chase Fortune. The regional government only facilitates it. The event was attended by Deputy Regent of Tanah Laut,  Regional House of Representative’s members of Tanah Laut, Head of Cooperative Office of Small Business and Trade of Tanah Laut. In addition, Head of the vendors’ group and the committee of the event also attended the event.

City’s government of Madiun held Gunungan, 'Jaler' and 'Estri' parade. The parade of the two events was the peak of Grebeg Maulud event to commemorate the birth of Prophet Muhammad SAW 1440 Hijriah, which felt on Tuesday (20/11). The parade took route at ancient mosque park to Madiun city’s square. Gunungan Jaler contained of raw vegetables, while  Gunungan Estri contained of snacks. After being paraded, the two gunungan events were prayed and then seized by local people. They believed if they succeeded to get part of the gunungan, they would get blessing in their life. Head of Historical Development Section, Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports Office, Madiun city, Sumiati said that the parade is a manifestation to imitate the teachings of Prophet Muhammad SAW. Meanwhile, Mayor of Madiun, Sugeng Rismiyanto said that the parade of gunungan Jaler and Estri has become religious cultural tourism icon in Madiun. In the future, to enliven the birth of Prophet Muhammad SAW, his side would ask related offices to invite Small and Medium Enterprises to conduct bazar for three days at Madiun city’s square.

We end Mosaic of the Archipelago with the information on Minister of Tourim facilitates Business-to-Business of Lombok and Yogyakarta industry.

Big mission was carried out by Tour Agent and Tour Operator (TA/TO) of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara in Yogyakarta. Facilitated by Tourism Ministry, as many as 20 Tour Agents and Tour Operators offered various kinds of tourism packages to Lombok and West Nusa Tenggara and to affirm if tourism of West Nusa Tenggara has been recovered. Business-to-Business (B2B) event was packaged in Table Top and Gala Dinner of West Nusa Tenggara rise Asia, held starting from November 20-22, 2018. Head of the Working Team of Destination and Promotion Recovery of West Nusa Tenggara, Dr. Farid Said stated that the team has proposed various activities both destination recovery and promotion to accelerate NTB tourism recovery post-earthquake. This was stated by Dr. Farid in his press release received by RRI on Tuesday (20/11). The event is follow-up on tourism recovery post-earthquake that hit Lombok and surrounding areas on August 5, 2018. Previously, Tourism Minister, Arief Yahya has set a Decree related to the Working Team. The team did efforts and activities in the form of 3A data collection (Attraction, Accessibility, and Amenity), psychological recovery through trauma healing and promotion of tourism destination that was not affected. Head of Marketing of Area II Regional III at the deputy of Marketing I Section of Tourism Ministry, Hendry Noviardi explained that the intended destination is Special  Economic Zone of Mandalika which is being developed by ITDC as Priority Tourism Destination, Sekotong (Gili Nangu, Gili Sudak, Gili Kedis), as part of Senggigi and Mataram city.

That was Mosaic of the Archipelago.