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Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman

Primaduta Award for Lebanese Businessman (0)

The Indonesian Embassy in Beirut has acknowledged its continued support for trade cooperation improvement between Indonesia and Lebanon. Indonesian Ambassador to Lebanon Hajriyanto Y Thohari gave the Primaduta Award to Lebanese businessman and importer, George R Fattouh. The award was given for his service in helping market Indonesian products in Paris from the Middle East. The award was given at a ceremony at the Indonesian Embassy in Beirut, Thursday (11/1)  Fatough, is the owner of George R. Fattouh S.A.L, a business that has been importing Indonesian products since the 1980s. It has a range of products, including: palm oil and its derivatives, oil and fats (including cocoa butter substitute, fat spread, hydrogenated palm kernel oil, and lauric confectionery fats), cardboard, stationary, and school equipment. Some Indonesian products are now even available at famous retail networks, such as Spinney’s and Carrefour. In 2022, the value imported by George R. Fattough S.A.L of Indonesian products, was 981.3 million USD. This was a 149.5 million USD increase when compared to 2021. Fattouh said Indonesian products are known for their quality and are in high demand in Lebanese markets. However, he said, the challenge now is increasing freight costs due to security challenges in the region. 

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Garulina (0)



Listeners, a number of delicious dishes were served to the guests of Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman Yogyakarta, at the wedding reception of the youngest son of K.G.P.A.A. Paku Alam X, namely B.P.H. Kusumo Kuntonugroho with Laily Annisa Kusumastuti which was held on January 10, 2024.Head of the Customs and Accommodation Division, Dhaup Ageng Pura Pakualaman, KRT Radyo Wisroyo said that the menu served to guests was quite varied. These menus are typical menus prepared by Pakualaman Pura, Indonesian menus and western food menus were also available. All invited guests including VIP and VVIP guests got the same menu. The first menu served to welcome guests, namely two types of welcome drink, namely lime lemongrass and ginger drink with lime. The welcome drink was given when guests sat down and watched the Bedhaya Sidamukti and Bedhaya Kakung Indrawidagda dance performances. Next, they gotsnacks for appetizer such as croquettes and other light snacks. There is a snack that is considered quite special and rare called Garulina. Garulina was the opening snack at the Pahargyan Dhaup Ageng Pakualaman lunch on the first day. Garulina has been around since the era before Indonesian independence. Garulina is actually not a typical Central Javanese food. It looks like the Lapis Legit layered cake, but there is something different, because there is a special layer like vla which is made from fresh milk, eggs and sugar. To get this sweet snack, Pakulaman Temple has to place a special order from the third generation of makers who have been pioneering since the 1950s. In Jogja, Garulina is very difficult to find and is considered rare because it is not sold every day.

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Kendari City Government in Southeast Sulawesi conducted tree planting in commemorating National Planting Day 2018, in Kadia Kendari on Monday (17/12). The event was attended by Acting Mayor of Kendari, Sulkarnain. Sulkarnain after planting the tree, affirmed that the event is a real action to save forest, land and water. He said forest is a very important life support to protect land and water sustainability. According to him, the program can balance development and preserve environment and water resources in Kendari.

As many as 735 athletes are participated in International Wushu Championship in Bali, that was opened by Chairman of Executive Board of Indonesian Wushu, Airlangga Hartarto, in Nusa Dua Bali, on Monday evening (17/12). Head of the championship committee, entitle “1'st Bali International Kungfu Championship 2018”, Bambang Supriyanto, said the participants are from 88 clubs in Indonesia and overseas, namely Ukraine, Macao and Norway. According to Bambang, the main target of the championship is to introduce and to popularize traditional wushu sport to international world. Therefore, part of traditional wushu propaganda that will become the biggest competition, is competed in Indonesia in accordance with the determination and standardization of International Wushu Federation. Therefore, the championship is also packed in form of sport tourism to more strengthen Bali image as tourist destination.

The Office of Tourism, Youth and Sports of Agam regency, West Sumatra recorded that around 7,500 tourists visited Maninjau Lake Festival which was centered at Muko-muko tourism object, Tanjungraya district, on December 15 and 16. Secretary of Tourism and Culture Office of Agam, Agusmardi, said in Lubukbasung, on Monday (17/12) that generally tourists who visited the event were local tourist from Agam, regency, and neighbor towns. The crowdmade most of merchandises at the tourism object sold out. It was along with the goal of the event, namely to increase the economy of the local people, and to increasing the number of visits and also to preserve Minangkabau tradition to young generation. Agusmardi said the event was atambua tansa competition, an art of Salingka people of Maninjau Lake, with the participants 42 teams and also recitation competition of Asmaul Husna or the names of Allah (God the Almighty) which was participated by45 teams. Besides that, there was also competition of pupuik batang padi, fari Minangkabau instrument, with 20 participants and rowing which was participated by 6 regencies and cities. In the future, the event will be held in international level with participants from neighboring countries.


Diplomatic Corner

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Indonesian Consulate General in Marseille held a meeting with regional government and exporter entrepreneur of furniture and handicraft in Montpellier on December 13, 2018. On the occasion, General Consul, Asianto Sinambela explained on Indonesia’s potential export products at the markets of countries in European Union regions. Deputy Mayor of international and tourism division of Montpellier welcomed efforts to increase cooperation with Indonesian Consulate General. Asianto Sinambela emphasized the need of Indonesian people’s participation in in business events and promoting Indonesian products.

The Indonesian government welcomed the agreement to adopt the Paris Agreement Work Programme (PAWP) carried out at the Katowice Climate Change Conference in Poland, as stated in a written statement from Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Jakarta on Monday. Chief of Indonesian Negotiator Nur Masripatin stated on the last day of the 24th Conference of the Parties (COP-24) UN Framework Convention on Climate Change on Dec 14 in Katowice, Poland that Indonesia welcomed the adoption of the Paris Agreement Work Program, which will guide the parties in implementing the Paris Agreement. During the negotiation process, on Dec 2, the Indonesian delegation actively encouraged the meeting to produce a balanced and comprehensive Paris Agreement Work Programme (PAWP) and put forward the principles of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities and Respective Capabilities. As an archipelagic country which is susceptible on climate change impact, Indonesia is committed to continuously contributing in handling climate change and calling on the need to increase international cooperation and strengthening multilateral frame in handling climate change issue. 

Indonesian Ambassador to Singapore, Ngurah Swajaya  Den Yealta invited Singaporean investors to invest their capital in Free Trade Zone which is managed by Management Agency of Tanjung Pinang. As many as 50 investors and entrepreneurs from Singapore attended "Tanjung Pinang Investment Forum 2018" which was held in Singapore recently. The event was in cooperation between Indonesian Embassy in Singapore and Management Agency of Tanjung Pinang, which specially offered investment packages in Free Trade Zone/ FTZ of Tanjung Pinang, Bintan Island. Indonesian Ambassador to Singapore, Ngurah Swajaya, also ensured investors from Singapore that FTZ which is managed by the Agency is part of cooperation of Batam, Bintan, Karimun (BBK) of Indonesia - Singapore.


Miscellany in today’s edition presents information about ”Indonesian Author receives Prince Claus Award 2018”. 

Indonesian literary world has just collected a prideful achievement. Indonesian author, Eka Kurniawan received the Prince Claus Award 2018 for the literary category on 6th of December in the Netherlands. The annual award is presented to individuals, groups, or organizations engaging in cultural affair. Their literary works have contributed to developing the society in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Caribbean Islands. Eka Kurniawan is chosen as the winner because of his ability in narrating imaginative stories through the beauty of prose as well as the universality of the themes of his works.

213 people were listed as the nominations of the Prince Claus Award 2018. 85 of them were accepted and reselected by the Prince Clause Award Board. Those who were selected were invited to attend the formal awarding ceremony in Royal Palace, Amsterdam, before the royal family of Kingdom of the Netherlands and guests coming from all around the world. The award would also be given to respective country of the winner followed by a ceremony led by Dutch Ambassador. Besides Eka Kurniawan, the other winners of Prince Claus Award 2018 include Adong Judith from Uganda for theatrical category, Marwa al-Sabouni from Syria for Architecture and Urbanism Category, Kidlat Tahimik from the Philippines for Visual Arts and Film Category, and O Menelick Ato from Brazil for Media and Journalistic Category. Meanwhile, Market Photo Workshop from South Africa won the Principal Prince Claus Award 2018 for photographic category. Dada Masilo who also comes from South Africa won the Next Generation Award 2018 for Dance Category.


Eka Kurniawa is an Indonesian author who was born on 28th of November 1975. His works counter all discriminative political treatments. Eka attempts to communicate social issues through his interactive works so that they can be delivered easily to the public and build better perception about their country. The writer who pursued his study at Gadjah Mada University is thought to be able to sharpen people’s understanding about history so that people will have better perception about their country. He is also able to promote local culture by incorporating local mythology in his stories, which has probably been abandoned in Indonesian literary tradition. The author of Cantik dan Luka or in English Beautiful and Wound, uses the power of literature to deliver crucial topics, especially in the period when the freedom of expressing opinion was restricted.



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Today’s Mosaic of Archipelago presents the following information:


South Bangka held Batin Tikal Festival. Regional government of South Bangka, Bangka Belitung province held Batin Tikal Festival to manifest new tourism destination in the region.

Regent of South Bangka, Justiar Noer said in Toboali, on Tuesday (11/12) that the festival is to remember a struggling figure of Batin Tikal that until now still becomes controversy who he is actually, where he comes from, and what his contribution is. All of these will be verified. The Regent added that in future, the festival will be decided to be one of series events of Toboali City on Fire where the event has entered as tourism agenda by Indonesian Tourism Ministry.

The next information is that Adventure Tour becomes favorite of tourist to Purwakarta. Youth, Sports, Tourism and Culture Office of Purwakarta regency said during 2018, the number of tourists  who visit to the region reaches 2.3 million people. From the number, two percent is foreign tourist. Head of the office, Heri Anwar said if it is viewed from the target of the visit, it is not appropriate with the target. But he was grateful because currently,  Purwakarta has become one of destinations of foreign tourists. One of destinations of the foreign tourists is adventure tourism object. One of them is hiking at Mt. Parang, Tegalwaru district.

The last information is that Emping Melinjo cracker of Lebak, Banten province succeeded to penetrate Singaporean market. It is conducted through company service of exporter from Jakarta. Hardi, craft-man from Banjarsari on Tuesday (11/12) said that all cracker products are supplied by export market. Market demand of neighboring countries is quite high because Emping Melinjo cracker product of Lebak has organic quality. In addition, the product is produced traditionally and without preservatives. Head of Cooperative and Small Medium Enterprises of Lebak regency, Babay Imroni said that the existence of Emping Melinjo cracker can encourage people’s economic growth and also overcome poverty and unemployment.



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Today in History over RRI World Service -Voice of Indonesia. We start from an event on December 13, 1945 when blood tragedy occurred in Tebing Tinggi city.

On December 13, 1945, massive massacre on Tebing Tinggi civilians occurred. This was conducted by Japanese military. The massacre killed around 2.000 people. Until now, Tebing Tinggi civilians commemorate the tragedy as Massacre Day.

The next event is that in 1937, Antara was established.

Public company of Antara News Agency is State-owned Entreprise that is given duty by the government to disseminate information and carry out coverage which is fast, accurate and important throughout Indonesia and international world. Antara News Agency was established on December 13, 1937 by A.M. Sipahoetar, Mr. Soemanang, Adam Malik and Pandoe Kartawigoena, when spirit of national independence was motivated by the Indonesian youths. As executive director at that time was Mr. Soemanang and Adam Malik was as editor concurrently vice director; Pandoe Kartawigoena was as administrator and also assisted by journalist A.M. Sipahutar. Since 1962, Antara has officially become National News Agency that is directly under president of republic of Indonesia.

And the last event is that in 2003, Saddam Hussein was arrested.

Saddam Hussein was Iraqi president in period July 16, 1979 until April 9, 2003. As leader of Iraq and chairman of Ba'ath party, he took policy of secular pan-Arabism, economic modernization and Arabic socialism. Saddam Hussein was overthrown in invasion of Iraq in 2003, which was led by the United States of America, and arrested by the US forces on December 13, 2003. On November 5, 2006, Chief Judge, Rauf Rasheed Abdel Rahman sentenced him to death on his crimes to humanity. On December 30, 2006, Saddam was executed in the age of 69 years.



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Here are the Headlines of several national newspapers published today, December 11 2018.


We begin with Media Indonesia which wrote, “Underdeveloped Villages Keep Decreasing.”


Slowly but surely, Indonesia will say goodbye to underdeveloped villages. Central Statistics Agency (BPS) recorded, Village Development Index 2018 increased compared to 2014. That was indicated based on five dimensions of Village Development Index. They are basic services, infrastructure condition, transportation, public service, and village administration. The underdeveloped village reduction also passed beyond government’s target in the 2015-2019 National Medium Term Development Plan, which are 5000 villages. While the target for independent village increase also went beyond the target of 2000 villages.


Moving on to Republika with, “Investigate e-KTP Case.”


Home Affairs Ministry asked for assistance from National Police to investigate the electronic ID card (e-KTP) cases. There are four cases being coordinated by the Ministry to the Police. Some perpetrators have been revealed and arrested, but the Ministry want deeper investigation to prevent it from repeating.


We end the Headlines with Sindo which wrote, “Millennials got Mortage Loan Subsidy.”


The government through Public Works and People’s Housing Ministry is preparing special mortgage loans for the millennials, including those who work in state-owned companies. This policy aims to give the millennials’ opportunity to have houses. Currently, the plan is under study by the Ministry, Financial Services Authority, and Finance Ministry. Minister of Public Works and People’s Housing, Basuki said, the mortgage loan scheme for the millennials is similar to the scheme for state civil apparatus, national army, and national police. The new scheme is expected to be launched next year.



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Mosaic of Archipelago presents the following information: 10 Gotong Sisingaan Art Groups Enliven Sisingaan Festival in Subang; Situbondo Ultra Run; and Mayor of Batam City Asked the City Administration to Use Less Plastic.


At least, 10 Gotong Sisingaan Art groups enlivened the Sisingaan Festival in Subang on Sunday (9/12). Acting Regent of Subang, Ating Rusnatim said, the festival aims to preserve the culture of Gotong Sisingaan. Meanwhile, Marketing Strategy and Communication Assistant Deputy at the Tourism Ministry, Hariyanto said that the event was an award from the government for the great creation of ancient Subang artists. According to him, Gotong Sisingaan symbolizes the struggle against Dutch colonialism in conquering the plantation in Subang before the independence era.


Next info is about Situbondo Ultra Run. Situbondo Ultra Run was held again in Situbondo, East Java. There were 1,555 athletes from across Indonesia joining the cross country race at the slope of Mt. Argopuro, the longest hiking trail in Java Island. Regent of Situbondo, Dadang Wigiarto said, the Situbondo Ultra Run also promoted the natural tourism in Mt. Argopuro and Rengganis Sites.


Our last information is that Mayor of Batam City, Muhammad Rudi asked the city administration to use less plastic bottle and straw in a bid to reduce plastic waste. The Mayor said on Monday (11/12), the government plans to create City Mayor Regulation as the legal basis from the plastic use limitation policy among city administration employees. The regulation will limit the use of water bottle or other single-use plastics in events organized by regional secretary or regional administration organizations.



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Diplomatic Corner presenting you various Indonesian diplomacy, both domestically and internationally.


The first information is from The Hague, Netherlands. Indonesian Embassy in The Hague, cooperating with Pelangi Wastra Indonesia, held a fashion show themed “The Modest Heritage of Indonesia” on Friday (7/12). Six fashion designers, one shoe designer, and one bag designer joined the group. The event aimed to promote Indonesian cultural wealth and diversity through traditional cloths, the basic fashion material of Pelangi Wastra Indonesia. Indonesian Ambassador to Netherlands, Wesaka Puja in his speech said, through the fashion show, the visitors were expected to understand Indonesian cultural wealth and the developing creative industry of the country.


Next is from South Africa. Indonesian Batik became the top favorite during Diplomatic Fun Fair 2018 at Ditson Pioneer Museum, Pretoria, South Africa on Saturday (8/12). More than 200 visitors hunted Batik, traditional food, and coffee of Indonesia. Diplomatic Fun Fair is an annual event hosted by South African Foreign Ministry to introduce their people to diplomatic world. The event also enables representatives in South Africa to introduce their countries through art and culture. This year, there were 2000 visitors and 15 foreign representatives joining the event.


We end the Diplomatic Corner with information from Cambodia. For the 4th time, Indonesian Embassy in Phnom Penh participated in the Cambodia Import-Export and One Province One Product Exhibition in Phnom Penh on December 8-11. This year, Indonesian Embassy facilitated 9 small-medium enterprises from Indonesia to enter Cambodian market with their products, such as Batik, F&B, accessories, cosmetics, and medicines. Besides, there were 10 distributors in Cambodia participating to promote Indonesian products.


Indonesian Ambassador to Cambodia, Sudirman Haseng said, the Embassy will use more trade promotion activities in Cambodia to intensify the promotion of Indonesian top products, especially from small-and-medium enterprises -SMEs. The Ambassador said, the good quality of Indonesian products have been recognized by Cambodian people, especially the always-expected Batik.


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Indonesian Embassy to Switzerland held a business forum with the topic “Enhancing Business Relations Under Indonesia European Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement” (IE-CEPA) in Bern, on Monday (10/12). The business forum attracted the interest of Switzerland’s businesses to know more about business opportunity with Indonesia. Indonesian Ambassador, Muliaman D Hadad in his speech said that Indonesia and EFTA countries will erase thousands of tariff to expand access of market for the two sides. Around 98 percent entrance line tariff from Indonesia and EFTA countries will be decreased. The disappearance of trade barriers is also supported by the increasing of effectiveness of doing business in Indonesia. The rank of Indonesia in the ease of doing business also keeps increasing.

Foreign Affairs Ministry cooperated with Agriculture Ministry sent 2 agricultural experts to Myanmar to provide quality improvement in agricultural field. The training starts from December 7—10, 2018.The training is aimed to increase Indonesiancontribution in encouraging sustainable development goals. The training had a title “Dispatch Expert on Agriculture for Myanmar” that is held in Hlegu Township, Yangon, Myanmar and officially opened by the Indonesian Ambassador to Myanmar, Prof. Dr. Iza Fadri at Central Agricultural Research and Training Center (CARTC). In his speech, the Ambassador conveyed a number of points such as the program of sending experts to  Myanmar which becomes one of the efforts of the Indonesian government to assist the government of Myanmar by increasing its capacity in agricultural field. Meanwhile,  Yangon Regional Director  on Agriculture,Husbandry and Irrigation Ministry,  U Kyaw Kyaw expressed that the training is rightly conducted in Myanmar, reminding Myanmar has requirement to increase quality of fruit and vegetable products. Hopefully, through the program, besides being able to increase capacity of its farmers, Myanmar can also share information with the experts.

Foreign Affairs Ministry held Pilot Project: Palm Oil Workshop for Peace (OPWP). It is time for Indonesia, the biggest producer of palm oil, to cooperate with related country and organization to preserve the benefit of palm oil to farmers and local community in various regions. This was stated by Siswo Pramono, Head of Policy Assessment and Development Agencyof Foreign Affairs Ministry, when opening  Palm Oil Workshop for Peace (OPWP) 2018 in Tangerang on Monday (10/12). The Pilot Project is a cooperation between the agency and Jambi University which holds on December 10-14, 2018 in Jambi. The event is also a cooperation with the government of Colombia which aims to give training on plam oil management to smallholders. 


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A multipurpose guesthouse to accommodate children of Suku Anak Dalam in Musi District, North Rawas, South Sumatra was claimed to be the first educational complex for Remote Indigenous Communities in Indonesia.  This was stated by Head of the North Musi Rawas (Muratara) Social Service, Zainal Arifin in Muara Rupit last Thursday (6/12). He said that the , the multipurpose guesthouse as a special educational park complex for the children of Suku Anak Dalam (SAD) is located in Rupit Sub-District, Muratara Regency. He further remarked that there are 216 SAD children who accommodate the multipurpose guesthouse. They go to school free of charge and they are paid by the Muratara government through the Social Service under the guidance of professional educators. Zainal Arifin added that the inauguration of the multipurpose guesthouse was marked by the shaving hair of the SAD children which was symbolically carried out by Regent of Muratara, Syarif Hidayat accompanied by Chairman of the Muratara PKK Driving Team, Lia Mustika Syarif.

Minister of Agriculture, Andi Amran Sulaiman said that his side would develop 200,000 swamp rice fields in South Sumatra, which is equipped with a modern agricultural model to improve the welfare of local farmers. After the Coordination Meeting of the Ministry of Agriculture in Palembang, South Sumatra on last Thursday (13/12), he said that the farmers who are assisted in the program entitled "Saving the Swamp of Farmers' Prosperity" (Serasi) have potential to increase their income threefold. The development of the program is targeted to reach 500,000 hectares in the Banyuasin Regency, Ogan Ilir, and Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI). Minister Andi also explained that the increase in income could occur because there would be an increase in production, land productivity and harvesting intensity from one to two or three times. To support the optimization of swamp rice fields, the Ministry of Agriculture has provided various assistance in the forms of infrastructures and facilities, advice, and agricultural machinery.

Hundreds of Jaipong dancers in various studios throughout West Java participated in the West Java Pasanggiri Rampak Jaipong, which won a total prize of Rp37 million. The Jaipong dancing was held at Cikole Lembang, West Bandung last Saturday (8/12). Chairperson of the Pasanggiri Rampak Jaipong Committee, Irwan Dustirawansyah said that the implementation of the Pasanggiri Rampak Jaipong was based on fears of further extinction of Sundanese cultural arts, especially Jaipong in the West Java community in general, especially among the millennial generations today. Irwan viewed that even though the implementation of the Pasanggiri Rampak Jaipong at the West Java level was held for the first time, the enthusiasm of the Jaipong artists throughout West Java was quite high. The number of participants reached around 400 people.