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The beauty of nature in Central Java does not defeat from other regions in Indonesia. Just say it, Karanganyar, there is waterfall which is quite known, namely Grojogan Sewu. There is also beautiful hidden waterfall, namely Jumog waterfall. Jumog waterfall is often mentioned as hidden heaven in Karanganyar. It is said like that because its location is behind hill which is closed by bush. In the past, the tourism destination was not visited by many tourists. Due to the local people’s awareness, the road to the location can be accessed easily. Thus, Jumog waterfall becomes one of the mainstay tourism destinations, which increases the local people’s income. At Jumog waterfall complex, we can witness a view of green and tall trees which are a perfect blend, including gurgling sound of water that calms the heart when going down 116 stairs until the waterfall. After going down the stairs, around several meters from the waterfall, there is small bridge. The place is spot which is the most right place to enjoy panorama which has height around 30 meters with strong water flow. The swift of waterfall makes the wind  blow strongly. The facility at Jumog waterfall complex is quite complete. At the complex, there are available kids’ play-ground, swimming pool, gazebo, area for taking a rest and restaurant. Around the tourism destination area, there are some residences which usually become home stay. The tariff of the home stay  varies beginning from Rp 50,000 until Rp 250,000 per night. Jumog waterfall is located at Berjo hamlet, Ngargoyoso district, Karanganyar regency, Central Java province. If you want to go to this destination, you can go to Karangpandan terminal. Afterwards, you take the access to Ngargoyoso. From here, there are many directions which will help you heading to Jumog waterfall.


As many as 300 foreign tourists from Sarawak, Malaysia attended Wonderful Indonesia Festival in Entikong (18/8). The participants of the festival departed along with Indonesian Consulate General staff to Kuching led by Consul General, Yonny Tri Prayitno. The participants consisted of 186 big motorcycles, 6 representatives of media, 6 representatives of travel agent and some four-wheel vehicles which travel through Indonesia - Malaysia border line, namely Tebedu, Sarawak, Malaysia and to Entikong, Indonesia. Wonderful Indonesia Festival was officially opened by vice regent of Sanggau, Yohanes Ontot accompanied by Indonesian Consul General to Kuching, Yonny Tri Prayitno along with his entourage. Some of the events which were attracted the attention of the participants, were competitions in welcoming the 73rd independence of Indonesia and also performances of national and local artists. In addition to participating in the event, the participants also could buy various Indonesian products at the expo which was held by the committee.

After passing a very strict selection by special team which was consisted of representative of Indonesian people organization along with Indonesian Embassy to Seoul, two CEOs of South Korean companies which hires Indonesian migrant workers awarded Ambassador Award 2018 on Sunday (26/8). They were Mr. Sohn Jong-man, CEO of Buheung System, and Mr. Choi Min-seok, CEO of DK&D Co. The two CEOs were evaluated successful in protecting the Indonesian migrant workers who work at their companies and give their rights, such as salary in proper time, provide accommodation and decent consumption and also vacation/permission. Indonesian ambassador to South Korea, Umar Hadi said the Indonesian government appreciated Mr. Sohn Jong-man and Mr. Choi Min-seok who hire Indonesian workers and manage them well. The ambassador hoped that the awards can motivate other companies to do similar things to the Indonesian migrant workers in South Korea who reach more than 32 thousand people.

Indonesian Consul General toToronto, Leonard F Hutabarat, conducted a meeting with Bas and Louise Opdenkelder, on Thursday (23/8). Bas and Louise Opdenkelder are Canadian citizens of Dutch descent who love Indonesia and show their supports and donation for five-year to Rumah Singgah or shelter. Rumah Singgah is a house which accommodates cancer sufferers from poor communities that get treatment in Denpasar, Bali. Indonesian Consulate General to Toronto conveyed appreciation and gratitute to Bas and Lousie Opdenkelder who have showed their devotion to Indonesia with attention and real action for cancer sufferers in Indonesia. It is also in along with the efforts of Indonesian representatives in Toronto whose duty and function are to contribute for the increasing of Indonesian people’s and national welfare. Related to the efforts, Indonesian Consulate General toToronto also introduced Komodo in Labuan Bajo and other tourism destinations, besides Bali and Yogyakarta. Bas Opdenkelder welcomed the efforts of the Indonesian consulate general and will help introducing the consulate general through their network, namely Dutch Canadian to find market for the Indonesian products.


Indonesia's closest southeastern neighbor, Australia, has a new Head of Government. The country is now led by a new Prime Minister, Scott Morrison who replaced Malcolm Turnbull through an internal election of the ruling Liberal Party.  The substitution made Australia the country that most often changes Prime Minister in a relatively short time. In about eight years, the Prime Minister in Australia has changed five times. Nevertheless, it must be noted that the change of leadership has taken place in a peaceful atmosphere without turmoil and riots. The series of Prime Minister changes began when Kevin Rudd of the Australian Labor Party defeated John Howard of the Liberal Party. After just ruling for about 3 years, Rudd was replaced by Julia Gilard, who was his own deputy. Julia Gulard won a vote carried out inside the Labor party which was then in power in Parliament. The internal upheaval of the Labor party happened again, about 3 years later there was another internal turmoil in the Labor Party which encouraged the election of the Leader. In Labor Party internal voting, Kevin Rudd was re-elected and therefore became the Prime Minister again for the second time. For political reasons, Kevin Rudd then dissolved Parliament which resulted in the holding of the Federal Election in 2013. Through the elections the majority of voters supported the Liberal Party which made Tonny Abott the 28th Australian Prime Minister. About two years in power due to internal conflicts of the Liberal party, Abbott was challenged by one of the Ministers, Malcolm Turnbull in an internal vote until Turnbull finally won the majority of the votes and became prime minister. It wasn't until three years later, Trunbull seemed to taste his own medicine after  his political intrigue of toppling  Tony Abbot. Five days ago,  in an internal vote he was overthrown by one of his  ministers, Scott Morrisson. It seems that for Australia the frequent change of Prime Minister is no longer considered extraordinary. The law of  the country allows to  change the Prime Minister before the term of office expires, insofar as the internal ruling Party agrees. The party's internal coup  anyway, did not cause turmoil in the community. However,  as an observer said, the change in the reins of government can be seen as  an internal instability of the ruling Party, whether it’s  the Labor Party or the Liberal Party. As the closest neighbor, Indonesia certainly monitors developments in Australia. Because after all the change of each leader will certainly have an impact on policy changes, including the perspective and foreign policy of Australia. Time has noted that the relations between Indonesia and Australia had experienced ups and downs. Australia's new Prime Minister, Scott Morrsion, for instance,  had caused controversy when he was still serving as Immigration minister in 2014. He caused the relationship between Australia and Indonesia heated up. His policy of repatriating asylum seekers made the Indonesian people angry  for forcibly repatriating two Indonesian immigrants. Indonesia  is  still looking forward to how the new Australian Prime Minister who  BBC UK calls a pragmatic figure will act.


West Java Province, particularly Bandung has abundant tourism potentials ranging from culinary, nature, to historical tourism. Not only gifted with picturesque landscape, Bandung is also home to many historical sites; one of them is the Dutch Cave located in the area of Juanda Forest Park. The Dutch Cave is an historical remaining from the Dutch occupation in Indonesia which used to serve as a tunnel for a hydropower plant. During the Dutch occupation, precisely in 1918, the first hydropower plant in Indonesia so-called ‘the Bengkok hydropower plant’ was built. Inside the tunnel of this hydropower plant, there are 15 passageways and several rooms such as bedrooms for the Dutch soldiers to sleep, interrogation room, and detention room. The Dutch Cave is 144 meters long. Besides being functioned for military activities, the Dutch Cave was used as a Dutch radio station established as the center of communication for the Dutch soldiers. The establishment of the radio was done to prevent resistance against the Dutch soldiers. After the independence of Indonesia, the cave was ever utilized as arsenal by Indonesian soldiers. On January the 14th 1985, the Dutch Cave was made as a tourism object and became a tourism destination for both domestic and foreign tourists. To reach the Dutch Cave located at Juanda Forest Park, you can use your own motor vehicles and pay the parking fees Rp 5,000 for motorcycle and Rp 10,000 for car. However, you can also take public transportation to get to Juanda Forest Park located in Dago Pakar. After arriving at the entrance gate of the forest park, you can walk around 1 kilometer to reach the Dutch Cave.