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Religious tourism attraction in Semarang is able to attract other countries. As we know, many houses of worship in the capital city of Central Java, have their uniqueness and characteristic. There are 6 religions which are recognized in Indonesia, and their houses of worship can be found in Semarang and become religious tourism objects. The oldestone is Taqwa Sekayu mosque which was built in 1413, and the second oldest mosque in Indonesia. Semarang Mayor, Hendrar Prihadi explored a number of cooperations with other countries which has historical relations with Semarang. After exploring cooperationwith Chinato develop tourism object, Sam Poo Kong. Last Sunday (19/8/2018) Hendrar Prihadi explored cooperation with Malaysia to develop historical tourism object, Wali Songo in Semarang. Mayor Hendrar Prihadi received the management of Raja Sakti At Thomim Sunan Kalijaga Malaysia foundation in Semarang. The representative of the delegation Mohamad Sahrulnizam MR expressed that his visit to Semarang was encouraged by sense of brotherhood of big family to support each other in various sectors. Mohamad Sahrulnizam also believed that the meeting is also able to become the adhesive of relations between Indonesia and Malaysia.

People and foreign tourist as well as domestic tourist will be presented again various events in Boost-Sanur Village Festival 2018. The event which is one the top 10 agendas of Tourism Ministry in 2018, will be held in Sanur.  Chairman of Sanur Development Foundation who is also chairman of Boost Sanur Village Festival, Ida Bagus Gede Sidartha Putra told the journalists on Monday (20/8/2018) that the event will be held for 5 days from August 22-26. The theme of this year is Mandala Giri. Ida Bagus Gede Sidartha said that Mandala Giri as a spirit of thinking to focus attention again on Mt. Agung. His party targeted Boost Sanur Village Festival 2018 can book positive result comparing 2017.

“Meugang” tradition has been practiced by Acehnese people from generation to generation. The tradition is celebrated by Acehnese people to welcome religious holidays, such as month of Ramadhan, Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. In one year, the tradition is celebrated three times. To celebrate Meugang, Acehnese people buy meat at traditional market. Usually, people have bought meat two days before lebaran and fasting festivities. Even though the price of the meat during this time is expensive, buying meat and eat it with their family, is a must for Acehnese. Banda Aceh Mayor, Aminullah Usman told the journalists on Tuesday (21/8/2018) that Meugang tradition only exists in Aceh. The mayor said that the tradition is celebrated as gratitude to the God on good fortune. Meanwhile, Head of the Center for Cultural Value Conservationof Aceh, Irini Dewi Wanti mentioned that Meugang tradition in Aceh has been determined as intangible cultural heritage since 2016.


Indonesia and the Philippines are ready to welcome their 70 years of diplomatic relations in 2019 by strengthening bilateral cooperation especially in economy. This was stated by Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister, Retno Marsudi and Secretary for Foreign Affairs of the Philippines, Alan Peter Cayetano, in their meeting in Jakarta on Monday (20/8). In the meeting, the two ministers discussed ways to strengthen bilateral cooperation especially in economic sector to translate close relations that are almost three-fourth of a century for the welfare of the people. One of issues which becomes their concern, is the intensification of connectivity especially Roll-on/Roll-off (RoRo) route between Davao City and Bitung to encourage bilateral economy which was agreed by the two presidents last year. According to minister Retno, the increasing of the connectivity will further open the door to trade and encourage business activities of the two countries, especially local communities. Indonesia also welcomes the invitation of the government of the Philippines to strengthen economic cooperation especially in investment for the development of South Philippines which becomes autonomic region. The situation in the South of the Philippines is hoped better by legalization of Bangsamoro Organic Law (BOL) by the Philippines’ parliamentary in July 2018.

The commemoration of the 73rd Independence of Indonesia which was held by Ho Chi Minh City Union Friendship Organizations (HUFO), was made used by the Indonesian consulate general to conduct integrated promotion of economy, social and culture by introducing Indonesian art culture and product especially aircraft and train product. During the event, the Indonesian Consulate General expressed the close relations between Indonesian and Vietnam leaders since the beginning of the independence. The high-level visits are still going on until now. The consul also informed that flight route of HCMC – Bali is being tried by low budget airlines. In addition, the consul also conveyed Indonesian supports to the government of Vietnam by offering Indonesian products such as aircraft and train. Based on tradition, the Indonesian anniversary is followed by the cutting of tumpeng (mount-shaped yellow rice) by the consul which was given to leader of HUFO and Vietnam-Indonesia Friendship Association (VIFA). The event was enlivened by dance performance which was performed by Indonesian students who study at University of Social Sciences and Humanities (USSH).

The increase of economic cooperation between Indonesia – Iran supports the state growth rate in each country, among others through the increase in trade cooperation, tariffs, medicines industry and many others by eliminating obstacles and changing them to be challenge. This was stated by Indonesian Ambassador to Iran, Octavino Alimudin, on the diplomatic reception to commemorate the independence of Indonesia, in Tehran, on Sunday (19/8). The ambassador said that the two countires exchanged export’s commodity in oil and gas, mining, agricultural and industrial products such as foods and beverages. Various obstacles in economic and trade turn to be challenges especially for capability of the two countries. Therefore, both countries must work together to support each other through strengthening capacity building including technology transfer.


The 2018 Asian Games have succeeded in bringing together two Koreas, namely North Korea and South Korea in the spirit of sportsmanship in the Asian Games. The Indonesian people certainly should be happy with what has happened. The two Korean contingents went hand in hand during the athletes parade. From the faces of the athletes can be seen  a reflection of happiness. The 2018 Asian Games in Indonesia, is taking  place along with a series of diplomatic efforts, including those carried out by the United States and North Korea. Starting from the Summit in Singapore, North Korea and the United States continued diplomatic efforts. Follow-up meetings have been conducted not only in the context of denuclearization of North Korea but towards the reconciliation of the two Koreas. This week there was also a touching event, some  South Koreans made a visit  to North Korea to meet their long lost family members. The senior Koreans were separated and live in different places  due to the civil war that occurred at the end of the second world war. Indonesia is recorded in history related to the unification and reconciliation of the people  which have been separated,  even fought each other. In the 80s for instance,  Indonesia had become the initiator of the unification of Cambodia. The Jakarta Informal Meeting among the warring factions was held in Bogor, West Java in the Suharto era. It was continued with further meetings and ended very well with the unification of Cambodia. Reflecting on historical experience, the momentum of the 2018 Asian Games held in Jakarta is a good time to contribute to the reconciliation of the two Koreas. As a good host, Indonesia can make the Asian Games a momentum for realization of  lasting peace in the Korean Peninsula.


President Joko Widodo on his state address before the House of the Representatives –DPR on last Thursday (16th of August 2018) called for all levels of society to be grateful for having Pancasila as the source of ideology of Indonesian nation. As quoted by, President Joko Widodo said that Pancasila guides all Indonesian generations to implement the promises of Indonesia’s independence. Pancasila is the navigator, the generator, the source of inspiration, as well as the unifier of Indonesian nation with the principle of Unity in Diversity (Bhineka Tunggal Ika). President Joko Widodo believed by firmly sticking to Pancasila’s values, Indonesia will become a sovereign and dignified nation in the global network with other nations, meaning being equal to each other in every aspect of life. Meanwhile, as quoted by, when welcoming officials of the Agency for Pancasila Ideology Education (BPIP) at the office of DPR Speaker last Tuesday (14th of August 2018), Speaker Bambang Soesatyo called for all levels of society to practice Pancasila’s spirit and values first in every aspect of life. Making Pancasila’s spirit and values as the utmost importance is aimed at strengthening the sense of nationalism. He also remarked that Pancasila is the power of Indonesian nation. Because in the past, Indonesian ancestors implemented Pancasila’s values. The implementation of Pancasila’s values made Indonesian nation still exist until present. He added that Pancasila should be continuously implanted and applied in every aspect of state and nation life. As quoted by, when becoming the interviewee at the National Talkshow and Book Launching entitled “Membaca Indonesia di Jakarta” or “Reading Indonesia through Jakarta” on Monday (13th of August 2018), Speaker Bambang Soesatyo said that Pancasila is philosophically the supporter of Indonesia being an immense house of society from various ethnicities and culture. Observing Indonesia today basically means figuring out the way to spread Pancasila’s valuesenormously into public by utilizing virtual world and creative media. Indonesian nation should preserve and maintain Pancasila as the bond to prevent the wave of political identity that keeps bothering the sense of nationalism. He is optimistic that Indonesian people must have missed the peace of life. Moreover, as a nation, Indonesia has a strong socio-historical root. For example, the Youth Pledge in 28th of October, 1928, becomes the point of initiation for youths in the country’s revolution declaring the sons and daughters of Indonesia to acknowledge one motherland and one nation namely Indonesia, and respect the language of unity, namely Indonesian.