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Borneo Cultural Charm Festival is being held again from 11-15 August 2018. This year the Festival is held in Banjarmasin, the capital city of South Kalimantan, after last year it was held at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) Jakarta. This activity is centered in the former South Kalimantan Governor's Office, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Banjarmasin. The festival is filled with Dayak cultural performances that featured various arts, such as traditional dances and creations, talawang or shields painting and sculpting, blowpipe competition , regional culinary, exhibits of superior products, Dayak charm photo competitions and other South Kalimantan traditions. The event was also marked by a cultural carnival involving participants from Kalimantan as well as involving the local community such as old bicycle lovers or ontel mania. This carnival was attended by participants from Kalimantan and neighboring Malaysia. Chairperson of the Borneo Cultural Enchantment Festival II Ramond said, this activity is targeted to be attended by hundreds of participants from provinces throughout Kalimantan, as well as from neighboring countries. According to Ramond, as the host of the South Kalimantan Provincial Government and the Dayak Customary Council (DAD), South Kalimantan had prepared to welcome guests and contingents from other provinces in order to provide the best in the implementation of this national scale activity. Head of South Kalimantan Tourism Office, Heriansyah, said that the Borneo Cultural Enchantment Festival II is expected to increase foreign and domestic tourists in the 2020 tourist visits program. According to him the festival would be attended by a number of ministers of the Indonesian Working Cabinet, 12 Ambassadors of friendly countries namely Germany, France, Italy, Czech, Brazil, Netherlands, China, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam. This activity is also attended by Dayak communities in Sarawak, Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam. Meanwhile Chairperson of the South Kalimantan Dayak Customary Council (DAD) Difriadi Darjat said the theme carried for 2018 is "With Our Culture and Tourism Moving to Build Kalimantan to Be More Prosperous". According to him, this festival is presenting the wealth, local wisdom of the people of Kalimantan, both in the form of cultural arts and mixed or blended culture imbued with the spirit of Bhineka Tunggal Ika. Difriadi added that this activity was a means of promotion and publication of art and culture of the people of Kalimantan.


Vice President, Jusuf Kalla witnessed the signing of the cooperation agreement between INASGOC and Qatar Airways to make the 2018 Asian Games be successful. According to Radio Republic of Indonesia (RRI) monitoring, in the signing and handover of the funds, it was symbolically given to the Chairman of Indonesian Asian Games 2018 Organizing Committee, Erick Thohir and Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla (JK). Qatar Airways provides support funds of 6 million US dollarsto succeed the Asian Games. Qatar Ambassador to Indonesia, Ahmed Bin Jassim Al Hamar at the Office of the Vice President, Jakarta, Thursday (08/08/2018) said the signing of the cooperation the Asian Games was G to G or government to government cooperation which showed the god relations between the governments of two countries. Vice President Jusuf Kalla, who is also the Chair of the Asian Games Steering Committee, said that the cooperation is expected to be a step to well-established Indonesia's relations with Qatar. The Vice President acknowledged 9 days ahead of the 2018 Asian Games, various supports were very important for the success of the entire series of Asian four-year multi-event. Jusuf Kalla hopes the support can help succeeding the 2018 Asian Games and vice versa, introducing Qatar Airways more broadly to Asia.Earlier, Chairman of the Asian Games Organizing Committee (NASGOC) Erick Thohir really appreciated the assistance of 6 million US dollars given 9 days before the 18th Asian Games. Erick said, just 9 days before the opening, there are still those who want to participate. Erick added, in addition to cash, Qatar also provided assistance in the form of a ride to transport as many as 40 horses from various countries. Horses are sent for various needs for the 2018 Asian Games. As a return, Qatar Airways will benefit from installing logos for promotions at various 2018 Asian Games venues, especially in the competition arena. They get full branding, one of them in football. The joining of Qatar Airways as a sponsor made the total funding support from sponsors for the Asian Games implementation around 850 billion rupiah. Before the cooperation with Qatar, the total sponsorship assistance was around 760 billion rupiah.



In regards with the earthquake that struck Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, we will present you some songs in Sasak language for today’s edition. Sasak is known as the native tribe of Lombok Island.  A song entitled “Inaq Tegining Amaq Teganang” which was sung by tells about a couple of herds namely Inaq Tegining and her husband named Amaq Teganang. People said that Inaq Tegining and her husband love to tell stories, even they tell stories more frequently than the kings who give speech. The song entitled “Kadal Nongak” talks about someone that does not want to listen to the advices given to him. The person is personified as an arrogant lizard that lifts his chin. His boastfulness causes a lot of terrible impacts on him. The song “Kadal Nongak” is believed to contain many lessons. Therefore, students in NTB are often required to memorize it. The last song entitled “Sakitne Angen” tells about a brokenhearted woman who is betrayed by her lover because her lover has cheated her.


Asian Ceramic Exhibition held by Jakarta Tourism and Culture Department has been taking place at the Museum of Fine Arts and Ceramics located at Jalan Pos Kota No. 2, West Jakarta since August 4 until September 2 to enliven Asian Games 2018. Acting Head of Jakarta Tourism and Culture Department, Asiantoro explained that the exhibition raises the theme ”Ceramic Asia in Batavia: The Age of Partnership”. In this event, 200 ceramic collections from various countries in Asia are being exhibited. Of the 200 ceramics exhibited, some come from Indonesia, China, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand and other countries in Asia. Meanwhile, Head of Jakarta Art Museum of the Tourism and Culture Department, Esti Utama said that a variety of collections displayed at the exhibition come not only from the Art and Ceramics Museum, but also from other places, such as Purna Bhakti Museum of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah -TMII, the National Archaeological Research Center, and private property or collectors.The concept of the exhibition is packed by exhibition curator, Prof. Naniek Harkantiningsihto present ceramic remains evidence that show Jakarta's important role in world trade routes on whichAsian ceramics were the most important of trade commodity in the past. Head of Jakarta Art Museum of the Tourism and Culture Department, Esti Utama targets around 150 thousand to 200 thousand foreign tourists and more than 200,000 local tourists to visit the exhibition. She hopes that both domestic and foreign tourists are interested in the exhibition.Moreover, the implementation is coinciding with the Asian Games.The exhibitionis the beginning of an Art Museum programs dedicated to welcome the vibrant city of Jakarta as the host of the Asian Games 2018.