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Thousands of people around Prambanan crowded the yard of Kebondalem Lor Village in order to witness the “Gerobak Sapi” or the Cow Carriage Festival in Plaosan Temple Complex, Prambanan, Klaten, Central Java on Sunday, August the 5th 2018. On the occasion, Regent of Klaten, Sri Mulyani expressed her appreciation towards the establishment of the Cow Carriage Festival and expected the event could expand the number of tourists, considering Prambanan has the potential as temple of tourism.

Regent Sri Mulyani also called for the Culture, Tourism, Youth, and Sports Department of Klaten to facilitate villages which are going to hold the events for regency level. Meanwhile, Chief Committee of the Cow Carriage Festival, Suhardi, mentioned that the Cow Carriage Festival that was followed by 115 participants from Central Java, and the Special Region of Yogyakarta was carried out the in a bid to commemorate the 214th Anniversary of Klaten Regency and the 73rd Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia. According to Suhardi who also serves as head of the Prambanan Sub-district, one of the purposes of conducting the festival is to preserve the cultural heritage namely the traditional transportations which are under the threat of extinction. The Cow Carriage Festival is also aimed at promoting tourism destinations in the surrounding of Prambanan since the sub-district of Prambanan has abundant “tourism villages”. Therefore, tourism villages can develop Music

Medical Team of the Dr. Suharso Orthopedical Hospital Surakarta that joined the first team leaved for the location of the earthquake in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara on Wednesday, August the 8th 2018. The departure of the team, consisting of orthopedic specialists, surgical nurses, anaesthetic nurses, and the medical rehabilitation team, will carry out orthopedic surgery for the victims of the quake. Medical and Nursery Director of the Surakarta Orthopedic Hospital, dr. Romaniyanto SpOT(K) on his press release at the hospital explained that currently there are 300 victims of the earthquake who require surgical treatment. The hospital scheduled three teams that will work in three shifts . Each of the team will work for 5 days in the location of the quake. According to dr. Romaniyanto SpOT (K), the first team will conduct mapping in order to ensure the availability of antibiotics, and implant for bone grafting. Then, the second team will depart to the location. Doctor Romaniyanto also explained that his party has prepared 25 packages of scrubs and implant or bone grafters for two hundred patients. The surgery will be conducted at the Regional General Hospital of Mataram which currently has prepared 8 surgical wards.

Mayor of Banda Aceh, Aminullah Usman, inaugurated the 7th Cultural Week Parade of Aceh in the Blang Padang Yard on Sunday, August the 6th 2018. The parade was followed by contingents of the Aceh Cultural Week from 23 regencies/cities across Aceh, including several traditional and cultural communities and other sympathizers. The route taken by the participants of the parade after their starting point from the Blang Padang Yard, include the Tsunami Museum, The Hall of Aceh Governor, the Museum of Aceh, the Military District Command Interchange, Baiturrahman Mosque, and the finish line will be back to the Blang Padang Yard. The cultural parade was welcomed by citizens enthusiastically. Citizens stood on the sidewalks along the route taken by the participants of the parade. Mayor Aminullah hoped the cultural parade will make people aware of their cultural heritage richness, history, traditions, and the culinary of Aceh. This diversity has brought Aceh in unity since a long time ago. Moreover, the event is also a platform to introduce Aceh to the international word.


The President of the United States once again took a decision without paying attention to the views of his allies. Donald Trump has confirmed that the United States will continue to impose sanctions on Iran. To any government that trade with Iran, the United States will break its trade relations. In his statement, Tuesday (7 August 2018), in Washington, Trump stressed that various sanctions would be imposed on Tehran, one of which was Iranian oil exports. The US imposition of various sanctions for Iran, following the withdrawing from the Comprehensive Action Plan which is also referred to as the Iran nuclear agreement, was launched earlier in 2018. The agreement began to be discussed during Barack Obama's reign. Over the deal, Iran has taken steps toward nuclear restrictions. Nevertheless Donald Trump, assessed the Obama era's Washington policy as having benefited Iran unilaterally. On the statement of Donald Trump who stressed the imposition of sanctions on his country, Iranian President Hasan Rouhani called it a psychological war. The Iranian president said that Trump's move was intended to spread the seeds of division among the Iranian people. Are allies of the United States unaware of Donald Trump's decision to give more sanctions to Iran? As many international mass media reported, Washington's allies disagreed with the decision. The European Union, for example, will continue to implement the initial agreement pioneered by President Barack Obama. The European Union argued that its opposition to Washington's decision was to protect companies in the country that have business relations with Tehran. The question then is, who will keep the nuclear agreement with Iran, or will the allies join tyhe US in boycotting Iran? Only time will show. Nevertheless, it is interesting to take a note of Donald Trump's statement along with the decision to impose stricter sanctions on Iran. Trump said he remains open to reach a more comprehensive agreement with Iran.


As many as 15 Indonesian Small Medium Enterprises succeeded to record a transaction worth $2.22 million dollars in the "Korea Handmade 2018" exhibition which was held at Convention and Exhibition Center, Seoul, South Korea on July 26 – 29, 2018. The transaction was the result of products puschase such as bag products made from reptile leather, batik crystal bag, silver accessories, bros, house ornament from wood, clothes and batik clothes. While potential transaction was worth $2 million dollars for leather bag products and batik clothes. Besides, there was also sample for trial order about some snack products, accessories like bros or pearl, and also house ornament from wood. The exhibition which was facilitated by the trade attache and Indonesian Trade Promotion Center ITPC in Busan, aimed to promote handicraft products. According to Head of ITPC Busan, Ni Made Kusuma Dewi hopes through the exhibition the Indonesian Small Medium Enterprisescould introduce various kinds of Indonesian handicrafts to South Koreans and also got experience and learning in entering international market.

Indonesian Consulate General and Indonesian Trade Promotion Center (ITPC) Jeddah held business meeting among importer of Indonesian product with Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) on July 29, 2018 in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The meeting was an effort to decrease the obstacle of Indonesian products to Saudi Arabian market. Earlier, the same meeting has been conducted twice, namely on July 22, and 26, 2018. The meeting was a step to build intensive communication with SFDA. It was aimed to make Indonesian products to get easier access to Saudi Arabia. The Indonesian Consulate General of Jeddah, M. Hery Saripudin said foods and beverages supply for the necessary of hajj pilgrimages from Indonesia can get special treatment. One of the obstacles is that Indonesian food and beverage, pharmaceutical, and cosmetics do not meet requirements yet from SFDA and Saudi Accreditation and Standardization Organization (SASO). In the business meeting, SFDA provided explanation to Indonesian importer on policy and registration product to SFDA. The meeting was led by the Indonesian Consulate General of Jeddah. The meeting was also attended by representative of Acting Economic Function of SFDA along with five importers from Saudi Arabia who import Indonesian products.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs holds the 7th Bali Process Ministerial Conference (BPMC) in Bali on August 6-7, 2018. The conference is a ministerial summit of members of Bali Process on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crime (Bali Process). The conference is attended by 26 ministers/BPMC minister-level officials. Since it has been begun in 2002, Bali Process was chaired together by Indonesia and Australia. Currently, there are 45 countries and 3 international organizations which have status as members (total 48 members), and 28 countries and also organization which have status as observer. Bali Process has effectively increased awareness in Asia-Pacific region on human smuggling impact, human trafficking and transnational crime related to others. Activities which are conducted in Bali Process so far provides benefits to increase capacity and also exchange information among countries in the regions. The activities of Bali Process areon the basis of four pillars, namely: (1) prevention, (2) early detection, (3) protection and (4) law enforcement.



Javanese people have various kinds of ceremonies. There is ceremony to welcome the date of 1 Suro in Javanese calender or 1 Muharram in Islamic calender, such as conducted by Kenjo villager, Glagah district, Banyuwangi regency, East Java Province. The villagers are trying to revive a regional tradition which has disappeared long time ago. The tradition is Sapi-Sapian.Sapi-Sapian tradition tells the origin of the village. The tradition reveals the establishment of the village which was begun from 1700s. In the past, there were 3 people from Bugis who found water resource behind thick shrubs which is now located at Kenjo village. The discovery of the water resource became forerunner to clear land. Because they did not find animal to plow the field, they had to plowthe field by using human power. Two persons pull the plow, while another drived it. Not long time, they found cow which finally could be used to plow the field. Because of the history, most of Kenjo villagers use cow to plow the field, comparing to use bufallo. Sapi-Sapian tradition was stopped in 1962. But since 2012, people revive the tradition again. On the tradition, there are some males which make over like cows. The Sapi-sapian carry the plow and paraded around the village. Behind of them is followed by villagers who accompany with traditional music. In the 'Sapi-sapian' tradition, villagers will witness theatrical how to plant such as hoeing the rice field, plowing the rice field, planting rice seeds, dispeling the pests and also how to harvest. It aims to remind how to farm at the village, including as embodiment of gratitude to the God on abundant havrvest for a year.