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The Film “November the 10th” or “Battle of Surabaya” by Mohammad Suyanto, Hery Soelistio, and Adi Djayusman won the category of “Best Animation or Animated Sequence” at the Amsterdam International Filmmaker Festival. The film produced in 2015 was nominated for three categories, namely best sound, best film, and best animation. The trophy for the winner of best animation category was received by Deputy  Ambassador of Indonesian Embassy to the Netherlands in The Hague, Mr. Fikry Cassidy, representing the MSV Pictures Production House which could not attend the festival. The achievement of ‘Battle of Surabaya’ the movie at the 2018 Amsterdam International Film Festival marks the success of the film of having successfully received 24 international awards.

The embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Bangkok introduced a new platform called “The E-library of the Indonesian Embassy in Bangkok” or “KBRI Bangkok E-library”. The application is presented by the Indonesian Embassy in Bangkok in a bid to support the government’s program in developing the quality of education, dissemination of information, and promotion of Indonesian culture. The E-library of the Indonesian Embassy in Bangkok is a digital library application that can be used on the iOS and Android platform. Within this application, there are 2.500 books, magazines, and newspapers provided by the Indonesian Embassy in Bangkok in collaboration with 700 publishers both domestic and overseas. Indonesian Ambassador to the Kingdom of Thailand, Ahmad Rusdi after the launching of the digital library at the Indonesian Embassy Building in Bangkok, Saturday (18th of August 2018), said that this E-library is the first digital library of the Indonesian Embassy in the world. The launching of the application was carried out in line with the commemoration of the 73rd Independence Day of Indonesia held by the Indonesian Embassy in Bangkok.

Coordinating Minister of Human Development and Culture, Puan Maharani, received the new Vice Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of China, Sun Chunland on Sunday (19th of August 2018). Both of them discussed the preparation of the 4th High Level Meeting People to People Exchange Mechanism (HLM-PEM) to be held in China. During his visit, Vice Prime Minister, Sun Chunlan also attended the Opening Ceremony of the 18th Asian Games, and it was her first time visiting Indonesia after she was inaugurated as the new Vice Prime Minister replacing Liu Yandong in March 2018. Through the 4th High Level Meeting People to People Exchange Mechanism (HLM-PEM), Indonesia and China have boosted their intensity in education partnership. It is recorded that there were about 14,000 Indonesian students in China in 2017 on which the trend increases every year. The another cooperation to be conducted between China and Indonesia is the cooperation of research and technology in which both of the governments support the implementation of cooperation stated in the 2018-2020 Plan of Action on Science, Technology, and Innovation Cooperation. The plan includes the implementation of Young Scientist Program facilitating Indonesian young researchers to obtain working opportunity and conducting research with Chinese researchers. 


President Joko Widodo said that the Scout Movement must revitalize itself so that it can continue to form strong, resilient, noble, and innovative based on Pancasila philosophy humans. Revitalization of the Scout Movement is needed because the challenges faced by the young generation are now very different from what was faced in the past. The President was speaking at the 57th Scout Day Commemoration Ceremony at Gajahmada Field, Wiladatika Recreational Park, Cibubur, Jakarta, Tuesday (8/14) afternoon. The Scouts , said the President, must be taught not only the Morse language, but also digital language and knowledge, coding, and artificial intelligence, including knowledge about Advance robotic, and the internet. He said, the language and knowledge of the industrial revolution 4.0 which had begun to change the face of human civilization in the world, must be known. The head of state reminded that now the economy is changing, politics is changing, socio-culture is changing, everything is changing. Therefore, he asked members of the Scout Movement to emphasize that behind line-up exercises, building tents, training to make knots there are superior values ​​of discipline, superior values ​​of perseverance and noble character. These superior values ​​are needed by Indonesia's young generation to win global competition now and in the future. These are​​needed to bring Indonesia into a winning nation, become a victorious nation. All of that, must be instilled by the Scout Movement in creative ways, current ways, ways that are favored and captivate the attention of generation Y and Generation Z, who are critical,want to work hard, whose behavior is already increasingly digital. That, the president emphasized, must be considered by the Scout Movement to remain relevant to the lives of Indonesia's young generation today. Ending his speech, President Jokowi left a message to all members of the Scout Movement throughout the archipelago. First, to remember and maintain always Pancasila and Unity in Diversity. Secondly, to continue being a generation that is in thirst for achievement, for work hard in any field that the scout members live, because the achievements are the pride of the nation. And thirdly, if the time comes for a generation of Scout Movement members to lead this nation, the President entrusts them with the Indonesia's future. Meanwhile, Chairman of the National Scout Movement Adhyaksa Dault in a live broadcast at Pro 3 RRI, explained this year theme “ Scouts as Adhesive of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia-NKRI was to strengthen the cadre's determination to become a Glue of Unity between the nations. He explained, Scouts maintain the continuity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia by becoming a glue of the nation regardless of the Religion of Race and Groups - SARA. With formal education the challenges are increasingly evident with the existence of drug problems and inter-student brawls. Creative breakthroughs continue to take place in Scout cadres with character education.


The biggest sporting event in Asia, the 18th Asian Games 2018, has opened opportunities for micro, small and medium enterprises entrepreneurs in Indonesia to be able to market their products while penetrating the export market. The Managing Director of the Marketing Service Institute as the manager of the Smesco Indonesia Building Emilia Suhaimi said the 2018 Asian Games event was an opportunity for MSME products to enter the international market. Emilia Suhaimi said this at the Forum Group Discussion event themed "SMEs Capture 2018 Asian Games Opportunities" at Smesco Indonesia, Jakarta, Wednesday (08/15/2018). Smesco Indonesia itself will be one of the shopping destinations in the 2018 Asian Games. Emilia said during the event, Smesco Indonesia will be visited by contingents, officials and athletes who will visit using 6 level buses and 4 regular buses every hour per day for 15 the day of implementation. Emilia said, Smesco Indonesia is also one of the outlets that markets official 2018 Asian Games merchandise as well as displaying superior MSME products from all over Indonesia. Meanwhile, INASGOC Revenue Vice Director Mochtar Sarman said the 2018 Asian Games EVENT would involve as many as 23 companies with 7 of them are UMKM companies as official merchandises suppliers for the 2018 Asian Games. For food and Drink, all needs to be considered from various sides including quality, because this is an opportunity to be able to export products. In addition, he added, the Asian Games could be an opportunity for SMEs to learn many things including trends. Mochtar Sarman hopes that UMKM players will learn to pay attention to the quality and continuity of their products especially for the 2018 Asian Games event with a millennial target market that likes trendy products. One of the suppliers of 2018 Asian Games official merchandise is Du Anyam which produces various woven-based souvenirs with a production base in Flores, East Nusa Tenggara. Juan Firmansyah from UKM Du Anyam said that until now he had produced 20,000 pcs of various Asian Games products that had also been distributed at various Asian Games outlets both in Jakarta and Palembang. He also developed a marketing strategy by expanding distribution channels not only through the official 2018 Asian Games store, but by cooperating with a number of agencies for business to business cooperation. According to him, the real contribution of the community to the success of the Asian Games is to buy official 2018 Asian Games merchandise as a real support for MSME players in order to expand the export market. The LLP-KUKM Supervisory Board, Samuel Watimena, argued that the opportunity for SMEs to be able to capture export opportunities at the 2018 Asian Games event was very large and potential, so that various tastes from visitors could be easily fulfilled.



Liang Petang Cave, located in Batu Tering Village, Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara, is 30 km from Sumbawa Besar City. This cave is an adrenaline boosting tourist attraction.The name "Liang Petang" is a combination of "Liang" which means cave or hole and " Petang" which means night or dark. As the name implies, this cave is indeed very dark. The tool that you must carry when you will see the beauty in the cave is a flashlight.In Liang Petang cave there are some interesting things which at the same time store a mystery, because in the cave there are some rooms that until now have not been explored. In this cave there is Batu Mayat or Corpse Stone which according to estimates is a fossilized human body. In addition, there are antique objects such as bale or wooden or bamboo beds, pottery and even looms. There is also a place of hermitage and a spring, still used by people who believe it.Since the floor conditions are slippery by moss and bat droppings, you certainly need a local guide to explore this cave that has a length of 500 meters. The guide will prepare lighting to facilitate your adventure. You will be amazed to see the exotic views of the stalagmites and stalactites in Liang Petang cave, because they are unique and varied. Besides that a flock of flying bats became loyal friends in this cave.To reach Liang Petang cave, you can drive a car ride a motorbike from Batu Tering Village. A view of the Sumbawa savanna is a real treat during the journey to this cave. After that you have to walk through a small but beautiful river called Tiu Sekat which means narrow river due to the fact that this rive which water is green, is flanked by rock cliffs. You would be tempted to plunge into this river to feel the coolness before entering the forest and climbing the hill for about 25 minutes, before finally the Liang Petang Cave welcomes you.If you are an adventurous person and want to test your adrenaline, Liang Petang cave in Sumbawa is a place to visit.