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Indonesia is well known to have various kinds of traditional foods which are unique and delicious. The uniqueness of the foods can be from how to cook it. There is traditional food which is processed by fermentation to avoid the food becoming rotten. One of them is Lemea, food from Lebong regency, Kepahiang, North Bengkulu. Lemea is fermentation food of Rejang tribe. Rejang tribe is one of national tribes which is spread out in Bengkulu province. The main ingredient of the food is Rebung or young bamboo which has a lot of nutrition such as protein, amino acid, carbohydrate, and anti-oxidant. Usually in Lemea, Rebung is mixed with fish and then fermented. The fish, which is usually used, is Tilapia and Sepat fish. Making process of Lemea takes long time. Because in its process, raw ingredients of the food must be fermented for around 3 days. To make it, firstly the Rebung and slices of fish are mixed. Then, the dough is restored for 3 days in  a closed container. After that, it is stored for 3 days in closed container. After 3 days, the fermented dough is processed again by being cooked and mixed with coconut milk and ingredients such as red onion, garlic, chili, lemongrass, sugar and salt. Lemea has typical and unique taste, but it is no less delicious with other regional traditional foods in Indonesia. Sour and spicy taste from fermentation and its ingredient makes anyone who tastes it, want to enjoy eating it more and more. Until now, many people enjoy Bengkulu traditional food. Even, the food is packed and exported to Japan. In Bengkulu, the food still becomes daily menu at home. If you are interested to taste Lemea, you will be not difficult to find it because there are many restaurants in Bengkulu selling this food.


Welcoming the Independence Day of Indonesia, every region in Indonesia has its own tradition; take for example, the competition of dragon boat racing from Banjarmasin, the sampan (flat bottomed boat) sailing competition from Batam, and many others. The region of Aceh also possesses its distinctive way to celebrate the Independence Day of Indonesia, namely by carrying out a tradition called ‘Pacu Kude (Horse Racing). The Pacu Kude tradition comes from the region of Gayo. Located at 1,800 meters above the sea level, Takengon which serves as the capital of Central Aceh Regency has abundant natural and cultural potentials, particularly cultural attractions. One of them is the horse racing tradition or known as Pacu Kude which has become the icon and inherited tradition of the community in Gayo. This horse racing activity usually involves the communities from three regencies, namely Central Aceh, Bener Meriah, Gayo Lues. The Pacu Kude tradition also helps unite people in the highland of Gayu. Pacu Kude Gayo is one of the cultural traditions that has existed for a long time. The tradition began to be established specially in 1926 when the Dutch Colonial Government started their occupation and this tradition was presented to enliven the birthday of Dutch Queen, namely Queen Wilhelmina. Since then, the Dutch Government kept conducting the horse racing tradition as a part of the royal’s festivity. However, after the Independence Day of Indonesia in August the 17th, 1945, the horse tradition has become a commemorative event for the independence day of Indonesia as the reflection of joy from the people of Gayo towards the independence of Indonesia. Since that time, the horse racing attraction has become an inseparable activity from the Indonesian Independence Day. The event is conducted as the expression of happiness for Indonesia’s victory of achieving its freedom from the suppression of invaders. The horse racing tradition is then combined with other events such as the art of Didong Jalu, football, boat competition, and swimming competition in the fresh water lake. In attempt to welcome the 72th Independence Day of Indonesia last year, exactly on 21st to 27th of August 2017 at the Horse Racing Arena of H.M. Hasan Gayo Belang Bebangka Pegasing, Central Aceh, the horse racing competition with the theme entitled “Keep Racing, Preserve Culture, and Advance the Country” was held by the Aceh Culture and Tourism Department. About 400 participants from regions in the highland of Gayo took part in enlivening the horse racing competition.


Bank Indonesia -BI and the Central Bank of Australia -RBA agreed to extend cooperation in the bilateral local currency swap arrangement (BCSA) worth 10 billion Australian dollars or Rp100 trillion. The exchange is an extension of the cooperation of the two central banks which will end next December. Governor of Bank Indonesia, Perry Warjiyo said in Jakarta on Thursday (9/8) that the financial cooperation between Indonesia and Australia through the use of currencies in each country would reduce dependence on the use of certain currencies. With this agreement, both countries can reduce the use of the US dollar in cross-territorial transactions. The use of US dollars from Indonesian foreign exchange which is usually used to pay for imports can be reduced by using the currencies of two countries. Thus, Indonesia's foreign exchange reserves can be saved to anticipate external economic pressures. Governor Perry Warjiyo also said that the cooperation agreement would be effective for three years. He added that the cooperation agreement was carried out amidst a series of implementation of the Executive Forum Meeting of the Asia Pacific and East Central Bank (EMEAP) in Manila, the Philippines on August 5, 2018. He also remarked that the extension of the cooperation is carried out by Bank Indonesia to encourage increased trade relations between the two countries. He emphasized that the cooperation is carried out to guarantee the settlement of trade transactions in local currency between the two countries. He also added that these efforts are part of financial market deepening initiatives in a bid to support the resilience of the national economy. Meanwhile, Director of the International Department of Bank Indonesia, Erwin Haryono said that so far, most of the trade investment transactions in Indonesian banks, amounting to 86.5 percent have been carried out in US dollars, even for export trade still using the US dollar to 96 percent and 76 percent import. As a result, every time, there is turmoil because the game against the US dollar greatly affects the price of the currency. Therefore, the swap facilities with bilateral local currency to this partner country can be mitigation if there is a crisis condition that will demand high US dollars. This can strengthen the resilience of the country's exchange rate against the US dollar in the event of financial difficulties due to the global crisis.


The 18th Asian Games participants have arrived in Indonesia. Even, some of them have already held a match, such as football sports. On Sunday (12/8), Palestinian team won the match against the Laos team in the match of Group A. In another match, Indonesian team also managed to defeat China Taipei team. Athletes from other sports have arrived in Jakarta and Palembang. Currently, there are at least 467 athletes and officials from 34 countries who stay at Kemayoran Athlete's Housing (Wisma Atlit) in Jakarta. The contingents from the Philippines, Malaysia, Syria, the People's Republic of North Korea, the United Arab Emirates and others have arrived. Officially, the 18th Asian Games will be opened on Saturday, August 18, 2018 at Bung Karno Sports Center. Indonesia's hard work to have prepared the entire arena of competition and facilities for more than three years will soon be felt and assessed by the contingents from 45 other Asian countries and even the world. At least, positive assessments for Kemayoran Athletes' Housing have been issued by Vice President of the ASIA Olympic Honorary, Wei Jizhong. Through his press release, after visiting Kemayoran Athlete's Housing on last Saturday (11/8), Wei Jizhong said that he was satisfied with the athletes' lodging facilities. He said that overall, the Athletes Village in Kemayoran has exceeded his expectations. Being satisfied with the facilities, a number of athletes also expressed the same statement. Director of the Athlete Village and Village Service Department, Andrewan Inggog Trina Ananta said that a number of new residents of the Athlete's Housing also stated that they were happy with all services, such as pick-up, meals, and hospitality. It is still too soon to find out the comments of all the participants in all 2018 Asian Games facilities. But at least, good comments at the beginning of the implementation motivated Indonesia to provide more services for all contingents. Not all athletes and official teams feel and enjoy the results of Indonesia's efforts to prepare for the four-year Asian sporting event, because the peak attendance of participants is predicted to occur on August 14-17. Providing the best has become the determination of the Indonesian people for the Asian Games. To expedite the traffic flow from Athletes' Housing to the arena of matches, the even-odd policy has been applied. This policy is carried out so that athletes can arrive on time at the arena. Indonesia, which is famous for its hospitality, will be proven by all participants. A deeply good impression for all participants is the wish of the Indonesian nation. Hopefully, the 2018 Asian Games will be one of the best performances during the Asian Games. Welcome and have nice competition for the participants of the 2018 Asian Games!