The Government of Pekalongan in Central Java Province held durian festival at Limbangan Village on Sunday (Febr10) in a bid to promote local culinary tourism to local and international tourists. Regent of Pekalongan Asip Kholbihi in Pekalongan on Sunday (Feb10) said that the durian festival is held annually at three villages namely Karanggondang, Limbangan, and Lolong (Kabalong) Villages. The Regent of Pekalongan pointed out that the durian cultivated by Limbangan farmers have a delicious taste and excellent quality. In addition to promoting the culinary tourism of the region, the festival is also aimed at promoting the tourism objects at the three villages. Asip Kholbihi said that the tourism objects located at the three villages are supported by restaurants, beautiful panoramas, and numerous facilities. The regent also explained that the durian from Pekalongan is distributed to other regions such as Jakarta, Surabaya, and several areas across Java. (Ant/Trs.AL)