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Russia expressed its readiness to help Indonesia in developing and strengthening its military field. This was conveyed by the Military Attache of the Russian Embassy to Indonesia, Colonel Nikolay Nikolayuk in his speech on the commemoration of the Russian Armed Forces Day in Jakarta on Monday (26/2). Nikolayuk said that currently the relationship between the two countries has reached a new phase, especially in the military field. He then asserted that Russia is ready to help Indonesia in developing and strengthening its military, as far as Indonesia needs.
"Nowadays, we get a new stage of our relationship the field of defense. We have a very active military engineering cooperation. Step by step we improve inter-military relations. And it is very important for us to underline that Russia is ready to develop this process as far as Indonesia ready to do it," Colonel Nikolayuk said. 
Nikolayuk added that the relationship between Russia and Indonesia has a very long history. He said that since the beginning of Indonesian independence, Russia has provided political and military support since the independence of Indonesia in 1945. Colonel Nikolay Nikolayuk said Indonesia and Russia also have a good tradition and extensive cooperation experience, which can be a good basis for further development of friendly relations between the two countries. (VOI/Rezha)
The visit of Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi to the Garuda Contingent headquarters in Indobatt, South Lebanon on Monday (26/2/2018), was or welcomed by Pasam Bahan or welcome dance which was performed directly by women peace troops of the Inter Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL).
During her visit to the peace mission area, Retno Marsudi was also greeted by drum band of the Garuda contingent.
In front of hundreds of peacekeepers in the city of Indobatt, Retno Marsudi, gave her high appreciation and pride in the contribution of Peace Forces abroad, especially in Lebanon.
"Once again what I feel is a pride. Proud, as Indonesia is a consistent nation which contributes to the world's peace. Proud to see directly the pace of Indonesian peacekeepers, Indonesia's peace ambassadors, "said Retno Marsudi in Indobatt, South Lebanon, Monday (26/2/2018).
On the occasion, the foreign minister also said that the Peace Force in Lebanon has "added value", for the nomination as a non-permanent member of the United Nations (UNSC) security council for 2019-2020 period. 
"Hopefully insha Allah and I ask for your help, that Indonesia will be re-trusted by the world to become a member of the UN Security Council. And, of course, your existence in Lebanon is adding value to the nomination of Indonesia, "said Retno.
Meanwhile, the Garuda contingent in Lebanon is the biggest peacekeeping forces which number reaches 1290 personnel out of a total of 2700 peacekeepers spread across nine peace mission areas.
Retno Marsudi also gave her high appreciation to the 48 Women Peacekeeping Forces in Lebanon, as highly respected and needed by the local community.
"The presence of the Women's Forces is highly respected and necessary in conflict areas. I am proud that their numbers (female troops) have increased from year to year, "said Retno.
Meanwhile, on her first visit to Lebanon on Sunday (25/2/2018), Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi met with the Peace Force under the Maritime Task Force with the support of KRI Usman Harun.
Indonesia is one of five countries that donate ships in peace missions in Lebanon, in addition to Bangladesh, Germany, Greece and Turkey.
Meanwhile, Retno Marsudi's visit to Lebanon is also a step to show the world of Indonesia's real commitment and contribution, in carrying out the peace mission that began in 1957. (KBRN/Retno/AHM)

IMF-WB Meeting 2018 Raises US $ 100 Million

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Published in Indonesia Today
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The annual meeting of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank (WB) from Oct 8 to 14, 2018, in Bali will increase the circulation of money on the island to a minimum of US$100 million, or Rp1.3 trillion (exchange rate of $1US = Rp13,500) .

The Head of the 2018 IMF-World Bank Annual Meeting Task Force, Peter Jacobs, stated here on Monday ( 26/2) that the figure was based on hotel room rent, airline tickets, and transportation services to be used by 15 thousand delegates from around the world.

"That is only a minimal amount, because it has not been added with, for instance, the tour expenditures or other expenses made by the 15 thousand delegates," he noted.

The value of the circulated money has excluded the investment agreements or business agreements, which will be approved by the delegates at the meeting.

The Indonesian Government, as the organizing committee, has estimated that the annual meeting of IMF-WB 2018 will bring in 4 thousand official delegations at the levels of ministers, and the Central Bank Governor, of 189 IMF-WB member countries.

The delegation will also include 5 thousand investors, 1 thousand reviewers, 1.5 thousand IMF and WB employees, thousands of entrepreneurs, as well as 1 thousand journalists.

Jacobs added that the Government of Indonesia and Bank Indonesia, as the organizers, have prepared a number facilities and infrastructure to support the meeting, such as meeting hall, accommodation, transportation, consumption, and tour packages.

The Ministry of Tourism will prepare various tourist destinations for the delegation members other than Bali. The summit of the 2018 IMF-WB meeting will take place from Oct 12 to 14, 2018. Meanwhile, side events, such as discussions and business meetings, will also take place from Oct 8 to 14, 2018.


International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde has praised Indonesia`s strong economy with good prospectd in the years to come.

"Indonesia`s economy has proven to be strong and performed well with favorable prospects," she said in a statement received here on Monday.

Lagarde`s statement after she met with President Joko Widodo to discuss current economic development, Indonesia`s prospect and preparations for the annual IMF-World Bank meeting in Bali later this year.

At the meeting Lagarde praised President Joko Widodo and his cabinet for their economic management and policies.

"We have also discussed the importance of achieving high economic growth to create jobs and support working generation that keeps growing," she said.

To meet the goal revenues must be used to support development spending and continue reform of products. manpower and financial market.

Regarding the preparation for the annual IMF - World Bank meeting in October Lagarde thanked all parties for their cooperation so far in preparing the event. (antara)