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The Indonesian School Tokyo (SRIT) graduated 45 students from kindergarten to senior high school in Tokyo on Friday (June 21).(Photo by: Antara)




VOINews, Jakarta: Indonesian Ambassador to Japan, Heri Akhmadi, expressed his hope that graduates of the Indonesian School in Tokyo (SRIT) can spread benefits extensively after completing their studies.

"Continue to remember and practice the message conveyed in today's graduation theme 'Spirit of Spreading Benefits; Becoming Lifelong Learners.' By doing so, you can face the challenges in the next stages of education," said Heri in his statement in Tokyo on Saturday.

As reported by Antara, Ambassador Heri invited the graduates to stand facing their parents' seats to express gratitude for the unwavering and selfless support they have received.

He also appreciated the hard work of the students and the maximum effort of the teachers at SRIT, leading to the successful completion of their studies.

He advised the graduates to continue learning and seeking knowledge so that its benefits can be felt personally.

Furthermore, he hoped that the benefits felt personally would also be shared with others so that goodness can be experienced by as many people as possible.

At the same event, Education and Culture Attaché Amzul Rifin hoped that the graduates would gain valuable experiences during their time at SRIT.

He also advised the alumni to make contributions at the national or international level.

"I pray that the graduates can achieve excellence in all fields and always maintain the school's reputation," said Amzul.

Meanwhile, SRIT Committee Member Titik Nahilal Hamzah urged everyone to participate in efforts to improve and develop the school, which has been established since 1962.

The improvements and developments are expected to enhance the school's achievements and accomplishments.

"Let's together take care of SRIT, not only its facilities and quality but also its achievements. Don't forget to continue fostering friendship among yourselves (the graduates)," he said.

In her academic report, SRIT Head Ari Driyaningsih presented that in the academic year 2023/2024, several students have been enrolled in national and international universities and achieved the highest scores in national and international competitions.

"Three SRIT students successfully enrolled in domestic universities: Adzikra Adirajasa (Unair), Ursula Catharina (Unpar), and Naomi Natalie Ruauw (Unika Soegijapranata). One student who successfully enrolled in Utrecht University in the Netherlands is Alejandro Rakai Olave," Ari explained.

Other achievements at the National Science Olympiad (OSN), Ari revealed, include several SRIT students passing the provincial-level OSN for various subjects and placing a representative at the national level for Biology named Metanala Firsta Regha Ryanda.

Other achievements and accomplishments of SRIT include Najwa Rahman Rustam winning The Best Performance at The Meguro English Speech Contest.

Additionally, there were awards for painting competitions from the Meguro City Fire Department and participation as members of the KBRI Tokyo Paskibra Team for Indonesia's 78th Independence Day, as well as several traditional art performances involving graduates for cultural diplomacy purposes, such as angklung and Saman dance.

The graduation ceremony of SRIT, which graduated 45 students, is one of the largest in the school's history. The 45 students consist of kindergarten (9 students), elementary school (8), junior high school (8), and high school (20).

The event was also enlivened with art performances by all SRIT students as a manifestation of the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project (P5). Among the performances were dances, martial arts (pencak silat), and angklung performances./Antara/VOI




The photo taken on December 9, 2023, shows the landscape of Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam. (Photo by: ANTARA/Xinhua/Cheng Yiheng)



VOINews, Jakarta: Vietnam is grappling with challenges to meet its 2024 economic growth target of 6.5 percent, as reported by local media on Friday (June 21), citing data from the Annual Economic Report 2024.

Researchers project a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth of 5.85 percent for this year, with an inflation rate of 4.5 percent, according to the report from Vietnam National University.

The report indicates that with adjusted economic policies such as interest rate reductions, sustained exports, and increased public investment spending, GDP growth is estimated to reach 6.01 percent.

As reported by Antara, Nguyen Quoc Viet, Deputy Director of the Vietnam Institute for Economics and Policy Research, stated that Vietnam's economy is operating below its potential in both scenarios.

He suggested that in the short term, attention should be focused on fiscal policies to stimulate demand, particularly accelerating public investment in the remaining months of the year.

Vietnam recorded a year-on-year GDP growth of 5.66 percent in the first quarter of this year, according to data from the General Statistics Office of Vietnam.

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) forecasts that the country's economy will grow by 6 percent throughout the year./Antara/VOI



Japanese Ambassador to Indonesia Masaki Yasushi met with journalists at the Japanese Embassy in Indonesia, Jakarta, on Friday (June 21, 2024). (Photo: Antara/Devi Nindy)



VOINews, Jakarta: Ambassador Masaki Yasushi highlighted the support and joint targets between Japan and Indonesia aimed at enhancing the quality of life and reducing disparities between urban and rural areas In a media briefing at the Japanese Embassy in Indonesia, Jakarta, on Friday.

Yasushi emphasized the significant issue of disparity between large cities and rural areas, as well as income gaps and living standards in the region.

One of the primary targets is to enrich rural life through agriculture, healthcare services, and educational cooperation.

Yasushi mentioned that Japan supports the increase in rice production through the Rentang Irrigation Project in West Java and the Komering Project in Sumatra. Additionally, Japan supports agricultural production distribution projects in West Java.

Furthermore, initiatives include improving nutrition, medical services, and education equality.

Japan supports Indonesia in creating safe and comfortable urban living environments, notably evident in the expansion project of the Jakarta MRT line from north to south, followed by the west-east line, aimed at transit-oriented development.

The two countries also collaborate on an underwater cable project to enhance communication networks. Yasushi noted that 85 percent of Indonesia's underwater cable network is provided by Japanese companies.

Thirdly, Japan supports Indonesia in creating robust industries, such as assisting in establishing export hubs for automobiles, like the one at Patimbang Port. Japan also aids in establishing the Bekasi Automotive Proving Ground, the only UN-standard testing location in Southeast Asia.

Efforts extend to nurturing startup companies and building legal systems for businesses.

Japan also assists Indonesia in achieving green communities through the development of environmentally friendly power plants in various regions, aiming to lead Asia in decarbonization efforts (AZEC).

Another target is to harness the strengths of both Indonesia and Japan.

Japan supports skilled Indonesian workers to migrate to Japan for employment, along with language learning programs, student exchanges, and sports initiatives.

Lastly, together with Indonesia, Japan aims to preserve marine resources as a maritime nation, including providing patrol vessels for BAKAMLA, supporting fishermen, and establishing local fishery centers and markets.

Yasushi expressed commitment to continuing these collaborations with Indonesia's newly elected president and the current Minister of Defense, Prabowo Subianto, noting the focus on improving the daily lives of Indonesians through these initiatives./Antara/VOI


Herbert Siagian, Expert Staff for Productivity and Competitiveness to the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs (ANTARA/HO-Kemenkop UKM)



VOINews, Jakarta: The Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (Kemenkop UKM) has emphasized the crucial role that universities play in enhancing the quality and quantity of entrepreneurs in the country by incorporating entrepreneurship into their academic curricula.

"Universities can also contribute by establishing entrepreneurial incubators, organizing entrepreneurship events for students, and forming partnerships with private and governmental sectors," stated Herbert Siagian, Expert Staff for Productivity and Competitiveness to the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs, in a statement in Jakarta on Saturday.

As reported by AntaraHe noted that universities in Indonesia need to take an active role in fostering an entrepreneurial ecosystem, which will positively impact the development of the national economy.

In addition to increasing the entrepreneurial ratio, Siagian believes that by implementing these academic programs, a conducive business climate and optimal business ecosystem can be cultivated, with a target to achieve a 12 percent entrepreneurial ratio by 2045.

To optimize the increase in the domestic entrepreneurial ratio, Kemenkop UKM also provides incentives, strengthens stakeholder synergy, and fosters an entrepreneurial ecosystem that leverages the demographic bonus.

"This is where entrepreneurship based on creativity, innovation, and digital technology becomes essential. The government is therefore pushing to create 1 million new entrepreneurs among the youth to increase the entrepreneurial ratio to 3.23 percent by 2024," he added.

Meanwhile, Member of the House of Representatives Commission VI Siti Mukaromah encouraged the implementation of curricula that foster an entrepreneurial spirit, thereby accelerating entrepreneurial capabilities and driving Indonesia's economic growth.

"We need to collaborate and support MSMEs in terms of digitalization, formal legality, and enhancing production both in quantity and quality," Siti stated.

Previously, the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs, Teten Masduki, reported the ministry's performance for 2023, including the creation of 821,556 new entrepreneurs.

Teten noted that these 821,556 new entrepreneurs were created through 320 activities conducted by 27 ministries/agencies. By 2024, the target is to create 1 million new entrepreneurs./Antara/VOI

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