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Zona Integritas

Director General of Immigration Silmy Karim reviews the immigration crossing system at Terminal 3 of Soekarno Hatta Airport on Friday, June 21, 2024. (ANTARA/HO-Directorate General of Immigration/rst)


VOI News, Jakarta:  The Directorate General of Immigration of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights  conveyed that the Immigration added 100 personnel at the immigration checkpoint (TPI) at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (Soetta) to handle crossing system-related problems. This was pointed out by  Director General of Immigration, Silmy  Karim in a written statement from his office on Friday (21/6).

"The crossing system at airports and ports has not been able to operate normally. We added personnel at immigration checkpoints to overcome this situation," Silmy Karim.

On the same day, Karim also directly checked the queues and crossing service systems at Terminal 3 of the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport.

Some 100 personnel were added to address the issue of long queues due to problems with immigration services that were affected by disruptions to the National Data Center (PDN) of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics.

"The immigration counters at all international arrival terminals had been handled by officers. Shortly, we will add additional counters as well," he explained.

Until Friday evening, the queue at the TPI at Soekarno-Hatta Airport was more controlled as compared to Thursday, the first day of the PDN disruption. Karim stated that a special line for Hajj pilgrims in the arrival area was also opened to reduce queues.

Meanwhile, immigration checks were still conducted manually. He explained that the officer stamps the passport by writing down the date, time, flight number, and officer's initials, along with documentation.

For foreign nationals, visa numbers and the length of stay are also recorded. Apart from that, Karim ensured that the banned passenger system could operate.

"To anticipate the passage of passengers who are on the banned list, the passenger analysis unit system has been operating to verify each passenger using cameras at every immigration counter," he highlighted. (Antara)

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi reviews the construction of Naratetama Airport in North Penajam Paser District, East Kalimantan. (ANTARA/HO-North Penajam Paser District Government/rst
VOI News, Jakarta: Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi expressed optimism about the Naratetama VVIP Airport being able to serve narrow-bodied aircraft starting on August 1, 2024.

The airport was built as a supporting infrastructure for the new capital city (IKN) Nusantara in East Kalimantan.

As reported by Antara News Agency on Saturday (22/6) the minister explained that the first layer of asphalt is being applied to the runway at Naratetama Airport, which is being constructed by the Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Ministry.

"We are optimistic that on August 1, 2024, the airport will be able to accommodate narrow-bodied aircraft," minister Sumadi conveyed on Saturday.

According to Sumadi, the airport will have a 3,500-meter-long runway, with a target of 2,200 meters to be completed in July 2024 and be ready by December 2024.

During his visit to Naratetama Airport, Sumadi remarked that the airport can also accommodate wide-bodied aircraft, along with the addition of an asphalt layer that will be carried out in the next stage.

He also pointed out that Naratetama Airport can accommodate large aircraft, such as the Boeing 777-3000ER and Airbus A380 types, with a runway designed to be 3,500 meters long and 45 meters wide.

He noted that the progress in the airport's construction and the provision of other supporting facilities was good and showed significant development.

"When compared to conditions a few weeks ago, we can really see the development, especially the runway and terminal building," Sumadi  mentioned.

The construction of the terminal building is entering the stages of roofing, electrical, plumbing, and column work, as well as the installation of plumbing pipes, steel frames, and walls, including other supporting facilities. (Antara)


VOInews, Jakarta: Indonesia's economy continues to grow amid the global economic slowdown. Recorded in the first quarter of 2024, national economic growth reached 5.11% (yoy). A number of strategies have also been pursued by the Government, including using a flexible, responsive, and accommodative fiscal and monetary policy mix, encouraging consumption and investment, not least through improving business relations between Indonesia and the European Union through the European Chamber of Commerce or EuroCham.


"In line with our efforts to improve the investment climate, Indonesia has taken steps to increase tax incentives to attract foreign and domestic investment to the country," Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto said at the European Business Chamber of Commerce (EuroCham) in Indonesia 20th Anniversary Night Gala Dinner in Jakarta, Wednesday (19/06).


It is known that EuroCham is celebrating its 20th anniversary as well as commemorating EuroCham's long-term contribution in improving business relations between Indonesia and the EU which has contributed to the development of Indonesia's national economy. The European Union (EU) and its member states are among the parties that play an important role in Indonesia's foreign trade and investment. In 2023, total trade was recorded at USD30.8 billion and EU investment in Indonesia over the past five years (2019-2023) reached USD12.1 billion.


To optimise and enhance the potential for higher economic cooperation, Indonesia's CEPA negotiations with the EU are also being accelerated and substantially completed. Once the agreement is finalised, the partnership between Indonesia and the EU is expected to be at a new level with the ability to facilitate and create new market access, increase trade between the EU and Indonesia, and expand direct investment. "All of these negotiations are very important for both parties, and President Joko Widodo has also directed that this agreement be reached quickly, so that it can increase investment, and provide greater welfare to the community," Airlangga explained.


The Gala Dinner was held by EuroCham to celebrate the cooperation that has been established so far between Indonesia and the European Union. "The theme of tonight's Gala Dinner is 'Igniting Two Decades of Excellence' which is also in line with Indonesia's transformative journey to achieve momentum towards the Golden Indonesia 2045. We hope that the EU, especially EuroCham, can be Indonesia's partner in achieving this vision by providing access to new markets, technology, and investment opportunities through strong collaboration," said Airlangga.


In addition, Indonesia became the first ASEAN member to start the OECD accession process, and potentially the third OECD member in Asia after Japan and Korea. The OECD accession process is expected to catalyse the formulation or improvement of superior policies and regulations. "Thailand will also follow, and our entry from Southeast Asia will make the OECD stronger, because the OECD needs global south partners like us. For that, concrete steps must be taken and I expect the European business world to work together in the future, so that EuroCham's contribution to Indonesia is expected to remain loud and clear," Airlangga concluded.


Source: Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs


VOInews, Lombok: Internet technology can be utilised for various purposes, including to make shelves commonly used in kiosks or MSME stalls. SMKN 1 Praya Tengah, Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) is one of the schools that has successfully utilised technology to produce useful products, namely smart shelves based on the internet of things (IoT).


According to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research's vocational website on Thursday (20/6/2024), the IoT-based smart shelf by SMKN 1 Praya Tengah is equipped with a system of sensors and communication devices connected to the internet. It can monitor and manage stored items automatically and provide real-time information on the presence, quantity, and condition of the items. With IoT integration, this smart shelf can be accessed and controlled remotely through mobile or web applications.


Head of SMKN 1 Praya Tengah, Rias Sandi Miwardani, said that the smart shelf is a collaborative project between students of the Software Engineering (RPL) and Computer Network Engineering (TKJ) Expertise Concentrations. This tool is designed to detect the number of items placed in it and calculate the weight of food ingredients automatically. The product is one proof of the application of knowledge that has been obtained by the students.


"This innovation is the result of their hard work and creativity in applying the knowledge they have learnt at school. We continue to encourage students to produce new technology-based innovations that are not only beneficial for schools, but also for the wider community," said Rias Sandi.


Meanwhile, Chairperson of the Computer Network Engineering (TKJ) Expertise Concentration, Lia Ulfa, said that the students worked together to design and make the necessary hardware and software. The development process also involved teachers who acted as mentors. In addition to detecting the number of items and the weight of groceries, the smart shelf is also equipped with a notification system that will send information to the store manager if the stock of goods is approaching a predetermined minimum limit. The advanced technology carried by this tool allows store managers to monitor stock items in real-time, reduce the risk of shortages or overstocks, and increase efficiency in inventory management. 


The Smart Shelf will later be used at Aislah Sapta BC's school shop, SMKN 1 Praya Tengah to display items for sale. "This is the first step for us to continue developing other IoT-based technologies that can provide wider benefits. Education and technology must collaborate to prepare a young generation that excels in technology," said Ulfa.


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